Get JSON WebMap from ArcGIS JavaScript API Map object - javascript

I'm trying to get a WebMap object (as JSON) from a JavaScript Map object in the ArcGIS JavaScript API. Is there any way to do this within the API, without using Ideally something like:
webMapAsJSON = map.toWebMap();
From the "Export Web Map Task" documentation in the REST API, there's this line that suggests it should exist:
"The ArcGIS web APIs (for JavaScript, Flex, Silverlight, etc.) allow developers to easily get this JSON string from the map."
However, I don't see anything in the Map object or elsewhere in the API that would do this.

You can't. At least not officially. The steps outlined below are not recommended. They use part of the ArcGIS JS library that is not part of the public API and therefore this behavior may not work in the next version of the API or they may back-patch a previous version of the API and this could stop working even on something that previously did work.
That said, sometimes you need some "future" functionality right now and this is actually a pretty straightforward way of getting what you want using the common proxy pattern
Use the undocumented "private" function _getPrintDefinition
var proxy_getPrintDefinition = printTask._getPrintDefinition;
printTask._getPrintDefinition = function() {
var getPrintDefResult = proxy_getPrintDefinition.apply(this, arguments);
//Now you can do what you want with getPrintDefResults
//which should contain the Web_Map_as_JSON
//make sure you return the result or you'll break this print task.
return getPrintDefResult;
_getPrintDefinition takes the map as the first argument and a PrintParameters object as the second.
so you'll have to create a PrintTask, redefine the _getPrintDefinition function on the newly created print task as outlined above, create a PrintParameters and then run:
The results of this on my little test are:
if you don't need to do any operations on the web map json and just need the output then you don't even need to use the proxy pattern.

#Suttikeat Witchayakul's answer above should work if your goal is to print the map using a print service.
However, if you are trying to export the map to the web map JSON spec so that you can save it to ArcGIS Online/Portal, or re-instantiate a map object from it later, you may have some problems. This is because the web map specification is not the same as the export web map specification, which what the print task generates and sends to printing services.
Unfortunately, the ArcGIS API for JavaScript does not provide any methods to export a map object to web map JSON. This is supposed to be coming in version 4... at some point. Until then, you can use the all but abandoned cereal library. However, if your map uses layer types that are not fully supported by cereal, it may not work for you as is and you would have to extend it.

If you want to use "esri/tasks/PrintTask" to export your map, you must use "esri/tasks/PrintParameters" for execute the printTask. Just set your map object directly to printParameter.
"esri/map", "esri/tasks/PrintTemplate", "esri/tasks/PrintParameters", ...
], function(Map, PrintTemplate, PrintParameters, ... ) {
var map = new Map( ... );
var template = new PrintTemplate();
template.exportOptions = {
width: 500,
height: 400,
dpi: 96
template.format = "PDF";
template.layout = "MAP_ONLY";
template.preserveScale = false;
var params = new PrintParameters(); = map;
params.template = template;
printTask.execute(params, printResult);


