on click event inside pageinit only works after page refresh - javascript

I know there're a lot of duplicate questions out there, I checked almost all of them, but I just couldn't find a solution in my case. So, here's my problem:
I have a banner which will show on every page of the project, inside the banner there's a close button to close the banner, and a download button which leads user to the app store to download the app. My banner works perfect only except I have to refresh the page to get these two buttons works. Here's my code:
$(document).on("pageinit", function () {
$("#close").on("click", CloseBanner);
$("#download").on("click", SetAppStorePath);
function SetAppStorePath() {
if (isIOS) {
window.location = "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/myapp/id.....";
else if (isAndroid) {
window.location = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=.....";
function CloseBanner() {
Here's the simplified html:
<div class="banner">
<div class="container">
<a id="close">×</a>
<a id="download">Download</a>
I did a little test, and found something tricky: I added that alert inside pageinit, I noticed that the alert is always executed(means my button on click events are always registered) when I jump from page A to page B. But when the button works, I see page A is gone, blank page shows, alert shows, then page B shows, the buttons work. When it doesn't work, the order is different, I still can see page A, then I see alert(I still can see page A now), then it changes to page B, the buttons don't work.
So seems that when pageinit executed after page jumped, it works,but sometimes pageinit executed before page jumped, then it doesn't work.

I think your elements are dynamically created. You may need event delegation.
$(document).on("pagecreate", function () {
$("body").on("click", "#close", CloseBanner);
$("body").on("click", "#download", SetAppStorePath);

Move following outside of the init and change it like following
$(document).on("click","#close", CloseBanner);
$(document).on("click","#download", SetAppStorePath);
when page init executes, DOM is not ready. that is the reason it is not binding to close or download elements. and this is the way to overcome that. you dont need pageinit event here


Click button with Javascript after page load / as soon as element loads

I've checked many other answers on StackOverflow but none of them work for some reason.
I'm trying to use something simple like
window.onload = function() {
But as far as I can tell the button on a page I want clicked loads AFTER page load. So window.onload doesn't work at all. That's why I tried to use a custom sleep function to force the code to run after-after page load but nope. Code "sleeps" by preventing page from fully loading, then runs clickButton(), then the page loads. Useless.
I know my actual button clicking code works in practice because I just fed into the browser console line by line and it worked fine. But the button I'm targeting loads after my code is executed!
I have also tried these which also do not work:
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
setTimeout(clickButton(), 5000)
setInterval(clickButton(), 5000)
Also I'm using:
instead of:
since this button does not have an id.
Also I have never used jquery before if that is the answer.
How on earth do I get js to click a button immediately as soon as it loads?
The order in which you write your code plays an important role here.
Firstly, put the script tag at the very bottom of the body element of your html page. That forces the browser to have already read through the entire html page before getting to the script tag with your Javascript.
Secondly, I assume you have an event listener for a click on the button. Write the event listener before you let the button be clicked.
For example, I wrote this little code to test my assumption out:
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
This should hopefully work for you too. Good luck

Click event triggered from parent page not working in IE

I am working with a filter on page to display different products. I am trying to make it so that when you click a button from an external page, it navigates to the product page and automatically clicks the "organics filter" checkbox and then displays the organic items. This code works in every browser except IE and EDGE. Any ideas what could be wrong? It appears to click the organics checkbox but it does not actually click the submit button for IE and EDGE.
**Update: It works if I put an alert after the window.load function. I think its a timing issue or something. Anyone have any suggestions?
//force organic filter if coming from organics article
var organicURL = document.referrer;
if (organicURL === "http://www.sampleurl.com") {
if ($('#organicFilter').is(':checked')) {
In order to trigger click event, you should use the jQuery .click() function. Also, have a look here : jQuery.trigger('click') not working
and here :
Trigger click event not working in IE10
I fixed it by adding this below:
var organicURL = document.referrer;
if (organicURL === "http://www.centowine.com/articles/2017/cento_organics.php") {
if ($('#organicFilter').is(':checked')) {
setTimeout(function(){ $('#submitFilter').click()}, 500);
Just needed to add a timeout it was loading too soon. Before the document loaded.

