list an object in (Angular.js) - javascript

I am generating a list to search for the key "name" and "type".
results.push({ name: item.beast, type: 'color of animal' });
but I see this error to find an element that is contained in the array $
Error: [$ rootScope: infdig] $ 10 digest () iterations reached. Aborting! Watchers fired in the last five iterations.
This is the code that I have:

The problem here is that you're using a set of data to filter against but trying to display a resulting data set from that filtering process that's in a different format. I'd advocate using ng-change on the input and using a new data set to fill the repeated items.
$scope.matches = [];
$scope.findMatches = function(items, searchText) {
var results = [];
if (searchText) {
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
if (item.beast.indexOf(searchText) === 0) {
name: item.beast,
type: 'animal'
if (item.color.indexOf(searchText) === 0) {
name: item.color,
type: 'color of animal'
return results;
<input type='text' ng-model='search' id='search' ng-change="matches = findMatches(data, search)">
<li ng-repeat="item in matches track by $index">{{}} and {{item.type}}</li>
plunkr -

You are creating a new array everytime your filter is run, and returning that. This makes angular think you've changed the array everytime (it doesn't check for item equality, rather, reference equality by ===).
Have a look at this for more details.
A solution is to modify the items array inplace, and return it, so the reference remains the same.


Can't get mutator logic to correctly add the proper amount of items into a cart

I'm trying to make an add to cart function that first checks if the item being added is already in the cart. If it's in the cart, update its quantity property. If not in the cart, add the entire object to the cart. I think my problem is I'm getting the logic wrong inside my "ADD_ITEM_TO_CART" mutator function.
This is my store with some console.logs() from when I click "addToCart()"
state: {
checkoutCart: [],
actions: {
cartAdd({ commit }, payload) {
commit("ADD_ITEM_TO_CART", payload);
mutations: {
ADD_ITEM_TO_CART(state, payload) {
console.log("state.checkoutCart[0]", state.checkoutCart[0]);
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log("state.checkoutCart[0].item", state.checkoutCart.item);
console.log("state.checkoutCart", state.checkoutCart);
if (state.checkoutCart.includes(payload.item)) {
state.checkoutCart.quantity += payload.quantity;
console.log("Item already in cart");
else {
payload.item.quantity = payload.quantity;
I thought this code would work, but it ALWAYS executes the ELSE condition and adds to cart like the
if (state.checkoutCart.includes(payload.item))
isn't being recognized or working at all.
VueX devtools shows the same thing. An "item" object inside an object inside an array.
I also tried:
ADD_ITEM_TO_CART(state, payload) {
console.log("add_item_to_cart"); <---ONLY PART THAT SHOWS UP IN CONSOLE.LOG() WHEN EXECUTED
for (let i = 0; i < state.checkoutCart.length; i++) {
console.log("i=", i);
console.log("state.checkoutCart.item", state.checkoutCart.item);
if (state.checkoutCart[i].item.includes(payload.item)) {
state.checkoutCart.quantity += payload.quantity;
console.log("Item already in cart");
payload.item.quantity = payload.quantity;
because I figured I needed to loop through all the array entries. BUT the for loop doesn't even run, and with this code nothing gets added to the cart at all.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. Can somebody help? Is my syntax wrong? Or is my logic? Am I accessing the arrays/objects incorrectly? How do I write the "ADD_ITEM_TO_CART" mutator function correctly? I've literally spent all day on this and my brain is shutting down.
<select v-model="quantity">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<button type="button" #click="addToCart()">
Add to Cart
let quantity = ref("1");
const addToCart = () => {
console.log("addToCart Running");
store.dispatch("cartAdd", { item: item.value, quantity: quantity.value });
That is because your if condition is not checking for what you think.
Array.prototype.includes checks if a value is in the array but there are two cases:
the value is a primary type (string, number, boolean, ...). It compares by value.
the value is an object. Then it compares by reference.
So here, you are checking if the reference of your item object is already included in the array. But it's not, since it's a new object.
Solution: check if there is an object with the same values, not reference.
You can use the some method, and you have to write a condition that checks if two items are equals.
Here is an example if your items have an id:
if (state.checkoutCart.some(item => ===
The problem is indeed inside ADD_ITEM_TO_CART mutation.
As Kapcash has pointed out, two objects having the same properties and the same values are not the same.
In other words, .includes() checks for identity, not equality. To better understand this, consider this example:
const a = { foo: 'bar' }
const b = [{ foo: 'bar' }]
const c = [a]
const d = [{ ...a }]
console.log(b.includes(a)) // false
console.log(c.includes(a)) // true
console.log(d.includes(a)) // false
To get past this, use Kapcash's answer.
I'll just mention the standard way of dealing with this problem is using unique identifiers on objects (e.g: uuids).
Once you fix the above, it's still not going to work, because you'll run into the following problem: inside the if you're attempting to alter state.checkoutCart's quantity. And an array does not have a quantity property.
The proper logic to achieve the desired functionality is (assuming the unique identifier on checkoutCart members is item._id, from the pictures you posted):
ADD_ITEM_TO_CART(state, payload) {
// find the index of a cart element having same `item._id` value as the payload
const index = state.checkoutCart.findIndex(
(el) => el.item._id === payload.item._id
if (index > -1) {
// if the index is higher than `-1`, an element was found
// create a copy, update its quantity and then
// replace the original element with the copy
const copy = { ...state.checkoutChart[index] }
copy.quantity += payload.quantity
state.checkoutCart.splice(index, 1, copy)
} else {
// no element found, add payload to `checkoutCart`
Side note: None of your items should contain a quantity property. That's the cart's responsibility, not the item's. By adding it to the item you end up with two sources of truth which you'd need to keep in sync. You don't want this type of problem.

SAPUI5 Javascript - Get first and last elements of array for each unique property

SAPUI5 - I have an array of objects and one of the properties in those is 'Category'.
For example say I have 2 different types of Category, 'Front Shop' and 'Production Area', what I need to do is to be able to get the first value of each and the last value of each, and then set the enabled property of a button as enabled/disabled.
I'm currently using undercore js (_.each) to loop through to perform some other logic, so can include additional logic here.
Not sure if Underscore has a built in function for this?
Or could someone point me in the right direction on how to do this?
I've got my first pass at what was wanted where I get the very first result and the last result, but now need to set this for each unique category.
Example code below:
// Set view data
oViewData.Questions = oQuestions.results;
oViewData.Questions.TotalNumberOfQuestions = oQuestions.results.length;
// Loop Questions, to get Category Desc and Competency Desc values from relevant Sets
_.each(oViewData.Questions, function (result, index) {
// Read and set Category Desc
this.getView().getModel("Survey").read("/CategorySet", {
filters: [new Filter("CategoryId", FilterOperator.EQ, result.CategoryId)],
success: function (oData) {
oViewData.Questions[index]._CategoryDesc = oData.results[0].CategoryDesc;
error: function (oError) {}.bind(this)
// Read and set Competency Desc
this.getView().getModel("Survey").read("/CompetencySet", {
filters: [new Filter("CompetencyId", FilterOperator.EQ, result.CompetencyId)],
success: function (oData) {
oViewData.Questions[index]._CompetencyDesc = oData.results[0].CompetencyDesc;
error: function (oError) {}.bind(this)
// Set all move up / down buttons to enabled
oViewData.Questions[index]._MoveUpBtn = true;
oViewData.Questions[index]._MoveDownBtn = true;
// if category id is the first one in the list
// Overwrite first move up button and last move down btn to disabled
oViewData.Questions[0]._MoveUpBtn = false;
oViewData.Questions.slice(-1)[0]._MoveDownBtn = false;
// Set view data
First, you can iterate through arrays with native JavaScript.
_.each(array, function(item) {}) is the same as array.forEach(function(item) {}).
Second, you can use the built-in filter function for your actual question:
const aFrontShopItems = oViewData.Questions.filter(function(oItem) {
return oItem.Category === "Front Shop";
If oViewData.Questions is an array then the function passed to filter is applied to every element. If the condition (e.g. oItem.Category === "Front Shop") is true then the element is added to the new array aFrontShopItems. Obviously you need to call filter a second time to get the Production Area items. You can then apply your logic to the first and last items of your new arrays.

VueJs - DOM not updating on array mutation

I have a model in which I'm initializing an array on ajax success after the model is mounted
var self = this;
function (data) {
var list = [];
list = (item) {
return { id:, text: item.text };
self.selectableItems = list;
I have a click method on each of these items which removes the item from selectableItems
select: function (item) {
selectableItems renders correctly initially, but when I mutate the array, the dom isn't updating. Although the actual array is being modified correctly.
I verified this by having a computed property that returns the count of selectableItems. This count is updated correctly when the item is removed, but the dom still shows the item.
I also noticed that when I hard code the value of selectableItems in the ajax, everything works as expected!
self.selectableItems = [{ id: 1, text: "adsad"}];
I'm aware of the caveats of array mutation in vue. But I feel I'm missing something basic here, as I have just started exploring Vue.
Can someone point out on what I'm missing?
Array.pop() removes the last item from the array, it does not take any argument. It only removes the last item any argument you pass it.
That the reason your computed property showing the array count works as last item is being removed but not the item you want.
Use Array.splice()instead.
pass the index to your click method like this:
<li v-for="(item, index) in selectableItems" #click="select(index)>{{item}}</li>
select: function (index) {
this.selectableItems.splice(index, 1);

returning and calling an object in a list (ANGULAR.js)

in this example I'm returning a string depending on whether a text field is a value for "beast" and/or "color". but this is only returning a string. I would return in two conditions that have an object:
in the first conditional I need create an object and return:
{name: item.beast, type: "animal"}
in the second conditional, I need create an object and :
{name: item.color, type: "color of animal"}
and then in the HTML file, would that I could put the list:
{{ }} and {{item.type}}
so if I type "r" should appear in the list:
"rat and animal"
"red and color of animal "
I am not sure what you are trying to get. Have a look at this plunk. Is this what you wanted ?
It works if you push the whole item to the results list like:
Look at this
app.service('myFactoryService', function(){
this.createObj = function(name,type){
var obj = {}; = name;
obj.type = type;
return obj;
I don't know somehow why two-way binding doesn't permit to show two variables differently, only object, but there is defined service to create an object, then it is created in filter according to both options.
You can return objects inside the filter, exactly as you have written them on your question (also, I have cleaned up a bit the ifs... don't use document.getElementById inside the filter, you have the searchText in there already as second parameter of the filter!):
app.filter('searchData', function() {
return function(items, searchText) {
var results = [];
if(searchText) {
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
if(item.beast.indexOf(searchText) === 0) {
results.push({ name: item.beast, type: 'animal' });
if(item.color.indexOf(searchText) === 0) {
results.push({ name: item.color, type: 'color of animal' });
return results;
And then, you can use this on the P object of the html:
<p ng-repeat = "item in data | searchData : search">{{ + ' and ' + item.type}}</p>
I have forked the plunkr here with the changed code:
Hope it helps,
Best regards,
ps. Also, remember always to use the equality operators !== or === in Javascript, and not the != and == forms.

angularJs exclude already selected items from array

I have an array of objects in $scope.currentSChannels.scgsLink This array of objects have something like
$scope.currentSChannels.scgsLink = [{channelId:1, sCgsLinkId:1, groupNo:1, percentage: 50, expireHrs:4},{channelId:1, sCgsLinkId:2, groupNo:2, percentage:50, expireHrs:1}]
and I also have the following select list
<div class="col-md-4">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="newLink.groupNo"
name="groupNo" id="groupNo"
ng-options="t.value as t.text for t in metaData.spGroups"></select>
I need to filter that list to not show already selected items in the $scope.currentSChannels.scgsLink groupNo column. I looked at and also at AngularJS ng-options to exclude specific object and both seem to be close but not enough as I need to filter against an array and a particular column in that array. How should I implement that filtering?
The template is getting a bit tricky. Assuming selectedLink is the variable that points to the selected groupNo
ng-options="t.value as t.text for t in metaData.spGroups | filter: {value: '!' + currentSChannels.scgsLink[selectedLink].groupNo}"
See this fiddle : the second select contains the same collection as the first one, excluded what is already selected.
Edit: Solution above is for excluding elements according to one value. So as to exclude the elements according to a collection of values, a custom filter would suit best:
app.filter('channelFilter', function () {
return function (metadata, exclusions) {
var filterFunction = function (metadata) {
// return the metadata object if exclusions array does NOT contain his groupNo
return !exclusions.some(function (exclusion) {
return exclusion.groupNo === metadata.value;
return metadatas.filter(filterFunction);
ng-options="metadata in metadatas | channelFilter: exclusions"
ng-options="t.value as t.text for t in metaData.spGroups | channelFilter: currentSChannels.scgsLink"
That said, would be more efficient to group selected links by groupNo to avoid searches in the array, and filter in the controller.
I wanted to make it a bit more generic, so I've done the following
app.filter('excludeFrom', function () {
return function (inputArray, excludeArray, excludeColumnName, inputColumnName) {
if (inputColumnName==undefined)
inputColumnName = 'value';
var filterFunction = function (inputItem) {
return !excludeArray.some(function (excludeItem) {
return excludeItem[excludeColumnName] === inputItem[inputColumnName];
return inputArray.filter(filterFunction);

