Button sticks to bottom of page jQuery - javascript

So I did not find anything related to this, only making the button scrolls down to bottom of page on click but I already got this.
My problem is:
I got an 'Explore Button' on top a slide show that when you click on it the page scrolls down, the thing is, in some screens the slideshow is bigger than the size of the window so you can't see the button unless you scroll down (therefore no point in having the button). I fixed it by adding:
$(document).ready(function() {
var slideHeight = $('.item').height();
var headerHeight = $('header').height();
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
$('.exploreImage').css('bottom', (Math.max(headerHeight + slideHeight, windowHeight) - windowHeight) + 20 + "px");
But now when I scroll down I want the button to scroll down and stay at the bottom of the window (until a certain height which is the end of the slide show).
I've got so far something similar which is:
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
$('.exploreImage').css('bottom', 0 + "px");
But this puts the button at the bottom of the slide show when it scrolls and not bottom of the windows as I want to!
Notice: I need to get this done with jQuery.
Thanks for your help guys!
EDIT: fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/1fr27eLu/7/ but the jQuery doesn't seem to work there!

When combined with the other answer, you could use a form of throttle along with the animate() method.
I haven't got it perfect, but hopefully you'll see the value.
$(window).scroll( $.throttle( 250, btnScroll ) );
jsFiddle Demo
http://www.paulirish.com/2009/throttled-smartresize-jquery-event-handler/ (see bottom comments)

This is a poor example, but it may give you something to start with. Incorrect positioning of button has something to do with this:
The vertical scroll position is the same as the number of pixels that are hidden from view above the scrollable area. If the scroll bar is at the very top, or if the element is not scrollable, this number will be 0.
Anyway, here is the sample code that might put you onto the right track:
var screenWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0); //Max of page size vs window size, or zero
var screenHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
screenHeight = screenHeight - 100; //correct for jsFiddle
var st, btnFixed=false, bd = $('#btnDIV');
st = $(window).scrollTop();
$('#rpt').html( st +'/'+ screenHeight); //DEV
if (st < screenHeight && !btnFixed){
bd.css({'top': screenHeight+'px'});
btnFixed = true
if (st < screenHeight && btnFixed){
btnFixed = true
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="btnDIV"><button class="exploreImage">Explore</button></div>
<div id="rpt"></div>
<div id="wrap"></div>
jsFiddle Demo


Changing to fixed positioning when scroll position is at bottom

Basically, I am checking to see if the scroll position is at the bottom of the page and adding and remove a class based on that. However when removing the fixed class I can't scroll to the bottom of the page. The browser already assumes I am at the bottom. How can I correct this? If this doesn't make sense please let me know. Below is my code:
JavaScript :
function fixedToRelative(){
var scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
if(scrollPos == $(document).height()) {
} else {
Css :
.mobile { position:relative; }
.mobile.fixed { position:fixed; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; }
I think you are trying to append add the .fixed class when you scroll to the bottom of the page. If so, you could do something like:
$(window).on('scroll', function(){
var scrollPos = $(this).scrollTop() + $(this).height(); // Current Scroll position plus height of window
var atBottom = (scrollPos == $(document).height()); // Returns true/false based on if at bottom
$('.mobile').toggleClass('fixed', atBottom); // If at bottom of page, fixed class is appended

