Keep reading from Angular JS HTTP call - javascript

I am working on a web system, but fairly new to Angular JS.
The feature I am working on currently needs to do a POST call using Angular. That's not really difficult to do in Angular. But I want to keep reading from the socket.
The call I am doing takes a very long time (as intended) but I want the status of the call to be visible in my Angular app. So I'd like to send data back with the status, and this to be live visible in my app.
What's the best approach for this? I found the WebSocket demonstrations for Angular, but in that case I'd have to create my own HTTP implementation on top of WebSockets to be able to send POST requests.....

HTTP requests using the $http service take place in the background, so you can show anything you want while the request is actually being made. To get a sense of the status of the request it depends on how you'd like to measure that status.
Progress events on the $http object aren't slated to be added to Angular until 1.6, so if the delay is related to a large file upload you might need to create a service that wraps a raw XMLHttpRequest object instead of using $http. Here's an example
from the MDN docs:
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.addEventListener("progress", updateProgress);
oReq.addEventListener("load", transferComplete);
oReq.addEventListener("error", transferFailed);
oReq.addEventListener("abort", transferCanceled);
// progress on transfers from the server to the client (downloads)
function updateProgress (oEvent) {
if (oEvent.lengthComputable) {
var percentComplete = oEvent.loaded /;
// ...
} else {
// Unable to compute progress information since the total size is unknown
If the delay is serverside - waiting for a long running database query, for example, you might want to just fake a progress meter based on the average runtime of the query or show an indeterminate bar:
It sounds like you somehow have a way to monitor the progress on the serverside. In that case, you can make another request while the first one is in progress to get the progress information. You will probably need to send some state (like a query ID or request ID) to correlate the two requests.

//Hide status bar, data is back
if(status == "finished"){
//Do nothing
} else{

You can use interceptor. Whenever you do http call, this will intercept the call before send and after return from the server.
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q', '$location', 'localStorageService', function ($q, $location, localStorageService) {
return {
request: function (config) {
// You can do some stuff here
return config;
response: function (result) {
return result;
responseError: function (rejection) {
console.log('Failed with', rejection.status, 'status');
return $q.reject(rejection);
Or you can use

you could create a custom service using $HTTP to do a POST request like this:
site.factory('customService', ['$http', function($http){
var httpProto = {
success : function(response, status, headers, config) {
return response;
error : function(error, status, headers, config) {
return error;
thePostRequest: function(dataRequest){
var output = $
output.prototype = httpProto;
return output;

For web sockets a friend pointed me to and I have used them successfully for Angular in several SPAs. Check this material for more info.
G00d 1uck.


Service Worker 'Hello World' example

I am learning about Service workers, as I have a usecase to create a fetch listener, that will pass back an arbitrary binary response.
I have no idea where to start. The examples I have seen online talk about making a server request, caching in the service worker, and passing it back. What I really want to do is just pass back my own response, not make a query to the server and cache it!
What I am looking for, as a start is, say something that will once the service worker is active, given the user enters in the browser, (or uses fetch api to get the following url)
will show 'Helloworld' in the browser. The service worker will be something like the following. But I have not a clue how make it work.
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
// compare end of url with /helloworld
// if match, respond with 'helloword', otherwise fetch the response from the server
This is just going to be a very brief, broad overview of how I would tackle the problem.
First, I would follow a guide like this:
// Listen for request events
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
// Get the request
let request = event.request;
Then you'll use this bit of code as a guideline for what you want to do:
fetch(request).then(function (response) {
return response;
}).catch(function (error) {
return caches.match(request).then(function (response) {
return response;
With some modifications.
First, you'll want to check if it's a normal non-/helloworld type of request, and if it is, do something like this:
if (normalRequest) {
fetch(request).then(function (response) {
return response;
} else {
... TODO
And in the TODO section, you'll do your helloworld code - it's not clear to me what you want to do with that, so I can't really go into more detail. But this is the overall structure I would use.

