How to keep one element fixed and the rest scrolled? - javascript

I am doing an website where I have to keep one image fixed to the screen and on scroll I want different elements to appear one by one and stick to one position. When this is done I continue to the footer of the website.
I have done tried to reach that but whatever I do the page keeps scrolling and does not wait for all the elements to appear on the screen.
Example of what I want to do can be seen here Link on the second page where the mobile phone it is sticked in the screen and on scroll different content appear one by one.
How do I achieve this ? What kind of libraries would you suggest?
Thank you in advance.

stuff like this is usually done with js libriaries, as you already wrote. One that is actively supported and works quite well is Scrollmagic. It should be able to do what you describe, at least it can do the stuff in the example you linked: It can "pin" elements on the page for a defined duration (= "scroll duration") or animate elements controlled by the scroll position.
Scrollmagic can be found on Github or here: , examples to be seen here:

Your fixed html content should have css position: fixed;.

Have you tried position: sticky? There may be browser compatibility issues but there are polyfils out there to fix that.


Used display:none for media queries and scroll is wrong fullPage.js

I used display:none for one of sections so its visible only on devices with less than 576px. And anchors are wrong, and scrolling jumps from second to first section. How to fix it?
This is the
According to GitHub's plugin docs, this is still an open issue that needs to be fixed by the lib's developer. What he mentioned as a workaround is destroying fullpage.js and reinitializing it again without the faulty section. (Whenever you are going to do that is up to you to find appropriate, whether on screen width resize, page loads, etc etc)

Skrollr. change content in fixed div

I wonder how to achieve this effect on What I mean is:
you scroll down and at one point the image of computer monitor stays at fixed position
after that, the images keep changing while you scroll.
How can you control content and change CSS using Javascript? It should be on window scroll event:
window.onscroll = function () {
// but I don't know what to use here
At smaller browser width, the above elements become a carousel, but I am not interested in that.
Because of the tags on this post I'm going to assume that this question is regarding the skrollr library
Skrollr is controlled via HTML data attributes. What you're seeing when the monitor scrolls, and then becomes fixed at a given position, is referred to as "pinning". How you define data attributes in Skrollr can be pretty confusing at first, but once that is understood, the library is kind of a dream to work with.
I printed and pinned Petr Tichy's cheat sheet next to my monitor the first few weeks of my first skrollr project.
An example of pinning in Skroller would be accomplished as such:
<div id="example"
These words are pinned 100px from the top of the screen
The purpose of Skrollr is that knowledge of jQuery/JavaScript isn't really required. The css is manipulated by the library, and defied in the data elements. The above example shows changing the position to fixed, but if you wanted the div to expand 100px from the top you could input width/height css parameters in there, or just about any other css you'd like.
If you're looking for a more robust skrolling library, in which jQuery knowledge is more of a requirement, I recommend you take a look at ScrollMagic (my lack of reputation prevents me from linking to scrollmagic).

Fix a div when scrolling down a page and then un-fix

I am trying to make a sidebar div sit below a header secion, when you scroll down, it will turn into a fixed div and stay fixed until the bottom of the page, once it reaches a footer section, it will stick to the top of it and allow me to scroll down the footer area without seeing it anymore.
There is a perfect emaxple of what I am trying to describe on this site
In the left column, it sticks as you scroll down and then un-sticks at the bottom
I am looking for a good way to do this, hopefully an example or tutorial, I realize it is done with javascript changing the divs properties. I have tried searching but all I could find was old outdated articles over 5-6 years old and they only did half the job. I am not sure even what to call this feature?
That web site is using jQuery Scroll Follow.
Note that according to the jQuery Scoll Follow web site...
The Scroll Follow object will remain inside its immediate container.
... hence why the scrolling stops before the comments on your example web site; the element which is scrolling on the page is constrained inside of its parent <aside> element. You can check out the example.
You basically handle the page's scroll event and move the box around.
Most tutorials require jQuery, so get familiar with it. If you want a tutorial, here's a working one:
Why not dissect the code of that website too?

jQuery expand/collapse animation 'jumping' past certain height

A simple mobile landing page located here:
Not sure why, but when the About Us and Products pages are expanded the animation jumps past a certain point. Could anyone give me an idea as to why? Not all too familiar working with javascript.
Appreciate it.
I believe this is due to a known bug and the current workaround is to specify a solid width for the animated element. I tried setting one of your collapsible divs to 280px and the animation smoothed immediately.
Edit: Found what appears to be the bug ticket related to this issue
The ticket has been closed and can't be fixed, the comment at the end reads:
Unfortunately there's not really anything that we can do on our end to divine the right height. Setting the width (as previously mentioned) will achieve the correct result - I recommend doing that in your scripts.

Graphic Scrollbar modification on Auto DIV Scroller script

We're using this autoscroller script: (the bottom version).
However, we got really stuck since we don't know how to replace the moving "scrollbar" on the scroller side with a pure and simple line with up arrow on top and bottom arrow on bottom.
Functions wise we want this sidebar to behave exactly like the original sidebar and of course be cross browser compatible. We just want to get rid of the original scrollbar and replace it with a much cleaner and more stylish style.
Is this doable?! How?
Best regards Stefan
Just found jScrollPane on AjaxRain.
Implementing an autoscroll would take some coding, but should definitely be possible by just sending the click messages to the div manually so that it would do the scrolling. If it looks like this will suit your needs, I'd chip in with some additional implementation code. That topic may actually be better suited for another question, if you decide on jScrollPane.
Edit: updated link above. also, there are demos there for scrolling on hover and clicking on a link to jump to an anchor. Custom code for an autoscroll should be relatively simple to write from there.

