Kendo UI hidecolumn/showcolumn performance with many columns - javascript

I am trying to hide and show columns in my grid using Kendo UI hidecolumn and showcolumn methods, it works however it looks like the grid lags in showing and hiding column when there are many columns in grid. I have about 50 columns in my grid. Also after hiding the columns, the column doesn't realign in the grid even after using refresh method of the grid.
Does anyone know what's an alternative way to hide/show column without loosing the performance in the grid?

Well, first of all, you just need to know, that columns in grid is nothing more than usual array. So you can create this array separately and assign into grid configuration.
I done it for configuration of whole grid but I try show only columns part, because example will be relative long because I will try show all important methods. Anyway I hope it helps you.
So process can be (but don't have to) be something like this:
Prepare database table. If you need save only visible/hid value, you can be satisfied with basic table like this:
CREATE TABLE dbo.TableSettings(
Value BIT NULL );
In my case table has more columns but for save this information this is enough. [Key] is table name in my case (dbo.[User] for example), Name is name of column (FirstName for example) and Value is Visible/hid (1/0).
Now you need to load columns settings from database and save it into array witch will be assigned into grid config.
RunSynchronousAjax(address, null, function (e) {
var options = JSON.parse(e.Config);
var columns = options.Columns;
//This part is needed only if you have some special cases which are prepared on server. It is because on server you cannot assign function like in javascript but you have to assign only name of function which need to be eval in javascript.
for (var i = 0; i < options.columns.length; i++) {
options.columns[i].filterable.ui = eval(options.columns[i].filterable.ui);
if (options.columns[i].filterable.itemTemplate != undefined) {
options.columns[i].filterable.itemTemplate = eval(options.columns[i].filterable.itemTemplate);
}, defaultErrorCallBack);
Note: RunSynchronousAjax is my helper method for processign ajax request because I didn't want write it everztime I need it. It looks like this:
function RunSynchronousAjax(url, data, successCallback, errorCallback) {
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
url: url,
data: data,
type: "POST",
cache: false,
success: function (json) {
error: function (data) {
async: false
function defaultErrorCallback(data) {
alert("Unexpected error. Please, try press CTRL+F5.");
This function is way how I load config for table, now let's look on method in controller.
public JsonResult GetSetting()
KendoGrid grid = new KendoGrid();
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(grid);
return Json(new
Config = json
Objects looks like this
public class KendoGrid
private List<Column> _Columns = new List<Column>();
public List<Column> Columns
get { return this._Columns; }
set { this._Columns = value; }
public class Column
public string Field { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public string Width { get; set; }
public object Filterable { get; set; }
public string Template { get; set; }
public int Order { get; set; }
public string Format { get; set; }
.... and more ... just what you need
public Column(
string field,
string title = null,
string type = "string",
string width = null,
string template = null,
object filterable = null,
string format = null,
this.Field = field;
this.Title = title ?? field;
this.Type = type;
this.Width = width;
this.Template = template;
this.Order = order;
this.Format = format;
In point 3 there is method PrepareColumns, it looks like this
public void PrepareColumns()
var listOfColumns = TableSettings.GetColumns("dbo.TableName");
this.Columns.AddNotNull(Column.GetColumn<ObjectWhichIsDisplayedInGrid>(x => x.Id, listOfColumns,
type: "number",
width: "140px",
this.Columns.AddNotNull(Column.GetColumn<ObjectWhichIsDisplayedInGrid>(x => x.Name, listOfColumns,
width: "250px",
//This method is based on you, It just load records from db...
public static List<TableSettings> GetColumns(string key)
List<TableSettings> result = new List<TableSettings>();
var query = Sql.Builder
.Where("[Key] = #0", key)
using (IDatabase db = DbConnection.Connect())
result = db.Fetch<TableSettings>(query);
return result;
public static Column GetColumn<T>(
Expression<Func<T, object>> expression,
List<TableSettings> settings,
string type = "string",
string width = null,
string template = null,
var fieldName = PropertyNameHelper.PropertyName<T>(expression);
var fieldDescription = PropertyNameHelper.PropertyDescription<T>(expression);
var column = settings.Where(c => c.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == fieldName.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
Column col = new Column(
field: fieldName,
title: fieldDescription,
type: type,
return col;
public static string PropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
return GetPropertyName(expression);
public static string PropertyDescription<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
var propertyName = GetPropertyName(expression);
PropertyInfo prop = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName);
if (prop.IsDefined(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false))
return (prop.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false) as DisplayAttribute).Name;
return propertyName;
That's it. First 5 points is about load columns configuration from database. What is saved as not visible, will not be loaded so kendo grid will know only about columns which are visible.
Now, I have talked about my own columnMenu. It is only usual popup window with options. Important is that grid has set columnMenu to false, so default functionality is off. I have added button into toolbar and click event has opened kendoWindow where I had checkboxes with columns names. I can check what I want to display and after popup is closed/confirmed, some ajax request is called - it is saved into database and grid is refreshed.
Anyway mainly it can gives you idea, I believe there is much more solutions for this. If you find way how to create columns array dynamically you will win.


