Advice about webapp architecture and reactJs - javascript

This question is more to know your opinions about the way I'm trying to solve this issue.
I would need a little bit of ReactJs expertise here as I'm quite new.
First a little bit of context. I'm developing a web application using ReactJs for the frontend part.
This webapp is going to have many translations, so for maintenance I thought it would be better to store all the translations in a database instead of having them into a file. This way I could manage them using sql scripts.
I'm using a MySQL database for the backend, but for performance reasons, I have added ElasticSearch as second database (well, it is more a full text search engine).
So once the application starts, the translations are automatically loaded into ElasticSearch. Every translation has a code, and a text, so in elastic search I only load the translations for one locale (by default english), and when a user switchs the locale, a call is done to load all the translations for the selected locale and update their corresponding text.
This way from the fronted I can reference a translation only by the code and I will get the text translated in the correct locale.
Now, how do I do that in react?
So far I have written a component TranslatedMessage which is basically looking for a given code and displaying it whereever this component is rendered.
Below the code of the component:
import React from 'react';
export class TranslatedMessage extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.render = this.render.bind(this);
this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this);
this.state = {message: ''};
render() {
return (<div>{this.state.message}</div>);
componentDidMount() {
var component = this;
var code=this.props.code;
var url="data/translation?code="+code;
$.get(url, function (result) {
component.setState({message: result.text});
And then I use it in the application whis way, for example to translate the title of an 'a' link:
<TranslatedMessage code="lng.dropdown.home"/><i className="fa fa-chevron-down" />
So far is working fine but the problem is that I need to refresh the whole page to get the new translations displayed, because I'm not updating the state of the component.
So now my questions:
1)Every time that we find in a page the component TranslatedMessage, a new instance of that component is created right? so basically if I have 1000 translations, 1000 instances of that component will be created? And then React has to take care and watch all these instances for changes in the state? Would that be very bad for performance? Do you find any more efficient way to do it?
2) I don't think forcing the whole page to reload is the most proper way to do it, but how can I update the states of all that components when a user switch the locale? I've been reading about a framework (or pattern) called Flux, and maybe that could fit my needs, what do you thing, would you recommend it?
3) What do you think about storing translations on db, I'm a bit concern about sending a query to the db for every translation, would you recommend or not this approach?
Any suggestions, ideas for improvement are very welcome!
Thank you for taking your time to read it or for any help!

I use what is basically a Flux store for this purpose. On initialisation the application requests the whole language file to use (which is JSON) and that gets shoved into memory in the store, something like this (I'm going to assume a totally flat language file for now, and I'm using ES2015/16 syntax, I've omitted error checking etc etc for brevity):
class I18n {
constructor() {
this.lang = await fetch( 'lang_endpoint' )
.then( res => res.json() )
get( translation ) {
return this.lang[ translation ] || null
Somewhere my app starts during a ReactDOM.render( <App /> ) or some variation and this renders the whole thing top-down (I try to eliminate state as much as possible). If I needed to switch languages then I'd bind a change handler such that the store emits a change event which is heard by some code that triggers a ReactDOM.render. This is fairly standard Flux practise for changing the app state, the key is to try and eliminate state from your components and store it inside your stores.
To use the I18n class simply instantiate it somewhere (I normally have it as a singleton exported from a file, e.g. module.exports = new I18n(), require that file into your components and use the get method (this assumes some sort of packager such as browserify or webpack but it looks like you have that complexity all sorted):
import 'i18n' from 'stores/i18n'
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() { ... }
render() {
return (
<span>{ i18n.get( 'title' ) }</span>
This component could also be simplified to
const MyComponent = props => <span>{ i18n.get( 'title' ) }</span>


Is it a good idea to use React.Context to inject UI-Components?

I plan to build a react component library. The react components are UI-Components but should only implement a specific logic. I want the user to be able to define a set of atoms (basic react components) that are used to compose the actual components. My main goal is to make the library independent of a specific UI-Component-Library like MaterialUI, ChakraUI, etc.
My idea was to use a React.Context to inject the components like this:
// Button Atom
const Button: FC = ({ children }) => (<button>{children}</button>)
const atoms = { button: Button }
const AtomContext = createContext(atoms);
// "higher" component
const HigherComponent: FC = () => {
const atoms = useContext(AtomContext)
// Logic ...
return (
<atoms.button>click me</atoms.button>
export default function App() {
return (
<AtomContext.Provider value={atoms}>
<HigherComponent />
This solves my problem. But I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Are there better ways to inject UI-dependencies? What may be problems with my approach?
This is a question that can result in multiple answers based on personal experience.
But overall the idea to pass component trough context is a bit of misuse of that concept.
Also it does not bring much benefit from making a standalone library that can be imported via package.json or making a folder with components and importing them.
If you need to pass some specific things to your components you can have a custom provider as you did there, but as far as the component themselves, there is no common sense to use context.
If you end goal is to shorten the list of imports of component with custom context hook and just getting them like that, I think that is a bad tradeoff overall.
I just read this article about using react context for dependency injection. The authors opinion is, that react context for injecting non-react dependencies into components is good practice. However, I'm not sure if that applies to injecting a specific set of react components. Since, react components are nothing more than functions I think it should be alright to use reacts context for that.

Conditional rendering in react for a multi language app in react

I am working on a react app that is going to be launched for different countries. In each country some components will be the same but others are going to be different.
France will have
- Component A
- Component B
- Component C
Germany will have
- Component A
- Component D
So, both sites share similar components but some of them are unique.
We use a global env var to tell which site to load. (en, fr, etc)
Worth saying that the URL should be the same for all sites (the variable above should the one that tells the app which component to display)
What would be the best idea for handling this component differences?
Ideas that I`ve came up with until today:
Create one site per country. (Big problem since too much DRY. There are shared many components)
Conditional rendering (Feels hacky, since there are several countries, leading to endless if else)
High Order component that returns all the components inside a parent container component (Feels good, but I did not want to reinvent the wheel and I wanted to ask here first)
Is there a NPM package that will help me archive this?
Should I start from scratch?
Thank you very much.
not sure if I get the point (sorry if that is the case).
You don't need to create two sites. You just need to organize the site content in a passing structure (something like):
In the file with the site content:
const frenchData = [
idKey: 'aboutus',
textTitel: aboutUsTextTitelFR,
textField: aboutUsTextFieldFR
const englishData = [
idKey: 'aboutus',
textTitel: aboutUsTextTitelEN,
textField: aboutUsTextFieldEN
export const aboutusData = {
'fr': frenchData,
'en': englishData
You can get the preferred languages (from the user's browser) with the following lines.
static async getInitialProps({ req }) {
const userAgent = req ? req.headers['accept-language'] : navigator.userAgent;
return { userAgent };
After making some string formating on the userAgent result, you will get an array of preferred languages. After that you need to render the passing data (DE, EN, ES, whatever)

Isomorphic hyperHTML components without passing in wires

I have the following two components:
// component.js
// imports ...
function ListItem(item) {
const html = wire(item)
function render() {
return html`<li>${}</li>`
return render()
function List(items) {
const html = wire(items)
function render() {
return html`<ul>${}</ul>`
return render()
I want to put them in a module which is shared between the client and the server. However, as far as I can tell, although the API pretty much identical, on the server I have to import the functions from the viperHTML module, on the client I have to use the hyperHTML module. Therefore I can not just import the functions at the top of my shared module, but have to pass to my components at the call site.
Doing so my isomorphic component would look like this:
// component.js
function ListItem(html, item) {
//const html = wire(item) // <- NOTE
function render() {
return html`<li>${}</li>`
return render()
function List(html, itemHtmls /* :( tried to be consistent */, items) {
//const html = wire(items) // <- NOTE
function render() {
return html`<ul>${, idx) {
return ListItem(itemHtmls[idx], item)
return render()
Calling the components from the server:
// server.js
const {hyper, wire, bind, Component} = require('viperhtml')
const items = [{foo: 'bar'}, {foo: 'baz'}, {foo: 'xyz'}]
// wire for the list
const listWire = wire(items)
// wires for the children
const listItemWires =
const renderedMarkup = List(listWire, listItemWires, items)
Calling from the browser would be the exact same, expect the way hyperhtml is imported:
// client.js
import {hyper, wire, bind, Component} from 'hyperhtml/esm'
However it feels unpleasant to write code like this, because I have a feeling that the result of the wire() calls should live inside the component instances. Is there a better way to write isomorphic hyperHTML/viperHTML components?
update there is now a workaround provided by the hypermorphic module.
The ideal case scenario is that you have as dependency only viperhtml, which in turns brings in hyperhtml automatically, as you can see by the index.js file.
At that point, the client bundler should, if capable, tree shake unused code for you but you have a very good point that's not immediately clear.
I am also not fully sure if bundlers can be that smart, assuming that a check like typeof document === "object" would always be true and target browsers only.
One way to try that, is to
import {hyper, wire, bind, Component} from 'viperhtml'
on the client side too, hoping it won't bring in viperHTML dependencies once bundled 'cause there's a lot you'd never need on the browser.
I have a feeling that the result of the wire() calls should live
inside the component instances.
You could simplify your components using viper.Component so that you'll have render() { return this.html... } and you forget about passing the wire around but I agree with you there's room for improvements.
At that point you only have to resolve which Component to import in one place and define portable components that work on b both client and server.
This is basically the reason light Component exists in the first place, it give you the freedom to focus on the component without thinking about what to wire, how and/or where (if client/server).
~~I was going to show you an example but the fact you relate content to the item (rightly) made me think current Component could also be improved so I've created a ticket as follow up for your case and I hope I'll have better examples (for components) sooner than later.~~
I have updated the library to let you create components able to use/receive data/items as they're created, with a code pen example.
class ListItem extends Component {
constructor(item) {
super().item = item;
render() {
return this.html`<li>${}</li>`;
class List extends Component {
constructor(items) {
super().items = items;
render() {
return this.html`
<ul>${ => ListItem.for(item))}</ul>`;
When you use components you are ensuring yourself these are portable across client/server.
The only issue at this point would be to find out which is the best way to retrieve that Component class.
One possible solution is to centralize in a single entry point the export of such class.
However, the elephant in the room is that NodeJS is not compatible yet with ESM modules and browsers are not compatible with CommonJS so I don't have the best answer because I don't know if/how you are bundling your code.
Ideally, you would use CommonJS which works out of the box in NodeJS and is compatible with every browser bundler, and yet you need to differentiate, per build, the file that would export that Component or any other hyper/viperHTML related utilities.
I hope I've gave you enough hints to eventually work around current limitations.
Apologies if for now I don't have a better answer. The way I've done it previously used external renders but it's quite possibly not the most convenient way to go with more complex structures / components.
P.S. you could write those functions just like this
function ListItem(item) {
return wire(item)`<li>${}</li>`;
function List(items) {
return wire(items)`<ul>${}</ul>`;

