I have a map with several moving markers on it and have been trying to remove each individual one when their respective animation ends. I am using Leaflet and Leaflet's plugin Leaflet.MovingMarker. I tried using methods isEnded() and end without much success.
With the latter method (end), the following code removes only but one marker (full code here):
marker.on('end', function() {
With a click event instead of an end event, each marker is made easily removable, but then this is not what I am looking for:
marker.on('click', function() {
With the method isEnded(), have not had any luck at all either (full code here):
var ended = marker.isEnded();
if (ended = true) {
console.log("this marker ended!");
I wonder what I am missing here? Any hint appreciated!
I'm trying to trigger some functionality based on the click of a marker on a GeoJSON layer in Leaflet. The eventual functionality I'm trying to implement is a flyout, or scroll out type modal populated from the individual feature's JSON attributes. Essentially, I'm trying to implement the functionality in this Tutsplus Tutorial with dynamic feature content based on the marker click.
I THINK I've figured out most of the pieces I need, but I'm struggling with how to add a data attribute, specifically data-open, to the individual marker. Building on an earlier question of mine I've realized it's not enough to just update a DOM element's CSS, but rather my app should be implementing changes based on data attributes to fully get the functionality I want.
From this question I know that this should be done by extending the L.Icon class that Leaflet provides, but the answer is a bit too terse for my current JS skills. I apologize for this effectively being a "ELI5" of a previously asked question, but I'm not sure where the options and slug come into function. I think they're implied by the question, rather than the answer I'm citing and being set on the marker itself.
Here's a simplified version of the the click handler on my markers, which grabs and zooms to location, gets feature info, and populates that info to a div. The zoom functionality works, as does extracting and placing the feature info, but I'm struggling with how to connect the functionality to trigger the modal and place the div with the feature info over the map.
function zoomToFeature(e) {
var latLngs = [e.target.getLatLng()];
var markerBounds = L.latLngBounds(latLngs);
var street = e.target.feature.properties.str_addr;
document.getElementById('street').textContent = street;
//where the modal trigger should be
Here are the event listeners taken from the linked tutorial, which are currently not firing, but I have them working in a standalone implementation:
const openEls = document.querySelectorAll("[data-open]");
const closeEls = document.querySelectorAll("[data-close]");
const isVisible = "is-visible";
//this is the event I want to trigger on marker click
for (const el of openEls) {
el.addEventListener("click", function() {
const modalId = this.dataset.open;
for (const el of closeEls) {
el.addEventListener("click", function() {
document.addEventListener("click", e => {
if (e.target == document.querySelector(".modal.is-visible")) {
So, where I'm trying to get is that when my markers are clicked, the trigger the modal to appear over the map. So, I think I'm missing connecting the marker click event with the event that triggers the modal. I think what's missing is adding the data attribute to the markers, or some way chain the events without the data attributes. As there's no direct way to add an attribute to the markers, I try to add slug option on my circle markers:
var circleMarkerOptions = {
radius: 2,
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8,
slug: 'open',
and If I read the previously asked question's answer correctly, than extending the Icon Class this way should add a data-open attribute.
L.Icon.DataMarkup = L.Icon.extend({
_setIconStyles: function(img, name) {
L.Icon.prototype._setIconStyles.call(this, img, name);
if (options.slug) {
img.dataset.slug = options.slug;
A stripped down version of my code is here (thanks #ghybs). My full implementation pulls the markers from a PostGIS table. It's a bit hard to see in the Plunker, but this code adds my class to my modal, but doesn't trigger the functionality. It does trigger the visibility if the class is manually updated to modal.is-visible, but the current implementation which renders modal is-visbile doesn't, which I think is because the CSS is interpreted on page load(?) and not in response to the update via the dev tools, while the concatenated css class matches extactly(?). When I do trigger the modal via the dev tools, the close modal listeners don't seem to work, so I'm also missing that piece of the puzzle.
So, it's a work-around to setting the data attribute, but I realized I was shoe-horning a solution where it wasn't needed. Assuming someone ends up with the same mental block. Appropriate listeners on the modal close button and another function passed to the existing marker click listener produce the desired functionality.
const closeM = document.querySelector(".close-modal");
closeM.addEventListener("click", closeMe);
var modal = document.getElementById('infoBox');
function modalAction(){
modal.style.display = 'block';
function closeMe(){
modal.style.display = 'none';
I am working with the esri javascript API to create a webmap. I want to have a button next to the map to allow me to zoom-in/out (not the standard esri button). Now, I found a lot of examples doing this using dijit (https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/jssamples/toolbar_navigation.html) but I just want to use a simple html button like: Zoom in and then in the script part say something like:
function zoomin(){map.setZoom()}
Now my problem is that I don't know how to make that work. I guess the problem is that after the buttonclick it can't find the zoomin function since it's inside the require([...]),function(){} But I can't put it outside neither since the code depends on the require.
