the if statement do not work in javascript - javascript

I want to have a try with the clearInterval() method in some conditions.
But it seems do not work anyway.
window.onload = function(){
var list = document.getElementById("list"); = "relative"; = 0;
var move = function(){ = parseInt( + 200 + "px";
demo[0].innerHTML = parseInt(;
var myVar = setInterval(move,1000);
if (parseInt( == 600) {
I don't konw why there is nothing happened when the value of left property is "600".
Thank you very much for help.

The way it's written now, move hasn't been called yet, so this code has nothing to check:
if (parseInt( == 600) {
Instead, add that condition inside of move() and have it end its own execution:
var myVar; // change scope to outside of the below function.
window.onload = function(){
var list = document.getElementById("list"); = "relative"; = 0;
var move = function(){ = parseInt( + 200 + "px";
demo[0].innerHTML = parseInt(;
if (parseInt( == 600) {
myVar = setInterval(move,1000);
also probably want to make the scope more global (or at least make it more evident it can be modified outside of the below function). It will be hoisted anyways, but making it more clear will help maintenance later on.

Your if statement is only called once in the onload event. After that, it never gets called again, so it never has a chance to clear the interval. If you changed your move function to something like this:
var move = function(){ = parseInt( + 200 + "px";
demo[0].innerHTML = parseInt(;
// Check to see if we should clear our interval
if (parseInt( == 600) {
That'll do the check every time move is called. If the conditional inside the if statement evals to true, it'll clear your interval.

You can do something like this:
window.onload = function(){
var list = document.getElementById("list"); = "relative"; = 0;
var move = function(){
if (parseInt( == 600) {
} = parseInt( + 200 + "px";
demo[0].innerHTML = parseInt(;
var myVar = setInterval(move,1000);
} returns a string which could be followed whith a unit (px, pt ....). It could even be a percentage.


Creating a simple "smooth scroll" (with javascript vanilla)

I have been trying to make a simple "smoothscroll" function using location.href that triggers on the mousewheel. The main problem is that the EventListener(wheel..) gets a bunch of inputs over the span of ca. 0,9 seconds which keeps triggering the function. "I only want the function to run once".
In the code below I have tried to remove the eventlistener as soon as the function runs, which actually kinda work, the problem is that I want it to be added again, hence the timed function at the bottom. This also kinda work but I dont want to wait a full second to be able to scroll and if I set it to anything lover the function will run multiple times.
I've also tried doing it with conditions "the commented out true or false variables" which works perfectly aslong as you are only scrolling up and down but you cant scroll twice or down twice.
window.addEventListener('wheel', scrolltest, true);
function scrolltest(event) {
window.removeEventListener('wheel', scrolltest, true);
i = event.deltaY;
if (webstate == 0) {
if (i < 0 && !upexecuted) {
// upexecuted = true;
location.href = "#forside";
// downexecuted = false;
} else if (i > 0 && !downexecuted) {
// downexecuted = true;
location.href = "#underside";
// upexecuted = false;
setTimeout(function(){ window.addEventListener('wheel', scrolltest, true); }, 1000);
I had hoped there was a way to stop the wheel from constantly produce inputs over atleast 0.9 seconds.
"note: don't know if it can help in some way but when the browser is not clicked (the active window) the wheel will registre only one value a nice 100 for down and -100 for up"
What you're trying to do is called "debouncing" or "throttling". (Those aren't exactly the same thing, but you can look up the difference in case it's going to matter to you.) Functions for this are built into libraries like lodash, but if using a library like that is too non-vanilla for what you have in mind, you can always define your own debounce function:
You might also want to look into requestanimationframe.
a different approach
okey after fiddeling with this for just about 2 days i got fustrated and started over. no matter what i did the browsers integrated "glide-scroll" was messing up the event trigger. anyway i decided to animate the scrolling myself and honestly it works better than i had imagined: here is my code if anyone want to do this:
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0];
var p1 = document.getElementById('page1');
var p2 = document.getElementById('page2');
var p3 = document.getElementById('page3');
var p4 = document.getElementById('page4');
var p5 = document.getElementById('page5');
var whatpage = 1;
var snap = 50;
var i = 0;
// this part is really just to read what "page" you are on if you update the site. if you add more pages you should remember to add it here too.
window.onload = setcurrentpage;
function setcurrentpage() {
if (window.pageYOffset == p1.offsetTop) {
whatpage = 1;
} else if (window.pageYOffset == p2.offsetTop) {
whatpage = 2;
} else if (window.pageYOffset == p3.offsetTop) {
whatpage = 3;
} else if (window.pageYOffset == p4.offsetTop) {
whatpage = 4;
} else if (window.pageYOffset == p5.offsetTop) {
whatpage = 5;
// this code is designet to automaticly work with any "id" you have aslong as you give it a variable called p"number" fx p10 as seen above.
function smoothscroll() {
var whatpagenext = whatpage+1;
var whatpageprev = whatpage-1;
var currentpage = window['p'+whatpage];
var nextpage = window['p'+whatpagenext];
var prevpage = window['p'+whatpageprev];
if (window.pageYOffset > currentpage.offsetTop + snap && window.pageYOffset < nextpage.offsetTop - snap){ = "hidden";
window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset+i);
if (window.pageYOffset <= nextpage.offsetTop + snap && window.pageYOffset >= nextpage.offsetTop - snap) {
window.scrollTo(0, nextpage.offsetTop);
whatpage += 1; = "initial";
} else if (window.pageYOffset < currentpage.offsetTop - snap && window.pageYOffset > prevpage.offsetTop + snap){ = "hidden";
window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset+i);
if (window.pageYOffset >= prevpage.offsetTop - snap && window.pageYOffset <= prevpage.offsetTop + snap) {
window.scrollTo(0, prevpage.offsetTop);
whatpage -= 1; = "initial";
to remove the scrollbar completely just add this to your stylesheet:
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0px;
background: transparent;

