Angular UI bootstrap datepicker - javascript

I'm using Angular UI bootstrap's datepicker , and when I change programmatically the date the view doesn't change, when I'm in 30 Novembre and I programmatically change the date to 2 December, the date change but the view still fixed in November, here's how I code the next date button.
else if($scope.viewmodel.timeResolution=='monthly')
else if($scope.viewmodel.timeResolution=='daily') {
$scope.dt.setDate($scope.dt.getDate() + 1);
Html :
<uib-datepicker ng-model="dt" id="dp" datepicker-mode="mode" init-date="initDate" show-weeks=false max-mode="maxMode" min-date="minDate" max-date="maxDate" min-mode="minMode" class="well well-sm" ng-change="changedValue(viewmodel.dt)"></uib-datepicker>
how can I simulate a refresh view everytime I change the date programmatically on the datepicker ?

you need to convert again to date. The function set... only returns the timestamp:
$scope.dt = new Date($scope.dt.setFullYear($scope.dt.getFullYear()+1));
else if($scope.viewmodel.timeResolution=='monthly')
$scope.dt = new Date($scope.dt.setMonth($scope.dt.getMonth()+1));
else if($scope.viewmodel.timeResolution=='daily') {
$scope.dt = new Date($scope.dt.setDate($scope.dt.getDate() + 1));

To make your overall experince with angular dates better, you should look into moment .js
It allows you to create, format, add and subtract dates easily and with minimal issues. Using the default date.set functions can cause a lot of issues.
I have a set up like this using moments with no issues


jquery datepicker should not automatically change time value on update minDate or maxDate

I use the jquery datepicker in an Angular Application and I noticed a behavior that I would like to prevent.
The application consists of an input field for the date and a select box for a month selection.
If the months in the select box are changed, the minDate of the jquery date picker should be adjusted.
I tried the following example:
I set the date in the input field to the 24.04.2018
I chose October
The date of the input field is automatically set to 24.10.2018
I do not want the content of the Inputs field to be automatically adjusted.
Here is my git-hub project:
Many thanks for the help
I use the beforeShow and onClose date-picker functions
jQuery(yourElement).datepicker('option', 'beforeShow', function (date) {
return {
'minDate': yourMinDate,
'maxDate': yourMaxDate
jQuery(yourElement).datepicker('option', 'onClose', function (date) {
jQuery(this).datepicker('option', {
'minDate': null,
'maxDate': null
The datepicker updates the date only if the selected one is out of the range.
For example, if the current selected date is 24.04.2018 and you set the minDate to 20.04.2018, nothing will happen.
But if you set it to any date after 24.04.2018, it will get updated. I believe it's normal since its the purpose of setting a minDate.
You can always set yourself manually the input's value: $('#datepicker').val('20.04.2018') but I don't think it's a good idea to have something displayed different than the internal datepicker component state (the calendar that will popup will show a different date than the one in the input)

How to set default date in Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker based on current input value so it appears on first use

I am trying to integrate the Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker v4.17.42 into a webpage. I have a text field that is pre-populated with a date prior to calling the datepicker.
The field is as follows;
<input value="19/02/1986" class="form-control datepicker" type="text" name="patient[date_of_birth]" id="patient_date_of_birth">
and I call the datepicker like so;
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
useCurrent: false,
maxDate: new Date(),
minDate: now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear() - 110)
When I click in the text field the datepicker appears, but it shows the current month rather than February 1986. If I click out of the field and then back in, the datepicker disappears then reappears set correctly to February 1986.
What do I have to do to so the correct month appears the first time the datepicker is opened?
You can force a refresh programatically after the initialize:
$('.datepicker').datetimepicker('setDate', new Date(1986, 02, 19));
You can also add a property to the object when initalizing:
setDate: new Date(1986, 02, 19)
To use default data just try this
$("#datepicker").datepicker("setDate", new Date());
In this script new Date() returns the current value that will be assigned to setDate attribute.
Like you said, this is a bug in the latest versions, tracked here:
However, I found a work around that might be helpful in the meantime (if you don't want to use version 4.17.37):
var selectedDate = moment($('#patient_date_of_birth').val(), 'DD/MM/YYYY');
Do this after your datepicker initialization.
This is the syntax needed hard refresh the view for this particular datepicker. You access the picker via data('DateTimePicker'), and the viewDate() method updates the date displayed by the picker.

How to make the materialize date picker (in fact pickadate) editable?

