Iterate over json object having an object - javascript

I have the following json output from an ajax call ,
{17: {access: "1",id: "2"}}
I'd like to iterate and get value of id , I am using below code but I get error of undefined in console .
$(obj).each(function(i, val) {
What am I doing wrong ?

You can do it like this:
var obj = {17: {access: "1",id: "2"}}
// Native JS
for (var k in obj) {
// JQuery
// Documentaion:
$.each(obj, function(i, val) {
<script src=""></script>
Hope it helps, any questions?
As requested I'd like to point out that the term "JSON-Object" doesn't realy exist. You are using a simple JavaScript-Object, wich can be made of an JSON-String 😇

In this case you should use $.each from jQuery utils
var obj = {17: {access: "1",id: "2"}}
$.each(obj, function(i, val) {
<script src=""></script>

You have to use $.each(array, callback):
var obj = {
17: { id: "2", access: "1" },
23: { id: "8" }
$.each(obj, function(i, val) {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Try the below code.
var obj = {17: {access: "1",id: "2"}};
if( $.isPlainObject(obj) ) {
$(obj).each(function(i, val) {
else {
console.log('invalid Object');

A solution with Object.keys() and Array.prototype.some() in a recursion style.
var object = { 17: { access: "1", id: "2" } };
function find(p, o) {
var result;
Object.keys(o).some(function (k) {
if (k === p) {
result = o[k];
return true;
if (typeof o[k] === 'object') {
result = find(p, o[k]);
return result;
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(find('id', object), 0, 4) + '</pre>');

You are making an jQuery object of your JSON and then iterating over that jQuery object. Take a look at the API docs of jQuery.each():
You are supposed to use it like this:
jQuery.each(object, callback)
Where object is the object to iterate over and callback is the callback function to be run for every key in object.
var obj = {
17: {
access: "1",
id: "2"
18: {
access: "2",
id: "5"
$.each(obj, function(i, val) {
document.body.innerHTML += + "<br>";
<script src=""></script>


Can an objects property, which is a function, be recursively called within itself?

I keep getting an error "Uncaught TypeError: this.setTestType is not a function" when trying to recursively call my setTestType function in my object.
Is recursion not allowed when defining a function as an object property and trying to call itself?
var resultGaAuto = [{
bestPracticeID: "344033"
var resultAuto = [{
bestPracticeID: "111111"
var AST = {
handleSave: function() {
var data = {};
var gaRecords = this.processResults(resultGaAuto);
var autoRecords = this.processResults(resultAuto);
var testTypeGaRecords = this.setTestType(gaRecords, 5);
var testTypeAutoRecords = this.setTestType(autoRecords, 4);
data.records = Object.assign({}, testTypeGaRecords,
setTestType: function(obj, num) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === "testResult") {
return (obj[key] = num);
return this.setTestType(obj[key], num);
processResults: function(results) {
var records = {};
$.each(results, function(i, result) {
records[result.bestPracticeID] = records[result.bestPracticeID] || {
violation: {
violationID: result.bestPracticeID
instances: []
lineNumber: 1,
element: "testEl",
attribute: "testAttr",
xpath: "testPath",
testResult: 3
return records;
<script src=""></script>
The bound context of your anonymous function should be AST
setTestType: function(obj, num) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === "testResult") {
return (obj[key] = num);
return this.setTestType(obj[key], num);
}.bind(AST)); // see the bound context!
Can an objects property, which is a function, be recursively called within itself?
Yes. There is no technical limitation here. Just incorrect code.
Uncaught TypeError: this.setTestType is not a function
this is wrong.
setTestType: function(obj, num) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === "testResult") {
return (obj[key] = num);
return AST.setTestType(obj[key], num);
Read up on this :

