Getting to Grips with Component Heirarchy in React - javascript

Im learning React and pondering over the structure of the components. The following has me confused a bit.
We are told that there should be a single source of truth.
The owner component should pass the props / states to its responsibility (as some call 'ownee') components.
So, if my own whole app is one big component (owner) with lots of its responsibility (ownee) components, does that mean that that top level owner component will hold ALL the props and states. That would be a massive object.
As Im not initially using states, any changes to props would have to be passed to the 'owner' & then that component rendered again?
Clearly this is not right, right? Any guidance would be much appreciated.

That interpretation is slightly off-mark. Your top level component doesn't need to be an all-knowing omniscient behemoth, simply because of the crucial difference between props and state. Any component is free to pick and control its own state, which it can pass down to its children. However, a prop for a component should not ideally be preserved in its state variable because that's what causes a duplicacy and violates the single source of truth paradigm. A prop is NOT owned by the component, it is owned by the ancestor which sent the prop down. On the contrary, it is natural and expected for a component to pass its state down as props to its children.
You will see that you can't do much without state, unless your app displays static content mostly. So when you start dealing with state, keep state where it belongs. Even with Flux there are ways to keep state relevant to the component to which it belongs.


Best way to pass props down through many components

Let's say that I'm fetching some images from an API in the App component.
Then I want to pass it to the component responsible to rendering images. But this component is not a direct child to the App component. It is the child of a direct child of App component.
Here's how I would pass the images array down to the image component, but I feel like it might not be the best approach.
But what would happen if this hierarchy gets more complex - even just by one more component:
Intuitively, it might not be the best thing.
So, what would be the best way to pass the images array down to the image component, if there are many other children between them?
The problem is usually called Prop Drilling in the React world:
A few options:
Passing props may not be that bad. If the app is small, is a very modular -and easy to unit test- option . You can reduce the verbosity by using prop spread: <Comp {...props} /> and by keeping your component interfaces similar. (many people dislike prop spreading as you can unintentionally pass unsupported props, but if you use TypeScript the compiler will catch that).
You can use a React Context: (as other mention in the comments). However, keep an eye on how your context objects are defined (keep them small). React will re-render all the childs using the context when the value changes, is not smart enough to automatically detect changes at the property level. Frameworks like Redux or Zustand use other mechanisms to allow a granular control of the shared state (you'll see examples of a useSelector hook).
You can also take a look to a state management framework (Zustand is my favorite, but Redux is more popular). However, it may be an overkill for small things.
My personal choice is to start with prop drilling, it's easier to modularize and unit test. Then you can think on your app in layers: upper layers depend on a context (or a state framework), and lower layers receive properties. That helps when you want to refactor and move reusable components to other projects.

Understanding the props concept in React

While I'm learning React, it's always said that you should keep your state in the parent component and pass them as props to its children.
But in the real world, whenever I start building a react app, I end up passing data from a child component to its parent.
For example, if I have to implement a form somewhere in my react app, I create an extra component for it (for example, FormComponent) and import it in my App component.
But now, I have to pass the form data form the FormComponent to the App component. In other words, from the child component (FormComponent) to the parent (App component).
And this was just an example. Usually, I always end up in situations where I have to pass data from child to parent rather than the other way around.
Do I misunderstand the concept of passing props completely?
If we stay with the above example, is my approach, right?
You can't pass data from child to parent as in React, The Data Flows Down.
So usually you pass callbacks from parent to its children, but the state remains in the parent.
This is commonly called a “top-down” or “unidirectional” data flow. Any state is always owned by some specific component, and any data or UI derived from that state can only affect components “below” them in the tree.
If you in a situation where the code becomes unreadable, unmaintainable, you should consider Lifting the State Up.
Often, several components need to reflect the same changing data. We recommend lifting the shared state up to their closest common ancestor.
Aside from it, a common anti-pattern is Prop Drilling, Context API, and many state libraries like Redux, MobX, and Recoil trying to solve such problems with some extra features.
1- In your case you can pass a function ( Example: handleSubmit() ) through props from parent to child.
And so when this function is called the child's data would be hundled from the parent.
you can use this doc page to inspire your code.
2- Otherwise you can use react redux, and then you can hundle all data at any component in your project using one global state called redux store.
want to learn more about react redux click here.
3- Have a nice day ^_^ .

