Prototypal Inheritence in Node JS - javascript

Being from the classical Inheritance Background(C#,Java etc.) , I am struggling with the Prototypal Way of doing it.
I am not understanding the basics also . Please explain and correct me on the following code block.
var util = require ('util');
function Student(choiceOfStream) {
this.choiceOfStream = choiceOfStream;
Student.prototype.showDetails = function() {
console.log("A student of "+this.choiceOfStream+" has a major in "+this.MajorSubject);
function ScienceStudent() {,"Science");
function ArtsStudent() {,"Arts");
var ArtsStudent = new ArtsStudent();
var ScienceStudent = new ScienceStudent();
ScienceStudent.prototype.MajorSubject = "Math";
ArtsStudent.prototype.MajorSubject = "Literature";
But the error I am getting is
What was I missing ?

There is no standard this.super_ property so I'm not sure where you got that from. If you're using util.inherits(), you can see a nice simple example of how to use it in the nodejs doc for util.inherits().
And, here's how your code could work:
var util = require ('util');
function Student(choiceOfStream) {
this.choiceOfStream = choiceOfStream;
Student.prototype.showDetails = function() {
console.log("A student of "+this.choiceOfStream+" has a major in "+this.MajorSubject);
function ScienceStudent() {, "Science");
this.majorSubject = "Math";
function ArtsStudent() {
this.majorSubject = "Literature";
FYI, in ES6 syntax, there is a super keyword which is part of a new way of declaring Javascript inheritance (still prototypal) you can read about here.


Issue with inheritance in node.js: assignment error when attempting to overwrite prototype for subclass

thank you for taking the time to help me out. I'm attempting to learn node.js and have run in to the following problem when working on understanding inheritance:
var stream = require('stream');
var util = require('util');
util.inherits(Answers, stream.Readable);
function Answers(opt) {, opt);
this.quotes = ["yes", "negatory", "possibly"];
this._index = 0;
Answers.prototype._read() = function() {
if (this._index > this.quotes.length) {
else {
this._index += 1;
My error states that I have an invalid left-hand side assignment where I attempt to override the prototype of stream.Readable (line 12). I thought the call to
util.inherits(Answers, stream.Readable);
would allow me to overright the _read() function of stream.Readable. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Answers.prototype._read() ... you are assigning a value to a function call. Just change it to Answers.prototype._read = function() ....

How to write flexible and generic javascript module or plugin

I want to write a javascript/jquery plugin so that it is generic enough to be used in any framework such as angularjs, backbonejs, ember etc. I should be generic enough so that it should use directives if it is used with angular and backbone native functionality when it is used with backbone. Is it possible if yes then could someone guide me how?
The most natural way I can think of is just to write it in vanilla JS. That will make it work in every framework without needing to worry about it.
If you want to go ahead with this route though, I'd use a driver-style implementation where you pipe everything to a specific driver for a particular framework. You'd define every method you want for each Driver, then the calls get forwarded on automatically to the correct Driver.
var myPlugin;
(function() {
myPlugin = function(framework) {
var me = {},
framework = framework || 'angular';
me.frameworks = {
angular: new AngularDriver,
backbone: new BackboneDriver,
ember: new EmberDriver
// Call a method framework-agnostically = function(method, args) {
if (!me.frameworks.hasOwnProperty(framework)) {
console.log('Error: Framework not recognised.');
if (!me.frameworks[framework].hasOwnProperty(method)) {
console.log('Error: Method not found in ' + framework + '.');
me.frameworks[framework][method].apply(this, args);
return me;
function AngularDriver() {
var me = {};
me.test = function() {
console.log('Hello from the Angular Driver');
return me;
function BackboneDriver() {
var me = {};
me.test = function() {
console.log('Hello from the Backbone Driver');
return me;
function EmberDriver() {
var me = {};
me.test = function(arg) {
console.log('Hello from the ' + arg + ' Ember Driver');
return me;
var instance = new myPlugin();'test');
instance = new myPlugin('ember');'test', ['best']);
It's entirely possible that there's a slightly cleaner way to implement the function, if anyone else can improve that bit so the syntax of'test', ['best']) is a bit cleaner, feel free :-)

correct javascript app structure

I've wrote a small example for readability.. I'm trying to get my head around proper js app structure.
I'm new to writing larger js apps. Right now, I've got a constructor, and a whole bunch of prototype functions. I always thought you're NOT supposed to call (or return) from one function to another. But now, at the bottom of my app, I'm instantiating my constructor, then having to call a bunch of functions, as well as build in conditional statements to handle the execution, which seems totally wrong.
This is the idea I've been doing:
function TodaysFood(b, l)
this.breakfast = b;
this.lunch = l;
TodaysFood.prototype.firstMeal = function()
return console.log(this.breakfast);
TodaysFood.prototype.secondMeal = function()
return console.log(this.lunch);
var app = new TodaysFood("eggs", "sandwich");
I'm wondering if this function "linking" is proper?
function TodaysFood(b, l)
this.breakfast = b;
this.lunch = l;
TodaysFood.prototype.firstMeal = function()
return this.secondMeal(this.breakfast);
TodaysFood.prototype.secondMeal = function(firstMeal)
var twoMeals = [firstMeal, this.lunch];
return this.whatIAte(twoMeals);
TodaysFood.prototype.whatIAte = function(twoMeals)
return console.log(twoMeals);
var app = new TodaysFood("eggs", "sandwich");
Stupid example, but I'm trying to understand how an app should flow. Should I be able to write my whole app in separate, but linked functions, then just kick the whole thing off by instantiating the constructor, and maybe calling one function. Or is the first example more correct -- writing independent functions, then handling the interaction between them after you've instantiate the constructor?
Thanks for any help.
You may want to make it modular, Ala Node.js or within the browser using RequireJS
Here is a slight variation of the second example you could consider, view fiddle
var TodaysFood = function (b, l) {
var self = this;
this.breakfast = b;
this.lunch = l;
this.firstMeal = function () {
return self;
this.secondMeal = function () {
return self;
this.allMeals = function () {
return this.firstMeal().secondMeal();
var food = new TodaysFood('eggs', 'sandwich');
If you plan to use node.js or RequireJS then the above could be modularized by replacing the last two test lines of code with,
module.exports = TodaysFood;
If this is made modular then you would remove the constructor var TodaysFood = function(b, l) { ... and instead accept arguments for b & l within your individual methods like firstMeal & secondMeal. This would make it static and prevent collisions with the constructor values.

What does Jquery.Recup mean?

well i'm confuse about the line witch says "$.Recup ..." I don't know why it is named the same as the plugin name and what it's for.
(function ($) {
$.fn.Recup = function () {
var parametros = {
var tsic = true;
$.Recup = function (opciones) {
var Metodos = {
return Metodos;
$.Recup.anterior = function () {
$.Recup.siguiente = function () {
I'm refering to this code, What does $.Recup exactly do?it would be perfect if someone gives me an example please
$.Recup = function (opciones) {
var Metodos = {
return Metodos;
In this case it appears to be a questionable plugin design - especially since $.Recup is not assigned until $.fn.Recup is first called.
However, if it is "appropriately and/or well written" is another question that requires context of (intended) usage. For what it is worth, I would reject this code as written as it smells of misunderstood design and widely scoped side-effects.
Anyway, the way the function is assigned determines how the method can be called.
// let $ be jQuery, then:
$ = function () { console.log("foo") }
$.bar = function () { console.log("bar") }
$.foo() // TypeError: $.foo is not a function
$.bar() // -> "bar"
$("sel").foo() // -> "foo"
$("sel").bar() // TypeError: $(..).bar is not a function
That is, $ is like .each() - it does something based on the currently selected elements (which are represented by this). On the other hand, $.bar is like jQuery.each() - it provides a way to iterate over a general collection but is not related to a specific set of (previously) selected elements.
In general, a plugin should only add a single entry to $.fn, but directly adding to $ may be useful to expose utility functions - it should definitely be done with care.
Here are two approaches that fix the issue of incorrectly leaked data:
$.fn.Recup = function () {
var parametros = ..
var tsic = true;
// Most trivial change; then use recup in this scope
// (or child scopes) only. There is no $.Recup - yay!
var recup = function (opciones) {
// ..
Or, just expose as local methods:
$.fn.Recup = function () {
var parametros = ..
var tsic = true;
function anterior () {
function siguiente () {
// Just use simple functions in scope
This is a jQuery plugin.
jQuery.fn is an alias to jQuery's prototype. So this line lets you call the Recup function on instances of jQuery :
Here's the documentation on creating jQuery plugins.

Referencing Other Functions from Name Spaced JavaScript

So I am trying to consolidate a bunch of code into some nice NameSpaced functions, but am having a tough time getting it to all work together. For example, I have this (edited down for clarity):
YW.FB = function() {
return {
init: function(fncSuc, fncFail) {
FB.init(APIKey, "/services/fbconnect/xd_receiver.htm");
if(typeof fncSuc=='function') fncSuc();
login: function(fncSuc) {
this.FB.Connect.requireSession(function() {
if(typeof fncSuc=='function') fncSuc();
getUserInfo: function() {
var userInfo = new Object;
FB.Facebook.apiClient.users_getInfo([FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().uid],["name"],function(result, ex){ = result[0]['name'];
userInfo.uid = result[0]['uid'];
userInfo.url = FBName.replace(/\s+/g, '-');
return userInfo;
On a normal page I can just do:
FB.init(APIKey, "/services/fbconnect/xd_receiver.htm");
var userInfo = new Object;
FB.Facebook.apiClient.users_getInfo([FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().uid],["name"],function(result, ex){ = result[0]['name'];
userInfo.uid = result[0]['uid'];
userInfo.url = FBName.replace(/\s+/g, '-');
return userInfo;
And it works.
I have been trying to do:
But it doesn't work. I keep getting 'FB.Facebook is undefined' from YW.getUserInfo
I could be doing this all wrong too. So the FB.init, FB.Facebook stuff is using the facebook connect libraries. Am I doing this all wrong?
If you look at the JavaScript that your browser has parsed in Firebug or a similar web debugger do you see the Facebook Connect JavaScript there? Looks like it's not in scope, and since FB is at the global level that means it's not in scope at all. Has nothing to do with namespaces. Global in JavaScript is global everywhere.