show nested json data in treeview in javascript

i have nested json data. i used the blow function.
var jsonSource={"error_code":0, "ext_info":{"name":{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Jonson","nickName":"JJ"}}};
var obj=JSON.parse(jsonSource),returnValue;
function showJson(obj){
for(var key in obj){
if(typeof obj[key]==='object'){
} else{
as i said before , i have a large nested json data and when i parse it to showJson function ,it just shows one level of json data and puts others deep level of dataJson undefined.
what should i do to resolve the problem?
Recursive approach works more intuitively when done with actual return values. Have a look at
var jsonSource='{"error_code":0, "ext_info":{"name":{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Jonson","nickName":"JJ"}}}';
var obj=JSON.parse(jsonSource);
function showJson(obj){
var returnValue='';
for(var key in obj){
if(typeof obj[key]==='object'){
} else{
return returnValue;
document.getElementById('data').innerHTML= showJson(obj);
jsonSource should be a string to be properly parsable as JSON data
typo in docoument.getElementById('data').innerHTML=returnValue;
Some of your problems:
jsonSource is already an object
you try to assign the returnValue in every call of showJson
Better to use a clean approach for looping and returning of the items:
var obj = { "error_code": 0, "ext_info": { "name": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Jonson", "nickName": "JJ" } } };
function showObj(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function (k) {
if (typeof obj[k] === 'object') {
return k + ':<br><div style="margin-left: 25px;">' + showObj(obj[k]) + '</div>';
return k + ': ' + obj[k];
document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = showObj(obj);
<div id="data"></div>
// obj is the object to loop, ul is the ul to append lis to
function loop(obj, ul) {
$.each(obj, function(key, val) {
if(val && typeof val === "object") { // object, call recursively
var ul2 = $("<ul>").appendTo(
loop(val, ul2);
} else {
var ul = $("<ul>");
var jsonSource={"error_code":0, "ext_info":{"name":{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Jonson","nickName":"JJ"}}};
var data=JSON.parse(jsonSource)
loop(data, ul);

get specific text from value with javascript

I have a json.json file like this
And this script im using to read the file
<script type='text/javascript'>
$.getJSON("json.json", function(person){
This script is made to point out all of the data from "name3" but i need only "dr3" value from "name3" to be stored to be written.
How to do that?
You can store it like this using combination of split() calls.
var dr3val = person.name3.split("&")[2].split("=")[1];
console.log(dr3val); // "Sting3"
The above will work if the order is same. Else you can use the below
var dr3val = person.name3.replace(/.*?dr3=(.+)?&.*/,"$1");
console.log(dr3val); // "Sting3"
You should change your json to this:
"ts1" : "Hallo",
"ts2" : "Hillarry",
"ts3" : "Sting",
"ts4" : "Storm"
this way it makes your jsonstring much easier to use.
Get the data from it like this:
var json = {
var name3 = json.name3.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < name3.length; i++) {
if (name3[i].indexOf("dr3=") > -1) {
var value = name3[i].replace("dr3=", "");
Implement this jQuery plugin i made for a similar case i had to solve some time ago. This plugin has the benefit that it handles multiple occurring variables and gathers them within an array, simulating a webserver behaviour.
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function($) {
$.StringParams = function(string) {
if (string == "") return {};
var result = {},
matches = string.split('&');
for(var i = 0, pair, key, value; i < matches.length; i++) {
pair = matches[i].split('=');
key = pair[0];
if(pair.length == 2) {
value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
} else {
value = null;
switch($.type(result[key])) {
case 'undefined':
result[key] = value;
case 'array':
result[key] = [result[key], value];
return result;
Then in your code do:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var attributes3;
$.getJSON("json.json", function(person){
attributes3 = $.StringParams(person.name3)
Underscore solution:, function(query) { //map the value of each property in json object
return _.object( //to an object created from array
query.split('&') //resulting from splitting the query at &
.map(function(keyval) { //and turning each of the key=value parts
return keyval.split('='); //into a 2-element array split at the equals.
The result of the query.split... part is
[ [ 'ts1', 'Hallo'], ['ts2', 'Hillarry'], ... ]
Underscore's _.object function turns that into
{ ts1: 'Hallo', ts2: 'Hillarry', ... }
The end result is
name1: { ts1: 'hHallo', ts2: 'Hillarry, ...},
name2: { ...
Now result can be obtained with object.name3.dr3.
Avoiding Underscore
However, if you hate Underscore or don't want to use it, what it's doing with and _.object is not hard to replicate, and could be a useful learning exercise. Both use the useful Array#reduce function.
function object_map(object, fn) {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function(result, key) {
result[key] = fn(object[key]);
return result;
}, {});
function object_from_keyvals(keyvals) {
return keyvals.reduce(function(result, v) {
result[v[0]] = v[1];
return result;
}, {});
var person={
var pN = person.name3;
var toSearch = 'dr3';
var ar = pN.split('&');
var result = '';
for(var i=0; i< ar.length; i++)
if(ar[i].indexOf(toSearch) >= 0 )

