Angularjs firing request without request data - javascript

First of all my apologies if the question is repeated.
I am making ajax requests using $q service.
UtilityService.requestCall('/test/encrypt-data', {'json_string' : data_to_encrypt, 'encryption_key' : window.localStorage.getItem("Mi_Encryption_Key")})
.then(function(encrypt_response) {
var requestConoce = parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("Mi_Cnonce")) + 1;
window.localStorage.setItem("Mi_Cnonce", requestConoce);
requestData['cnonce'] = requestConoce;
requestData['encrypted_data'] =;
return UtilityService.requestCall($scope.apiDetails.url, requestData, 'GET');
.then(function(api_response) {
var requestConoce = parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("Mi_Cnonce")) + 1;
window.localStorage.setItem("Mi_Cnonce", requestConoce);
return UtilityService.requestCall('/test/decrypt-data', {'encrypted_string' : api_response.encrypted_data, 'encryption_key' : window.localStorage.getItem('Mi_Encryption_Key') });
.then(function(decrypt_response) {
$scope.serverResponse = JSON.stringify(decrypt_response);
.catch(function(error) {
alert("Some Error");
MyApp.factory('UtilityService', ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
return {
requestCall: function(requestUrl, requestData, methodType) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var serverUrl = window.localStorage.getItem("Mi_Server_Url");
method: (methodType) ? methodType : "POST",
url: serverUrl + requestUrl,
data: requestData
.then(function(result) {
function(error) {
return deferred.promise;
I am making requests using the above code. It is working fine for the request "/test/encrypt-data"
But then request for $scope.apiDetails.url is not working. Request is made without any parameters But, I am sending all required parameters in requestData.
This code working for other (even I am sending the data) but not working for this request.
It seems angularjs requests two time for the same request once without data and other with data.
Please help for this strange issue. Please take a look on these images these are showing two different requests once with data and other without data.

First of all you are getting two requests because one of them is the OPTIONS call and one is the actual POST call. This is the normal behaviour and nothing to worry about.
The second request you are making is a GET request which cannot contain any POST-Data. This is just not supported by HTTP.
So depending on what the backend is expecting you could either turn that request into a POST request or you could add the data as GET parameters which is described here: in the Angular docs


Sometimes data does not populate from a database [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
AngularJS : returning data from service to controller
(2 answers)
Why are Callbacks from Promise `.then` Methods an Anti-Pattern
(2 answers)
Why are AngularJS $http success/error methods deprecated? Removed from v1.6?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
About 1 in every 10 times I refresh my project, the data from my database is not retrieved and I have to refresh the page again to get it. I tried adding a 101ms timeout onto the function which retrieves the data, and this worked- but also removed a lot of other functionality of the site.
The problem is that sometimes the page loads before the data is retrieved.
Is there a better way to solve this than using a timeout? My code for the POST is below:
get_data: function (kpi, date_from, date_to, callback) {
var config = {
method: 'POST',
url: '/getData',
data: {
kpi: kpi,
date_from: date_from,
date_to: date_to
.success(function (data) {
.error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
console.log(data, status, headers, config);
And then where this method is called (currently with the timeout, which is breaking other site functionality):
$scope.update_all_data = $timeout(function(){
$scope.show_loading = true;
var date_from = findDateUnix($scope.myDateFrom, $scope.availableDates);
var date_to = findDateUnix($scope.myDateTo, $scope.availableDates);
UpdateSvc.get_data($scope.kpi_selected, date_from, date_to, function(res){
raw_data = [];
if(res.raw_data != null) {
if(res.raw_data.length > 0){
raw_data = res.raw_data;
skey_data = [];
if(res.skey_data != null) {
skey_data = res.skey_data;
var num = $scope.show_tab.indexOf(true);
$scope.filtering = generateCategories();
$scope.display_nodata = false;
$('.md-datepicker-input').prop('disabled', true);
//Take out loading
$scope.show_loading = false;
}, 100);
$scope.display_nodata = true;
$timeout(function(){ $scope.show_loading = false;}, 100);
$scope.display_nodata = true;
$timeout(function(){ $scope.show_loading = false;}, 100);
}, 101);
The problem is that sometimes the page loads before the data is retrieved.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. In an AngularJS application, the entire page must be loaded before AngularJS even begins to work. So your data (retreived with $http) will ALWAYS be loaded after the page loads, unless it is injected server-side.
I don't think you are having any issues retrieving the data from $http. You can easily confirm this by eliminating or commenting out all the code that does not deal directly with data retrieval. I would also strongly recommend the following changes:
First, using callbacks with $http is an antipattern: Why are Callbacks from Promise `.then` Methods an Anti-Pattern
(Note: newer versions of AngularJS use then/catch instead of success/error)
You should, instead use the built-in promise system. Calls to $http return a promise object that can be used directly like so:
get_data: function (kpi, date_from, date_to) {
var config = {
method: 'POST',
url: '/getData',
data: {
kpi: kpi,
date_from: date_from,
date_to: date_to
// return the $http call
return $http(config)
.error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
console.log(data, status, headers, config);
There is not really any reason to call $timeout in update_all_data function. You are adding 101 seconds AFTER your $http call has already returned. All that does is delay the display of the data further. Here, we are also calling the success function on the promise returned from the $http call in the service:
$scope.update_all_data = function(){
var date_from = findDateUnix($scope.myDateFrom, $scope.availableDates);
var date_to = findDateUnix($scope.myDateTo, $scope.availableDates);
UpdateSvc.get_data($scope.kpi_selected, date_from, date_to).success(function(data) {
If this works and your data is logged 10/10 times then the issue is not with data retreival, it is with the rest of the code in your update_all_data function.

