Enable white in jsLint in Sublime for all files - javascript

If I add /*jslint white: true*/ to my javascript code, jsLint stops complaining about using tabs instead of spaces. I would like to enable it globally so I do not have to repeat myself in every file. To edit jsLint's settings you can go to JSLint.sublime-settings - User.
I have added following to this file
"white" : true
However, jsLint is still complaining about using tabs. Is it possible to configure jsLint settings globally?
I am using Sublime Text 3 3083 on OS X 10.11.2

you can try this.
Preferences > Package Settings > JSLint > Settings > User
"jslint_options": "--white"


JavaScript color highlighting error in VScode

I have fresh install of VScode editor (v.1.14.2). Doesn't have any installed extensions. I have problem with javaScript highlighting in very simple file.
The same code in Sublime Text 3:
Default VScode theme (Dark+), doesn't have this bug, and all function names and methods have the same colors. But many another themes (monokai and Abyss for example) have this bug/feature.
I want to have for function names and methods the same color (line 10, 11, 13, 16). Ideally, all lines like in ST3 - blue (line 13 - green). But, it's ok if it would be a green.
I read scope naming link, try to compare different themes. Install all monokai-based themes, but all of theme, has this bug. I tried to create new one, but I didn't do what I need.
So, does it possible to fix this?
You can use vscode command Developer: Inspect TM Scopes for scope inspection. This color changes because vscode thinks click(), addEventListener()... is special DOM-related properties and should be highlighted.
Workaround would be modifying monokai-color-theme.json in
Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\theme-monokai\themes.
In this array "tokenColors": [] add:
"name": "DOM & invocation color fix",
"scope": "meta.function-call.js entity.name.function, meta.function-call.js support.function.dom.js",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#66D9EF"
This will make function calls & DOM-methods sublime-like.
P.S. If theme updates it will most likely overwrite this file.
From some version it is possible to modify theme from settings.json Ctrl+,
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": ["meta.function-call.js entity.name.function",
"meta.function-call.js support.function.dom.js"],
"settings": {
"foreground": "#66D9EF"
Your function should not have an end-line ";" added. Your variable test however should have one, this is simple syntax error and doesn't always get caught. This post is years late but it came up in search and the above suggestion is too much work.

How to disable JSLint ES6 errors with const and let in Adobe Brackets?

I have Googled and looked through this site everywhere, but I can only find answers for JSHint instead of JSLint.
To get rid of the "use function form of use strict" error I add in /*jslint node: true */.
But to disable errors for using const and let I can't seem to find anything. JSHint has esversion: 6 but this doesn't work on JSLint.
Use the Preferences API:
var PreferencesManager = brackets.getModule("preferences/PreferencesManager");
prefs = PreferencesManager.getExtensionPrefs("jslint");
prefs.set("options.es6", true);
Or set it one of the config files:
the brackets.json file of the user directory
the .brackets.json file of the project directory:
As such:
"jslint.options": {
"es6": true
brackets: .brackets.json
brackets: jslint extension - main.js
brackets wiki: Preferences Overview
PreferencesManager - Brackets API

Sublime Linter/ ReferenceError: window is not defined?

