File Protocol Ajax Request - javascript

I have made a project whose structure is like this
When I run my index.html from firefox, it is working fine.
But I open it with my chrome it is giving CORS error.
Now my problem is that chrome doesnot support file:// protocol ajax request & as I have distribute to my project to others I don't want other to run on firefox only.
Internally I am using ajax call in project, to load the resources. Can Somebody suggest how to bypass that ajax call to load resources?? Is there some solution or any third party js which can help me.
Note: Please don't suggest to use XAMPP, apache etc where I can put my project and run as localhost for chrome as I don't want user to force to download these to run my project. Please give other useful solution where I can do some change in code & it works for everyone.
Here are the links from which you could understand my problem better.
Ajax in Jquery does not work from local file
AJAX code do not run locally
AJAX request using jQuery does not work

Embed the data directly into the JavaScript or HTML and read it from there.
The data isn't going to be changing based on user input or the contents of a database, so having it in a separate "http" resource doesn't bring huge benefits.
If you want to store the data in XML to make it easier to edit in your development environment, then write a build tool to bundle it up into an embedded format before distributing.


access local file with jquery in client side of a Django project

I need to access a local file on the client side of a Django project and read an xml file from the client's local disk. Like C:\\test.xml
I am doing this in a single html and script file and using Chrome --allow-file-access to get permission for this access and it works but when I move this code into my Django project and use this jquery script in my html templates, it does not work and shows cross origin request ... error.
Please help me. Why is this happening and what is the solution?
One viable option that would work and not set out security alarms all over the place, would be to use file form field on your page and ask an end user to give that file to you.
Then, you can use HTML5 File API and do whatever you need in javascript or send it to your server.

Save Javascript or Replace Javascript File in Chrome Developer Tools

Is there a way to replace a .js file in the website sources with a file on my workstation, or make a modification to a .js file and refresh the website to see the changes?
I am developing client-side JavaScript code against a SharePoint website on a server. I cannot create a local version of the website, so I need to modify the script, save the file to the server, refresh, etc. I do not have direct access to the server, and saving a file in a SP doc library or web part takes a lot of time between edits.
I can make small modifications using the dev tools while breaking on certain lines and applying snippets, but I am hoping for a better way.
If you have access the server that's hosting the file you should be able to replace or modify the JS file. Alternately you can use local hosting tools to test your file and then upload it to the server once you've confirmed it's working.
If you explain what you level of access to your host is we can offer better suggestions.

making exe form HTML and Javascript

I was wondering I have PHP based server side stuff that accepts ajax requests and sends back JSON for JS. And I have HTML and JS based "client" now I would like to create exe(windows aplication) that would look the same as the "client" in browser but without browser. Preferably somehow grab that HTML and JS and "compile it" to regural client that would still send out AJAX calls and procesing JSON data.
To clarify things:
Server(on webserver) is PHP procesing incoming AJAX calls and diplaing JSON as result.
Client(what I want to convertt to exe) is HTML and JS(Jquery) page(application).
I want for user to have option two to dowload client for windows so he/she dont have to use browser.
With from Github you can develop Windows, Mac and Linux applications with Javascript, Html and CSS. You can also build mobile application with your web development skills.
You can use Electron, but if you just want something quick and easy to use, try Scriptonit. It's exactly for this kind of use. (Check out the documentation and the examples to see if this is the one for you.)
It's basically one exe plus a few sidecar files in a folder called app/, then it just works like a local browser without the frames & head. Also, it can access local files and run OS commands, even capture their output.
Side note 1: Yes it's mine, as you can see on the link - but no, that's not why I'm recommending it
Side note 2: It's 0.9 so it's not perfect, let me know if it misbehaves.
I don't think you can make a desktop application with markup languages. but then am also a newbie in this stuff but what I think you need is to develop a GUI in a programming language like java for example Swing to mimic the apearance of your webpage. Then connect to your server by socket programming.

replace server js files with local js for debugging

I have an application that has js file on the server, I want to be able to make changes in a local file and see how the web application responds. Someone pointed me to fiddler, but I am not sure how do I achieve that. If anyone knows any way I can achieve this, I would be really helpful. Also my js file doesnt show up in script but in network response.
Thanks in advance
Can you use fiddler web debugger to intercept and modify the script? I have used fiddler before to add debugger statements to 3rd party JavaScript. It was easy.
Download fiddler and use the menu options to break on a script response. Then you can edit the script in the lower box and continue.
I will get links and more details for you.

Using phoneback -- fetching from xml server not working correctly?

I'm using phonegap framework with javascript stuff. I also use backbone.js. The problem is that when I try to fetch a data from a server via Backbone.Collection.fetch() routine with valid url, I get an error meaning that the xml wasn't fetched. Any idea on how to solve this? Btw, if I run this on eclipse as Web Application, it works since eclipse uses its own internal server, I'm wondering if phonegap would do something similar as well? Thanks.
PhoneGap does not do anything to change how XMLHttpRequests are made though it does run on the file:// URI scheme and will return an HTTP status code of 0, which some libraries may not check for. You can see a simple PhoneGap Ajax example here:

