Angular Display lists from Firebase - javascript

My data in Firebase looks like this...
situation: "Test"
situation: "Test2"
situation: "Test3"
I have inserted the data from an HTML page via a form like this...
<div class="form-group">
<label for="situation">Add a situation</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="situation" placeholder="Situation" ng-model="situation">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default pull-right" ng-click="add_situation()"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin" ng-show="loading"></i> Add </button>
The above form is calling the controller...
app.controller("situations", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
$scope.add_situation = function () {
var situation = $scope.situation;
var ref = new Firebase("");
situation: situation
Now I want to get each of the situations back to the page, and this where it all goes wrong for me.
Inside the same controller as above I'm adding this....
var ref = new Firebase("");
ref.on("value", function(snapshot) {
$scope.display_situatoins = snapshot.val();
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
And on the HTML page I have added
<li data-ng-repeat="x in display_situatoins">
{{ x }}
When the page loads it DOES NOT show me the data until I enter something in the form field,
Question 1/3)
How do I get the data to show on page load?
When it does load it looks like this...
And what I want is just to show a list of the situations like this..
Question 2/3)
How do I just show the situation values as above?
And when I do add a new item it gets listed at the bottom, how do I order the list with the new items at the top?
Question 3/3)
How do I order the list so the new items appear first?

Use AngularFire for synchronized collections.
angular.module('app', ['firebase'])
.constant('FirebaseUrl', '<my-firebase-app>')
.service('rootRef', ['FirebaseUrl', Firebase])
.controller('MyCtrl', MyController);
function MyCtrl($scope, rootRef, $firebaseArray) {
$scope.situations = $firebaseArray(rootRef.child('situations');
Then in your template for MyCtrl, you can do an ng-repeat on the situations array.
<li ng-repeat="situation in situations">
{{ situation.situation }}
The {{ situation.situation }} part looks awkward because of the naming. If you change the property situation to something like text or title it would look like:
<li ng-repeat="situation in situations">
{{ situation.title }}


Angular JS ng-repeat element does not update

I have to display a list of products and be able to click on them to get more informations about them.
My list of products is stored in a service named: "productsServices"
I got an html page who display all my products and an other who display details for 1 product. Each html page have their own controller.
When I update a product in my detail page, the changement is done in my productsServices but are not validated in my global product view.
(function ()
angular.module('app').service('productsServices', ['$http', '$q', ProductsServices])
that = this
that.products = /*arrayOfData*/;
that.getProducts = function () {
return that.products;
(function ()
angular.module('app').controller('ProductsController', ['$http', '$q', 'productsServices', ProductsController])
that = this
that.products = productsServices.getProducts;
that.showDetail = function (item) {
$state.go('menu.product', { myParam: item });
<!--Global HTML page-->
<ion-content id="content" class="has-header has-subheader" delegate-handle="myScroll">
<ion-item ng-repeat="product in that.products() track by product.ProductId" href="#" ng-click="that.showDetail({{product}})">
<div class="innerProd">
<img id="productPicture" name="productPicture" ng-src='data:image/png;base64,{{product.ThumbnailPhoto}}'></div>
<div class= "innerProd">
<ion-option-button class="button button-assertive"
<ion-infinite-scroll ng-if="moreDataCanBeLoaded()" icon="ion-loading-c" on-infinite="loadMoreData()" distance="100%">
So when I check the product sended in the "that.showDetail" method, it's the old product who is sended even if the product have been updated in the services.
I'm not english so sorry for language mistakes in my sentence ^^'
Thank in advance for your help ^^'
Ok I've find the ansewer to my question, I've replace the parameter that I'm sending to my "that.showDetail" function. I'm no more sending the object directly, but the index of my item.
<ion-item ng-repeat="product in that.products() track by product.ProductId" href="#" ng-click="that.showDetail({{$index}})">
I guess that angular doesn't update injected in a ng-click call ^^'
Thank you for your time guys

