Setting content of an element in tinymce textarea - javascript

I have a tinymce textarea (TinyMCE 3.5.11) that contains an element like
<span id="lastreplytimeee">...</span>
I need to access and change the content of this element using the span id as selector.
I have tried things like
tinyMCE.DOM.setHTML('lastreplytime', $input.val());
None worked.
Any suggestions?
this line is within .ready:
$().ready(function() {
format:'Y-m-d H:i:s',
document.getElementById("lastreplytimeee").innerHTML = $input.val();

1.Maybe try it,this code gets TinyMCE content and then replace some elements (TinyMCE 5)
`<span id="lastreplytimeee">` + newValue + `</span>`)
2.or use this
tinymce.get('TinyMceID').dom.setHTML("lastreplytimeee", "newValue");

document.getElementById("id") gets the reference to that particular tag.
.innerHTML is to say assign value or display values in the HTML at that particular div you are referring to above.
Try to use-
document.getElementById("lastreplytimeee").innerHTML = $input.val();
If you are using jQuery, try this-
$("#lastreplytimeee").html = $input.val();
Hope it helps :) Happy Coding!

Found the solution, tinymce requires its dom utility to access and play with an element inside it, like:
tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.setHTML('selector'), 'some inner html');


Regex in javascript replace function

Am newbie to regex am trying to do some regex replace function in java script here is my content and code
jQuery("td[headers='name_head']").each(function (index, value) {
var text = jQuery(this).html();
if( text.indexOf('<a href=') >= 0){
jQuery(this).text(text.replace(/<a href=.*\"$/, ""));
Html content will be look like this
Calculate Points
i just want to remove only the value inside href ""
Please throw some light on this
The text() method just retrieves the text contents which doesn't include any HTML tags. You can use html() method with a callback function where you can get the old HTML content as the second argument to the callback and based on the old value generate updated HTML.
The better way is to update the href attribute value of a tag to empty by directly selecting them, there is no need to loop over them since all values need to be empty.
jQuery("td[headers='name_head'] a").attr('href', '');
UPDATE 1 : In case you want to iterate and do some operation based on condition then do something like this.
jQuery("td[headers='name_head'] a").each(function(){
if(//your ondition){
$(this).attr('href', '');
if(//your ondition){
$('a', this).attr('href', '');
UPDATE 2 : If you want to remove the entire attribute then use removeAttr('href') method which removes the entire attribute itself.
jQuery("td[headers='name_head'] a").removeAttr('href');
Why would you reinvent the wheel?
You don't need regex to achieve this, you can simply do it this way:
jQuery("td[headers='name_head'] a").attr('href', '');
It will set href to "" for all <a> elements inside td[headers='name_head'] so it will always respect your condition.
I haven't tested this code; but something like this should help, don't think you need to use regex for this;
var href = $(this).attr('href');
// do something with href
This piece of code selects all elements which have the class DisableItemLink with a location set and sets it to blank.
I am curious as to what you are trying to do in the larger scheme of things though, sounds like there might be better ways to go about it.
Reference: some good selector combinations for links

How can I replace the content of a div instead append a value using JQuery?

I am pretty new in JQuery and I have the following problem.
I have create this JQuery function that when the user select a file into an input tag having id=rendicontoAllegato it put the name of this file into an hidden div having id=nomeDocumentoRendicontazione into my page
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#rendicontoAllegato").change(function() {
alert("DOCUMENTO dopo selezione: " + $("#nomeDocumentoRendicontazione").text());
var selectedFileName = $("#rendicontoAllegato").val();
It works fine but the only problem is that if I first select something asfile1.txt and then select another file as file2.txt into the div having id=nomeDocumentoRendicontazione I will have the concatenation of the 2 files name.
So I will have something like file1.txtfile2.txt and it is not good for me.
How can I replace the value of the div having id=nomeDocumentoRendicontazione instead to append a new value inside it?
You can use the .text() fn if you are dealing with with your data to be inserted as text or .html() fn if you are dealing with html to be replaced
Use html() instead of append().
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#rendicontoAllegato").change(function() {
alert("DOCUMENTO dopo selezione: " + $("#nomeDocumentoRendicontazione").text());
var selectedFileName = $("#rendicontoAllegato").val();
You have to use
it will replace the already present HTML of that. OR you can use
it will do the same but append your data as text.