Using methods for the menu item callbacks in Google Apps Script

So, I am doing a small project in Google Apps Script, to make adding/exporting leads from it...less painful.
How do I plan to do this?
I plan on doing this via adding some Actions menu, for the importing and exporting of leads. The imported sheet will, for now, be assumed to be of the same columns as the Google Sheet this script is bound to. (We can support some sheet column conversion features later, but it's probably a YAGNI for my use case.) The exported sheet will be converted from the columns of this sheet, to some simplified, ready-to-send-to-the-mailers columns.
How do I plan to code this (or how am I coding this)?
I am using MVVM design pattern, and have spent last night plugging away at writing MVVM wrappers for everything that I need to (keeping KISS in mind).
The MenuItemViewModels have some name,functionName that the Google Apps Script seem to be looking for. I note that there is some major pain-in-the-ass limitation, though: Google Apps Script wants function NAME and it cannot be method!
OK, show me some code or gtfo
I have some SpreadsheetPageViewModel that look like this:
class SpreadsheetPageViewModel extends BaseViewModel {
init() {
this.exportVM = new ExportSpreadsheetEditViewModel();
this.importVM = new ImportSpreadsheetEditViewModel();
this.menuVM = new MenuViewModel(new MenuModel(),
'exportLeads', // this is utility function. I want/need to use openExport method
'importLeads', // this is utility function. I want/need to use openImport method
this.childEditVM = null;
openExport() {
this.childEditVM = this.exportVM;
openImport() {
this.childEditVM = this.importVM;
The business logic for the modals that spawn on menu item click, will live in the child view models to this: the ExportSpreadsheetEditViewModel and ImportSpreadsheetEditViewModel.
I was trying to get around the limitation via this hack:
function onOpen(event) {
// show the menu here....
new SpreadsheetPageView().doShow();
to something like:
var mainView;
function onOpen(event) {
mainView = new SpreadsheetPageView();
// show the menu here....
and then, in the, crawling down that mainView like:
function exportLeads() {
function importLeads() {
What was the result of that hack?
It didn't work. Why? Because when Google Apps Script fired that exportLeads (or importLeads), mainView was no longer defined!!
Does this mean I have to give up my approach?
How can I use the main view/view model in the onClick of the menu items?
Failing all that, is there a way to create our menu, using this MVVM design pattern (and some HTML/React/....), and inject it in?
By using Google Apps Script it's not possible to modify the look and feel of a Google Workspace editor (Docs, Forms, Sheets, Slides) custom menu, in other words, it's not possible to use HTML/React for this but you might use them in dialogs/sidebars.
Regarding using a design pattern, you might use any design pattern that you want but you should have in mind that every time that a Google Apps Script is triggered by an event the whole project is loaded, so if you need that some objects persist between events then you should find a place to save those objects.
To store an object you might use the Google Apps Script Properties Service and/or the Cache Service, just bear in mind that you should convert it to JSON before saving it. Also you might use a Google spreadsheet but this has several limitations or you might use an external service, i.e. nosql database, by using Google Apps Script URL Fetch service.
using and modifying global variables within handler functions
Styling a custom spreadsheet menu item using Google Apps Script
How to define global variable in Google Apps Script
Google Apps Script (V8); why can't I use an object instance inside of onOpen?
With #Ruben's help, I was able to get this working!
What I did
I didn't give up on the MVVM/OOP design.
Instead, I created singleton static method on the drive class, like so:
static GetMainInstance() {
if (!this._mainInstance) {
this._mainInstance = new this();
return this._mainInstance;
and use it instead of directly creating the new drive object.
Also, it is view's responsibility to spawn stuff, so I did some refactoring:
In I added the following methods:
showExport() {
this.viewModel.showExport((childVM) => {
this.editView.viewModel = childVM;
showImport() {
this.viewModel.showImport((childVM) => {
this.editView.viewModel = childVM;
in the, I changed the methods to accept onDone callback:
showExport(onDone) {
this.childEditVM = this.exportVM;
showImport(onDone) {
this.childEditVM = this.importVM;
Simple fix, it works, while staying consistent with the principles!

Leaflet control Joomla issue

I've created a Joomla Component and i have a Leaflet map in the component window.
I've used Leaflet with Omnivore plugin to add GPX and KML to my map and I used the Leaflet controls to allow to add and remove the layers.
I've tested the controls in a clean joomla development installation and the controls are OK, as seen in the first image
enter image description here
When I use the component in my Joomla site che controls are not OK, there are some dirty entry as seen in the second figures
enter image description here
I think this is because of the templates and some script that interfere with Leaflet but I can't fix it.
The joomla versions are the same, the template no, the joomla site use gantry.
This is the function I used to populate the map:
function showRouteTracks(tracce, baseURI, popup=false, enableLayers=true, enableElevation=false){
var layerControl = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < tracce.length; i++) {
var customLayer = L.geoJson(null, {
style: getStyle(i)
var layer = omnivore.gpx(baseURI+tracce[i][2], null, customLayer).on('ready', function() {
var layer = omnivore.kml(baseURI+tracce[i][2], null, customLayer).on('ready', function() {
Currently you're creating an array to store the title/layer items:
var layerControl = new Array();
But L.Control.Layers takes object literals as baselayer/overlay parameters:
var baseLayers = {
"Mapbox": mapbox,
"OpenStreetMap": osm
var overlays = {
"Marker": marker,
"Roads": roadsLayer
L.control.layers(baseLayers, overlays).addTo(map);
So you should use an object literal:
var layerControl = {};
You can add items the same way as you did before:
layerControl['MyTitle'] = myLayerInstance;
I'll bet you'll have no problem then. What happening now is that your trying to assign string keys to items in an array, which isn't supported (even supposed to work but that aside). A javascript array can only have numeric keys and nothing else.
That it works for you with a clean install and not in your production setup is that probably in production you have a javascript library/framework loaded which adds methods/properties to javascript's native array prototype and they are enumerable. Thus when the layercontrol instance iterates the array it also finds these extra methods/properties and tries to add them to the layercontrol.
Just use a object literal: {} not an Array, you'll be fine, good luck.
EDIT: Got curious and did some digging. As it turns out this is caused by Mootools and then i ran into this question: Looping through empty javascript array returns array object functions which gives some explanation and some other solutions but it's best if you just use a object literal because at the moment you're kind of abusing Array.