ng-repeat does not update the html

I am new to Angular and need your help on an issue with the ng-repeat of my app.
I have an html page (event.html) and in the corresponding controller of the file, I make a request to a firebase collection and update an array ($ The issue is that the data from firebase takes a few seconds to load and by the time data arrives to $, ng-repeat has already been executed and it displays an empty screen. The items are displayed correctly the moment I hit on a button in the HTML page (event.html).
Sequence of events:
I have a login page (login.html) where I enter a user name and phone number and I click on the register button. I've configured this click on the register button to go to the new state (event.html).
Here is the controller code for login.html:
$scope.register = function (user) {
$scope.user =;
$scope.phonenumber = user.phonenumber;
var myuser = users.child($scope.user);
phone : $scope.phonenumber,
Eventid : " ",
name : $scope.user
var userid = myuser.key();
console.log('id is ' +userid);
The controller of event.html (the state: event) has the following code:
var ref = new Firebase("");
var eventref = new Firebase("");
var myevent = " ";
$ = [];
$scope.displayEvent = function (Eventid) {
function listEvent(myevents) {
console.log("pushed to array");
function updateEvents(myevents) {
ref.once('value', function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function (childSnapshot) {
$ = childSnapshot.val();
angular.forEach($, function(key) {
eventref.orderByChild("Eventid").equalTo(key).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
myevents = snapshot.val();
console.log(myevents) // testing 26 Feb
$scope.createEvent = function () {
event.html contains the following code:
<ion-view view-title="Events">
<ion-nav-buttons side="primary">
<button class="button" ng-click="createEvent()">Create Event</button>
<button class="button" ng-click="showEvent()">Show Event</button>
<ion-content class="has-header padding">
<div class="list">
<ion-item align="center" >
<button class= "button button-block button-light" ng-repeat="event in events" ng-click="displayEvent(event.Eventid)"/>
The button showEvent is a dummy button that I added to the HTML file to test ng-repeat. I can see in the console that the data takes about 2 secs to download from firebase and if I click on the 'Show Events' button after the data is loaded, ng-repeat works as expected. It appears to me that when ng-repeat operates on the array $, the data is not retrieved from firebase and hence its empty and therefore, it does not have any data to render to the HTML file. ng-repeat works as expected when I click the dummy button ('Show Event') because a digest cycle is triggerred on that click. My apologies for this lengthy post and would be really thankful if any of you could give me a direction to overcome this issue. I've been hunting in the internet and in stackoverflow and came across a number of blogs&threads which gives me an idea of what the issue is but I am not able to make my code work.
Once you update your events array call $scope.$apply(); or execute the code that changes the events array as a callback of the $scope.$apply function
If you are working outside of controller scope, like in services, directive, or any external JS. You will need to trigger digest cycle after change in data.
You can trigger digest cycle by
$scope.$digest(); or using $scope.$apply();
I hope it will be help you.
In your case you have to delay the binding time. Use $timeout function or ng-options with debounce property in your view.
you have to set a rough time taken to get the data from the rest API call. By using any one of the methods below will resolve your issue.
Method 1:
var myapp = angular.module("myapp", []);
myapp.controller("DIController", function($scope, $timeout){
$scope.callAtTimeout = function() {
console.log("$scope.callAtTimeout - Timeout occurred");
$timeout( function(){ $scope.callAtTimeout(); }, 3000);
Method 2:
// in your view
<input type="text" name="userName"
ng-model-options="{ debounce: 1000 }" />