jquery each not working propertly while looping through

I am not able to figure out, why this code (only js) is not running -
populateList: function () {
var accData = [{ A: "A1" }, { B: "B1"}];
$.each(accData, function (index) {
You javascript/jquery code has multiple issues. have a look at this
var populateList = function () {
var accData = [{ A: "A1" }, { B: "B1"}];
$.each(accData, function (index) {
for(var value in accData[index]){
I would rather suggest you to rectify the issues your self and ask in comment.
You can use $.each to loop arrays and objects:
$.each(accData, function(i, obj) {
$.each(obj, function(k, value) {
I doubt you'll end up using alert, you probably want the values to do something with them, so you can put them in an array. Here's an alternative re-usable approach in plain JavaScript:
var values = function(obj) {
var result = [];
for (var i in obj) {
return result;
var flatten = function(xs) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], xs);
var result = flatten(;
console.log(result); //=> ["A1", "B1"]
populateList: function () {
function populateList() {
function populateList() {
var accData = [{
A: "A1"
}, {
B: "B1"
var len = accData.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
$.each(accData[i], function (key, value){
//key will return key like A,B and value will return values assigned
Updated fiddle here.
Since your array element is object, try this solution:
var populateList = function () {
var accData = [{ A: "A1" }, { B: "B1"}];
$.each(accData, function (index) {
for(var ele in accData[index]){
try something like this
var accData = [{ A: "A1" }, { B: "B1"}];
$.each(accData, function (index,obj) {
$.each(obj, function(key, value) {
alert(key + '' + value);

Convert JSON empty array to empty string

I have some JSON that looks like this:
"ST": "Security",
"C1": "Login failures",
"C2": "1",
"C3": {},
"P1": "2",
"P2": "administrator",
"P3": {},
"P4": {},
"DESCR": "failed login attempts",
"SID": "88",
"AV": "NO",
"SC": "0",
"CN": {}
I also have this jQuery loop to filter out values:
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
var innerArr = [];
$.each(value, function(innerKey, innerValue) {
The problem is that on items C3, P3, P4 & CN in my example, the each loop is pushing the value [object Object] into my value collection.
Is there a way to make these items empty strings rather than objects?
You could use:
if(typeof innerValue == "object") innerValue = JSON.stringify(innerValue);
The stringify method of the JSON object turns an object into a string. The empty object {} will turn in "{}". If you want to add an empty string instead, use:
if(typeof innerValue == "object"){
innerValue = JSON.stringify(innerValue);
if(innerValue == "{}") innerValue = "";
If you're 100% sure that your object is empty, you don't have to use JSON.stringify. typeof innerValue == "onject" would then be sufficient, to check whether you have to add "" instead of innerValue.
An alternative method to check whether an object is empty or not:
if(typeof innerValue == "object"){
var isEmpty = true;
for(var i in innerValue){
isEmpty = false;
if(isEmpty) innerValue = "";
else {
//Object not empty, consider JSON.stringify
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
var innerArr = [];
$.each(value, function(innerKey, innerValue) {
if (typeof innerValue == 'object') {
innerValue = '';
FYI, you can use .parseJSON function and get results easily
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON('{"ST":"Security"}');
alert( obj.ST === "Security" );
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
var innerArr = [];
$.each(value, function(innerKey, innerValue) {
innerValue = ($.isEmptyObject(innerValue)) ? '' : innerValue;
If you didn't want to rely on jQuery's isEmptyObject() function, you could implement one yourself:
Object.size = function(obj) {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
// Get the size of an object
var size = Object.size(myArray);
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
var innerArr = [];
$.each(value, function(innerKey, innerValue) {
What is the inside loop for? It loops on each single letter of the String values.
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
var innerArr = [];
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(value)) {
value = '';
Anyway you can use jQuery.isEmptyObject() to test easily if value is an empty object and modify it to an empty string.