Angular ngResource $save Method Clears $resource Object

Using Angular 1.5.5 here:
Is there any way to tell Angular to ignore response body for particular requests (such as $save)? It drives me crazy that after I call $save, angular updates the model with the object returned by a server, which initially was supposed to be used to distinguish between different resolutions of the request. It results in unwanted form clear. Interestingly enough, this behaviour remains even if I send a 400 or 500 http status code.
In case you need more info, relevant code is below.
'use strict';
.controller('OperatorNewController', OperatorNewController);
OperatorNewController.$inject = ['operatorsService', 'notify'];
function OperatorNewController(operatorsService, notify) {
var vm = this;
vm.done = done;
function activate() {
vm.operator = new operatorsService();
function done(form) {
if (form.$invalid) {
// do stuff
return false;
vm.operator.$save(function(response) {
if (response.success && response._id) {
$state.go('app.operators.details', {id: response._id}, { reload: true });
} else if (response.inactive) {
// do stuff
} else {
// do other stuff
}, function (error) {
// do other stuff
'use strict';
.service('operatorsService', operatorsService);
operatorsService.$inject = ['$resource'];
function operatorsService($resource) {
return $resource('/operators/:id/', {id: '#_id'}, {
'update': { method: 'PUT' }
Server request handler is also fairly simple:
.post('/', function (req, res) {
if (! {
return res.status(500).json({ inactive: true, success: false });
// do stuff
return res.json({ success: true });
In either way I don't like the idea of having to send the entire object from server (particularily when it's a failed request), and even if I have to, I still need a way to send some extra data that will be ignored by Angular.
Your help is very much appreciated!
The $save method of the resource object empties and replaces the object with the results of the XHR POST results. To avoid this, use the .save method of the operatorsService:
//vm.operator.$save(function(response) {
vm.newOperator =, function(response),
if (response.success && response._id) {
$state.go('app.operators.details', {id: response._id}, { reload: true });
} else if (response.inactive) {
// do stuff
} else {
// do other stuff
}, function (error) {
// do other stuff
It results in unwanted form clear. Interestingly enough, this behaviour remains even if I send a 400 or 500 http status code.
This behavior is NOT VERIFIED.
I created a PLNKR to attempt to verify this behavior and found that the $save method does not replace the resource object if the server returns a status of 400 or 500. However it does empty and replace the resource object if the XHR status code is 200 (OK).
It drives me crazy that after I call $save, angular updates the model with the object returned by a server
It helps to understand how browsers handle traditional submits from forms.
The default operation for a submit button uses method=get. The browser appends the form inputs to the URL as query parameters and executes an HTTP GET operation with that URL. The browser then clears the window or frame and loads the results from the server.
The default operation for method=post is to serializes the inputs and place them in the body of an HTTP POST. The browser then clears the window or frame and loads the results from the server.
In AngularJS the form directive cancels the browser default operation and executes the Angular Expression set by either the ng-submit or ng-click directive. All $resource instance methods including $get and $save, empty and replace the resource object with XHR results from the server if the XHR is successful. This is consistent with the way browsers traditionally handle forms.
In RESTful APIs, HTTP GET operations return the state of a server resource without changing it. HTTP POST operations add a new resource state to the server. APIs usually return the new resource state, with additional information such as ID, Location, timestamps, etc. Some RESTful APIs return a redirect (status 302 or 303) in which case browsers transparently do an HTTP GET using the new location. (This helps to Solve the Double Submission Problem.)
When designing RESTful APIs, it is important to understand how traditional browsers behave and the expectations of RESTful clients such as AngularJS ngResource.

Angular Facebook service hits API call limit

I am trying to call my Facebook service within a ng-repeat but somehow the Facebook API call limit is hit very quickly.
I have a service as so:
angular.module('core').factory('Facebook', ['$q',
function ($q) {
return {
getMutualFriends: function (fbUserId) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var path = "/" + fbUserId;
'fields': 'context.fields(mutual_friends)'
function (response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
deferred.reject('Error occured');
} else {
return deferred.promise;
And within my controller, I have a function that calls the service:
$scope.getMutualFriendsCount = function (fbUserId) {
if (fbUserId === '' || fbUserId === undefined) return 0;
.then(function (response) {
// untested response
return response.context['mutual_friends']['summary']['total_count'];
In my template, I have data-ng-repeat="profile in profiles" and for each profile, I try to bind the results data-ng-bind=getMutualFriends(profile.fbId).
The service manages to communicate with the FB servers until I start noticing that there are way too many calls during the loop and the call limit is hit very quickly (within 1 or 2 refreshes on my dev machine on page of 20 profiles only). Does anyone have any idea on how I could better design the approach to obtain mutual friends for multiple ids?
You shouldn't call a function that makes an HTTP request from a watched expression, whether it's ng-bind or the equivalent {{ }}. This expression, and the subsequent HTTP call` will get called on every digest cycle - clearly not what you expect or need.
Instead, get the data that you need and store it, for example, with each profile, and access that value from within the ng-repeat.
Also, as per the comment above, you should consider calling Facebook in a batch. Create a separate service to handle all of this complexity and expose a simple API to the controller.

REST service cache strategy with AngularJS

I have an AngularJS application and I want to cache the REST service responses. I found some libraries like angular-cached-resource which can do this by storing the data into the local storage of the web browser.
But sometimes I do some POST / PUT / DELETE REST calls and then some of the REST previously cached service responses need to be performed again. So it seems that it is possible to delete the cached responses then and the call will be sent to the server next time.
But what about if the server sends me in HTTP Header some values like the expires or the etag? I have to read the HTTP Header and react by myself or is there a library in AngularJS which can also handle this?
So if I should hit the server and not read the cache of the local storage is dependent on the HTTP Header Cache fields and if there are any PUT / POST / DELETE calls which have the response that for example "reload of every user settings element" are needed. So I have to take this response and create a map which tells me that for example REST services A, C and F (user settings related stuff) needs to hit the server again next time when they are executed or if the Cache expires from the HTTP Headers.
Is this possible with an AngularJS library or do you have any other recommendations? I think this is similar to Observer or PubSub Pattern, isn't it?
One more thing: Is it also possible to have something like PubSub without using a cache / local storage (so also no HTTP Header Cache controls)? So I can not call the REST service, because then it would hit the server, which I do not want in some circumstances (response from a previous REST call which returns me the event "reload of every user settings element").
You can try something like this.
app.factory('requestService', ['$http', function ($http) {
var data = {};
var service = {
getCall : funtion(requstUrl, successCallback, failureCallback, getFromCache){
data.requstUrl = data;
postCall : function(requestUrl, paramToPass, successCallback, failureCallback, getFromCache){
$, paramToPass)
data.requstUrl = data;
return service;
This is just a simple code I wrote to implement your concept. I haven't tested it and is all yours.

A design pattern for async requests to handle success, failure, retry ? (javascript)

I'm writing a mobile app with Appcelerator Titanium that makes a lot of different xhr requests. This is not really an Appcelerator Titanium specific question. But if you do write some code, I hope it's javascript.
The app needs to authenticate itself, the user must be logged for some interactions, etc.
I've come to a point where any request might get any kind of response such as:
not authenticated
not logged
bad params
The requests are wrapped in different model methods or helpers.
The thing is, I'm not familiar with this kind of app. I was wondering what are the best practices.
Some real questions for example would be:
If the app is not authenticated (token expired, first launch), should the app try to authenticate itself and then send again the request that was denied ? (transparent to user)
Should I send an authentication request each time the app launches and then "forget" about it?
The problem I'm facing is that the code becomes quickly big if I try to handle this for each request. Full of nested callbacks, retry conditions, various events listeners to manage, etc. It just does not feel very "nice". And it's not DRY at all, when what I really need is for any request, check what was wrong, try to fix it (authenticate if not, automatic login if possible or show the login UI, etc..) then if that works retry the original request a couple of times, abort if needed.
I've been looking at the promise pattern but only know theory and don't know if it could be what I need.
So I welcome any advice regarding this particular problem. I wonder how apps like "Facebook" handle this.
Thank you for your help
This question is not easily answered, but let me try to give you some Ideas:
The most important thing, before coding anything in your app, is the API itself. It has to be reliable and adhere to standards. I will not go into too much detail here, but a well written RESTful API can reduce the complexity of your httpClient significantly. It has to respond with standard http status codes and to methods like POST, GET, PUT, DELETE...
A pretty good read is The REST API Design Handbook by George Reese.
My approach to httpClients with Titanium is a single module, which is loaded via require() wherever needed. I stick to one single client at a time, as I had massive problems with multiple parallel calls. Whenever a call is made, the client checks if there is already a call in progress and sends it to a queue if necessary.
Let me show you an example. I have left out lots of stuff for sake of brevity:
// lib/customClient.js
var xhrRequest; // This will be our HTTPClient
var callQueue = []; // This will be our queue
// Register the request
// params are:
// method (e.g. 'GET')
// url (e.g. '')
// done (callback function)
function registerRequest(params) {
if(!xhrRequest) {
} else {
// This simply sends the request
// to the callQueue
function queueRequest(params) {
// Send the request with the params from register
// Please note that I do not hardcode error messages,
// I just do it here so it is easier to read
function sendRequest(params) {
// Set callback if available and valid
var callback = params.done && typeof(params.done) === "function" ? params.callback : null;
// Set method
var method = params.method || 'GET';
// Create the HTTP Client
xhrRequest = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
// Success
onload: function() {
// You can check for status codes in detail here
// For brevity, I will just check if it is valid
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
if(this.responseText) {
// You might want to check if it can be parsed as JSON here
try {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
if(callback) callback({ success: true, response: jsonData });
} catch(e) {
if(callback) callback({ success: false, errormessage: 'Could not parse JSON data' });
} else {
if(callback) callback({ success: false, errormessage: 'No valid response received' });
} else {
if(callback) callback({ success: false, errormessage: 'Call response is success but status is ' + this.status });
// Error
onerror: function(e) {
if(this.responseText) {
try {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
if(callback) callback({ success: false, reponse: jsonData });
} catch(e) {};
// Prepare and send request
// A lot more can (and should) be configured here, check documentation!
xhrRequest.setTimeout(10000);, params.url);
// Checks if there is anything else in the queue
// and sends it
function processQueue() {
xhrRequest = null;
var nextInQueue = callQueue.shift();
if(nextInQueue) sendRequest(nextInQueue);
// Our public API
var publicAPI = {
sendRequest: function(params) {
module.exports = publicAPI;
I can then send a call from any other controller/view
var customClient = require('lib/customClient'); // omit 'lib' if you use alloy
// Send the request
method : 'GET',
url : '',
done : function(response) {
Note that this is not complete and does not check for connectivity, has no real error handling etc., but it might help you to get an idea.
I think there is loads of stuff to talk about here, but I will stop here for now...