How to add multiple items to a list

I'm building an app where users can add items to a list and I decided, for the sake of learning, to use Angular (which I'm very new to). So far, I've been able to successfully add a single item to that list without any issues. Unfortunately, whenever I try to add more than one without a page refresh, I get an error - specifically a "Undefined is not a function."
I've spent more time than I care to think about trying to resolve this issue and I'm hoping an expert out there can give me a hand. Here's what I have so far:
.controller('StreakController', function($scope) {
// Removed REST code since it isn't relevant
$scope.streaks = Streak.query();
// Get user info and use it for making new streaks
var userInfo = User.query(function() {
var user = userInfo[0];
var userName = user.username;
$scope.newStreak = new Streak({
'user': userName
.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
// Works for single items, not for multiple items
$scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
$scope.newStreak = {};
<div class="streaks" ng-controller="FormController as formCtrl">
<form name="streakForm" novalidate >
<legend>Add an activity</legend>
<input ng-model="newStreak.activity" placeholder="Activity" required />
<input ng-model="newStreak.start" placeholder="Start" type="date" required />
<input ng-model="newStreak.current_streak" placeholder="Current streak" type="number" min="0" required />
<input ng-model="newStreak.notes" placeholder="Notes" />
<button type="submit" ng-click="addStreak(newStreak)">Add</button>
<h4>Current streaks: {{ streaks.length }}</h4>
<div ng-show="newStreak.activity">
<h3>{{ newStreak.activity }}</h3>
<h4>Current streak: {{ newStreak.current_streak }}</h4>
<p>Start: {{ newStreak.start | date }}</p>
<p>Notes: {{ newStreak.notes }}</p>
<div ng-repeat="user_streak in streaks">
<!-- Removed most of this for simplicity -->
<h3>{{ user_streak.fields }}</h3>
Could you post the html of StreakController too? Your solution works fine in this fiddle:
.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
$scope.streaks = [];
// Works for single items, not for multiple items
$scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
$scope.newStreak = {};
The $scope inject in each controller is different, so you have to define the "streaks" in FormController.
Your problems comes from :
.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
// Works for single items, not for multiple items
$scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
// Streaks is initialized in another controller (StreakController)
// therefore, depending of when is instantiated StreakController,
// you can have an error or not
$scope.newStreak = {};
A better design would be to implement a StreakService, and to inject that service in the controller you need it. Of course, initializing $scope.streaks in FormController will make your code work, but that's not the responsibility of FormController to initialize this data.
I assume FormController is a nested controller of StreakController, so they share the same scope.
if that works for single object, it should work for mulitiple objects, the problems is you can't just use push to push an array of object to the streaks, you can for loop the array and add them individually or use push.apply trick. I thought the reason of Undefined is not a function. is because the Stack.query() return an element instead of an array of elements so, the method push doesn't exists on the $scope.streaks.

How to add items to a specific dictionary within an item in a list with AngularFire?

The below code shows a list from firebase and shows a corresponding comment field for each item in the list. The user can make a comment on that item and it will update the comment field for that item in the list. Currently, each time a comment is made, it overwrites the previous one, but I'd like for all comments to be saved.
How do I make it so that every time a comment is added, the previous ones are saved as well?
<div ng-app="MyApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="(id,item) in data">
<input ng-model="item.comment"></input>
<button type="submit" ng-click="CommentAdd(id)">Comment</button>
angular.module('MyApp', ['firebase'])
function MyCtrl($scope, $firebase) {
var furl = "";
var ref = new Firebase(furl);
$ = $firebase(ref);
$scope.CommentAdd = function (id) {
The following is the data structure within firebase that is generated
{-JSQhsAnY5zhf0oVKfbb: {title: "nameA", comment:"Second Comment"},
-JSQhsAnY5zhf0oVKfbb: {title: "nameB", comment:"Second Comment"}}
However, I'd like to create the following where there is a 'comments' branch that holds all comments.
{-JSQhsAnY5zhf0oVKfbb: {title: "nameA", comments:{-JSQhsAnY5zhf0oVKfbb:{Comment:"Second Comment"},-JSQhsAnY5zhf0oVKfbb:{Comment:"First Comment"}}},
{-JSQhsAnYdfdfdffbb: {title: "nameA", comments:{-JSQhsAnY5zhf0oVKfAb:{Comment:"Another Comment"},-JSQhsAnY5zhf0oVKfbb:{Comment:"First Comment"}}}
I've tried to do this by replacing
I've also tried using :
$[id].$add({foo: "bar"})
You are saving the comment into a field called comment. Instead, use a list called comments and utilize push or $add.
<div ng-app="MyApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="(id,item) in data">
<input ng-model="newComment"></input>
<button type="submit" ng-click="addComment(id, newComment)">Comment</button>
function MyCtrl($scope, $firebase) {
var furl = "";
var ref = new Firebase(furl+'/items');
$ = $firebase(ref);
var $comments = $firebase( commentsRef );
$scope.addComment = function (id, newComment) {
Also Don't nest data just because you can. Instead, consider putting comments in their own path, items in their own path.

