Google Search Console API: HttpError 403 - javascript

I am trying to get data from GSC Search Analytics API using Python.
I have been following this guide, but no matter how many times I tried to change something I keep getting this error:
raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self.uri)
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting returned "User does not have sufficient permission for
site ''. See also:
I gave full permission to the email address generated in for the service account in Google developers console user permission screenshot
I do get Google Analytics report retrieved with all the data, but google search console report is empty due to this permission issue.
What am I doing wrong?

For those who do not know, as it is said here, passing your website URL in your query matters.
The URL of the property to add. Examples: (for a URL-prefix property) or (for a Domain property)


Why does a Cloud Function for Firebase (deployed without errors), throw "Uncaught (in promise) FirebaseError: internal" when called? [duplicate]

After months of developing a Web App under Firebase suddenly these days we have a problem with the Authentication, it returns this console.alert only with Facebook and google login (email/pass login works fine):
[firebase-auth] Info: The current domain is not authorized for OAuth
operations. This will prevent signInWithPopup, signInWithRedirect,
linkWithPopup and linkWithRedirect from working. Add your domain
( to the OAuth redirect domains list in the Firebase
console -> Auth section -> Sign in method tab.
The App uses 3 different sub-domains, and in all 3 we can access over email/pass but not Facebook nor google.
We tried updating the Firebase initialization script, nothing. We have checked the API keys (in the Google APIs Credentials) and there was a new "Server key (auto created by Google Service)" which no one told us it was generated (Jan. 18th), so we edited it to include the domains as the original API key in different ways (w/wo * and /*), nothing. We deleted this new Server Key, suddenly something different, now the console includes a 403 error before the alert stated above and returns auth/timeout code inside the object.
We also found the Identity Toolkit API has detected many errors, so we tried to add the URLs for login, logout and email, but nothing happens when trying to save.
What are we missing?
The solution was adding (being my-app the unique identifier of our Firebase App) to the HTTP referrers in the Browser-Key Credentials from the Google APIs console and wait some time to propagate.
After many months of development the app never had a problem, and we are sure we never removed such referrer (if it was ever there).
Anyway... it's done and learned.
The simple way I was able to solve this issue I had with my ionic project was by following the instructions in the log, if you don't see any message try console log the response from firebase.
So what I simply did was follow the url:'projectId'
*projectId = the Id of your project
and enable the Identity API something it brought up. Finish, and it worked instantly.

Can't correctly obtain OAuth to append to google sheet via Javascript http request

I can't for the life of me append to my google sheet via http request. More specifically I can't seem to get the Oauth formatting right. I don't want/need a uri or prompt for permission as its just me managing my own spreadsheet. First, I was trying with just my api key, but then found out that if you're editing data you need to obtain an access token. That's when I started trying to obtain the token through oauth2 following the TERRIBLE google api documentation. That's where I hit a wall and have just about given up. It's such a simple concept, I just want to add data to my spreadsheet on drive from an online script (housed on, but Google yet again makes things so unneccessarily complicated and don't help matters with their convoluted, misleading, and scattered documentation. Can someone please help me in accomplishing this? Here's where I'm at or what progress I've made thus far.
I've figured out how to correctly format the call to add a row of data to the spreadsheet.
Authorization: Bearer {oauth_token}
{"range": "Raw Data!A1:D1","majorDimension": "ROWS","values": [["Test", "$15", "2", "3/15/2016"]]}
I know the above works because I've successfully added the data using the OAuth 2.0 Playground. However, when trying it outside of the playground (on a rest client) I keep getting errors trying to obtain the token.
I use the client id & client secret from my api console and I use the refresh token I got by authorizing the spreadsheet api in the oauth playground, but the above POST request leads to the following error
Error 400
"error": "unsupported_grant_type",
"error_description": "Invalid grant_type: "
Can someone please help me figure out how to correctly do this?

Google Recaptcha Error (The registered key does not work with this interface.)

I am a newbie so I dont know where the error has ocurred.
I used Invisible Google Recaptcha and every syntax is correct but google is throwing me an error that The registered key does not work with this interface. Please Help
Click Here to see a pic of the error! Error Image
You're getting this error when:
your keys are not white-listed by Google for the new Invisible reCaptcha api
your keys were just white-listed by Google but are not synchronized yet through all their servers
you didn't register your domain with the keys (you're requesting the Invisible reCaptcha api from an unregistered domain: localhost or any other)
I had this same issue. My issue was that I had created recaptcha keys, not "Invisible recaptcha" keys. Make sure you select the right option when creating the keys in the first place!

Google sign-in button

I haven't been able to use this correctly. I have gotten to the screen several times where it will show me my emails to login. When a press one though, it shows an error. Here is my code:
codepen for google button
Origin mismatch is normally caused by the Javascript origins not being set correctly in the API project console. You need to make sure that the Javascript origins match the domain from which your requests are coming and to which you are returning the user after sign in.
More details can be found in the developer documentation in the "Create a client ID and client secret" section.
Note: A common mistake here is to add javascript origins for http:// but not https:// (or vice versa). If you want to allow users to access your site from both then you need to list both in the javascript console.
Note : You must include the port number of your server in the javascript origins if a port number appears in the url when users access your site.
need to set javascript origin in google console api As
response_type=code token id_token gsession

Google API Authorisation with JavaScript

Hi I hope someone can help with this because it's driving me crazy right now.
I am trying to replicate this Google API authorisation example on my own web server
I have duplicated the code but replaced the clientID and API key with the keys set up in the google api console and I have turned the Google+ api service on in the 'Services' section.
I have the following set up under 'Client ID for web applications'
Redirect URIs:
JavaScript origins:
And I also have the following set up under 'Simple API Access'
When I run the script I can authorise my access but I can see a JS error generated in the console:
'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined'
Does anyone know what I could be doing incorrectly? I think it may have something to do with the setup of my client ID's and allowed Referers because when I run the following example it works fine
The OAuth authentication appears to be working, but I see an error Access Not Configured being returned from an AJAX call.
Set up your referers as* (with the trailing wildcard, so that it will allow anything starting with your domain name).