fetching an Object from Action Item and displaying on View without Page refresh Using Ajax and Javascript

public class vendorData
public int VCode { get; set; }
public string currency { get; set; }
public IActionResult OnGetVendorCode(string VendorName)
var VendorMaster = _context.VendorMaster.ToList();
var VendorCodes = from O in VendorMaster where O.CompanyID == Company && O.VendorName == VendorName select O.VendorCode;
var currency= from O in VendorMaster where O.CompanyID == Company && O.VendorName == VendorName select O.Currency;
vendorData vendorData = new vendorData();
vendorData.VCode = VendorCodes.FirstOrDefault();
vendorData.currency = currency.FirstOrDefault();
return new JsonResult(vendorData);
function GetPOVendorCode(ID) {
data: { VendorName: ID },
url: '/Purchase/POGenerals/Create/?handler=VendorCode',
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
const myJSON = JSON.stringify(data);
How can I access each object item through my Ajax call? and save it in a variable so that I could use that on my page? Is there any other better way? I am using ASP razor pages and trying to update other text boxes of the purchase order when I select the vendor name
The response data is the correct object so that no need use JSON.stringify(data);.
Also the response data is camel case format.
In summary, just use data.vCode to get the value.

passing an array from ajax call to controller, array empty in controller

Can anyone suggest what I need to change here?
I'm getting classes from elements that contain the class 'changed', the classes I get contain id's that I want to pass to the controller method.
When I look in the network tab I can see the data I want in the payload, it looks like this:
but when I put a breakpoint on the controller the list is null.
This is the class I'm expecting in the controller method:
public class MemberGroups
public string GroupId { get; set; }
public string SubGrouId { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
javascript for the save
function Savechanges() {
var spans = document.getElementsByClassName("changed");
var list = [];
function (key, value) {
function (key, value) {
var dataToPost = JSON.stringify({ list: list });
url: "/umbraco/Api/OrganisationMemberGroupsDashboardApi/UpdateMemberToGroup",
data: JSON.stringify({ list }),
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", // specify the content type
.done(function (data) {
public string UpdateMemberToGroup( List<MemberGroups> list)
// save records
The spans are created dynamically and added to a treeview. When they are dragged and dropped all classes are removed then the 'changed' class is added along with the id classes so I only pass the ones I need to to the controller
var s = document.createElement('span');
s.classList.add('GroupId-' + value.GroupId);
s.classList.add('SubGroupId-0');'GroupId-' + value.GroupId);
This variant was tested using postman body json -
Change your ajax data to this:
data: list,
and your controller action:
public string UpdateMemberToGroup([FromBody] []string list)
var memberGroups = new MemberGroups
GroupId =list[0],
SubGrouId =list[1],
Status =list[2]
// save records
This variant was tested in postman using
{"GroupId":"GroupId-1","SubGroupId": "SubGroupId-2", "Status":"changed"}
you can put the code in javascript:
var data={GroupId:list[0],SubGroupId:list[1], Status:list[2]}
your controler action in this case:
public string UpdateMemberToGroup([FromBody] MemberGroups memberGroups)
// save records
And I don't know what version MVC you use , but for some versions instead of [FromBody] better to use [FromForm] or don't use anything at all.

How to properly clear GridViewExtension data on page revisit or reload?