AngularFire 3-way data binding is not updating firebase when a checkbox change

I'm developing a simple todo app with Angular and Firebase using AngularFire module.
So I have a boolean attribute in my model represented by a checkbox in the template, the problem is that I'm trying to use the three way data binding from AngularFire using the $bind method to keep the all changes syncronized (firebase data, DOM and ng-model) but the firebase data is not updating when I select a checkbox.
Here's my controller where I'm using the AngularFire $bind method:
.controller('TodoCtrl', ['$scope', 'TodoService', function ($scope, todoService) {
$scope.todos = todoService;
$scope.todos.$bind($scope, 'todo.done');
$scope.addTodo = function () {
$scope.todos.$add({text: $scope.todoText, done:false});
$scope.todoText = '';
$scope.remaining = function () {
var count = -11;
angular.forEach($scope.todos, function(todo){
count += todo.done? 0 : 1;
return count;
$scope.clear = function (id) {
And here is the tempalte file:
<div ng-controller="TodoCtrl">
<h4>Task runner</h4>
<span>{{remaining()}} todos left.</span>
<li ng-repeat="(id, todo) in todos">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.done">
<span ng-if="todo.done" style="color: #ddd;">{{todo.text}}</span>
<span ng-if="todo.done == false">{{todo.text}}</span>
<small ng-if="todo.done">clear</small>
<form ng-submit="addTodo()">
<input type="text" ng-model="todoText" placeholder="New todo item">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="add">
Am I missing something? Is really possible to make this work with a simple checkbox?
Thanks in advance.
You haven't included todoService here so it's going to be difficult to give you an accurate answer. I'll assume that todoService returns a $firebase instance containing the todos since that seems likely. Keep in mind that the problem could be in that code as well.
Several problems you can address, which may resolve your issue:
Your TodoCtrl is not per-item
You seem to be using TodoCtrl as if it were created per-item in the ng-repeat. However, it exists outside the scope of ng-repeat and is only created once for the entire list.
Ng-repeat does not re-use your existing controller scope.
Directives operate in an isolate scope. That means that they do not share scope with your controller. So when you do ng-repeat="todo in todos" you do not add todo into your controller's scope.
This makes sense since each ng-repeat iteration would overwrite the same todo object.
You are trying to double-bind to a synchronized object
You are trying to create a three-way binding $scope.todos.[$todo].done, but you have already created a three-way binding on $scope.todos. Instead, let $scope.todos take care of synchronization.
You've attempted to bind $scope.todos to a property in itself
When you call $bind, you are binding $scope.todos to $scope.todos.todo.done. Obviously this self-referential statement isn't what you intended. I can't tell what is returned by your service but maybe you meant this:
todoService.$bind($scope, 'todos');
If you don't want to automatically push changes on the entire todos list, you can add a $save call instead of using $bind:
$scope.todos = todoService;
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.done" ng-change="$parent.todos.$save(id)">
All together:
.service('todoService', function($firebase) {
return $firebase( new Firebase(URL_TO_TODOS_LIST) );
.controller('TodoCtrl', function($scope, todoService) {
todoService.$bind($scope, 'todos');
$scope.addTodo = function () {
$scope.todos.$add({text: $scope.todoText, done:false});
$scope.todoText = '';
/** ... and so on ... **/