Scrolling Two Divs Using JQuery/Javascript

Wrapper - Overflow Hidden
Div One: Sidebar
Div Two: Main Content
Div Two will have a normal scroll. Div One I wish to have no visible scroll however when you scroll Div One it scrolls Div Two.
Upon Div One's height hitting the bottom, it will no longer scroll and visa-versa for scrolling back up.
This will result in the sidebar always being visible at the side. Before you ask, I've tried all positioning types to get this to work resulting in many failed attempts.
My live demo can be seen here: http://rafflebananza.com/admin/newadmin.html#
Note I've tried to make a JSFiddle simplified but my maths does not seem to work in there the same. Please suggest whether I should fork all my page to there or whatnot for future visitors needing the same help.
Scrolling in the wrapper will scroll sidebar to point x only (x being the sidebars height) then stopping but will continue to allow the content to be scrolled. Visa-versa for scrolling back up.
Somewhat half way there...
var scrollTop = (window.pageYOffset !== undefined) ? window.pageYOffset : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop,
position = document.body.scrollTop;
function scrollD() {
var scroll = document.body.scrollTop;
if (scroll > position) {
// Scrolling Down Functions
} else {
// Scrolling Up Functions
position = scroll;
Updated the answer to match OPs requirements.
I downloaded your website in its current state and made the following changes to your code:
var scrollY = 0;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var sideNav = $('.SideNav'); // The side navigation
var wScrollY = $(this).scrollTop(); // Current scroll position of Window
var navHeight = sideNav.height(); // Height of the Navigation
var StageHeight = $(window).height() - 46; // The display space
if(sideNav.height() > StageHeight) { // Do the following if the side navigation is higher than the display space
var spaceLeft = sideNav.height() - StageHeight; // spaceLeft -> how many pixel left before fixing navigation when scrolling
if(scrollY < wScrollY) { // Scroll direction is down
if (wScrollY >= spaceLeft) // If scroll top > space left -> fixate navigation at the bottom, otherwise scroll with the content
if (wScrollY <= 46) // Set top strict to 46. Sometimes there is white space left, caused by the scroll event.
} else { // Scroll direction is up
var sideNavTop;
if (sideNav.offset().top < 0) {
sideNavTop = Math.pow(sideNav.offset().top); // if top is negative, make it positive for comparison
} else {
sideNavTop = sideNav.offset().top;
if (sideNavTop > (46+wScrollY)) // Fixate the header if top of navigation appears
} else {
sideNav.css({top:46+wScrollY}); // Fixate always
scrollY = wScrollY;
This will let you scroll your side navigation up until its end. Then fixate. If you scroll up, it will still be fixated until your reach the point, where the navigation must scrolled back to its original position.
You can check the edited version here: http://pastebin.com/Zkx4pSKe
Just copy the raw code into a blank html page and try it out.
It's a bit messy and maybe not the best solution, but it works.
Ok, here you go:
var $sidebar = $('.sidebar'),
$window = $(window),
previousScroll = 0;
$window.on('scroll', function (e) {
if ($window.scrollTop() - previousScroll > 0) {
'top': Math.max($window.scrollTop() + $window.height() - $sidebar.outerHeight(true), parseInt($sidebar.css('top'))) + 'px'
} else {
'top': Math.min($window.scrollTop(), parseInt($sidebar.css('top'))) + 'px'
previousScroll = $window.scrollTop();
i might have misunderstood your desired result incorrectly but you can see if this works for you :
.SideNav {
position: fixed; // you currently have this as position:absolute;
You don't need nor a wrapper element nor jQuery. I assume that you are using a wrapper because you want to have the top bar placed there. I think there is a better way to do it by using simply three divs.
The top bar has to be fixed (to be always visible) and of full width.
The side bar also has to be fixed (to be always visible) with a top margin of the height of the top bar.
The content needs just a left padding (width of side bar) and top padding (height of top bar).
Here is the example code (http://jsfiddle.net/zckfwL4p/):
<div id="top_bar"></div>
<div id="side_bar">links here</div>
<div id="content"></div>
body {
#side_bar {
position: fixed;
#top_bar {
#content {

stick div to screen if bottom of div and screen matches

Hello all I am working on a project where in a page I have to stick the div to screen (disable scrolling) when its bottom is at the bottom of screen. I have two divs in the page and both the divs are of variable height. I want to stick the div2 and scroll the div1.
var divheight
var scrolltop
var screenheight
if(divheight-scrolltop <= screenheight){
/* now stick the div wherever it is i can not
use fixed position as both the divs are floating and
fixing the position will make it to change the position*/ }
else { /*un stick the div*/ }
i dont know what to put in if and else please help me
Make a function which fire on scroll. The main aim of the function would be to see the difference between screen height and bottom of the div. Once the difference is less than or equal to zero modify the css position to fixed. This will help you
(function ($) {
$('.DIV1').scroll(function () {
var $this = $(this),
win_ht = $(window).height(),
div_ht = $this.height(),
div_bot = $this.offset().top + div_ht;
if (win_ht - div_bot <= 0) {
'position': 'fixed',
'bottom': '0'

