Onchange events for multiple textboxes - javascript

here's my javascript
function disp(s)
var st=document.getElementById("stats");
document.getElementById("sp").innerHTML="this is changing :"+s;
and here's my front end
Rain Guage Status
<select id="stats" onchange="disp('oth')"><option>
<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter the status briefly" style="display:none" id="oth">
<td><select id="expo" onchange="disp('othe')"><option>
<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter the exposure briefly" style="display:none" id="othe">
the problem i'm facing is that exposure texbox opens up only when rainguage textbox is displayed... there's no relation to both of dropdowns except for the function which takes the id of textbox to display.
like if rainguage tb is displayed and exposure tb is displayed, i cannot hide exposure tb unless i hide rainguage tb. please help

It's because you are getting the element by id stats. Instead you can pass the element with your function.
<select id="stats" onchange="disp(this, 'oth')">
<select id="expo" onchange="disp(this, 'othe')">
and Update your function like this :
function disp(ele,s)
//var st=document.getElementById("stats"); No need for this line
var st=ele.options[ele.selectedIndex].text; //use ele from here
document.getElementById("sp").innerHTML="this is changing :"+s;

use onchange event for multiple select as follows.
1.give same class name for all select as below.
<select id="stats" class='select-box">
<select id="expo" class='select-box">
2.use jquery onchange function
$( ".select-box" ).change(function() {
alert( "option selected" );


How to submit textbox value instead of "Other" to database

The following html code is part of a form, which sends the information to a java servlet and updates sql database. It is a dropdown menu. When the user selects "Other", javascript makes a textbox appear so that the user can specify more detail. However, when user presses submit button, in the database, it simply says "Other" instead of what the user entered in the text box. Help is appreciated, thanks!
<script type="text/javascript">
function showfield(name){
if (name == 'Other')
document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML = 'Please Specify: <input type="text" name="other" />';
document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML = '';
<select id="description" name="description" onchange="showfield(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)" required>
<option disabled selected value> ---Select--- </option>
<option value="Accommodation">Accommodation</option>
<option value="Travel">Travel</option>
<option value="Meal Allowanced">Meal Allowances</option>
<option value="Flat Rate">Flat Rate Expenses</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<div id="div1"></div>
I think the field you're checking on the server is "description" which is the name of your select. Which is indeed set to "Other" (this is the value of the selected option).
I would have written it a bit differently but with the current code you need to name the input with some other name and check that one on your server, or change the selected option value.
Example change for client code:
<select id="description" name="description" required>
<option disabled selected value> ---Select--- </option>
<option value="Accommodation">Accommodation</option>
<option value="Travel">Travel</option>
<option value="Meal Allowanced">Meal Allowances</option>
<option value="Flat Rate">Flat Rate Expenses</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<div id="div1">
Please Specify: <input type="text" name="otherDescription" />
document.querySelector('#description').addEventListener('change', function (evt) {
var inputWrapper = document.getElementById('div1'),
input = inputWrapper.querySelector('input);
if (evt.target.value == 'Other') {
document.getElementById('div1').style.display = '';
} else {
document.getElementById('div1').style.display = 'none';
input.value = '';
The you need to check 'otherDescription' on the server.
Hope it helps
Assuming that all of this markup is contained within a <form> element that will be submitted to the server, you should be able to simply check to see if the value posted for description is "Other" and then read the posted value for other.
The code will vary depending on your server-side implementation.

How can I put the selected option of a <select> from a dynamically generated form into an input field

