How can I get my notifications from Facebook? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to create an app to filter my notifications from Facebook. For example I'd like to get all notifications about someone commenting in conversations I also took part on given Facebook group.
As #lushn pointed out below, Facebook removed the ability to access notifications in their Graph API.
Now I wonder, is there a better (and more official) way to fetch notifications from Facebook than to pose as a browser and parse HTML (for that I'd also need a proxy written in some server language, due to CORS)?

Access to notifications is not possible anymore, the required permission and the endpoint for this has been removed with v2.4 of the Graph API:


How does Whatsapp keep me logged in [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I'm experimenting by transfering cookies from one browser to another and I was surprised that all accounts I'm logged in to are also logged in in the new browser. My Whatsapp session however doesn't get transfered, I looked at the Whatsapp cookies and there were none of them.
How does Whatsapp keep me logged in? And is there a way to transfer one Whatsapp session to another browser?
WhatsApp web does not use cookies Instead, it uses offline website data.
For more info:
You might be able to transfer the data if you can find it.

Authentication for a web page via browser [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on a Laravel project right now. I have a route All I want is that when a hits this page, he should be asked for some credentials. If he inputs incorrect credentials, then he should not be able to see the registration page.
I have seen some web pages ask for authentication before we can see them. How is that achieved? I suppose those credentials are handled on the client side by the browser. Please help.
I think you're talking about the BASIC Authentication method, which exchanges credentials in plain text and is configured at the Web Server level.
Also, see this:

Use Webhook without Firebase [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to use a different backend with the Webhook CMS?
I love everything about Webhook, but being able to prerender content is an absolute requirement for my project because of SEO considerations. This is unfortunately not possible with Firebase.
Has anyone ever managed to swap out Firebase in Webhook for something else?
Webhook only uses Firebase for the CMS. The deployed sites are pre-generated staticly. This means google will be able to crawl it. Since static sites are themselves the fasted way to deliver content, you'll also have that advantage versus a traditional system.

Facebook app that automatically writes on fans wall, when some fan have birthday? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to create an facebook application for administrator of fanpage, that have functionalities for posting birthday greeting on their wall when particular fan or fans have a birthday?
Luckily, this is not possible, as it would be pure spam.
You would need to authorize every single User with the App, request the publish_actions and user_birthday permissions and store an Extended User Token (that is valid for 60 days). You will never get publish_actions approved by Facebook in their review process, because it´s not allowed to autopost. Also, the message must be 100% User generated according to the platform policy.
Not possible
Not allowed

Get Tweets from Angularjs [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'am trying to get tweets from a twitter acount but only using angularjs, whitout php or another language.
I have tried but I couldn't. and also I have to use the 1.1 twitter api
1.We don't support or recommend performing OAuth directly through
Javascript -- it's insecure and puts your application at risk. The
only acceptable way to perform it is if you kept all keys and secrets
server-side, computed the OAuth signatures and parameters server side,
then issued the request client-side from the server-generated OAuth
2.The OAuth access token will need to be part of the call and
the oauth_token_secret will need to be used to compute the signature
from Twitter Dev site

