Check the contents of a div to see if it matches - JS - javascript

I have a dialog feature on an app I'm making the messages are output in html divs like this:
<div class="chat-message error">Message example here</div>
<div class="chat-message error">Message example here</div>
<div class="chat-message error">Latest message</div>
I want to check the last message in javascript and see if it's the same as the previous one if it is do nothing if not run my existing dialog code. New chat messages are stored in a variable called chatBoxMessage.
I think I need something like this -
oldMsg = $('.chat-message').html();
if (oldMsg == chatBoxMessage) {
//do nothing
} else {
dialog code

You can use the jquery last method :
oldMsg = $('.chat-message').last().html();

you can use jquery last and prev
var lastMessage = $('.chat-message').last();
var previousMessage = lastMessage.prev();
console.log(lastMessage.text() === previousMessage.text());

Your oldMsg variable holds an array of all the elements with the class chat-message. So a better meaningful name for this variable should be chatMsgs
var chatMsgs = $('.chat-message');
var msgsLen = chatMsgs.length;
Now your oldMsg would be.
var oldMsg = chatMsgs[msgsLen - 1].text(); // Remember array indexes are zero based
Or if you think that's too much array manipulation you can use the easier last() jQuery method (As pointed out by #Shai). What it does is return the last element from the array of elements. So,
var oldMsg = $('.chat-message').last().text();
Now happily do your conditioning..
if ( oldMsg === chatBoxMessage ) {
// do nothing
else {
// dialog code


How to click on Button until a dependent value reaches a certain value?

With Protractor I'm trying to automate a part of a UI, in which with plus-minus buttons a min-max-range (i.e. 100'000-200'000) is selected.
There is an inputAmount (i.e. 250'000), defining the range to select.
Now I should click to the plus-button until I get a range 200'000-300'000, identified by the dynamically adjusted <div class="currentMax">100'000</div>.
My issue is to convert the currentMax of the currently selected range from String to a number, so I can compare it to the inputAmount.
The HTML looks like this:
<div class="max">100'000</div>
<div class="slider-buttons">
<div class="slider-button">
<div class="slider-button-plus"></div>
<div class="slider-button">
<div class="slider-button-minus"></div>
My protractor code looks something like this:
this.selectAmountRange = function() {
var currentMax = $('.max').getText(); //How do I get this value as number?
var btnPlus = $('.slider-buttons .slider-button-plus');
for (i = currentMax; i <= inputAmount; i = currentMax) {;
One problem is that currentMax is thousand-delimited with "'", so I can't convert it straight forward.
The other problem is, that getText() returns a promise, but even though I found some examples I failed so far to get the string and even remove the delimiter.
I tried this, but didn't work.
var currentMax = $('.max').getText().then(function(value){
As I'm quite new to JavaScript and Protractor, I assume it's just some syntax I'm doing wrong.
Grateful for any advice and a nudge towards a doable function.
Since javascript is asynchronous, you need to resolve the promise before accessing the return value from the promise. In your case, you need to implement recursion to make your method to click the slider until required value is set. Have a look at below example.
var selectAmountRange = function(inputAmount) {
var btnPlus = $('.slider-buttons .slider-button-plus');
if(currentMax < selectAmountRange){;
selectAmountRange(inputAmount); //call the same method untill required inputAmount is selcted.
I don't have the right to comment so I put it as an answer, did you put all your code inside then() - after the promise returns the value ?
The currentMax is a variable initialized once, does the loop ends once it enters it !?
You mentioned currentMax and in code there is max are they the same ? what does the btnPlus click increments, the max ?
Finally I would suggest something similar to:
var currentMax = parseInt(value.replace(/\'/,''));
var btnPlus = $('.slider-buttons .slider-button-plus');
for (i = currentMax; i <= inputAmount; i++) {;

If Statement and Function (Basic) keep track on divs innerHTML?

Ok so I have a function set up already and it gets added in the div as numbers and letters
"var elCamLocation = $( "TEST" )"
Now I want to use a function to keep track on what is in the innerHTML of the "TEST" div and if the contents of the div changes to "0.00x2.00z0.00" then I want it to do something for example lets just say change url to keep it simple.
Here is what I have..
var Numbs = getElementById("TEST").innerHTML;
function TE()
if(Numbs = "0.00x2.00z0.00")
But it isn't working the window.location.assign("")isn't triggering at all
any idea's?
= is for assignment. You should test for equality using the === operator.
if(Numbs === "0.00x2.00z0.00")

GetElementByID - Multiple IDs

doStuff(document.getElementById("myCircle1" "myCircle2" "myCircle3" "myCircle4"));
This doesn't work, so do I need a comma or semi-colon to make this work?
document.getElementById() only supports one name at a time and only returns a single node not an array of nodes. You have several different options:
You could implement your own function that takes multiple ids and returns multiple elements.
You could use document.querySelectorAll() that allows you to specify multiple ids in a CSS selector string .
You could put a common class names on all those nodes and use document.getElementsByClassName() with a single class name.
Examples of each option:
doStuff(document.querySelectorAll("#myCircle1, #myCircle2, #myCircle3, #myCircle4"));
// put a common class on each object
function getElementsById(ids) {
var idList = ids.split(" ");
var results = [], item;
for (var i = 0; i < idList.length; i++) {
item = document.getElementById(idList[i]);
if (item) {
doStuff(getElementsById("myCircle1 myCircle2 myCircle3 myCircle4"));
This will not work, getElementById will query only one element by time.
You can use document.querySelectorAll("#myCircle1, #myCircle2") for querying more then one element.
ES6 or newer
With the new version of the JavaScript, you can also convert the results into an array to easily transverse it.
const elementsList = document.querySelectorAll("#myCircle1, #myCircle2");
const elementsArray = [...elementsList];
// Now you can use cool array prototypes
elementsArray.forEach(element => {
How to query a list of IDs in ES6
Another easy way if you have an array of IDs is to use the language to build your query, example:
const ids = ['myCircle1', 'myCircle2', 'myCircle3'];
const elements = document.querySelectorAll( => `#${id}`).join(', '));
No, it won't work.
document.getElementById() method accepts only one argument.
However, you may always set classes to the elements and use getElementsByClassName() instead. Another option for modern browsers is to use querySelectorAll() method:
document.querySelectorAll("#myCircle1, #myCircle2, #myCircle3, #myCircle4");
I suggest using ES5 array methods:
["myCircle1","myCircle2","myCircle3","myCircle4"] // Array of IDs
.map(document.getElementById, document) // Array of elements
Then doStuff will be called once for each element, and will receive 3 arguments: the element, the index of the element inside the array of elements, and the array of elements.
getElementByID is exactly that - get an element by id.
Maybe you want to give those elements a circle class and getElementsByClassName
document.getElementById() only takes one argument. You can give them a class name and use getElementsByClassName() .
Dunno if something like this works in js, in PHP and Python which i use quite often it is possible.
Maybe just use for loop like:
function doStuff(){
for(i=1; i<=4; i++){
var i = document.getElementById("myCiricle"+i);
Vulgo has the right idea on this thread. I believe his solution is the easiest of the bunch, although his answer could have been a little more in-depth. Here is something that worked for me. I have provided an example.
<h1 id="hello1">Hello World</h1>
<h2 id="hello2">Random</h2>
<button id="click">Click To Hide</button>
document.getElementById('click').addEventListener('click', function(){
function doStuff() {
for(var i=1; i<=2; i++){
var el = document.getElementById("hello" + i); = 'none';
Obviously just change the integers in the for loop to account for however many elements you are targeting, which in this example was 2.
The best way to do it, is to define a function, and pass it a parameter of the ID's name that you want to grab from the DOM, then every time you want to grab an ID and store it inside an array, then you can call the function
<p id="testing">Demo test!</p>
function grabbingId(element){
var storeId = document.getElementById(element);
return storeId;
grabbingId("testing").syle.color = "red";
You can use something like this whit array and for loop.
<p id='fisrt'>??????</p>
<p id='second'>??????</p>
<p id='third'>??????</p>
<p id='forth'>??????</p>
<p id='fifth'>??????</p>
<button id="change" onclick="changeColor()">color red</button>
var ids = ['fisrt','second','third','forth','fifth'];
function changeColor() {
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
For me worked flawles something like this
document.getElementById("myCircle1") ,
document.getElementById("myCircle2") ,
document.getElementById("myCircle3") ,
Use jQuery or similar to get access to the collection of elements in only one sentence. Of course, you need to put something like this in your html's "head" section:
<script type='text/javascript' src='url/to/my/jquery.1.xx.yy.js' ...>
So here is the magic:
.- First of all let's supose that you have some divs with IDs as you wrote, i.e.,
...some html...
<div id='MyCircle1'>some_inner_html_tags</div>
...more html...
<div id='MyCircle2'>more_html_tags_here</div>
<div id='MyCircleN'>more_and_more_tags_again</div>
.- With this 'spell' jQuery will return a collection of objects representing all div elements with IDs containing the entire string "myCircle" anywhere:
This is all! Note that you get rid of details like the numeric suffix, that you can manipulate all the divs in a single sentence, animate them... Voilá!
Prove this in your browser's script console (press F12) right now!
As stated by jfriend00,
document.getElementById() only supports one name at a time and only returns a single node not an array of nodes.
However, here's some example code I created which you can give one or a comma separated list of id's. It will give you one or many elements in an array. If there are any errors, it will return an array with an Error as the only entry.
function safelyGetElementsByIds(ids){
if(typeof ids !== 'string') return new Error('ids must be a comma seperated string of ids or a single id string');
ids = ids.split(",");
let elements = [];
for(let i=0, len = ids.length; i<len; i++){
const currId = ids[i];
const currElement = (document.getElementById(currId) || new Error(currId + ' is not an HTML Element'));
if(currElement instanceof Error) return [currElement];
return elements;
safelyGetElementsByIds('realId1'); //returns [<HTML Element>]
safelyGetElementsByIds('fakeId1'); //returns [Error : fakeId1 is not an HTML Element]
safelyGetElementsByIds('realId1', 'realId2', 'realId3'); //returns [<HTML Element>,<HTML Element>,<HTML Element>]
safelyGetElementsByIds('realId1', 'realId2', 'fakeId3'); //returns [Error : fakeId3 is not an HTML Element]
If, like me, you want to create an or-like construction, where either of the elements is available on the page, you could use querySelector. querySelector tries locating the first id in the list, and if it can't be found continues to the next until it finds an element.
The difference with querySelectorAll is that it only finds a single element, so looping is not necessary.
document.querySelector('#myCircle1, #myCircle2, #myCircle3, #myCircle4');
here is the solution
if (
document.getElementById('73536573').value != '' &&
document.getElementById('1081743273').value != '' &&
document.getElementById('357118391').value != '' &&
document.getElementById('1238321094').value != '' &&
document.getElementById('1118122010').value != ''
) {
You can do it with document.getElementByID Here is how.
function dostuff (var here) {
if(add statment here) {
document.getElementById('First ID'));
document.getElementById('Second ID'));
There you go! xD

Build a switch based on array

I want to create a Javascript switch based on an array I'm creating from a query string. I'm not sure how to proceed.
Let's say I have an array like this :
var myArray = ("#general","#controlpanel","#database");
I want to create this...
case "#general":
$("#controlpanel, #database").hide();
case "#controlpanel":
$("#general, #database").hide();
case "#database":
$("#general, #controlpanel").hide();
myArray could contain any amount of elements so I want the switch to be created dynamically based on length of the array. The default case would always be the first option.
The array is created from a location.href with a regex to extract only what I need.
Thanks alot!
#Michael has the correct general answer, but here's a far simpler way to accomplish the same goal:
// Once, at startup
var $items = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
// When it's time to show a target
$items.hide(); // Hide 'em all, even the one to show
$(target).show(); // OK, now show just that one
If you really only have an array of selectors then you can create a jQuery collection of them via:
var items = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
var $items = $(items.join(','));
Oh, and "Thanks, Alot!" :)
I think you want an object. Just define keys with the names of your elements to match, and functions as the values. e.g.
var switchObj = {
"#general": function () {
$("#controlpanel, #database").hide();
"#controlpanel": function () {
$("#general, #database").hide();
"#database": function () {
$("#general, #controlpanel").hide();
Then you can just call the one you want with
Granted: this solution is better if you need to do explicitly different things with each element, and unlike the other answers it focused on what the explicit subject of the question was, rather than what the OP was trying to accomplish with said data structure.
Rather than a switch, you need two statements: first, to show the selected target, and second to hide all others.
// Array as a jQuery object instead of a regular array of strings
var myArray = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
// Loop over jQuery list and unless the id of the current
// list node matches the value of target, hide it.
myArray.each(function() {
// Test if the current node's doesn't matche #target
if ('#' + $(this).prop('id') !== target) {
In fact, the first statement can be incorporated into the loop.
var myArray = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
myArray.each(function() {
if ('#' + $(this).prop('id') !== target) {
else {
Perhaps you're looking for something like this? Populate myArray with the elements you're using.
var myArray = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
var clone = myArray.slice(0); // Clone the array
var test;
if ((test = clone.indexOf(target)) !== -1) {
clone.splice(test,1); // Remove the one we've picked up
$(clone.join(',')).hide(); // Hide the remaining array elements
here you dont need to explicitly list all the cases, just let the array define them. make sure though, that target exists in the array, otherwise you'll need an if statement.
var target = "#controlpanel";
var items = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
items.splice($.inArray(target, items), 1);

select an array of elements and use them

Using this syntax:
var position = array($('#ipadmenu > section').attr('data-order'));
I cannot get my code to work. I have never used arrays before so im kind of lost on how to use them. (especially in jquery).
How would I make an array of all section elements and associate the value of data-order to that list. Example:
first section - data-order:1
second section - data-order:2
etc and then use that info afterwards.
Thank you!
Since .attr just gets one attribute -- the first one found by the jQuery selector -- you need to build your array element by element. One way to do that is .each (you can also use .data to extract data attributes):
var position = new Array;
$('#ipadmenu > section').each(function() {
alert(position[0]); // alerts "1"
This will be an indexed array, not an associative array. To build one of those (which in JavaScript is technically an object, not any kind of array) just change the inner part of your .each loop:
var position = {};
$('#ipadmenu > section').each(function(i) {
position["section"+i] = $(this).data('order');
The resulting object position can now be accessed like:
alert(position['section1']); // alerts "1"
A different approach involves using, but since that only works on arrays, not jQuery objects, you need to use jQuery.makeArray to convert your selection into a true array first:
var position = $.map($.makeArray($('#ipadmenu > section')), function() {
return $(this).data('order');
} ); // position is now an indexed array
This approach is technically shorter than using .each, but I find it less clear.
var orders = [];
$('#ipadmenu > section').each(function() {
<div id="ipadmenu">
<section data-order="1">1</section>
<section data-order="2">2</section>
You will want to do something like this:
// Get the elements and put them in an array
var position = $('#ipadmenu section').toArray();
// Loop through the array
for (var i = 0; i < position.length; i++){
// Display the attribute value for each one
console.log("Section " + i + ": " + $(position[i]).attr('data-order'));
Working example here:

