Chrome Extension - setInterval stopping when popup.html closed - javascript

I'm trying to build my first simple Chrome Extension and I'm new to Javascript, so I hope you can help me.
My extension has only one goal: creating a Google Rich Notification every X Seconds/Minutes. The Value for X comes from an Input textfield from a popup.html. I'm using the setInterval-Method for repeatedly creating a notification.
You can see the popup.js and popup.html below.
var NotOptions = {
type : "image",
title: "In die Ferne gucken!",
message: "Nur auf den Bildschirm zu starren, ist nicht gesund",
expandedMessage: "",};
var timeElement = document.getElementById("time");
var timeValue = null;
var time = null;
var interval = null;
timeElement.onchange = getTimeValue;
function getTimeValue() {
timeValue = timeElement.value * 60000;
localStorage.setItem("timeValue", timeValue);
function activateReminder() {
time = localStorage.getItem("timeValue");
if(time >= 3000 && time <= 1800000) {
interval = window.setInterval(function() {
console.log("Time is " + time);
}, parseInt(time));
function doNotify() {
var path = "/images/eye127.png";
var options = null;
options = NotOptions;
options.iconUrl = path;
options.priority = 0;
options.imageUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL("/images/tahoe-320x215.png");
<h1>Watch out!</h1>
Time in minutes:<input type="text" id="time">
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script>
My problem is that it will only work as long as the popup.html stays open. As soon a it gets closed, setInterval stops working.
But when I simply do following code in my popup.js I get a Noticifation every 6 seconds even when popup.html is closed. Here is the problem that I have a fix value for 6 seconds. Instead I want to use the value from the input field.
setInterval(function() {
console.log("Time is " + time);
}, 6000);
Now I want to do 2 things:
pass value from inputfield from the popup.html to the setInterval-method
setInterval should keep running with the value specified in the inputfield even when the popup.html closes
How can I achieve that?
Here link to my github-repo if you want to checkout project
thank you in advance

A better way to do it is to move the "clock code" to a background page.
This will allow you to run a code without any opened popup.
The popup will only be here to set the number of second between each execution of your clock. For this you can use the local storage like you've done in your code, or use the Messaging API of Chrome Extensions.
If you use local Storage, you can use the onChanged event to synchronise the background with the changement of value in the popup.
Here more informations about background pages
Here more informations about Messaging API
Here more informations about local storage (onChanged event)


Calling function from current tab in a new tab

I wrote the following code:
function challenge() {
var body = $("body").html();
if(body.match(/td\>([0-9]+)\<\/td\>/)[1] > 0){
// find challengable player
var url = body.match(/href="(\/game.php?.*challenge.*[0-9a-f]+)"/)[1].replace(/&/g, '&');
// open new tab with the link
var winEvent =, '_blank');
// get random number between 7 and 10
var rand = Math.random() * (10 - 7) + 7;
// set interval for new tab to random minutes
winEvent.setInterval(challenge, rand*1000);
// close current tab
window.setInterval(challenge, 5*1000);
In challenge() I look for a link and open it in a new tab. However, the following line is not working as intended:
winEvent.setInterval(challenge, rand*1000);
The new tab should call the challenge() function every rand seconds
Thanks in advance!
Okay, based on your comment and given code. I am still a lil confused. But from what I understood here that you want to open a new tab and in that new tab you want to open another new tab.
Here is a generic solution. You can change it according to your needs.
To test it in a fiddle you need to allow your popup blocker and ad blocker.
function openTab() {
var newWindow =; //CREATE A NEW TAB
setTimeout(() => {
NOTE: This is not a good design or structure, as popup blockers or ad blockers will block your new tab opening. According to me, I wouldn't recommend doing something like this.

Onload need to work only once

Good day everyone i'm having a trouble about working my onload only once . because when i refreshes the page or if i am going to another page it always load.
here is my code so far:
<!--Auto load the on overlay function-->
window.onload = function openNav() {
document.getElementById("myNav").style.width = "100%";
function closeNav() {
document.getElementById("myNav").style.width = "0%";
and here's my js functionality for my splashscreen.js
//use onload when in your html the context is not inside
//the <header>
//create a splashScreen function
function splashScreen(){
//get the element on the html side with the id of "skip"
var skipButton = document.getElementById("skip");
//counter for the countdown
var counter = 5;
//create an element <p>
var newElement = document.createElement("p");
newElement.innerHTML = "Skip this 5 seconds";
var id;
skipButton.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, skipButton);
id = setInterval(function(){
if(counter < 0){
//replace the newElement on else condition statement
newElement.parentNode.replaceChild(skipButton, newElement);
} else {
newElement.innerHTML = "You can skip this in " + counter.toString() + " seconds.";
}, 1000);
and this is how i call it on my html
<!--SplashScreen JS-->
<script src="<?php echo base_url('assets/public/js/splashscreen.js');?>">
When you refresh the page or go to another page, then back to your original page, the page is reloading, thus the onLoad handler is being called.
If you want certain functionality to only happen once, then one thing you can try is setting a cookie that you can check on page load. If the cookie is set, you know you already loaded it once, and don't run the code again. If not, you run the code, then set the cookie.
Useful link for cookies:
To be able to know that the splash screen has already been displayed for a given user, you need to store something to that effect that persists between page load events. Since the page will reload when the refresh button is clicked or when coming back to the page after being there earlier, this stored item can't be in the page itself, because it will just get reinitialized every time the page loads.
Cookies (as mentioned in another answer) are an option, but localStorage, I think is much simpler. It works like this:
// Once the window is loaded...
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
// Check localStorage to see if the splash screen
// has NOT already been displayed
// Splash has not been displayed, so show it:
// Store a value in localStorage to denote that the splash screen
// has now been displayed
localStorage.setItem("splash", "true");
One approach is to set .name property of window, which remains set after window.
const NAME = "once";
window.onload = function openNav() {
document.getElementById("myNav").style.width = "100%";
if ( !== NAME) { = NAME;
} else {
// do other stuff

execute script on the page that will open by clicking href javascript

I am currently working on features that infuencent web loading. I succeeded
to find a script that displays those .But my problem how to execute this script on the page that will open by clicking href
<script type="text/javascript">
// Add load event listener.
window.addEventListener("load", loadTime, false);
function loadTime() {
var x = performance.timing.connectEnd+"f";
// Get current time.
var now = new Date().getTime();
// Calculate page load time.
var page_load_time = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;
// Write the load time to the F12 console.
if (window.console) { console.log(window.performance.timing);
var someAnchor = document.getElementById('someAnchor');
someAnchor.onclick = function(){
function loadTime() {
// Get current time.
var now = new Date().getTime();
// Calculate page load time.
var page_load_time = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;
// Write the load time to the F12 console.
if (window.console) {
<a id="someAnchor" target="_blank" href="">youtube</a>
The first script shows these carachteristics on current page but the second does not work on load youtube page
so you basically just want to run your function upon clicking an anchor?
var someAnchor = document.getElementById('someAnchor');
someAnchor.onclick = function(){
function loadTime() {
// Get current time.
var now = new Date().getTime();
// Calculate page load time.
var page_load_time = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;
// Write the load time to the F12 console.
if (window.console) {
<a id="someAnchor" href="#">some anchor</a>
What you want to do is illegal and impossible, because of security reasons, once you close a page or navogate away from it, every javascript function will stop immedialitely. Just imahine what would happen, if a page would navigate you back every time you leave it.

Opening windows using javascript in guaranteed order

I have javascript that opens a list of URLs in their own windows. I can use for each, but the problem is that sometimes, the browser doesn't always open the windows in the order I have asked them to be opened, especially when there is a large number of URLs. The URLs are not in my domain so I can't wait for an onLoad event from the child. Is there any way to determine if the child window is open before I open the next? As a last resort I guess I can create a wait time between each open, but that's more of a hack, slows everything down and while will probably make the correct order more likely, it won't guarantee it. For example:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var urls = new Array();
urls[0] = '';
urls[1] = '';
urls[2] = '';
$(document).ready(function() {
for (i=0; i<urls.length; i++) {[i]);
Okay, I figured it out. There is no way to see of a child window in a remote URL is open. That's true. However, if you open a file in your domain who's only job is to alert the parent that it's open, then redirect to the remote URL, that works. Something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var urls = new Array();
urls[0] = '';
urls[1] = '';
urls[2] = '';
urls[3] = '';
urls[4] = '';
$(document).ready(function() {
var interval = null;
function doNext(i) {
if (i < urls.length) {
// console.log("Doing: " + i);
childWin ='tst2.jsp?i=' + i + '&url=' + urls[i]);
interval = setInterval(function() {waitForIt(i);}, 1000);
function waitForIt(i) {
if (document.getElementById("urls" + i).checked == false) {
// console.log('wait for: ' + i);
} else {
if (i < urls.length) {
<input type="checkbox" id="urls0"><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="urls1"><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="urls2"><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="urls3"><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="urls4"><br>
then, in tst2.jsp, something like this:
opener.document.getElementById("urls" + <%=request.getParameter("i")%>).checked = true;
// console.log("Set variable");
window.location = '<%= request.getParameter("url") %>';
Also, one note, the number of windows you can open depends on the browser. Firefox can be configured to anything. It looks like Chrome is limited to 20. I'm not sure about IE.
You are probably limited in the number of windows you can open, they are probably being reused after a number of calls.
open() is supposed to be a blocking call, so it always waits until the browser has at least opened a new window before moving on to the next one.
You may try adding a random parameter as the second parameter to open to try to keep the browser from reusing windows if they were assigned default names.
// No guarantee that the name generated is unique, but if that's your only problem
// you should be OK[i], "name" + new Date() + Math.random() );

Splash Page Video (jQuery Hide) Reveal Index Underneath Issue

I need to have a splash page, but I don't want to make it my index, so I am using this solution.
I am using this technique:
on this page:
But I cant get the "Enter" button to reveal the index page below. Any Suggestions? It just flickers and jumps back to the Video Splash Page.
Also whats the js cookie code that makes it only appear once per day?
Thank You Very Much.
Also, if you can save your "anti-Splash" debates for another time that would be great. Client "MUST HAVE" this splash page. Not my idea.
Change the href attribute for your "Enter" anchor to "#". Right now you are redirecting them to the same page after hiding the splash, which is forcing them to load the page in its initial state again.
EDIT: For the cookie,
if(document.cookie.indexOf("firstvisit") != -1){
$("#splash span").click(function() {
var expireDate = new Date();
/* sets expire date to current date + 1 day */
expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate() + 1);
var newCookie = "firstvisit=0;expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString();
document.cookie = newCookie;
Caveat: I haven't tested this. See here for more on JavaScript and cookies:
I took ZDYN's answer and created splash.js, which can simply be added to your splash page (not a hidden div) and to the page that you want to redirect from, ie. index.html or something.
Anyway, here's the commented, working code:
1. Create a separate html page to be the splash page
2. Out a referrence to this script in the splash page
-put below the "jquery.js" script reference
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/splash.js"></script>
3. Put a reference to this script in every page that you want to have the splash page appear on
-put below the "jquery.js" script reference
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/splash.js"></script>
4. Set the "splashPageName" below to the file name of the splash page
5. Set the date variables below
var splashPageName = "splash.html";
var endSplashDate = new Date("12/7/2011");
var expireCookieDate = new Date();
(function() {
var url = window.location.toString();
if (url.toLowerCase().indexOf(splashPageName) >= 0) {
/* sets expire date to date + 1 day */
expireCookieDate.setDate(expireCookieDate.getDate() + 1);
var newCookie = splashPageName + "=0;expires=" + expireCookieDate.toUTCString();
document.cookie = newCookie;
else {
if (document.cookie.indexOf(splashPageName) != -1) {
//stay here, they've already seen the splash page
else {
var today = new Date();
if (endSplashDate > today) {
window.location = splashPageName;
} ());
Try this
$("#splash").click(function() {