I have a form, where you can dynamically add steps by clicking a button. Each step contains different input fields. One step has a ,which is filled with some options like this.
<select id="zutatenListe" name="zutatenListe" onchange="updateZutaten()">
<option value="0">Tomate</option>
<option value="1">Brot</option>
It is possible that there are multiple of it, all with the same id and name.
Next to the select, there is always an input field like this:
<input id="selectedZutat" type="text" value="" name="wiegen_zutat[]">
What I want to make is that when you change the selected option, your selected option will be shown only in the input element next to the changed select. It works for the first one, but for all other selects, it doesn't. My code is this:
function updateZutaten(){
var eingabe;
eingabe = $("#zutatenListe option:selected").text();
$( "#selectedZutat").val(eingabe);
My guess is that it only works for the first select element, because the other select elements have the same id. Has anyone an idea how to take care of this problem?
Please don't get confused by the German names, but I'm from Germany.
Thank you everyone :)
Identifiers must be unique and as you are using jquery bind event using it.
Add a common class to target the <select> element, this will help you select them using Class Selector (".class") and bind event using it, then you can use .next() target the next <input> element.
Here in exmple I have added zutatenListe class to <select> element.
$(function() {
$(document).on('change', '.zutatenListe', function() {
var text = $(this).find("option:selected").text();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<select class="zutatenListe" name="zutatenListe">
<option value="0">Tomate</option>
<option value="1">Brot</option>
<input class="selectedZutat" type="text" value="" name="wiegen_zutat[]">
<select class="zutatenListe" name="zutatenListe">
<option value="0">Tomate</option>
<option value="1">Brot</option>
<input class="selectedZutat" type="text" value="" name="wiegen_zutat[]">
Maybe work on the change() event?
$("#zutatenListe").change( function () {
var eingabe;
eingabe = $("#zutatenListe option:selected").text();
$( "#selectedZutat").val(eingabe);
So it will always set the selected option when the change event fires?
Use unique ID attributes for each set of input and selects. HTML and Jquery require this.
HTML4 Spec
HTML5 Spec
Here's a way to do it in JavaScript.
function updateZutaten(element) {
var option = element.options[element.selectedIndex];
var parent = element.parentElement;
var textBox = parent.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
textBox.value = option.text;
.formItems {
.formItems li {
border-bottom:1px solid #EEE;
padding: 10px 0;
<form id="myForm">
<ul class='formItems'>
<select id="zutatenListe"
<option value="">--Choose--</option>
<option value="0">Tomate</option>
<option value="1">Brot</option>
<input id="selectedZutat"
type="text" value=""
<select id="zutatenListe"
<option value="">--Choose--</option>
<option value="0">Tomate</option>
<option value="1">Brot</option>
<input id="selectedZutat"
type="text" value=""

Javascript producing a value into a form textbox on selection

Trying to figure out how I can produce text dynamically in a text box of a form using javascript.
I want to select a type of event from a dropdown list which I have made and on that selection a value be input in to the textbox of the form for eventprice.
So far this is what I have but I have no value being produced in the textbox any help appreciated.
function totalprice(){
if($('#type').val() == '3'){
$('#eventprice') == ("45");
<input type="text" disabled="" id="eventprice" onChange="totalprice();" name="eventprice" class="form-input" />
If you don't mind using jQuery, it is going to be a breeze: you'll simply need to add the data attribute price to every option. What this function does is:
Compares the value of all options to the value currently visible in the select box when the value is changed.
If the values are the same, copies the data-attribute to the other input.
Working demo: http://jsbin.com/acuyux/6/edit
<select id="type">
<option data-price="25">Party</option>
<option data-price="35">Meeting</option>
<option data-price="45">Lounge</option>
<input type="text" id="eventprice" name="eventprice" disabled="" class="form-input" />
The JS
$('#type').change(function totalprice(){
$('option').each(function() {
if($(this).val() === $('#type').val()) {
I would recommend using jQuery due to its efficient code.
<input type="text" disabled id="eventprice" />
<select id="select">
<option data-cost="5">Event 1</option>
<option data-cost="10">Event 2</option>
$('#select').change(function () {
var str = $(this).find('option:selected').data('cost');
// This code can be used to run it on load
// $('#select').trigger('change');
Code in action:
Hope this helps :)
Modify the 3rd/4th line of your code to be $('#eventprice').val("45"); as suggested, except that the suggestion had a syntax error.