Why Parameter Stops Function When Added

I have a code which I am trying to execute using a parameter in the function, i.e -
function startFadeEffect(elem){ };
I have made the elem equal to a variable b in the global scope, where b is an array of images. Meaning -
var elem = b[imgNumb];
imgNumb is a variable which is globally "0" and inside a function is defined as
imgNumb = imgNumb + count;
Now, my current code "without" the parameter works perfect -
function startFadeEffect(){
var opacSetting = noOpac / 10;
b[imgNumb].style.opacity = opacSetting;
b[imgNumb].style.display = "block";
if(noOpac < 0){
opacSetting = 0;
if(opacSetting == 1){
b[imgNumb].style.opacity = 1;
noOpac = 0;
return false;
var timer = setTimeout(startFadeEffect, 75);
However, when I use the parameter like this it does not work for me :(
function startFadeEffect(elem){
var opacSetting = noOpac / 10; = opacSetting; = "block";
if(noOpac < 0){
opacSetting = 0;
if(opacSetting == 1){
clearTimeout(timer); = 1;
noOpac = 0;
return false;
var timer = setTimeout(startFadeEffect(elem), 75);
Please note I have already defined the elem variable in the global scope of the file. Also, I am only looking for a JS solution no library like JQuery! Thanks
This part is incorrect:
setTimeout(startFadeEffect(elem), 75);
It should be:
setTimeout(function () {
}, 75);
setTimeout expects a function as it's first argument. startFadeEffect(elem) is executed immediately (and doesn't return a function). So what happens is that startFadeEffect calls itself recursively until opacSetting == 1 which breaks the recursion.

Image animation with speed control

We have some problem with our image animation with speed control.
It make use of a timeout to change the image, but we want to change the timeout value with a slider, but for some sort of reason, it doesn't work. Can someone help us out ?
We have a Jfiddle here:
Thanks! Kevin
var jArray = ["", "", ""];
var image_count = 0;
function rollover(image_id, millisecs) {
var image = document.getElementById(image_id);
image.src = jArray[image_count];
if (image_count >= jArray.length) {
image_count = 0;
var timeout = setTimeout("rollover('" + image_id + "'," + millisecs + ");", millisecs);
rollover("img1", 200);
$(function () {
var value;
var $document = $(document),
$inputRange = $('input[type="range"]');
// Example functionality to demonstrate a value feedback
function valueOutput(element) {
var value = element.value,
output = element.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('output')[0];
output.innerHTML = value;
for (var i = $inputRange.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
$document.on('change', 'input[type="range"]', function (e) {
rollover("img1", 200);
// end
polyfill: false
You keep creating more and more infinite function calls without stopping them.
After you call your function the first time, it keeps calling itself.
then you call it again with different interval (millisecs) and it will also start call itself....
You can try two different approach.
1.Use setInterval instead of setTimeout. Use clearInterval to clear the interval before setting it with a new value.
/// Call animation() every 200 ms
var timer = setInterval("Animation()",200);
function ChageSpeed(miliseces){
///Stop calling Animation()
/// Start calling Animation() every "miliseces" ms
timer = setInterval("Animation()",miliseces);
function Animation(){
/// Animation code goes here
2.Or, Instead, Set your interval as a global variable (not cool) and just change it value when the user want to change the animation speed.
var millisecs = 200;
function rollover(image_id) {
var image = document.getElementById(image_id);
image.src = jArray[image_count];
if (image_count >= jArray.length) {
image_count = 0;
var timeout = setTimeout("rollover('" + image_id + "'," + millisecs + ");", millisecs);
$document.on('change', 'input[type="range"]', function (e) {
millisecs = YourNewValue;

Javascript gradual width increase

I'm trying to gradually increase the elements of 2 id's in javascript using a Timeout. I can get one working but when trying to call another element into the same function it only does one iteration then crashes after the first recursive call.
I'm passing two id's for the elements. and I want the left element to gradually increase while the right element gradually increases in width.
Heres what ive got
function grow(elementL, elementR)
var htL = parseInt(document.getElementById(elementL).style.width,10);
var htR = parseInt(document.getElementById(elementR).style.width,10);
var movementL = htL + 5;
var movementR = htR - 5;
document.getElementById(elementL).style.width = movementL + 'px';
document.getElementById(elementR).style.width = movementR + 'px';
if (movementL > 1000) {
return false;
var loopTimer = setTimeout('grow(\''+elementL+','+elementR+'\')',50);
You could simplify this (removing the script-generation) by using setInterval -- this repeats the function call until you cancel it.
function grow(elementL, elementR)
var loopTimer = setInterval(function() {
if (!growStep(elementL, elementR)) {
}, 50);
function growStep(elementL, elementR) {
var htL = parseInt(document.getElementById(elementL).style.width,10);
var htR = parseInt(document.getElementById(elementR).style.width,10);
var movementL = htL + 5;
var movementR = htR - 5;
document.getElementById(elementL).style.width = movementL + 'px';
document.getElementById(elementR).style.width = movementR + 'px';
if (movementL > 1000) {
return false;
return true;
Yeah, I guess the only problem with the OP code is that it passes a string to setTimeout, rather than the function itself:
var loopTimer = setTimeout(function() {
grow(elementL, elementR);
would need to be
// ^^ ^^
to work. But don't do that. Pass a function expression to setTimeout:
setTimeout(function() {
grow(elementL, elementR);
}, 50)

Setting a time for flicker animation on img

I'm using this code to make my logo flicker on my website. But It becomes annoying when it continues to flicker while browsing, how can I set a time to allow it to flicker for something like the first 15seconds on page load, then stops?
JS code I'm using:
var t;
const fparam = 100;
const uparam = 100; = function(){
t = setTimeout('window.unflickr()',uparam);
t = setTimeout('',fparam);
window.unflickr = function(){
t = setTimeout('',fparam);
t = setTimeout('window.unflickr()',uparam);
t = setTimeout('',fparam);
You could have a counter, which you then use to decide whether you want to set another timeout. As a side note, you should never add functions to window and then passing a string to setTimeout. Always just pass the function itself:
var t;
var amount = 0;
const fparam = 100;
const uparam = 100;
function timeout(f, t) { // this function delegates setTimeout
if(amount++ < 150) { // and checks the amount already (un)flickered
setTimeout(f, t); // (150 * 100 ms = 15 s)
var flickr = function(){
t = timeout(unflickr,uparam);
t = timeout(flickr,fparam);
var unflickr = function(){
t = timeout(flickr,fparam);
t = timeout(unflickr,uparam);
t = timeout(flickr,fparam);
I see you're using jquery, you could use the following, if I remember correctly, all the stuff I use below has been in jquery since 1.0, so you should be good:
counter = 1;
function hideOrShow(){
$(".classToSelect").animate({"opacity": "toggle"}, 100);
counter = counter +1;
if (counter >= 21) clearInterval(flickerInterval);
flickerInterval = setInterval(hideOrShow, 100);
Change the selector, animation duration, and variable names to whatever you fancy/need.