How to manipulate HTML data that comes from the server using ReactJS

So I have this data that comes from the server:
const userInfo = getUserInfo(); //Returns: <span class="info">His name is Sam</span><span class="info">He is 20 years old</span><span class="info">He is from Spain</span><span class="info">He is fluent in English</span>
Then, there are two react components. The first one, ListInfo, shows all of the user info and if the second component, ShowMore, is added to the page, the ListInfo should have to show only the first two pieces of information.
class ListInfo extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
const info =;
<div className="ListInfo">
<ShowMore items={info} />
class ShowMore extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isDisplayingAll: true
this.handleDisplaying = this.handleDisplaying.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
isDisplayingAll: false
handleDisplaying(e) {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleDisplaying}>
{this.state.isDisplayingAll ? 'Less' : 'More'}
<ListInfo info={userInfo} />,
So here comes the questions:
Firstly, react documents say that you should add a key property if you're rendering items of lists, and the info that comes from the server is a list. So how could I add a key to them? I mean, do I have to write some code to add a key to each item?
Secondly, I should not change the props that a component gets, so how should I change the style of the DOM elements (the last two ones)?
Thirdly, would elements having class instead of className make a problem in rendering?
I think your best bet would be to set up your backend to serve the data as JSON. Then you can write out the JSX to avoid the problems with syntax differences.
If you are absolutely constrained to HTML for some reason, I've had success using react-magic in the past to translate the HTML into JSX. I think I have a webpack loader lying around here somewhere if you want it.
I believe you have a disconnect between JSX, what React uses, and actual HTML. Even though React looks to be using HTML inside of JS, it's actually using some compiler tricks to turn the HTML into JS statements. This explains your first question and third question.
Take a look at this page for what is actually happening under the hood of React.
There is a way to use the HTML returned back from the server directly in a component. I would read over the Docs here to see how to do it and what are the pros and cons of doing so.
Normally components expose a style prop that allows you to override the default style. I would look into the docs to see if the components you are wanting to style have a style prop.

Is connect() in leaf-like components a sign of anti-pattern in react+redux?