Javascript onchange select list

Please can someone help?
I have the below select list:
<td>Call Lead Type: </td>
<select name="CallLeadType" id="CallLeadType">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="LSG Service warm transfer from Claims">LSG Service warm transfer from Claims</option>
<option value="IVR Direct Call">IVR Direct Call</option>
<option value="Transfer from EE Agent">Transfer from EE Agent</option>
<option value="Dropped Line">Dropped Line</option>
<option value="Test Call from EE">Test Call from EE</option>
When the user selects "Transfer from EE Agent" I need four new input boxes to appear but not appear when any of the other options are selected?
So I assume it's an onchange code it needs?
I'm just not sure how
Thanks in advance for your help
You will require some javascript code to display other fields when a specific value is selected in combo box. I have used simple javacript code so that everyone can understand it quickly.
First add the other fileds within the table and hide them with style property display:none
<tr id="other_fields" style="display:none">
<td>Other Fields</td>
<input type="text" value="field1"/>
<input type="text" value="field2"/>
<input type="text" value="field3"/>
<input type="text" value="field4"/>
I have assigned this row an id other_fields, so in onchange event if the value matches with the required one then we will show it otherwise hide it.
Secondly, Add the following javascript function and call it in on load function. This will attach an ebent handler to this select box.
<script type="text/javascript">
function onload() {
document.getElementById("CallLeadType").onchange = function (e) {
if (this.value == 'Transfer from EE Agent') {
} else {
Finally in body tag call this function:
<body onload="onload()">
See the working example at:
Hope this helps
$('#CallLeadType').on('change', function()
if ( $('.CallLeadType option:selected').val() == 'Transfer from EE Agent' )
//create inputs here
you can use jquery
if ( $(this).val() == 'Transfer from EE Agent' )
//create inputs here
var Id=document.getElementById("CallLeadType");
var value = Id.options[Id.selectedIndex].text;
if(value=="Transfer from EE Agent"){
// your code to add textboxes
You could use this, this should be fired even you click on dropdown list and before blur event get fired (compared to simple onchange event):
{oninput event support: http://help.dottoro.com/ljhxklln.php}
var timeoutChange;
$('#CallLeadType').on('change input paste propertychange', function()
timeoutChange = setTimeout(function(){
//code your logic here
<td>Call Lead Type: </td>
<select name="CallLeadType" id="CallLeadType">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="LSG Service warm transfer from Claims">LSG Service warm transfer from Claims</option>
<option value="IVR Direct Call">IVR Direct Call</option>
<option value="Transfer from EE Agent">Transfer from EE Agent</option>
<option value="Dropped Line">Dropped Line</option>
<option value="Test Call from EE">Test Call from EE</option>
<input type="text" class="transferInput"/>
<input type="text" class="transferInput"/>
$('#CallLeadType').on('change', function(){
if ( $('#CallLeadType').val() == 'Transfer from EE Agent' ){
You need basically two things, an event (.change) which you can trigger when you change the value of the element 'select' and a pseudo-class (:selected) that permit to get the current value of your select, so you can create the correct condition that show the four inputs when you choose 'Transfer from EE Agent' and hide when you not select that option.
Change your Html in this way:
<td>Call Lead Type: </td>
<select name="CallLeadType" id="CallLeadType">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="LSG Service warm transfer from Claims">LSG Service warm transfer from Claims</option>
<option value="IVR Direct Call">IVR Direct Call</option>
<option value="Transfer from EE Agent">Transfer from EE Agent</option>
<option value="Dropped Line">Dropped Line</option>
<option value="Test Call from EE">Test Call from EE</option>
<!-- add the inputs and hide them -->
<div id="inputsTEEA" style="disply:hide">
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
var $inputsTEEA = $('#inputsTEEA');
// every time that you choose a different item in the select, this event is triggered
$select = $(this),
//pseudo class selected, you get the value of the currently option selected
valSelect = $select.find('option:selected').val();
if(valSelect == 'Transfer from EE Agent'){

How to add a hidden variable to input field

I had a working script, but I need to allow users to change a hidden variable if they choose to.
<select class="inputClass" size="1" id="f1a" name="Board">
<option value="Selected">Use</option>
<option value="Selected">--------------------------</option>
<option value="6">Floor Joist</option>
<option value="4">Wall</option>
<option value="8">Header</option>
<option value="4">Rafter</option>
So I added an input field.
<strong>Board Use</strong> <br>
<input class="inputClass" type="text" id="f1" value="" size="12" name="Board Use">
I have spent the last two weeks trying different codes to get f1a.value into f1 input field. Then the user can choose to leave my value or put his own value in.
Any suggestions.
You just need a simple onchange event on the select:
var f1a = document.getElementById("f1a");
var f1 = document.getElementById("f1");
f1a.onchange = function() {
f1.value = f1a.value;
This will call the onchange function anytime the user chooses a new value in the select. The input can be overwritten at anytime.