opening jquery mobile popup on ajaxStart()

I want to show a revolving loader on ajaxStart. I've used a popup for this so that the background fades out and becomes inactive. That said, if there are other ways to achieve this (instead of using a popup), id be willing to try them out too.
The problem is, while the same function containing the AJAX call is executed on both page-load and a button click, the loader only shows up the first time - on page load. I put some console logs and verified that the ajaxStart and ajaxComplete do get triggered, but the pop-up fails to open when the AJAX call is made following the button click.
JavaScript :
$( document ).ajaxStart(function() {
$("#loader").html("<img src='../images/ajax-loader.gif'/>").popup("open");
}).ajaxComplete(function() {
// do other stuff
function loadData(){
//make an ajax call to fetch data
<div data-role="popup" data-shadow="false" data-corners="false" class="loader1"
id="loader" data-overlay-theme="a" data-theme="none" data-dismissible="false" >
What could be the issue, or are there other solutions altogether to achieve the desired results?
First, the short answer: jQuery Mobile only supports one active popup at a time (for now). The documentation says:
Note: Chaining of popups not allowed
The framework does not currently
support chaining of popups so it's not possible to embed a link from
one popup to another popup. All links with a data-rel="popup" inside a
popup will not do anything at all.
I bumped against this issue a few times in the past and had to hack my way around it. The following code is the solution I'm currently using and works quite well so far (with jQuery Mobile 1.3.2):
$(document).on("mobileinit", function() {
$.widget("mobile.popup", $.mobile.popup, {
_trigger: function(type, event, data) {
return this._suspended ? undefined : this._super(type, event, data);
_openPrereqsComplete: function() {
delete this._suspended;
open: function(options) {
var activePopup = $.mobile.popup.active;
if (activePopup) {
activePopup._suspended = true;
this.element.one("popupafterclose", function() {
In a nutshell, that code extends the popup widget in-place to introduce a "suspended" state. All events are muted if a popup widget is in that state.
Then, the open() method is overloaded to detect if another popup is already active. If that's the case, it suspends and closes that popup (without performing any animation, so it is closed right away), then opens the new one and schedules the un-suspending and re-opening of the previous popup when the new one is closed.
Note that code binds to the mobileinit event, so it has to run after jQuery is included but before jQuery Mobile is included. Otherwise, it will be too late to extend the popup widgets that were instantiated during page initialization.