Scroll to Bottom in Jquery is not working properly

I make the scroller with top to bottom and bottom to top simultaneously. I did most of them. From bottom to top is working perfect and for top to bottom only causing somehow problem is works only if i increase the height of the div container. I am not sure where i could change the values to make it workable.
Here is the fiddle
var percentageToScroll = 89;
var height = $(document).innerHeight();
var scrollAmount = height * percentageToScroll / 100;
var overheight = jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height();
jQuery("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: scrollAmount
}, 900);
I did with percentage to animate the scroll.
You can click the bottom button in fiddle to see that. I want to scroll only 89% but it scroll fully to the bottom.
Much Appreciated your Help !!!
The top of the viewport will be at 89% of the document.
If for example your document is 100px in height, the top 89px will be off-screen and the bottom 11px are displayed (for as far as possible). If however you're screen-size is larger than this 11px, it can't scroll down that much.
What you probably want is:
var scrollAmount = ($(document).innerHeight() - $(window).height()) * percentageToScroll / 100;
Please try this it may helps you
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()){
alert("at bottom!");
You can also adjust it according to your requirment by reducing its height
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height()-100){
alert("near bottom!");

How do you make a floating sidebar like envato?

I really like the floating panel on the left side of the following site:
I have no idea what its called, but I like how when you click on the search button, it expands to a search page, you click on another icon, and it expands with what appears like its own page.
How do I accomplish this? Is there some tutorial out there using html5, JavaScript or jQuery?
NOTE: All the answers so far only cover the floating bar, but not the clicking on a link on that floating bar to show a window expanded to the right.
<div id="float"></div>
Check working example at http://jsfiddle.net/TVwAv/
done using css,
<div id="floating_sidebar">
whatever you want to put here
#floating_sidebar {
left: 0;
top: 100px; /* change to adjust height from the top of the page */
I am using this for a "floating (sticky) menu". What I have added is:
1. to avoid my 'footer' always being "scrolled" down in case the sidemenu is a little high, I only do the scrolling if necessary, i.e -
when the content is higher than the sidebar.
2. I found the animate effect a little "jumpy" to my taste, so I just changed the css through jquery. of-course you put a 0 in the animate time, but the animation still occurs, so it's cleaner and faster to use the css.
3. 100 is the height of my header. you can assume it to be the "threshold" of when to do the scrolling.
if ($('#sidebar').height() < $('#content').height())
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 90)
$('#sidebar').css({"margin-top": ($(this).scrollTop()) - 100 });
//$('#sidebar').animate({"marginTop": ($(this).scrollTop()) - 100 }, 0);
$('#sidebar').css({"margin-top": ($(this).scrollTop()) });
//$('#sidebar').animate({"marginTop": ($(this).scrollTop()) }, 0);
you can use this ..
your html div is here
<div id="scrolling_div">Your text here</div>
And you javascript function is here
$('#scrolling_div').stop().animate({"marginTop": ($(this).scrollTop()) +10+ "px"}, "slow"});
You can also use the css for this
#scrolling_div {
left: 0;
top: 100px;
I have not tested it but hopefully its worked.
I know this looks quite a big piece of code, however this function just works by specifying three simple options; your floater "top", your "target" (floater) and "reference" element to set the boundaries, it also takes care of the top and bottom position automatically, no css involved.
function scrollFloater(marginTop, reference, target, fixWhidth = false){
var processScroll = function(){
var from = reference.offset().top - marginTop;
var to = reference.offset().top + reference.outerHeight() + marginTop - target.outerHeight();
var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
var bottom = to - reference.offset().top + marginTop;
if( fixWhidth )
target.css('width', target.width());
if( scrollTop > from && scrollTop < to )
target.css('position', 'fixed').css('top',marginTop);
else if( scrollTop >= to )
target.css('position', 'absolute').css('top', bottom);
target.css('position', '').css('top',marginTop);
$(window).scroll(function(){ processScroll(); });
And this is how you would use it:
$(function() {
scrollFloater(41, $('.box.auth.register'), $('.plans-floater'), true);
I hope this helps someone.