Connecting components to redux global state v.s passing props down to children components in React-Native

I'm having trouble understanding when I should be passing props down to child components rather connecting those components directly to the state.
There are two ways that components in my project receive props:
1) Connecting a component (child or parent) to the global state of redux. This allows me to specify which parts of the global state my component will receive, but will re-render when a prop changes.
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
error: state.error,
progress: state.scan.progress,
latitude: parseFloat(state.enrollment.latitude),
longitude: parseFloat(state.enrollment.longitude),
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(MapViewHome);
2) Passing props down to child components in typical React-Native fashion.
<MapViewHome error={this.props.error} progress={this.props.progress} latitude={this.props.latitude} longitude={this.props.longitude} />
The reason I'm asking this is because I have parent component A which is connected to the state.
Parent component A passes prop x directly to child B which passes the same prop x to child C.
If prop x changes, this will cause components A, B, and C to re render. I could avoid the re rendering of components A and B by connecting child C directly to the state, so that it is the only component effected by the prop change.
But is it good practice to connect small child components to the global state like that? Why not just connect every component to the state?
This is a complex issue that the redux / react community discuss a ton.
You can probably find tons of Medium articles and React / Redux authors that discuss this.
But to give you a high level overview; If it seems like it's a pain to 'drill' props down from CompA -> CompB -> CompC -> CompD, store the data in redux.
If the data only needs to go from CompD -> CompE, you can pass it down as props.
You could store every prop that needs to be shared into redux as well. Just be aware of managing your redux object and try to normalize and manage the giant object.
Ultimately, it is up to you as the developer to make these decisions, as there is no silver bullet for this answer.
The main advantage of using stateless components is reusability. Using your example, a stateless version of MapViewHome could be used to display multiple maps of different lat/lngs on the screen at the same time since you can pass different props to each one. A stateful MapViewHome could only display one since it relies on global state.
So it's really up to you how to want to architect your components. I think it's a good idea to always start with stateless components but if your use case doesn't require reusability then using a stateful component is fine.
Typically, you don't need to use your store when you're capturing form data or if you're simply trying to hide and unhide elements. For example, you might want to have the local state change when you're typing data in a field and then you might use that local state to pass down to a thunk creator that you're dispatching. If you can provide a bit more context about what specifically you are trying to achieve here, I'd be happy to provide more guidance!

[React]Container Component design

I have 3 components in a html page.
By the PSD desgin ,in the DOM level , A includes B and B includes C.
so in the React level , I'd like to design component tree as follow:
A(stateful component) ->B (stateless component) ->C (stateless component)
I will make A redux-aware by connect method and hand down the redux state to B then -> C.
However many guides recommend that a stateful component can only contain stateless components whereas there's no mentioned whether:
1. a stateless component can contain another stateless component?
2. a stateless component can contain another stateful component?
3. a stateful component can contain another stateful compoent?
so anyway ,how to design my components, thanks in advance!!
A(stateful component) ->B (stateless component) ->C (stateless component)
both B and C expect the state from A to pass down to them.**
Some times you can learn more my reading example code, take a look at this example Todo List provided by redux it clearly shows that MainSection contains TodoItem and a Footer both of which are stateful and MainSection itself is stateful. A major example may even be the Material-UI library which is all stateful components and you can use it with stateless or stateful components.
There is no reason stateless components can't contain state-less components and there is no reason stateless components can't contain stateful components. An example of a stateless component containing stateful components is literally your top level App or index file at times. If the repo linked above, take a look at App.js.
The main concern with stateful components containing stateful components is a lot of needless updates to your UI. These are some times not obvious because the shadow DOM diff's against the DOM and makes the appropriate changes, but there is non-the-less a cost to the diff and the operation is triggered every time your state changes.
A good way to solve this issue is to keep your components fairly flat in their dept or to implement the shouldComponentUpdate function as needed.
Having state in your components just makes things easier to manage due to separation of concerns, so I find it hard to believe using them under stateful or stateless components could be an issue. Stateless components will render every time the component that contains them renders, so perhaps the issue of embedding stateless components inside stateless components is one of depth, i.e. the deeper your DOM the more complex the diff operations (purely guessing based on experience) so the guideline discourage this so that you can keep your tree as flat as possible.
Honestly, I don't see any of this being a problem as long as you use good coding practices and are aware of the consequences of your decisions.

Flux: How to make Stores for a Variable Number of React Components?

In the flux tutorial, it says that "Application state is maintained only in the stores."
Short version: I have a variable number of components in my app, each of which maintains state. How am I supposed to use stores here? It seems like I need one store per component.
Long version:
I wanted to create a tree of text elements with a variable number of nodes (essentially an app that just lets me create an arbitrary tree and visualize it in HTML).
My current architecture has a Tree element in React, maintains the state:
{ children: [], // children are trees.
parent: someParent }
However, given that each subtree in my tree has state, it appears that I will need one store per subtree! What is the correct way to architect this code?
No, keep the state in just 1 component. All the other components should get their data in the form of props.
In addition, the component that keeps the state shouldn't be aware of the state, but you should be using a store to keep it. Generally, these types of components that know about the state, are named "Container Components". Those components that don't know about state and receive their data with props are called "Presentational Components" (or "dumb components"). Read more here:
Use Redux architecture
Keep your state global,
use container components and reducers to pass props to your components.