'onbeforeunload' Fires Twice

I want to send an ajax request when a user leaves a page or closes the window.
Here is my code inside :
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendajax(){
url: "someurl",
data: mydata,
async : false
<script type="text/javascript">
When the event occurs the event fires twice.
Why does in happen?
I know I can prevent it by adding a variable var ajaxSent=true; but may be there is a cleaner way to do it?
I replaced the sendajax function content with some other code (without sending ajax) and found out that ajax is not the one causing the problem. It still enters the function twice.
Based on the code in your edit and comments, it looks like it could simply be caused by the broken link you are clicking to leave the page.
Given the following code:
function doSomething() { console.log('onbeforeunload fired'); }
window.onbeforeunload = doSomething;
link A
link B
If I click on link A, I get two console log entries, if I click on link B I only get one.
It looks like it could be a quirk of how the browsers handle their internal "This web page has not been found" pages, causing your page to be refreshed and closed again before showing the message, leaving you with two occurrences of the onbeforeunload event.
I had the same problem and it took a while to understand and resolve, sharing the case details:
There was a custom JS within our template that manipulated the menu.
It caused the unload to fire twice, only when clicking on the menu links, not on other links, and only in IE/EDGE.
We eventually stopped the propagation on these links and the problem was resolved.
$('.SELECTOR a[href^="http://"]').on('click', function(e){
It's a specific bug in your application, therefore you won't find too much information on google.
You could try the following code:
<script type="text/javascript"><br>
window.onbeforeunload=function sendajax(){<br>
url: "someurl",<br>
data: mydata,<br>
async : false<br>
or you can define sendajax() {} at some place and the use it like onbeforeunload = "sendajax()" not as onbeforeunload = "function () { sendajax() }"
beforeUnload is cancellable
I know this post is quite old but from the Chrome Pagelifecycle API documentation, browsers can occasionally partially unload pages to save resources. https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/07/page-lifecycle-api beforeUnload is not reliable to make sure that the page is closed. This especially happens on android devices when the screen is locked.
There is a jsfiddle that I found somebody wrote that you can test out https://jsfiddle.net/ov6b9pdL/. Keep the screen locked for 5-10 minutes on Chrome android and you'll see that beforeUnload is fired without even closing the tab.
$(document).ready(function() {
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', showLoader);
var showLoader = function() {
Agree with AlonMichaeli's concept.
In my application there was anchor tag wrapped with in a div together with couple of spans. When Anchor was clicked on a dirty page, there was couple of 'Leave site' notifications.
It worked fine if any other part of menuItem (div or spans) are clicked.
So in custom javascript method I've added stopped propagation and preventDefault only if anchor tag is clicked. Somehow in this case preventDefault is necessary.
function menuItemClicked(event: JQueryEventObject) {
var item = $(event.target);
if (item.is(".anchor-item")) {
href = item.closest(".anchor-item").attr("href");
if (!event.ctrlKey && href) {
window.location.href = href;

jQuery dialog call redirecting page

I'm using the jQuery dialog plugin.
The dialog div is set up (but not opened) on page load:
Then a hyperlink is supposed to open the dialog:
Show dialogue box
But this opens the dialog then a fraction later redirects to a page with the URL javascript:$('#foo').dialog('open');!
I have tried returning false:
Show dialogue box
But then the link doesn't respond at all when I click on it.
I know this must be to do with one of JavaScript's infamous subtleties but I can't work it out.
Can anyone help?
Then a hyperlink is supposed to open the dialog:
Show dialogue box
But this opens the dialog then a fraction later redirects to a page with the URL javascript:$('#foo').dialog('open');!
That shouldn't be happening. The pseudo-protocol javascript: doesn't involve a page load, and certainly not one via HTTP. I don't recommend it (I'd use jQuery's click handler instead), but it should work.
I have tried returning false:
But then the link doesn't respond at all when I click on it.
That also shouldn't be happening.
Your code as quoted is fine (works here, for instance: http://jsbin.com/inixa5), so the problem must lie in some other part of the page.
Update: Okay, that's weird, IE6 and IE7 didn't like that; I think it's because dialog returns a value. You can get around that either by wrapping up your call to open the dialog in a function and doesn't explicitly return anything:
Click Me
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
function showDialog(selector) {
Or (and this is mega-hacky) by making sure the last expression in the javascript: block is undefined:
Click Me
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
Or by using onclick:
Click Me
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
But in any case, strongly recommend hooking things up with a DOM2 style event handler:
<a href="#" name='openSesame'>Click Me</a>
// This _can_ be immediately after the anchor, but I'd put it in
// a separate, since .js file for the page that you load just before
// the closing body tag.
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
$("a[name=openSesame]").click(function() {
return false;
Live example (Obviously, you can use any selector that makes sense, you don't have to give the anchor a name [or id].)
One of the nice things about this is that you can then have the anchor take the user somewhere meaningful and/or useful if JavaScript is disabled (something called progressive enhancement).
Change the link to:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$('#foo').dialog('open')">
Show dialogue box
Best avoid putting javascript in the href.
Even better would be giving it a class and than adding a click event to it through jquery.

