ReactJS - waiting for action to finish within componentDidMount - javascript

Code in question is below. I have an async UserActions call within componentDidMount, and immediately afterwards I am looking to user information from within the UserStore populated by this action. Clearly, I cannot rely upon UserStore.isLargeAccess() being defined. Is the best convention to place the code relying on the action within a callback, or am I missing some bigger design choice?
componentDidMount() {
this.changeListener = this._onChange.bind(this);
// Fetch user info
// UserStore.isLargeAccess() is undefined here,
// because the previous action has not finished.
if (UserStore.isLargeAccess()) {
if (UserStore.isGlobalAccess()) {

How it should to work (If I understand your flow):
You should register different callbacks for each of your stores (otherwise you don't know which store emit event)
You start some async work.
When async work is finished then it dispatch action with some data from async work
your stores UserStore and OrganizationStore listens for this action, and when they receive it, they do some job and emit change.
When they emit change, then they call callbacks from your component. In each callback you know which store invoke it, And therefore you know from what store get data.


Authentication with Firebase and context API in react give me a warning. Is this the right approach?

I am trying to set up an authentication on my web application in React using firebase and Context API.
I am using Context API since as long as I understood I cannot save my jwt token in local storage in order to not be vulnerable to XSS attack and at the moment I do not want to use Redux.
in my App.js I have:
const {setUserInfo} = useContext(userInfoContext);
useEffect(() => {
auth.onAuthStateChanged(user => {
if (user) {
} else {
setUserInfo({jwtToken: null});
}, [setUserInfo]);
The methos "auth.onAuthStateChanged" is triggered every time I logged in or I logged out using firebase.auth.
The compiler tell me that to eliminate the warning I should have "[setUserInfo]" instead of "[]". However, doing as he say, the method setUserInfo is executed twice. There is a better way to achieve the result without a warning?
Your problem is that you don't clean up your effect when it is recomputed. As soon as you add setUserInfo to the dependency array, the effect is executed whenever its value changes. This means that you could potentially register many auth.onAuthStateChanged if the value of setUserInfo changes.
auth.onAuthStateChanged returns an unsubscribe function. You can simply return this function inside your effect, which will make react execute the unsubscribe function whenever the hook is executed again and prevent you from having multiple active listeners. I suggest you read more about this topic here.

Can I call APIs in componentWillMount in React?

I'm working on react for last 1 year. The convention which we follow is make an API call in componentDidMount, fetch the data and setState after the data has come. This will ensure that the component has mounted and setting state will cause a re-render the component but I want to know why we can't setState in componentWillMount or constructor
The official documentation says that :
componentWillMount() is invoked immediately before mounting occurs. It
is called before render(), therefore setting state in this method will
not trigger a re-rendering. Avoid introducing any side-effects or
subscriptions in this method.
it says setting state in this method will not trigger a re-rendering, which I don't want while making an API call. If I'm able to get the data and able to set in the state (assuming API calls are really fast) in componentWillMount or in constructor and data is present in the first render, why would I want a re-render at all?
and if the API call is slow, then setState will be async and componentWillMount has already returned then I'll be able to setState and a re-render should occur.
As a whole, I'm pretty much confused why we shouldn't make API calls in constructor or componentWillMount. Can somebody really help me understand how react works in such case?
1. componentWillMount and re-rendering
Compare this two componentWillMount methods.
One causes additional re-render, one does not
componentWillMount () {
// This will not cause additional re-render
this.setState({ name: 'Andrej '});
componentWillMount () {
fetch('http://whatever/profile').then(() => {
// This in the other hand will cause additional rerender,
// since fetch is async and state is set after request completes.
this.setState({ name: 'Andrej '});
2. Where to invoke API calls?
componentWillMount () {
// Is triggered on server and on client as well.
// Server won't wait for completion though, nor will be able to trigger re-render
// for client.
componentDidMount () {
// Is triggered on client, but never on server.
// This is a good place to invoke API calls.
If you are rendering on server and your component does need data for rendering, you should fetch (and wait for completion) outside of component and pass data thru props and render component to string afterwards.
Now that the props and state are set, we finally enter the realm of Life Cycle methods
That means React expects state to be available as render function will be called next and code can break if any mentioned state variable is missing which may occur in case of ajax.
This is the place where you define.
So Calling an ajax will not update the values of any state as ajax is async and constructor will not wait for response. Ideally, you should use constructor to set default/initial values.
Ideally these functions should be pure function, only depending on parameters. Bringing ajax brings side effect to function.
Yes, functions depend on state and using this.setState can bring you such issues (You have set value in state but value is missing in state in next called function).
This makes code fragile. If your API is really fast, you can pass this value as an argument and in your component, check if this arg is available. If yes, initialise you state with it. If not, set it to default. Also, in success function of ajax, you can check for ref of this component. If it exist, component is rendered and you can call its state using setState or any setter(preferred) function.
Also remember, when you say API calls are really fast, your server and processing may be at optimum speed, but you can never be sure with network.
If you need just data only at first run and if you are ok with that. You can setState synchronously via calling a callback.
for eg:
sessionId: sessionId,
}, () => {
if (this.state.hasMoreItems = true) {
this.loadItems() // do what you like here synchronously

What is the purpose of having a didInvalidate property in the data structure of a react-redux app's state?

I'm learning from the react-redux docs on middleware and have trouble understanding the purpose of the didInvalidate property in the reddit example. It seems like the example goes through the middleware to let the store now the process of making an API call starting with INVALIDATE_SUBREDDIT then to REQUEST_POSTS then to RECEIVE_POSTS. Why is the INVALIDATE_SUBREDDIT necessary? Looking at the actions below, I can only guess that it prevents multiple fetches from happening in case the user clicks 'refresh' very rapidly. Is that the only purpose of this property?
function shouldFetchPosts(state, subreddit) {
const posts = state.postsBySubreddit[subreddit]
if (!posts) {
return true
} else if (posts.isFetching) {
return false
} else {
return posts.didInvalidate
export function fetchPostsIfNeeded(subreddit) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
if (shouldFetchPosts(getState(), subreddit)) {
return dispatch(fetchPosts(subreddit))
You are close that didInvalidate is related to reducing server requests, however it is kind of the opposite of preventing fetches. It informs the app it should go and fetch new data; the current data did 'invalidate'.
Knowing a bit about the lifecycle will help explain further. Redux uses mapStateToProps to help to decide whether to redraw a Component when the global state changes.
When a Component is about to be redrawn, because the state (mapped to the props) changes for instance, componentDidMount is called. Typically if the state depends on remote data componentDidMount checks to see if the state contains a current representation of the remote data (e.g. via shouldFetchPosts).
You are correct that it is inefficient to keep making the remote call but it is shouldFetchPosts that guards against this. Once the required data has been fetched (!posts is false) or it is in the process of being fetched (isFetching is true) then the check shouldFetchPosts returns false.
Once there is a set of posts in the state then the app will never fetch another set from the server.
But what happens when the server side data changes? The app will typically provide a refresh button, which (as components should not change the state) issues an 'Action' (INVALIDATE_SUBREDDIT for example) which is reduced into setting a flag (posts.didInvalidate) in the state that indicates that the data is now invalid.
The change in state triggers the component redraw which, as mentioned, checks shouldFetchPosts which falls into the clause that executes return posts.didInvalidate which is now true, therefore firing the action to REQUEST_POSTS and fetching the current server side data.
So to reiterate: didInvalidate suggests a fetch of the current server side data is needed.
The most up-voted answer isn't entirely correct.
didInvalidate is used to tell the app whether the data is stale or not. If true, the data should be re-fetched from the server. If false, we will use the data we already have.
In the official examples, firing INVALIDATE_SUBREDDIT will set didInvalidate to true. This Redux action can be dispatched as a result of a user action (clicking a refresh button), or something else (a countdown, a server push etc.)
However, firing INVALIDATE_SUBREDDIT alone will not initiate a new request to the server. It is simply used to determine whether we should re-fetch the data or use the existing data when we call fetchPostsIfNeeded().
Because didInvalidate is set to true, the app will not let us fetch the data more than once. To refresh our data (e.g. after clicking a refresh button) we need to:
Because we called invalidateSubreddit(), didInvalidate is set to true and fetchPostsIfNeeded() will initiate a re-fetch.
(This is why danmux's answer isn't entirely correct. The life cycle method componentDidMount will not be called when the state (which is mapped to the props) changes; componentDidMount is only called when the component mounts for the first time. So, the effect of hitting the refresh button will not appear until the component has been remounted, e.g. from a route change.)

How to avoid dispatching in the middle of a dispatch

Within my Flux architected React application I am retrieving data from a store, and would like to create an action to request that information if it does not exist. However I am running into an error where the dispatcher is already dispatching.
My desired code is something like:
getAll: function(options) {
options = options || {};
var key = JSON.stringify(options);
var ratings = _data.ratings[key];
if (!ratings) {
return ratings || [];
However intermittently fails when the dispatcher is already dispatching an action, with the message Invariant Violation: Dispatch.dispatch(...): Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch.. I am often making requests in response to a change in application state (eg date range). My component where I make the request, in response to a change event from the AppStore has the following:
getStateFromStores: function() {
var dateOptions = {
startDate: AppStore.getStartISOString(),
endDate: AppStore.getEndISOString()
return {
ratings: RatingStore.getAll(dateOptions),
I am aware that event chaining is a Flux antipattern, but I am unsure what architecture is better for retrieving data when it does not yet exist. Currently I am using this terrible hack:
getAll: function(options) {
options = options || {};
var key = JSON.stringify(options);
var ratings = _data.ratings[key];
if (!ratings) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (!RatingActions.dispatcher.isDispatching()) {
}, 0);
return ratings || [];
What would be a better architecture, that avoids event chaining or the dispatcher error? Is this really event chaining? I just want to change the data based on the parameters the application has set.
You can use Flux waitFor() function instead of a setTimeout
For example you have 2 stores registered to the same dispatcher and have one store waitFor the other store to process the action first then the one waiting can update after and dispatch the change event. See Flux docs example
My particular error was occurring because my stores emitted their change event during the action dispatch, while it was still cycling through the listeners. This meant any listeners (ie components) that then triggered an action due to a data change in the store would interrupt the dispatch. I fixed it by emitting the change event after the dispatch had completed.
So this:
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() { // Run after dispatcher has finished
}, 0);
Still a little hacky (will probably rewrite so doesn't require a setTimeout). Open to solutions that address the architectural problem, rather than this implementation detail.
The reason you get a dispatch in the middle of a previous dispatch, is that your store dispatches an action (invokes an action creator) synchronously in the handler for another action. The dispatcher is technically dispatching until all its registered callbacks have been executed. So, if you dispatch a new action from either of the registered callbacks, you'll get that error.
However, if you do some async work, e.g. make an ajax request, you can still dispatch an action in the ajax callbacks, or the async callback generally. This works, because as soon as the async function has been invoked, it per definition immediately continues the execution of the function and puts the callback on the event queue.
As pointed out by Amida and in the comments of that answer, it's a matter of choice whether to make ajax requests from the store in response to an action, or whether to do it in the store. The key is that a store should only mutate its state in response to an action, not in an ajax/async callback.
In your particular case, this would be exemplified by something like this for your store's registered callback, if you prefer to make the ajax calls from the store:
onGetAll: function(options) {
// some work
request(ajaxOptions) // example for some promise-based ajax lib
.then(function(data) {
getAllSuccessAction(data); // run after dispatch
.error(function(data) {
getAllFailedAction(data); // run after dispatch
// this will be immediately run during getAllAction dispatch
return this.state[options];
onGetAllSuccess: function(data) {
// update state or something and then trigger change event, or whatever
onGetAllFailed: function(data) {
// handle failure somehow
Or you can just put the ajax call in your action creator and dispatch the "success/failed" actions from there.
you can user the "defer" option in the dispatcher.
In your case it would be like:
In my case, I fetch data through the actions/actions creators. The store is only a dump place that receives the payload of an action.
This means that I would "fetchall" in an action and then pass the result to the store which will do whatever with it and then emit a change event.
Some people consider using stores like me, others think like you.
Some people at Facebook uses "my" approach:
I think it would probably avoid the dispatch problem treating your stores like this, but I may be wrong.
An interesting discussion is this one:!topic/reactjs/jBPHH4Q-8Sc
where Jing Chen (Facebook engineer) explains what she thinks about how to use stores.

Service call in Fluxxor / React.JS

I'm very very new to react.js and Fluxxor and I haven't done web development for a while. :)
I was wondering where to put server calls (JQuery $.ajax()) in my code?
My actions are only dispatching calls like:
var actions = {
onBlubb: function (data) {
this.dispatch(cmd.BLUBB, data);
Then I have one store which does some changes and calls the emit function to update the view. The whole cycle works fine (view, action, dispatcher, store)
Now I guess I should put my ajax call in my store class. Let's say i call my store "blubbStore".
But I want my store classes to be testable. That means I have to put the ajax call in another store class which basically does the server call and ...
Approach 1) ... triggers a success/failed action. This action is handled in blubbStore
Approach 2) ... stores the service call response in properties. Then blubbStore calls "WaitFor" and reads the data from this "service-caller-store" once the service call is done.
I guess approach 2 is not possible, because the WaitFor does not await asynchronous calls? That means approach 1 would be the solution?
(And the actions should dispatch only messages. right?)
In my personal view and experience - it's better to put async call in actions with this logic - image
In this way you can dispatch an event, calling loading screen for example and then, when data is recieved dispatch new change with data.
In the end I believe it's a personal choice, aim for the method that will help you handle code better.