Faild to load - Cross origin requests are- Angular.js 1.x - ngRoute

i know this is already asked question in SO. but my doubt is, when i try i to fetch data from external server i can get it without any problem and i can able to populate the data in table with ng-repeat. but once again am doing the same to get some other data(audio - .ogg) with different url it showing Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-
am using ngRoute for below $http i can get data.
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope) {
$scope.message = 'Hello from HomeController';
.then(function(response) {
$scope.externalAPIData =;
$scope.sortByTitle = 'title';
$scope.searchByUserName = '';
$scope.sortReverse = false;
same approach is not working for below
app.controller('BlogController', function($scope,$http) {
$scope.message = 'Hello from BlogController';
$http.get('' ).success(function (data){
$scope.medianew = (m) {
m.url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(m.url);
return m;
for that i try to access the data from given url, i just change it to call from my local json as below
"audioSourceName": "sample 1",
}, {
"audioSourceName": "sample 2",
} ]
to achieve above, i know I've to do some server works(node.js) but no idea about that.
this is what i referred to achieve locally
i don't know why the same approach has throwing CROS error for different url.
pls don't down vote it.
fiddle or plunker example would helpful to understand.
Thanks all
You cannot get the video resource with $http.
In $http instead of using "" as url use "" and then change the url of the element.
$http.get(<url-to-load-json-from>).success(function (data){
$scope.medianew = (m) {
m.url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(m.url); // m.url is the url of the video
return m;
CORS exception was coming as you were fetching media file not json from $http.get.

AngularJs http request concats my data into a JSON key

Sometimes a behavior is so bizarre that I don't even know how to begin to google it. I'm fairly new at Angular, and I am trying to send POST data to my node server from the client. Here is the controller on the client side:
var app = angular.module("groomer", []);
app.controller("gCtrl", function($scope, $http) {
$["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
$scope.send = function() {
method : "POST",
url : "/gUpdate",
data: {
}).then(function success(response) {
}, function error(response) {
What I naively imagine ought to show up at the server is:
req.body = {
But things get weird. What actually shows up at the server as the request body is:
In case it takes you a second to see what's happening here, that's all of my JSON keys and data in an object, double-quoted, escaped, concatenated as a string, and passed to the server inside an object as a JSON key corresponding to an empty value.
var lifeMakesSense = {gName:'a',gPhone:'b',gWebsite:'c',gEmail:'d',gCustAcct:'e',gAddress:'f',gNotes:'g'}
var waitNo = "{\"gName\":\"a\",\"gPhone\":\"b\",\"gWebsite\":\"c\",\"gEmail\":\"d\",\"gCustAcct\":\"e\",\"gAddress\":\"f\",\"gNotes\":\"g\"}"
var whatEven = {waitNo:""} // nailed it