So, it would be great if you could tell me what to do.
For zooming in on the map, use the setZoom method incrementing the current zoom level to zoom in and decreasing to zoom out. For example:
//zoom out:
//zoom in:
As an example, using the sandbox of the Esri sample above:
...replace line 85 to 91 with this:
registry.byId("zoomin").on("click", function () {
registry.byId("zoomout").on("click", function () {
This will allow the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to control the map.
Hope this helps.
I am working on an app that will dynamically load in markers based on a users location. The map should add events to the map if a user zooms out. For the map we are using Polymer's Google Map. I am having a hard time finding out how to react to the zoom event. We added a map to the page with:
<google-map latitude="45" longitude="-73" zoom="15" mouseEvents="true" clickEvents="true"></google-map>
I have tried several different js eventhandlers such as:
var map = document.querySelector("google-map");
map.addEventListener("bounds_changed", function() {
I can't even get events such as "google-map-click" to fire. The only one that seems to work is "google-map-ready".
Please help.
Try adding event listener to map property instead of google-map element.
Something like this gives you all zoom changes
<script type="text/javascript">
var mapElement = document.querySelector("google-map");
mapElement.addEventListener('api-load', function(e) {
google.maps.event.addListener(this.map, 'zoom_changed', function() {
// handle zoom event...
I have a leaflet application at http://atlantaartmap.com. The javascript it uses is http://atlantaartmap.com/lazy_art.js.
At line 16, I grab a url parameter that can be used to open the map on a specific piece. While creating the markers, there is a piece of code at line 71 that checks to see if the most recently created marker has the ID referred to in the URL.
This code used to work, but I recently added marker clusters to the website and it no longer does. It still pans and zooms to the marker, but the popup does not open. Here is an example.
if (marker.feature.properties.pieceID == pieceID) {
map.setView(marker.getLatLng(), newZoom());
I'm not sure why, but map.setView() works and marker.openPopup() doesn't.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
My guess (am unable to test this) is that your map is still zooming while you call openPopup on the marker. At that time the marker isn't added to the map yet because of your cluster so the popup won't show. You could try to wait untill the setView method has completed by listening to the zoomend event and then open the popup:
if (marker.feature.properties.pieceID == pieceID) {
map.setView(marker.getLatLng(), newZoom()).once('zoomend', function () {
If that won't work you can try to use a little delay with setTimeout:
if (marker.feature.properties.pieceID == pieceID) {
map.setView(marker.getLatLng(), newZoom()).once('zoomend', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500); // Uses millisecs, you might need to fiddle around with it
Another option could be to wait for the marker's add event:
if (marker.feature.properties.pieceID == pieceID) {
marker.once('add', function () {
map.setView(marker.getLatLng(), newZoom());
Hope that helps, as said am unable to test this due to the complexity of your case so i'm not sure. Good luck!
Is there a way to have a loading icon while the map is loading markers? I am using google maps API 3 with javascript and cant find much information on this.
This event is now called "status_changed" per the API docs: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference#KmlLayer
It can be used like this:
google.maps.event.addListener(kmlLayer, 'status_changed', function () {
if (kmlLayer.getStatus() == google.maps.KmlLayerStatus.OK) {
// Success
else {
// Failure
If you're loading markers using a KmlLayer object, then you can attach a listener to the event metadata_changed which gets fired after the KmlLayer has loaded all the information.
So you can have your custom loading icon display as soon as you initialize your map, then make the call for the markers using new google.maps.KmlLayer(...). In the listener for metadata_changed you can remove the custom loading icon, or hide it from displaying. So when the KmlLayer finishes loading, then it'll run the code to remove your loading icon.
You can attach listeners by going:
google.maps.event.addListener(kmlLayerObject, 'metadata_changed', function () {
You could also "hide" the map canvas with a loading div and show it after initialization.
Another thing to be aware of is when the map is hidden on init, it may behave strangely that can be fixed by "resizing" the map: