Javascript using replace method inside an iframe - javascript

I wonder if it's possible to replace certain words inside an iframe.
I've used jQuery to change the content inside the iframe with the same content, but with replacements. The problem here is that 'the cursor resets' to the start of the input field, so you have to write from start again.
So here is what I did
function iFrameOn(){
richTextField.document.designMode = 'On';
<body onLoad="iFrameOn();">
<!-- Hide(but keep)your normal textarea and place in the iFrame replacement for it -->
<textarea style="display:none;" name="myTextArea" id="myTextArea" cols="100" rows="14"></textarea>
<iframe name="richTextField" id="richTextField" style="border:#000000 1px solid; width:100px; height:20px;">
<!--End replacing your normal textarea -->
function ReplaceWords(){
var textfield = document.getElementById("richTextField");
textfield.contentWindow.document.body.onkeyup = function(e){
var content = textfield.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
var Fixed_Content = content.replace("hey", "yo");
$(document).ready(function() {
The question is: if you can replace some of the content inside the iframe without the cursor resets, because it's not appreciated when you type and it just starts from start again.
Update: Basically it's not the textarea that is in focus, it's hidden inside the iframe therefore I use document.designMode = 'On';.
I have updated the post again, this is how it should have been from the start.
Link to jsfiddle:

Working with iFrames in the same domain is not much different from working with DOM elements. You just have to make sure the methods you use are called on the proper window and document object. But once you target correctly the window and document, you can call them from the parent window pretty much in the same way as if it was in the same window as your script.
As for replacement while you type, there are a couple of ways to to it. One way would be to use document.execCommand('insertText') and Selection. You detect if the key being entered matches last character of the word to replace, if so you select the length of the word to replace and check if it matches. If it matches, you call execCommand and it'll replace it leaving the cursor at the end of the replacement.
function replaceOnKeyDown(e, toReplace, replaceWith) {
var iptFld =;
var lastLetter = toReplace[toReplace.length - 1];
var keyEntered = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
// To make it more efficient, you can call the rest only if the
// key just pressed is the same as the last of the word you
// need to replace.
if (lastLetter.toLowerCase() === keyEntered.toLowerCase()) {
// Set selection to your word length
var range = frameWindow.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var caretPosition = range.startOffset;
// Since you're on key down, the caret position is before the
// last letter is entered.
var toReplaceStart = caretPosition - toReplace.length + 1;
range.setEnd(range.startContainer, caretPosition);
range.setStart(range.startContainer, toReplaceStart);
// Check if the selection matches the word to replace
// Since you're on mouse down, the range will only include
// up until the letter being entered. So you need to validate
// that the word without the last letter equals
// the selection.
if (range.toString() + lastLetter === toReplace) {
frameDocument.execCommand('insertText', false, replaceWith);
// prevent last letter to be entered
} else {
frameWindow.getSelection().collapse(range.startContainer, caretPosition);
var textfield = document.getElementById("richTextField");
var frameWindow = textfield.contentWindow
var frameDocument = frameWindow.document
frameDocument.designMode = 'on'
frameDocument.body.onkeydown = function(e) {
replaceOnKeyDown(e, 'hey', 'yo')


making a JavaScript character selector

I’m trying to make a character selector, which select each character separately every time button pressing. But its not working at all
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>HELLO WORLD</title>
<br />
<br />
<input type="button" onclick="selector()" value="SELECT" />
var x = document.getElementById("temp").innerHTML;
var i = 0;
function selector() {
x.charAt(i).style.backgroundColor = "red";
The primary issue is that you can only apply styling to HTML elements, not individual characters that make up the text content of an element.
This is why you are getting the "undefined" error that you are... backgroundColor can't be set on undefined, which refers to the return value of the style property, which doesn't exist on individual characters.
So first, you must wrap the character(s) to be highlighted in another element (a <span> is the best choice here) and then you can have the contents of the <span> be highlighted.
You weren't exactly clear on whether each click of the button should highlight only the next character or if the highlighting should be extended to include the next character, so I have solutions for both of those below. See comments inline for detailed explanations:
Solution #1 (highlight single character at a time)
// Get DOM reference to paragraph (not contents of paragraph)
var x = document.getElementById("temp");
// Get DOM reference to button so we can wire it up to
// an event handler in JS (not via inline event handling attributes).
var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
// Set up event handler:
btn.addEventListener("click", selector);
var i = 0;
function selector() {
// Get the character to be highlighted
var char = x.textContent.charAt(i);
// Set the contents of the paragraph to a new string that has the particular character
// wrapped with a <span> that is set to use a predetermined class that does the actual
// highlighting.
x.innerHTML = x.textContent.replace(char, "<span class='highlight'>" + char + "</span>");
// Increment i until we've hit the 26th value, then reset to 0
i < 25 ? i++ : i = 0;
.highlight { background-color:red; }
<!-- There is no closing tag for input elements! -->
<input type="button" id="btn" value="SELECT">
Solution #2 (extend highlighting to include next character)
// Get DOM reference to paragraph (not contents of paragraph)
var x = document.getElementById("temp");
// Get DOM reference to button so we can wire it up to an event handler in JS (not via inline event
// handling attributes).
var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
// Set up event handler:
btn.addEventListener("click", selector);
var i = 0;
function selector() {
// Get the character to be highlighted
var char = x.textContent.charAt(i);
// Set the contents of the paragraph to a new string that encloses all the characters
// up to and including the current one in a <span> that is set to use a predetermined
// class that does the actual highlighting.
x.innerHTML = "<span class='highlight'>" + x.textContent.replace(char, char + "</span>");
// Increment i until we've hit the 26th value, then reset to 0
i < 25 ? i++ : i = 0;
.highlight { background-color:red; }
<!-- There is no closing tag for input elements! -->
<input type="button" id="btn" value="SELECT">
Here's one possible implementation
Create a list of characters in the HTML element by using string#split.
Wrap each of these characters inside a span tag. This is easy to do using the map function. We want to check if these are alphabetical characters so we use the test function.
We then need to find the number of characters in the original string. We can do that by stripping the new string of all of it's span tags. Set the initial index to the first character, which in JavaScript is zero.
Call an event listener. This could be for example keydown, which listens for keypresses.
All of our characters have now been wrapped with a char class. To find a particular one, use document.querySelectorAll, and pass in [index]
In the event that we cycle through the string, we will remove the styling for the last character in the list. Otherwise, naturally, the previous character will be converted back to normal.
var chars = document.getElementById("par").innerHTML.split('');
var wrapped = c => /[a-z]/i.test(c) ? "<span class='char'>" + c + "</span>" : "").join('');
var numLetters = wrapped.replace(/<span class='char'>/g, '').replace(/<\/span>/g, '').length;
document.getElementById("par").innerHTML = wrapped;
var index = 0;
document.addEventListener("keydown", function() {
document.querySelectorAll(".char")[index].style.color = "red";
if (index == 0) {
document.querySelectorAll(".char")[numLetters - 1].style.color = "black";
if (index > 0) {
document.querySelectorAll(".char")[index - 1].style.color = "black";
index = index == numLetters - 1 ? 0 : index + 1
<p id="par">This is a paragraph</p>
You need to put all character into a span tag, and change the span background color.
var i = 0;
function selector() {
if (document.getElementById("temp_" + i))
document.getElementById("temp_" + i).style.backgroundColor = "red";
<p id="temp">
<span id='temp_0'>A</span>
<span id='temp_1'>B</span>
<span id='temp_2'>C</span>
<span id='temp_3'>D</span>
<button onclick='selector();'>Test</button>

Javascript: Cannot move back in HTML Input

I have a form where a user can enter a URL but I wanted to have it automatically remove spaces.
To do this I have the following jQuery function:
$('#URL').on('change keyup', function() {
var sanitized = $(this).val().replace(' ', '');
But the problem with this code is that you cannot use the arrow keys to move in the input. i.e. if I type in and I want to use arrow keys to fix my spelling mistake, it will automatically keep the cursor on the very last character. On top of this, I cannot use Ctrl+A to select all the text.
Is there a way to have jQuery/Javascript automatically remove spaces while still being able to move around the input or select it all?
Here is my jsFiddle showing my issue.
Use keypress instead of keyup, so only characters are caught. In this case, discard a space if it is pressed.
Also check for a paste event, and use a regular expression to replace all spaces. Change the value within a timeout in order to capture the pasted value:
.on('keypress', function(e) {
if(e.which === 32) return false;
.on('paste', function() {
$self= $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
$self.val($self.val().replace(/\s/g, ''));
You can:
Record the cursor position
Execute your original code
Then restore the cursor position
Make sure to change your .replace to .replace(/\ /g, "")
Update 2 (cursor position):
This fixes the cursor position when inserting spaces.
For example copy and pasting the following will now work with any cursor position:
341 10365
34 1 1 03 65
First you need to get the string to the left of the cursor:
var leftString = $(this).val().substring(0, start);
Then you need to count the spaces in that string:
var leftSpaces = (leftString.match(/ /g) || []).length;
Then subtract leftSpaces from the start and end variables.
$('#URL').on('change keyup', function() {
// Store cursor position
var start = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
// Check for newly inserted spaces
var leftString = $(this).val().substring(0, start);
var leftSpaces = (leftString.match(/ /g) || []).length;
newStart = start - leftSpaces;
newEnd = end - leftSpaces;
// Original Code
var sanitized = $(this).val().replace(/\ /g, "");
// Place cursor in correct position
this.setSelectionRange(newStart, newEnd);
Another option would be to add a delay after the keyup event
$('#URL').on('change keyup', function() {
var sanitized = $('#URL').val().replace(' ', '');
}, 1000 );
The usual way to adjust user input in a form is done when user finish their input or edit. It's pretty awkward to adjust user input on the fly. So, the onBlur event usually the best event to catch and sanitize a form input.
Based on the answer from adriancarriger, I use the 'blur' event which catch the user input after the user finish the input and do something else.
$('#URL').on('blur', function() {
var start = this.selectionStart,
end = this.selectionEnd;
var sanitized = $(this).val().replace(/\ /g, "");
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
This should work well. If you have a real form submit, you can also catch the user input at onSubmit event of the form as well. Note that onSubmit happens at the form object, not the input object.

How to highlight an editable word in dynamically generated text?

I am creating a content editor in which I want to add the functionality to choose a word which you would like to be highlighted while typing your content.
At this moment I achieved to search any word chosen in the #dynamicWord and then typed in #contentAreaContainer and give it a red border by adding em around the keyword and style the em trough CSS:
Part of the Code:
<div class="word">
Dynamic word to highlight: <input name="dynamic_word" id="dynamicWord" value="Enter word..">
<div id="contentAreaContainer" oninput="highlighter()">
<textarea id="contentArea"></textarea>
function highlighter()
var contentAreaContainer = document.getElementById('contentAreaContainer');
var dynamicWord = document.getElementById('dynamicWord').value;
wrapWord(contentAreaContainer, dynamicWord);
wrapWord() does:
function wrapWord(el, word)
var expr = new RegExp(word, "i");
var nodes = [], 0);
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
var node = nodes[i];
if (node.nodeType == 3) // textNode
var matches = node.nodeValue.match(expr);
if (matches)
var parts = node.nodeValue.split(expr);
for (var n = 0; n < parts.length; n++)
if (n)
var em = el.insertBefore(document.createElement("em"), node);
em.appendChild(document.createTextNode(matches[n - 1]));
if (parts[n])
el.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(parts[n]), node);
wrapWord(node, word);
em{border: 1px solid red;}
The problem:
Now at this moment every time on input in #contentAreaContainer the keyword chosen is highlighted a short period in the #contentAreaContainer, because highlighter() is triggered on input. But it should stay highlighted after finding it instead of only oninput.
I need oninput to search for the #dynamicWord value with wrapWord() while some one is typing;
Any time the #dynamicWord value was found it should permanently get an em
So how can I sort of 'save' the found keywords and permanently give them the element until the dynamic keyword gets edited?
Check the DEMO version
Using setTimeout() instead of oninput I managed to make the highlight look constant. The change:
function highlighter()
var contentAreaContainer = document.getElementById('contentAreaContainer');
var mainKeyword = document.getElementById('main_keyword').value;
wrapWord(contentAreaContainer, mainKeyword);
repeater = setTimeout(highlighter, 0.1);
I removed oninput="highlighter()" from #contentAreaContainer.
You are trying to highlight words in a textarea. As far as I know a textarea does not support html elements inside. If you do it would simply display them as text.
Therefore you need to use an editable div. This is a normal div but if you add the attribute:
the div acts like a textarea with the only difference it now process html elements. I also needed to change the onchange event into the onkeyup event. The editable div does not support onchange events so the highlight would not be triggered. The HTML for this div looks like:
<div contentEditable="true" id="contentArea">Test text with a word in it</div>
Here is the working code in a fiddle: When you enter a new character in the textarea your keyword gets highlighted.
However there is still a problem left. You surround the keyword with an em element. This results in surrounding it on every keystroke. Now you end up width many em's around the keyword. How to solve this, I leave up to you as a challenge.