Grabbing text from a span tag

I have some code for Javascript using jQuery, and I've been wondering how to fix an element of it.
var dataGiven = +$("span.cost-in-usd:first-child").text();
However, the span tag is:
<span class="cost-in-usd" data-se="product-usd-value">42</span>
Is there a way of modifying my code in order for it to recognise data-se?
Yes, use data.
var datase = $('.cost-in-usd').data('se');
Some links;
Here's a jsfiddle
The following will return the value of attribute

How to get the content of a Tinymce textarea with JavaScript

i have an array of content then how we get content of Tinymce textarea in javascript
I solved it with code:
// Get the HTML contents of the currently active editor
// Get the raw contents of the currently active editor
tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent({format : 'raw'});
// Get content of a specific editor:
tinyMCE.get('content id').getContent()
the activeEditor is current editor,but i use tinyMCE.get('editor1').getContent() can not get the value of my editor, hope it can help you
Tinymce API:
lets say your mce textarea instance is:
<textarea id="editor1" ....></textarea>
then you get the content as follows:
var content = tinyMCE.getContent('editor1');
if you mean you have multiple instances of mce editor on one page and you want to get content then try this approach:
var inst, contents = new Object();
for (inst in tinyMCE.editors) {
if (tinyMCE.editors[inst].getContent)
contents[inst] = tinyMCE.editors[inst].getContent();
the above code adds each editor content into an array
I had the same problem. I have solved using this code:
Source: spocke is the author
You may use:
In my case (v4.3.12), none of the above worked, so I did a workaround:
Html code:
<div id="wrapper">
<textarea id="editable_container" name="editable_container"></textarea>
JQuery code:
var iframe = $('#editable_container_ifr');
var editorContent = $('#tinymce[data-id="editable_container"]', iframe.contents()).html();
Where editable_container is my tinyMCE editor's placeholder textarea, the editable area's iframe id is generated from adding a _ifr postfix to the placeholder's id, and the content-editable container (which contains the formatted text), has an id tinymce with a data-id attribute of the placeholder's id.
Use the getContent() method from the TinyMCE API.
Let’s say you have initialized the editor on a textarea with id=”myTextarea”. First access the editor using that same id, then call getContent(). For example:
var myContent = tinymce.get('myTextarea').getContent();
Or, instead of accessing the editor by id, you can access the active editor:
var myContent = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent();
If want to get the TinyMCE content without the HTML tags, you can pass in a parameter to indicate that you want the result in plaintext. For example:
var myContent = tinymce.get('myTextarea').getContent({format: 'text'});
More info and examples here:
This work for me for version 4 (9.8):
var Content = tinyMCE.editors['Your_ID'].getContent();
For version 4.1.9, this is what worked for me:
$('button').click(() => {
const out3 = tinyMCE.get('bobt').getContent(); //*MUST* be an ID, not a class
<textarea id="bobt" class="tinymce"></textarea>
<div id="outx"><button>Get it</button></div>
<div id="out"></div>
.get() requires an ID, not a class
tinymce.get() or tinyMCE.get() both work -- uppercasing the MCE does not matter
If you are more familiar with (and are using the jquery wrapper), you can also do this using this:
Where (editor1) is your selector.

jQuery: Using Selectors on HTML from an Attribute

I have some HTML that is stored as an attribute on a tag. I can access it in jQuery using
This looks like this:
"<span id='spantest\user' tabindex='-1' contentEditable='false' class='ms-entity-resolved' title='test\user'><div style='display:none;' id='divEntityData' key='test\user' displaytext='Test User' isresolved='True' description='test\user'><div data=''></div></div><span id='content' tabindex='-1' contenteditable onMouseDown='onMouseDownRw();' onContextMenu='onContextMenuSpnRw();' >Test User</span></span>"
I would need the value of the key attribute (test\user). Can I somehow tell jQuery to parse a block of HTML and apply selectors to it? I found I can wrap it into a new jQuery object by wrapping it into another $(): $($("input[id$='_myField_hiddenSpanData']").attr("value")) but I still did not manage to apply a selector on it.
Any hints? And no, sadly I do not control the markup that generates the hidden field.
Wrap your crappy markup with a jQuery object, and then use the find function to apply a selector to it...
var crappyHtml = $("input[id$='_myField_hiddenSpanData']").attr("value");
var key = $(crappyHtml).find("div[key]").attr("key");
Try this:
var html = $("input[id$='_myField_hiddenSpanData']").attr("value");
var user = $(html).find("#divEntityData").attr("key");
alert("user=" + user);
You should be able to pass it as a context. Does this work?:
$('#divEntityData', $($("input[id$='_myField_hiddenSpanData']").attr("value"))).attr('key');