I have an incomplete project built on MVC 5, EF 6 DB First & DevExpress extensions with following code spec (all original non-English variable names changed & entire code simplified to comply MCVE):
Model (Namespace: ProjectName.Models)
public class DBContext : DbContext
public DBContext : base("ConnectionStringName")
public DbSet<WinnerTable> Winners { get; set; }
public DbSet<UnitTable> Units { get; set; }
public DbSet<CustomerTable> Customers { get; set; }
public class WinnerModel : IWinnerRepository
public String WinnerID { get; set; }
public String CustomerID { get; set; }
public String CustomerName { get; set; }
public String TranDate { get; set; }
public List<UnitModel> UnitList { get; set; }
public List<UnitModel> GetUnitList(String sessionID, DateTime tranDate)
// query to unit list
using (var DB = new DBContext())
var query = (from unit in DB.Units
where unit.SessionID == sessionID && unit.TranDate = tranDate
select new UnitModel()
// unit table to unit model definition
return query;
public class UnitModel
public String UnitID { get; set; }
public String UnitName { get; set; }
// other definitions
using ProjectName.Models;
public class InputController : Controller
public ActionResult Winner()
WinnerModel model = new WinnerModel()
// default values on first visit/reload page
TranDate = DateTime.Now.Date,
UnitList = new List<UnitModel>(); // list declaration
return View(model);
public PartialViewResult CustomerData(String customerId, String sessionId, DateTime tranDate, WinnerModel model)
if (DevExpressHelper.IsCallback && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(customerId))
Session["CustomerID"] = customerId;
Session["SessionID"] = sessionId;
Session["TranDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(tranDate);
using (var DB = new DBContext())
var query = DB.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerID == customerId).FirstOrDefault();
// model property assignments
return PartialView("_CustomerData", model);
public PartialViewResult ShowItemsGrid(WinnerModel model)
String customerId = (Session["CustomerId"] ?? String.Empty).ToString();
String sessionId = (Session["SessionId"] ?? String.Empty).ToString();
String lastCustomer = (Session["LastCustomer"] ?? String.Empty).ToString();
DateTime tranDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["TranDate"] ?? DateTime.Now.Date);
using (var DB = new DBContext())
model.CustomerId = customerId;
model.SessionId = sessionId;
model.TranDate = tranDate;
model.UnitList = model.GetUnitList(sessionId, tranDate);
if (model.UnitList == null || model.UnitList.Count == 0)
model.UnitList = new List<UnitModel>();
Session["LastCustomer"] = lastCustomer;
return PartialView("_GridView", model);
View (Winner.cshtml)
#using ProjectName.Models
#model WinnerModel
<script type="text/javascript">
var customer = null;
function initializeGrid()
ItemsGrid.PerformCallback(); // routine check if customer name exists
function comboChanged(s, e) {
customer = s.GetValue();
CustomerDataPanel.PerformCallback(); // callback to fill customer data for partial view & load units into gridview
// callback to insert values into session variable
function customerBeginCallback(s, e) {
e.customArgs["customerId"] = customer;
e.customArgs["sessionId"] = SessionId.GetValue();
e.customArgs["tranDate"] = TranDate.GetValue();
function customerEndCallback(s, e) {
// count checked data inside gridview
// this may be asked on other context and doesn't matter for this one
function countUnits(buttonName, url)
// other code
#using (Html.BeginForm("Winner", "Input", FormMethod.Post))
Html.DevExpress().TextBoxFor(m => m.SessionId, TextBoxSettings).GetHtml();
Html.DevExpress().DateEditFor(m => m.TranDate, DateEditSettings).GetHtml();
// this combobox has client-side event SelectedIndexChanged = "comboChanged"
// GetCustomers method just populate customers data into combobox and unrelated to this problem
Html.DevExpress().ComboBoxFor(m => m.CustomerId, ComboBoxSettings).BindList(ProjectName.Providers.GetCustomers()).GetHtml();
Html.RenderPartial("_CustomerData", Model); // DX callback panel
Html.RenderPartial("_GridView", Model);
// button to count all checked values inside gridview
Html.DevExpress().LabelFor(m => m.TotalPrice, PriceLabelSettings).GetHtml();
// button for submit & reset form here
Partial View (_CustomerData.cshtml)
#using ProjectName.Models
#model WinnerModel
// MVC DX callback panel for customer details
// Name = CustomerDataPanel
// CallbackRouteValues: Controller = Input, Action = CustomerData
// ClientSideEvents.BeginCallback = customerBeginCallback
// ClientSideEvents.EndCallback = customerEndCallback
Partial View (_GridView.cshtml)
#using ProjectName.Models
#model WinnerModel
// MVC DX GridView with row selection checkboxes
// The gridview column structure is exactly same as UnitModel has
// Name = ItemsGrid
// CallbackRouteValues: Controller = Input, Action = ShowItemsGrid
// ClientSideEvents.Init = initializeGrid
GridViewExtension grid = Html.DevExpress().GridView(GridViewSettings);
grid.Bind(Model.UnitList).GetHtml(); // grid bound to List<UnitModel>
All gridview changes require sufficent privileges (i.e. admin/supervisor).
Problem Statement
I want anyone help finding out where and how proper routine codes to empty gridview data must be attached on controller method(s) to give expected results. As I tried so far, the gridview still maintaining its previous state given from session variable when Winner page revisited or reloaded (immediate first visit after login worked because all session variables are empty, thus no data was populated to gridview).
Additionally, I want to show JS confirm message when user trying to close/reload Winner page while some/all gridview data are being checked.
Expected Results
For every first visit, revisit & reload on Winner page, the gridview content must empty.
After a user provides certain customer ID, the gridview will populated with some unit data from unit table, where changes inside it immediately lost when user accepts reloading/closing page confirm message.
Any kind of answers or suggestions will appreciated.

Get correct checkbox value when using razor mvc

I am rendering my form using razor. I iterate over class .control_group that's inside a form and create objects that I need to send back to controller. My form has checkboxes and hidden input values. Problem I am facing now is this. Checkbox elements rendered by razor have two inputs, one is hidden and other one is shown. When I collect form data I am always getting last input value (hidden one, and it's always false) How can I get the true value?
Current data sent to controller (everything is false):
Collecting data like this (found similar problem here on SO):
var ajaxData = $('.control_group').map(function (i, group) {
var data = {};
$(group).find(':input').each(function () {
data[] = this.value;
return data;
ajaxData = JSON.stringify({ 'ajaxData': ajaxData });
Controller looks like this:
public void SendData(List<SomeClass> ajaxData)
var data = ajaxData;
public class SomeClass
public int Id { get; set; }
public int RoleId { get; set; }
public bool R { get; set; }
public bool W { get; set; }
public bool E { get; set; }
public bool D { get; set; }
It is by design, you can read about this here: mvc: why is Html.CheckBox generating an additional hidden input
I can suggest you while iterating the elements do the following
if the form has another element with the same name, and it is not check box, skip it.
this way you can just collect the correct fields.
I am most certainly sure that you can handle this with JQUERY, if not, post a JSFIDDLE so we can help you.
Razor syntax always creates a hidden field for radio button & checkbox. You can change your :input selector to :input:checkbox to do your task.
var ajaxData = $('.control_group').map(function (i, group) {
var data = {};
$(group).find(':input:checkbox').each(function () {
data[] = this.value;
return data;
ajaxData = JSON.stringify({ 'ajaxData': ajaxData });

JayData one to many projections

I want to use jaydata JSLQ (JavaScript Language Query) to flatten a list of Post with one-to-many PostData into my ViewModel
My EF Entity looks like this:
public partial class Post
public Post()
this.PostData = new HashSet<PostData>();
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<PostData> PostData { get; set; }
My database contains these records:
Table: Post
Table: PostData
Id;PostId;FieldType; FieldValue
1; 1; 10; "foo"
2; 1; 12; "bar"
3; 1; 34; "blah"
I want my view model in the client to look like this:
{id:1, title:'foo'}
That means, i want to put a filter on PostData that returns only FieldName==10, and i want to flatten that to a simple object.
How would I do that?
returns an array of post objects. what next?
This is achieved witht he SelectMany() function in EF and on this approach is not yet supported by JayData. You can however achieve the same output with directly querying aganst PostData and filtering on Post attributes.
.filter( function(pd) { return pd.FieldType == 10 } )
.map( function(pd) { return {
PostID: pd.Post.Id,
PostDataId: pd.Id,
Title: pd.FieldValue }})
.toArray( ... )