Tag-like autocompletion and caret/cursor movement in contenteditable elements

I'm working on a jQuery plugin that will allow you to do #username style tags, like Facebook does in their status update input box.
My problem is, that even after hours of researching and experimenting, it seems REALLY hard to simply move the caret. I've managed to inject the <a> tag with someone's name, but placing the caret after it seems like rocket science, specially if it's supposed work in all browsers.
And I haven't even looked into replacing the typed #username text with the tag yet, rather than just injecting it as I'm doing right now... lol
There's a ton of questions about working with contenteditable here on Stack Overflow, and I think I've read all of them, but they don't really cover properly what I need. So any more information anyone can provide would be great :)
You could use my Rangy library, which attempts with some success to normalize browser range and selection implementations. If you've managed to insert the <a> as you say and you've got it in a variable called aElement, you can do the following:
var range = rangy.createRange();
var sel = rangy.getSelection();
I got interested in this, so I've written the starting point for a full solution. The following uses my Rangy library with its selection save/restore module to save and restore the selection and normalize cross browser issues. It surrounds all matching text (#whatever in this case) with a link element and positions the selection where it had been previously. This is triggered after there has been no keyboard activity for one second. It should be quite reusable.
function createLink(matchedTextNode) {
var el = document.createElement("a"); = "yellow"; = "2px";
el.contentEditable = false;
var matchedName =; // Remove the leading #
el.href = "" + matchedName; = matchedName;
return el;
function shouldLinkifyContents(el) {
return el.tagName != "A";
function surroundInElement(el, regex, surrounderCreateFunc, shouldSurroundFunc) {
var child = el.lastChild;
while (child) {
if (child.nodeType == 1 && shouldSurroundFunc(el)) {
surroundInElement(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc, shouldSurroundFunc);
} else if (child.nodeType == 3) {
surroundMatchingText(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc);
child = child.previousSibling;
function surroundMatchingText(textNode, regex, surrounderCreateFunc) {
var parent = textNode.parentNode;
var result, surroundingNode, matchedTextNode, matchLength, matchedText;
while ( textNode && (result = regex.exec( ) {
matchedTextNode = textNode.splitText(result.index);
matchedText = result[0];
matchLength = matchedText.length;
textNode = (matchedTextNode.length > matchLength) ?
matchedTextNode.splitText(matchLength) : null;
surroundingNode = surrounderCreateFunc(matchedTextNode.cloneNode(true));
parent.insertBefore(surroundingNode, matchedTextNode);
function updateLinks() {
var el = document.getElementById("editable");
var savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection();
surroundInElement(el, /#\w+/, createLink, shouldLinkifyContents);
var keyTimer = null, keyDelay = 1000;
function keyUpLinkifyHandler() {
if (keyTimer) {
keyTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
keyTimer = null;
}, keyDelay);
<p contenteditable="true" id="editable" onkeyup="keyUpLinkifyHandler()">
Some editable content for #someone or other
As you say you can already insert an tag at the caret, I'm going to start from there. The first thing to do is to give your tag an id when you insert it. You should then have something like this:
<div contenteditable='true' id='status'>I went shopping with <a href='#' id='atagid'>Jane</a></div>
Here is a function that should place the cursor just after the tag.
function setCursorAfterA()
var atag = document.getElementById("atagid");
var parentdiv = document.getElementById("status");
var range,selection;
if(window.getSelection) //FF,Chrome,Opera,Safari,IE9+
parentdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));//FF wont allow cursor to be placed directly between <a> tag and the end of the div, so a space is added at the end (this can be trimmed later)
range = document.createRange();//create range object (like an invisible selection)
range.setEndAfter(atag);//set end of range selection to just after the <a> tag
range.setStartAfter(atag);//set start of range selection to just after the <a> tag
selection = window.getSelection();//get selection object (list of current selections/ranges)
selection.removeAllRanges();//remove any current selections (FF can have more than one)
parentdiv.focus();//Focuses contenteditable div (necessary for opera)
selection.addRange(range);//add our range object to the selection list (make our range visible)
else if(document.selection)//IE 8 and lower
range = document.body.createRange();//create a "Text Range" object (like an invisible selection)
range.moveToElementText(atag);//select the contents of the a tag (i.e. "Jane")
range.collapse(false);//collapse selection to end of range (between "e" and "</a>").
while(range.parentElement() == atag)//while ranges cursor is still inside <a> tag
range.move("character",1);//move cursor 1 character to the right
range.move("character",-1);//move cursor 1 character to the left the actual cursor to the position of the ranges cursor
/*OPTIONAL: = ""; //remove id from a tag
Tested and fixed script. It definitely works in IE6, chrome 8, firefox 4, and opera 11. Don't have other browsers on hand to test, but it doesn't use any functions that have changed recently so it should work in anything that supports contenteditable.
This button is handy for testing:
<input type='button' onclick='setCursorAfterA()' value='Place Cursor After <a/> tag' >

