Horizontal scroll bar page navigation with vertical scroll bars - javascript

So I have about 8 pages, more or less that I want the user to be able to scroll to each one horizontally. However each one of those 8 pages is also pretty long and needs a vertical scroll bar in each page as well. So when the user uses the horizontal scroll bar they should be able to navigate the different pages, but when using the vertical scroll bar they should be able to just scroll up and down on the page that they're viewing.
I looked at at fullpage.js and sly.js and I'm not really sure which one would be the best to achieve this kind of design. Also if anyone has any other suggestions on how to do this that'd be great too.

If you go for fullpage.js, it doesn't provide any horizontal scroll bar. You can scroll horizontally form one slide to another by using the keyboard arrows or by using any visual element in your site.
fullpage.js provides arrows by default to do so. But you can substitute them for any other element.
Then you can use the option scrollOverflow:true to allow the vertical scrolling within the slides.


Create responsive top menu in angular or anything else (like Chrome uses with bookmarks bar when you resize the page)

Can you direct me or give me some advice please on how to create a navigation bar (Angular 1, jQuery, css, etc) that behaves like Google Chrome bookmarks bar when the page is resized. Basically as the page size gets smaller a new button/symbol (>>) appears on the bar. Buttons from the right that cannot fit due to the smaller resolution move under the >> symbol. If you press the symbol a drop down appears with the hidden buttons. When the page reaches mobile resolution of course I will switch to mobile menu, but I need this step between the full menu and the mobile.
Google Chrome browser manages bookmarks bar view when you resize the page in a great way. If in Chrome you have a lot of bookmarks two arrows (>>) appear on the right side and when you make the window smaller more bookmarks hide under these arrows.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Making menu div overflow:auto would be simplest solution. Here's plunk for that
For your particular requirement, here is horizontal slider with arrows in the end to handle scroll

Adding a functional Scrollbar to a ListView for users who don't like touch scrolling

I have a requirement to add a scroll bar that is always visible and which can be directly used by mouse or touch to scroll the contents of a large ListView.
The normal way of scrolling on mobile devices is by swiping up or down. During the scroll process there will be a small scrollbar visible but that scrollbar disappears and even while visible it can't be used to do any actual scrolling.
After much searching I could not find what I needed.
So my question is: Is there a way to make the scrollbar in the ListView fully usable or should I disable it and create a separate scrollbar which I will need to keep in sync. If so how?
For a functional example of something I would be working with see: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/124j

Horizontal Scroll on click

Does anybody knows how to implement horizontal scrolling on event? I am trying to replicate this functionality: http://www.spotify-valentines.com/#/home
First, it scrolls fullpage to the right. Then, it scrolls half way to the right. Then it scrolls full page, also to the right, and finally it becomes a normal screen with vertical scrolling.
The site seems to be built with Angular, but I am not sure how this functionality is accomplished.
It can be accomplish by using fullPage.js.
Just create a single section with multiple slides in. Then you can create your custom buttons and associate them with the action $.fn.fullpage.moveTo() or $.fn.fullpage.moveSlideRight() or $.fn.fullpage.moveSlideLeft().

Scroll horizontal with fullPage.js, is it possible with the mouse wheel?

I am using fullPage.js for a one pager website. It works beautifully. It has support for scrolling through full page slides at the flick of the scroll wheel, and each slide can also contain a horizontal slideshow, normally triggered at that point by clicking one of the side arrows.
I want to force the user to scroll through that slideshow before they can progress down to the next slide. Does anyone know of a way to allow the slideshow to be triggered with the mouse wheel when scrolling down? Then when it hits the end of that slideshow it scrolls vertical again to the next slide?
You can do it with jquery.mousewheel like:
$('#fullpage').on('mousewheel', function(event) {
if (event.deltaY > 0){$.fn.fullpage.moveSlideRight();}
Update 2016
Now fullPage.js provides the Scroll Horizontally extension for it.
What you want to accomplish is not that simple to implement in the plugin. Also, I would say forcing the user to follow a path is not consider as a good practice from the user experience point of view.
Also, what should happen once the user reach the next section and then scrolls up? Should he follow all the way back throw the slides of the previous section again in order to keep moving up ?
Anyway, if you want to accomplish it by your own, you would need first of all, to avoid the auto scrolling behavior when scrolling withing your slides (or the section slides for which you want to apply this).
And then, you would need to change the scrolling behavior to trigger the action to go to the next or to the previous slide by triggering the control arrows events depending on the scrolling direction.
Once the end of the slider is reached, you would need to add again the auto scrolling even.
It really doesn't sound simple if you want to do it by your own. You would need to recode the plugin.

Smooth JavaScript horizontal scroll in DIV

I have content in a horizontal div that exceeds the page area so that to see all of it you have to scroll horizontally. Fine with a trackpad but for those who don't have one I want to make this obvious with the use of either scrollbars or mouseover text/image.
After hours of experiments I finally found this code - scrolling a div of images horizontally with controls - which is perfect(just changed it to mouseover).
The only problem is I want to do it smoothly and without having to repeat the mouseover or clicking.
Also I want to avoid Jquery and all that sliders stuff. I'm a very new to JS and want to keep things simple. Also I wasn't able to force a scrollbar with any CSS solutions.
Thank you

