javascript library in my Java project? - javascript

I am working on a project in Java that involves designing a speedometer. I am looking for any libraries that I can possibly use. However, I found a lot of such "gauge libraries" for javascript. Is there any way I can implement this javascript library in my project Java?

I think its all depend on the architecture of your application, for example building a reactive application on the JVM, using a technology like Vert.x will allow you to do that.
I strongly recommend vert.x, you will find a lot of magic there


Embedding other programs in an Electron app

I have recently begun working with JavaScript and have learned of the Electron framework. I am very interested in this framework (and the whole web technologies for desktop use concept). My programming capabilities could be best described as hobbyist. I have written a few small games and apps for my own use, and have a number of shell scripts to help me automate some of my workflow in Linux. My question is, is it possible to use an Electron app that is powered by a language other than JavaScript? For example, I have a bunch of Python scripts (and recently, some Haskell and F# ones too) to help me with my statistics, calculus, and accounting courses in school. I don't mind running a bunch of different scripts to do what I want but lately I've gotten the idea of potentially making some of them available for general distribution. But my scripts are, as I mentioned, written in several different languages, most of them functional languages and none of them in JavaScript. Is it possible to wrap these scripts into something like an Electron app? If not, does JavaScript have any features similar to a functional language? How would one go about creating a JavaScript library or framework to fullfil this need?
I am aware of platforms like SageMath and GNU Octave, but the whole point is to create something of my own.
I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. Thank you.
The short answer is there's no direct/easy way to do what you want.
But you have some options.
There's a Electron compiler, but it works only with Javascript based languages like TypeScript and CoffeeScript.
You can, of course, develop a local web application and communicate with your Electron UI using HTTP requests, here is an example using Python.
You can also use sockets for interprocess communication:
And you also has the option to just start a child process directly from your Electron Application.
Hope it helps and don't make you more confuse :)

Web application with Node.js and WPF client-side - is it viable?

I'll take part in a beginner Node.js course in a month and since I want to make myself at least a bit familiar with Node in advance, I'm wondering what client-side technology to use with Node(mainly for studying and fun). While javascript would be an obvious answer, I'm kind of more interested in using WPF to create a client application. Since I'm far from an expert in both fields, I have the following questions:
Is it meaningful to use WPF and Node.js together?
What are the pros and cons to a WPF/Node combination?

UI technologies for Java EE applications

I need some guidance from the experts.
Till now I have worked on Java and Java EE stuff along with Unix scripting etc. But everything was on the backend side. So I never actually touched the UI code much other than occasional cosmetic changes.
But now I have got one project where we need to work on the frontend part as well.
As I learnt from my colleagues, we need to know CSS, Html, Javascript, XSLT/XPath etc to make a good user friendly UI.
So could you kindly guide as to where to start. I feel that there are lot of things put together.
I tried to read up these things separately e.g. CSS thru W3C , Javascript thru W3C and I understood them but when it comes putting all of these together I am faltering. Require your suggestions to overcome this
I guess you are mostly interested in web applications development. In any case, it's good to know CSS (mainly CSS3) and HTML (preferably HTML 5) as well as a javascript library such as jQuery. Regarding the web frameworks to start with. Here are some choices. You may look around to see their pros and cons. So, here they are some of these:
JSF 2.0 is a brilliant framework following the Model View Controller pattern, that can be combined with an off the shelf javascript component library for JSF such as richfaces, primefaces, icefaces to give you a Rich Internet Application experience.
Groovy on Grails is also an excellent framework enabling you to write also in Groovy, starting usually from the domain layer and creating automatically a scaffold to work with - Similarly, Ruby on Rails offers the possibility to work with Ruby.
Spring MVC is also a great and popular framework to work with.
Django Python is a popular framework for writing in python, "Play!" framework to work with scala and many more.
So, choose the flavor you prefer and try delving into its details. Hope I have helped you.
If you are using Java EE, there's already a good UI framework available in that stack called JSF.
A good text to get started with it is JSF 2.0 tutorial with Eclipse and Glassfish

Wysiwyg javascript framework (build a builder)

Looking for a javascript framework that allows to build an online web component that builds other web components. I'll clarify: thinking about building a drag-n-drop/wysiwyg web application that produces javascript pages/documents/dialogs etc.
I know that I can start from jQuery, however, if anyone can recommend a higher-level framework that will allow to build a "builder" (with toolbars, drag-n-drop etc) - please share.
JQueryUI was designed especially for this.
Here's an example "builder" app:

Desktop like web apps and JS frameworks?

I am still learning javascript and the more i learn the more i ask myself why do i need to learn a js framework like cappuccino, sproutcore, qooxdoo, smartclient etc...? The learning curve for these frameworks is steep, also wouldn't it be better to just make use of JavaScript libraries?
Take note, that my objective is to create desktop like web apps. Thanks in advance for any good view points!
Desktop apps are built with frameworks that are of the same quality as those from SproutCore, Cappuccino, etc.
If you want to build desktop quality apps with true MVC architecture you can either write your own framework on top of a library, or start with a framework someone else has written. (SproutCore was originally built on top of jQuery for example)
The best part of a true framework is that the build tools can include only the pieces needed to run your app resulting in very small code with rapid load times.
Seeing as you are still learning Javascript, I would suggest that you continue to work with Javascript, and try out tools like jQuery, and then depending on the individual application you are working on, evaluate whether you need to use a more full featured desktop style Javascript framework at that time - something that will require a knowledge of jQuery/Prototype/etc to evaluate.
IMHO, those JS frameworks you mentioned are overrated bloatware.
I would wholeheartedly recommend that you learn JQuery instead.
It is a much more minimallistic and elegant framework.
Also, by the time IE 9 finally ships earlier next year, all the browsers
will be supporting most of the HTML5 standard, including offline storage and
websockets, making such complex frameworks completely unnecesary.