I'm trying to make the materialize date picker editable. Here is the goal, the user can directly write the date in the input field or use the widget to pick a date.
I did something that is about to work on this jsfiddle. But there is a bug I'm trying to solve. When the user directly writes the date in the input, the picker needs to get the new value also (because I use a different format to submit the date and there is a an hidden input field to update). To accomplish that I tried to do
picker.set('select', $(this.val());
But it creates an infinite loop because the method set in materialize also triggers the event change on the input.
EDIT: oh i just found there is an issue open about that on github. Do you have any idea for a workaround?
Any specific reason you want to do it in the change method?
Why not something like this?
this.change(function(event) {
this.bind('blur keypress',function(e){
if (moment($(this).val(), "DD/MM/YYYY", true).isValid()) {
var inputFieldDate=getFmtDate($(this).val());
This is a utility function to parse the date in DD/MM/YYY format and get a javascript Date object
function getFmtDate(s){
var valx=new Array();
if(s!=null && s.length>0){
valx = s.split('/');
var d = new Date(valx[2],valx[1]-1,valx[0]);
return d;
This works for me.
Once you attach a widget to an html element, the usual event callback functions do not work the way you expect them to. Their functionality is overridden by the widget. You cannot use the functions the same way you are used to and have to find a workaround. In short you cannot use the change function to set or unset the date because set triggrers a change event.
In your case you want to address multiple issues which are very common problems. You should be able to get a lot of examples online to achieve each one of those. What I've done is just one way of doing it.
Populate the form in a non traditional way when the page loads.
Initialize various plugins with values from the form when the page loads
Initialize content from hidden fields when the form loads and update the hidden fields when submitting the form.
Fetch the values by name (of the hidden fields) and use them to initialize the widgets.
I've used blur keypress just to give you an idea that all your requirements can be handled without using change. You use the events that work for you. You can set the date by binding picker to calendar object with this keyword and access it from its instance as shown below.
(function($) {
$.fn.calendar = function(options) {
// Options du datepicker
var settings = $.extend({
editable: true,
format: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
formatSubmit: 'ddmmyyyy'
//var picker = this.pickadate(''); will not work
this.picker = this.pickadate('picker');
this.change(function(event) {
this.bind('blur keypress',function(e){
if (moment($(this).val(), "DD/MM/YYYY", true).isValid()) {
var inputFieldDate=getFmtDate($(this).val());
var $triggerIcon = $('<div class="col s2 center-align"><a class="btn-floating btn-large waves-effect waves-light trigger-datepicker">Date</a></div>');
$ {
// Resolves picker opening for thing"focus.toOpen");
return this;
To set a date:
//This is how you set a date
var cal = $('.datepicker').calendar();
//You can access picker because we changed
//var picker to
//this.picker above in fn.calendar
cal.picker.set('select', getFmtDate($("[name=hiddenDate]").val()));
// The syntax is
//cal.picker.set('select', new Date());
You have to convert your date to Date(). The below function should give you an idea. You can also use plugins like jquery dateFormat plugin.
function getFmtDate(s){
var valx=new Array();
if(s!=null && s.length>0){
valx = s.split('/');
var d = new Date(valx[2],valx[1]-1,valx[0]);
return d;
This is your html.
<div class="row">
<div class="col s4">
<input type="text" class="datepicker" />
<input name="hiddenDate" type="hidden" value="12/12/2016">

Angular UI Bootstrap Datepicker - show specific date on Calendar open

I am using Angular UI Bootstrap dirrective for Datepicker. I have list of dates, that I set in calendar as active (i.e. other dates are disabled).
Here is my date list - ["10/16/2015", "11/20/2015", "12/18/2015"]
UI Datepicker always open current date/month. How can I make, so calendar would open on specific date, even if this date is from previous year?
I found option defaultViewDate option, but it seems that it doesn't work (at least I didn't find this method in tpl library)
Any ideas how I can make that?
Given Angular UI's documentation on its datepicker, the calendar adapts to a date set on the ng-model, so all you'd have to do is create a date:
new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
See w3schools for more on that.
Set the model to that and you should be good to go. Let us know if it works.
To set the initial date when no date is specified, use init-date by creating a default date on the scope of the parent controller.
angular.module("yourModule").controller("parentCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.initialDate = new Date(2000, 5, 4);
And the HTML:
<div ng-controller="parentCtrl">
<datepicker init-date="initialDate"></datepicker>
Hope it helps.

Customization months in jQuery UI datepicker

I need to customize each month in ui datepicker. This means that for each month will show a different background image. I think to do the next:
<div class="calendar-container CURRENT-MONTS-CLASS"><div id="datepicker"></div></div>
How can I get current month name and add it as a class to datepicker's container?
Greatly appreciate any help!
You can use the month number, e.g. .month1 - .month12 or .monthJanuary - .monthDecember (or some other format) for this...personally I'd stick with numbers for other cultures, but you can adapt this answer for both ways. Use the onChangeMonthYear event of the datepicker like this:
onChangeMonthYear: function(year, month, inst) {
//Month number (1-12) is month
//Month name you can get by $("#datepicker .ui-datepicker-month").text()
.removeClass().addClass("calendar-container month" + month);
And set it initially when the page loads (after creating the datepicker), since I'm using the month number in the above, it would look like this:
$("div.calendar-container").addClass("month" + ($('#datepicker').datepicker("getDate").getMonth()+1));
If you were using names instead, use:
$("div.calendar-container").addClass("month" + $("#datepicker .ui-datepicker-month").text());
Whichever option you go with, just create the 12 classes with the background images/styling you want. You can test it out here. If you wanted the background to actually be on the datepicker itself, not that .calendar-container <div> you'd just add that to the CSS selector to make it more specific, for example:
.month1 .ui-datepicker-inline { background: url(January.jpg); }
You can test out that version here.