ArcGIS API - Execute QueryTask unsupported

So, I am using the ArcGIS API (javascript) in order to get some information from objects in a featurelayer. The first step here should be detecting which object the user clicked. I am using queries for this. For some reason though, I cannot seem to execute my queries. Every time the execute method is called, the console replies that "Object doesn't support property or method 'execute'". The relevant part of the code is as follows:
thema_4_Verblijf = new FeatureLayer("");
thema_4_Verblijf.on("click", thema_4_Verblijf_Click);
function thema_4_Verblijf_Click(evt){
var query = new Query();
query.returnGeometry = true;
query.outFields = ["*"];
query.geometry = evt.mapPoint;
var queryTask = new QueryTask("");
function showResults(featureSet){
//will show results
At first, I thought this had to do with me not defining the requirements correctly at the start of the script. This cannot be possible though as execute is a method of QueryTask, and 'new QueryTask' itself completes without any errors. Nonetheless, my requirements as defined are:
function startMap(
Any thoughts on what could be wrong here...?
Alright, so this has been answered..
I tried defining querytask with the legacy module and for some reason that worked.
var queryTask = new esri.tasks.QueryTask(...);
I have experienced this before during my current project, somewhere legacy and AMD modules must be mixed up, even though all my requires have been defined using the AMD way.
So yes, this particular question has been fixed (as in: I can continue) but if someone could explain how the two modules can get mixed up, that would be appreciated.

add namespace to your javascript

I have worked on google map api few years ago and wrote a little reusable utility. At that time adding google map api reference does add all the api classses in your page's global namespace. As this is working sample
<script src="">
var map= new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
var point= new LatLng(31,75);
var line= new Polyline(OPTIONS);
In v3, all Google Maps JavaScript API code is stored in the google.maps.* namespace instead of the global namespace. Most objects have also been renamed as part of this process and some more changes are done.
Now you have to write the above code as follows
<script src="APIURL">
var map= new"map_canvas"));
var point= new google.mapLatLng(31,75);
var line= new;
I wrote a library back in Google v2 API time and used in number of projects and was working great. But now I am working on a new project and using Google V3 API and want to reuse that old v2 library. But adding v3 library doesn't add the API classes in global namespace and my library doesn't work. Is there any way we can add namespace to our JavaScript file like we did in C# on top and it allows us to write the classes without appending the namespace
You might be able to just use references:
(function() { // A scoping function to avoid creating glboals
var GMap2 =;
var LatLng =;
var Polyline = googlemap.Polyline;
// ...your code using the above here...
This assumes, though, that the arguments haven't changed.
Alternately, you could use the Facade pattern:
function GMap2(/*...relevant args...*/)
return new*...relevant args here, possibly modified...*/);
(And similar for others.)
(That works even if you use new with GMap2 because the result of the new expression will be the object you return from the constructor function if you return an object.)

Javascript namespaces and conditional inclusion

I've some js files organized this way (see source):
gmaps4rails.base.js : contains all the logic
gmaps4rails.googlemaps.js : contains functions : contains functions with the same name as the previous file
So basically, base calls createMarkers() which is in both googlemaps and bing.
From now, I load only one among gmaps4rails.googlemaps.js and gmaps4rails.googlemaps.js, depending on the map API I need, so it works fine.
Now I'd like to be able to have all files loaded (and keep them separate) BUT of course only include the code of the desired maps API.
Basically I think about something like:
if desiredApi == "googlemaps"
include GoogleMapsNameSpace content in BaseNameSpace
Thanks in advance.
If I understand correctly you just want to be able to use either the google maps API or the bing API or someother based on the user selection (or some other criteria)? For that, instead of trying to merge the correct API into your base object, why don't you just refer a 'mapService' from your base object and select the mapService based on the criteria you want?
Something like this:
Map = function(service, canvasId) {
var mapService = MapServices[service];
return {
initialize: function() {
var theMap = mapService.createMap();
// more functionality for your base object (that the outside world calls) goes here
var MapServices = MapServices || {}; = {
createMap: function() {},
render: function(canvas) {
$("#"+canvas).html("I'm a google map");
createMarker: function(args) {}
// all your map functionality goes here calling google specific functions
// this could be in a different js = {
createMap: function() {},
render: function(canvas) {
$("#"+canvas).html("I'm a bing map");
createMarker: function(args) {},
// all your map functionality goes here calling bing specific functions
$(function() {
var theMap = new Map("google", "theDiv");
Is this what you want to do?
Hope this helps
I think you are looking for some kind of asynchronous loader. CommonJS has proposed Modules 1.1 and the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API that do this. There are quite a few implementations of async loaders, as listed in this Google spreadsheet. Of which, a few of them are AMD-compliant, for example:
This blog entry has a nice discussion on this topic.
Also see this SO post: Namespace a dynamically loaded javascript file's contents