How do I insert a character at the caret with javascript?

I want to insert some special characters at the caret inside textboxes using javascript on a button. How can this be done?
The script needs to find the active textbox and insert the character at the caret in that textbox. The script also needs to work in IE and Firefox.
EDIT: It is also ok to insert the character "last" in the previously active textbox.
I think Jason Cohen is incorrect. The caret position is preserved when focus is lost.
[Edit: Added code for FireFox that I didn't have originally.]
[Edit: Added code to determine the most recent active text box.]
First, you can use each text box's onBlur event to set a variable to "this" so you always know the most recent active text box.
Then, there's an IE way to get the cursor position that also works in Opera, and an easier way in Firefox.
In IE the basic concept is to use the document.selection object and put some text into the selection. Then, using indexOf, you can get the position of the text you added.
In FireFox, there's a method called selectionStart that will give you the cursor position.
Once you have the cursor position, you overwrite the whole text.value with
text before the cursor position + the text you want to insert + the text after the cursor position
Here is an example with separate links for IE and FireFox. You can use you favorite browser detection method to figure out which code to run.
<script language="JavaScript">
var lasttext;
function doinsert_ie() {
var oldtext = lasttext.value;
var marker = "##MARKER##";
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = marker;
var tmptext = lasttext.value;
var curpos = tmptext.indexOf(marker);
pretext = oldtext.substring(0,curpos);
posttest = oldtext.substring(curpos,oldtext.length);
lasttext.value = pretext + "|" + posttest;
function doinsert_ff() {
var oldtext = lasttext.value;
var curpos = lasttext.selectionStart;
pretext = oldtext.substring(0,curpos);
posttest = oldtext.substring(curpos,oldtext.length);
lasttext.value = pretext + "|" + posttest;
<form name="testform">
<input type="text" name="testtext1" onBlur="lasttext=this;">
<input type="text" name="testtext2" onBlur="lasttext=this;">
<input type="text" name="testtext3" onBlur="lasttext=this;">
Insert IE
Insert FF
This will also work with textareas. I don't know how to reposition the cursor so it stays at the insertion point.
In light of your update:
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var lastTextBox = null;
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
if(inputs[i].getAttribute('type') == 'text')
inputs[i].onfocus = function() {
lastTextBox = this;
var button = document.getElementById("YOURBUTTONID");
button.onclick = function() {
lastTextBox.value += 'PUTYOURTEXTHERE';
Note that if the user pushes a button, focus on the textbox will be lost and there will be no caret position!
loop over all you input fields...
finding the one that has focus..
then once you have your text area...
you should be able to do something like...
myTextArea.value = 'text to insert in the text area goes here';
I'm not sure if you can capture the caret position, but if you can, you can avoid Jason Cohen's concern by capturing the location (in relation to the string) using the text box's onblur event.
A butchered version of #bmb code in previous answer works well to reposition the cursor at end of inserted characters too:
var lasttext;
function doinsert_ie() {
var ttInsert = "bla";
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = ttInsert;;
function doinsert_ff() {
var oldtext = lasttext.value;
var curposS = lasttext.selectionStart;
var curposF = lasttext.selectionEnd;
pretext = oldtext.substring(0,curposS);
posttest = oldtext.substring(curposF,oldtext.length);
var ttInsert='bla';
lasttext.value = pretext + ttInsert + posttest;