Not Able to receive data from api server( with public ip) using ngReouce

I know this question in naive, but i stuck and new to angular. I search enough but not able to comeup with solution.
var app=angular.module('myApp',['ngResource']);
app.controller('myCtrl',['$scope','$resource',function ($scope,$resource) {
// body...
var data= $resource('http://ip/category/something',{"p1":76,"p3":9}, { charge: { method: 'POST' } });
I am not able to fetch the data from the server and it return a function.
I need explanation if it is possible.
the problem you have is that the $resource service isnt a function that returns data from a request, it returns a $resource object, that has predefined methods to make those requests.
heres how you should do it to get what your looking for
var app=angular.module('myApp',['ngResource']);
app.controller('myCtrl',['$scope','$resource','$q',function($scope,$resource,$q) {
// body...
var data,
dataResource = $resource('http://ip/category/something',{"p1":76,"p3":9}, { charge: { method: 'POST' } });
data = dataResource.get();
or something like that.

Wrap angular $resource requests not returning POST data

I'm working on wrapping my $resource requests in a simple wrapper. The main idea
is to be able to add some logic before the request is made. I've followed the nice article written by Nils.
Here you can see a service definition to access the REST API module.
resources.factory('Device', ['RequestWrapper', '$resource', 'lelylan.config', function(RequestWrapper, $http, config) {
var resource = $resource(config.endpoint + '/devices/:id', { id: '#id' });
return RequestWrapper.wrap(resource, ['get', 'query', 'save', 'delete']);
And here you can see the request wrapper definition.
resources.factory('RequestWrapper', ['AccessToken', function(AccessToken) {
var requestWrapper = {};
var token;
requestWrapper.wrap = function(resource, actions) {
token = AccessToken.initialize();
var wrappedResource = resource;
for (var i=0; i < actions.length; i++) { request(wrappedResource, actions[i]); };
return wrappedResource;
var request = function(resource, action) {
resource['_' + action] = resource[action];
resource[action] = function(param, data, success, error) {
(AccessToken.get().access_token) ? setAuthorizationHeader() : deleteAuthorizationHeader()
return resource['_' + action](param, data, success, error);
var setAuthorizationHeader = function() {
$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token.access_token;
var deleteAuthorizationHeader = function() {
delete $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization']
return requestWrapper;
Everything works just fine for the GET and DELETE methods (the ones that does not returns
a body seems), but I can't get $save working. What happens is that when the JSON of the
created resources returns it is not added. I have only the data I've set on the creation
phase. Let me make an example.
In this case we use the wrapped resource. If I try to get the #updated_at attribute I can't
see it. In the Chrome inspector I can see how the resource is successfully created.
$scope.device = new Device({ name: 'Angular light', type: 'http://localhost:9000/types/50bf5af4d033a95486000002' });
$scope.device.$save(function(){ console.log('Device Wrapped', $scope.device.created_at) });
# => undefined
If I use $resource everything works fine.
// Suppose authorization is already set
var Resource = $resource('http://localhost\\:9000/devices/:id');
$scope.resource = new Resource({ name: 'Angular light', type: 'http://localhost:9000/types/50bf5af4d033a95486000002' });
$scope.resource.$save(function(){ console.log('Device Base', $scope.resource.created_at); });
# => 2013-02-09T12:26:01Z
I started to check the angular-resource.js code but after few hours I couldn't really figure
it out. I can't get why the body is returned, but in the wrapper resource it is not accessible.
Any idea or help would be appreciated. Thanks.
While diving into AngularJS source code I've found the solution.
The problem was that the wrapper was returning a function instead of an object and this was giving some problems. The solution is to change the following row in the Wrapper:
return resource['_' + action](param, data, success, error);
with this one:
return resource['_' + action].call(this, params, data, success, error);
Why? The fast answer is because in the source code of angular-resource they use it. Actually #call run the function sending this to the calling object. It is often used to initialize an object. Learn more here.