I know this is very basic question, but it's very strange that I cannot make it work, after spending hours, I really need help.
OSX 10.8.4
sublime Text 2 Version 2.0.2 Build 2221
node v0.10.15
jshint v2.1.7
Actually, I clean-installed sublime Text 2 just for this; just Sublime Package Control has been installed.
Firstly, I prepared a foo.js code:
function x(a, b)
return a + b
res = x(10, 20)
console.log("res = " + res);
which result:
$ jshint foo.js
foo.js: line 3, col 17, Missing semicolon.
foo.js: line 6, col 16, Missing semicolon.
foo.js: line 2, col 1, Unmatched '{'.
3 errors
So, jshint works as expected so far for the simple test.
I tried many things to get it work with Sublime Linter, but with no success, I clean-installed the sublime app, then followed a tutorial video:
Looks easy, and Sublime Linter appearrently successfully installed and readme appears as the video show at 00:30, but in my case, after that, saving or whatever never triggers anything.
Well, I'm totally lost. Please advise. Thanks.
I noticed sublimeText console shown a error!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./SublimeLinter.py", line 431, in _update_view
File "./SublimeLinter.py", line 143, in run_once
File "./sublimelinter/modules/base_linter.py", line 291, in run
File "./sublimelinter/modules/javascript.py", line 72, in parse_errors
ValueError: Error from jshint: /Users/ken/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/SublimeLinter/sublimelinter/modules/libs/jshint/jshint.js:7881
ReferenceError: window is not defined
at Object.require.util (/Users/ken/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/SublimeLinter/sublimelinter/modules/libs/jshint/jshint.js:7881:4)
ok, this seems bug, I should have checked there first..
There is currently a workaround for this:
The hotfix for this is - in Linux installations - to add
global.window = {};
to the top of the file
For Windows or OS/X installations you need to find the location of your Sublime Text package configurations.
For those that are still getting this error, edit the JSHint configuration file and add the following option:
"jshint_options": {
"undef": true,
"unused": true,
"browser": true, /* Defines DOM globals such as window, navigator, FileReader, etc. */
"jquery": true, /* OPTIONAL: globals exposed by jQuery */
"devel": true, /* OPTIONAL: globals such as debugging, alert */
"globals": { /* OPTIONAL: set others that aren't predefined by JSHint */
"Modernizr": true
Learn more about the pre-defined JSHint global variables

How to tell JSLint / JSHint what global variables are already defined

In my project we have some global variables that work as containers:
MyProject.MyFreature.someFunction = function() { ... }
So then I use that script across the site and JSLint / JSHint complains about that:
'MyProject' is not defined
I know that I can go to every JavaScript file and add the comment /*global MyProject*/ on top of it. But I'm looking a way to define that comment in some sort of config file so I don't have to go file by file adding this comment.
Some kind on option in the config/jshint.yml would be nice.
For JSHint you can create .jshintrc to your project directory with
"globals": { "MyProject": true }
This is only for globals
/* global MyProject */
In your case you need
/* exported MyProject */
JSLint has a textarea below the options that says predefine global variables here in it. Just add the variable names in there before running the check.
JSHint doesn't allow you to add global variables, but you can uncheck the When variable is undefined option to suppress that warning.
The JSHint library also has parameters for globals, if you run it as a library . . . details in here: http://jshint.com/docs/

How to disable the warning 'define' is not defined using JSHint and RequireJS

I uses RequireJS AMD in my project. When i run jshint on my project, it throws error like
In AMD Scripts
'define' is not defined.
In Mocha test cases
'describe' is not defined.
'it' is not defined.
How to remove this warning in jshint?
Just to expand a bit, here's a .jshintrc setup for Mocha:
"globals" : {
/* MOCHA */
"describe" : false,
"it" : false,
"before" : false,
"beforeEach" : false,
"after" : false,
"afterEach" : false
From the JSHint Docs - the false (the default) means the variable is read-only.
If you are defining globals only for a specific file, you can do this:
/*global describe, it, before, beforeEach, after, afterEach */
jshint: {
options: {
mocha: true,
is what you want
To avoid the not defined warning in jshint for the javascript add comments like:
/*global describe:true*/
Add this in your .jshintrc
"predef" : ["define"] // Custom globals for requirejs
late to the party, but use this option in your jshintrc:
"dojo": true
and thou shall rest peacefully without red warnings...
If you are working on node js. Add these two lines in the beginning of your file
/*jslint node: true */
"use strict";
Read the docs and search for /*global
If you're trying to run JSHint in WebStorm with Mocha, as I am, go into:
WebStorm > Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Code Quality Tools > JSHint
Scroll down to "Environments" and make sure you have selected the checkbox to enable "Mocha" which will set up the definitions for JSHint for Mocha for you.