Currently working on a react + redux project.
I'm also using normalizr to handle the data structure and reselect to gather the right data for the app components.
All seems to be working well.
I find myself in a situation where a leaf-like component needs data from the store, and thus I need to connect() the component to implement it.
As a simplified example, imagine the app is a book editing system with multiple users gathering feedback.
At different levels of the app, users may contribute to the content and/or provide comments.
Consider I'm rendering a Chapter, it has content (and an author), and comments (each with their own content and author).
Currently I would connect() and reselect the chapter content based on the ID.
Because the database is normalised with normalizr, I'm really only getting the basic content fields of the chapter, and the user ID of the author.
To render the comments, I would use a connected component that can reselect the comments linked to the chapter, then render each comment component individually.
Again, because the database is normalised with normalizr, I really only get the basic content and the user ID of the comment author.
Now, to render something as simple as an author badge, I need to use another connected component to fetch the user details from the user ID I have (both when rendering the chapter author and for each individual comment author).
The component would be something simple like this:
(state) => state.entities.get('users'),
(state,props) =>,
(users,id) => ( { user:users.get(id)})
class User extends Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props
if (!user)
return null
return <div className='user'>
<Avatar name={`${user.first_name} ${user.last_name}`} size={24} round={true} />
User.propTypes = {
id : PropTypes.string.isRequired
export default User
And it seemingly works fine.
I've tried to do the opposite and de-normalise the data back at a higher level so that for example chapter data would embed the user data directly, rather than just the user ID, and pass it on directly to User – but that only seemed to just make really complicated selectors, and because my data is immutable, it just re-creates objects every time.
So, my question is, is having leaf-like component (like User above) connect() to the store to render a sign of anti-pattern?
Am I doing the right thing, or looking at this the wrong way?
I think your intuition is correct. Nothing wrong with connecting components at any level (including leaf nodes), as long as the API makes sense -- that is, given some props you can reason about the output of the component.
The notion of smart vs dumb components is a bit outdated. Rather, it is better to think about connected vs unconnected components. When considering whether you create a connected vs unconnected components, there are a few things to consider.
Module boundaries
If you divided your app into smaller modules, it is usually better to constrain their interactions to a small API surface. For example, say that users and comments are in separate modules, then I would say it makes more sense for <Comment> component to use a connected <User id={comment.userId}/> component rather than having it grab the user data out itself.
Single Responsibility Principle
A connected component that has too much responsibility is a code smell. For example, the <Comment> component's responsibility can be to grab comment data, and render it, and handle user interaction (with the comment) in the form of action dispatches. If it needs to handle grabbing user data, and handling interactions with user module, then it is doing too much. It is better to delegate related responsibilities to another connected component.
This is also known as the "fat-controller" problem.
By having a big connected component at the top that passes data down, it actually negatively impacts performance. This is because each state change will update the top-level reference, then each component will get re-rendered, and React will need to perform reconciliation for all the components.
Redux optimizes connected components by assuming they are pure (i.e. if prop references are the same, then skip re-render). If you connect the leaf nodes, then a change in state will only re-render affected leaf nodes -- skipping a lot of reconciliation. This can be seen in action here:
Reuse and testability
The last thing I want to mention is reuse and testing. A connected component is not reusable if you need to 1) connect it to another part of the state atom, 2) pass in the data directly (e.g. I already have user data, so I just want a pure render). In the same token, connected components are harder to test because you need to setup their environment first before you can render them (e.g. create store, pass store to <Provider>, etc.).
This problem can be mitigated by exporting both connected and unconnected components in places where they make sense.
export const Comment = ({ comment }) => (
<User id={comment.userId}/>
{ comment.text }
export default connect((state, props) => ({
comment: state.comments[]
// later on...
import Comment, { Comment as Unconnected } from './comment'
I agree with #Kevin He's answer that it's not really an anti-pattern, but there are usually better approaches that make your data flow easier to trace.
To accomplish what you're going for without connecting your leaf-like components, you can adjust your selectors to fetch more complete sets of data. For instance, for your <Chapter/> container component, you could use the following:
export const createChapterDataSelector = () => {
const chapterCommentsSelector = createSelector(
(state) => state.entities.get('comments'),
(state, props) =>,
(comments, chapterId) => comments.filter((comment) => comment.get('chapterID') === chapterId)
return createSelector(
(state, props) => state.entities.getIn(['chapters',]),
(state) => state.entities.get('users'),
(chapter, users, chapterComments) => I.Map({
title: chapter.get('title'),
content: chapter.get('content')
author: users.get(chapter.get('author')),
comments: => I.Map({
content: comment.get('content')
author: users.get(comment.get('author'))
This example uses a function that returns a selector specifically for a given Chapter ID so that each <Chapter /> component gets its own memoized selector, in case you have more than one. (Multiple different <Chapter /> components sharing the same selector would wreck the memoization). I've also split chapterCommentsSelector into a separate reselect selector so that it will be memoized, because it transforms (filters, in this case) the data from the state.
In your <Chapter /> component, you can call createChapterDataSelector(), which will give you a selector that provides an Immutable Map containing all of the data you'll need for that <Chapter /> and all of its descendants. Then you can simply pass the props down normally.
Two major benefits of passing props the normal React way are traceable data flow and component reusability. A <Comment /> component that gets passed 'content', 'authorName', and 'authorAvatar' props to render is easy to understand and use. You can use that anywhere in your app that you want to display a comment. Imagine that your app shows a preview of a comment as it's being written. With a "dumb" component, this is trivial. But if your component requires a matching entity in your Redux store, that's a problem because that comment may not exist in the store yet if it's still being written.
However, there may come a time when it makes more sense to connect() components farther down the line. One strong case for this would be if you find that you're passing a ton of props through middle-man components that don't need them, just to get them to their final destination.
From the Redux docs:
Try to keep your presentation components separate. Create container
components by connecting them when it’s convenient. Whenever you feel
like you’re duplicating code in parent components to provide data for
same kinds of children, time to extract a container. Generally as soon
as you feel a parent knows too much about “personal” data or actions
of its children, time to extract a container. In general, try to find
a balance between understandable data flow and areas of responsibility
with your components.
The recommended approach seems to be to start with fewer connected container components, and then only extract more containers when you need to.
Redux suggests that you only connect your upper-level containers to the store. You can pass every props you want for leaves from containers. In this way, it is more easier to trace the data flow.
This is just a personal preference thing, there is nothing wrong to connect leaf-like component to the store, it just adds some complexity to your data flow, thus increase the difficulty to debug.
If you find out that in your app, it is much easier to connect a leaf-like component to the store, then I suggest do it. But it shouldn't happen very often.

