object transformation with underscore.js - javascript

For whatever reason, I have quite a bit of difficulty when trying to transform objects and arrays.
The current data I have is stored in a mongodb collection and looks like this:
[{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "someName", "colorName" : "Pink"},
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "someName2", "colorName" : "RoyalBlue"},
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "aThirdOne", "colorName" : "Gold"},
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "oneMore", "colorName" : "LightGreen"}]
I need to get either the following two arrays, but would like to know how to get both.
[{ "value" : 1, "label" : "someName"},
{ "value" : 2, "label" : "someName2"},
{ "value" : 3, "label" : "aThirdOne"},
{ "value" : 4, "label" : "oneMore"]
[{1 : "someName"},
{2 : "someName2"},
{3 : "aThirdOne"},
{4 : "oneMore"}]
I know it is probably something with _.map, but I am not sure why I can't figure it out. Please advise.

You don't really need Underscore for this, it's just normal Array.prototype.map method usage (although Underscore also provides this method):
var data = [{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "someName", "colorName" : "Pink"},
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "someName2", "colorName" : "RoyalBlue"},
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "aThirdOne", "colorName" : "Gold"},
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "oneMore", "colorName" : "LightGreen"}];
var result = data.map(function(el, i) {
return {value: el._id, label: el.name};
document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 4) + '</pre>';
Also note, that your second data structure doesn't make sense because it's irregular, so don't use it, it's not very convenient at all.
And here is corresponding Underscore version:
// Or Underscore version
var result = _.map(data, function(el) {
return {value: el._id, label: el.name};

In plain Javascript you can use Array.prototype.forEach() for iteration througt the array and assembling the objects and push it to the wanted results.
The forEach() method executes a provided function once per array element.
var array = [{ "_id": 1, "name": "someName", "colorName": "Pink" }, { "_id": 2, "name": "someName2", "colorName": "RoyalBlue" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "aThirdOne", "colorName": "Gold" }, { "_id": 4, "name": "oneMore", "colorName": "LightGreen" }],
result1 = [],
result2 = [];
array.forEach(function (a) {
result1.push({ value: a._id, label: a.name });
var o = {};
o[a._id] = a.name
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result1, 0, 4) + '</pre>');
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result2, 0, 4) + '</pre>');

var newObject = _.map(yourObject, function(val) {
return {
"value": val._id,
"label": val.name
And the same concept for the other result you're interested in .


Access title inside id

I am having trouble to access title inside an ID object.
I want to access item.title. But i am not able to give a name to the object ID.
I tried doing order.cart.items.item.title
"_id" : ObjectId("5d60d1752cda6403e4f868af"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2019-08-24T05:55:34.741Z"),
"user" : ObjectId("5d60d00e4c865312ccf3f18a"),
"cart" : {
"items" : {
"5d60cddb69f460191c680e96" : {
"item" : {
"_id" : "5d60cddb69f460191c680e96",
"imagePath" : "https://dks.scene7.com/is/image/GolfGalaxy/18NIKWRMX270XXXXXLFS_Black_Cream?wid=1080&fmt=jpg",
"title" : "Nike ",
"description" : "Nike Airmax",
"price" : 10,
"category" : "shoes",
"__v" : 0
"qty" : 1,
"price" : 10
"totalQty" : 1,
"totalPrice" : 10
You need to use Object.values for that, because of the ID. This allows you to get the object with the key of 5d60cddb69f460191c680e96 without the key:
const data = {
"cart" : {
"items" : {
"5d60cddb69f460191c680e96" : {
"item" : {
"_id" : "5d60cddb69f460191c680e96",
"imagePath" : "https://dks.scene7.com/is/image/GolfGalaxy/18NIKWRMX270XXXXXLFS_Black_Cream?wid=1080&fmt=jpg",
"title" : "Nike ",
"description" : "Nike Airmax",
"price" : 10,
"category" : "shoes",
"__v" : 0
"qty" : 1,
"price" : 10
"totalQty" : 1,
"totalPrice" : 10
for (let id in data.cart.items)
You can simply achieve this by getting key name of an object using Object.keys() methods, This methods returns an array of key names
const obj = { id: 1 };
const keysArray = Object.keys(obj);
console.log(keysArray);. // ["id"]
In your case only one keys are present in the object, So we can directly get that name with index 0 (Object.keys(obj)[0])
Check below snippet
const cart ={
"items": {
"5d60cddb69f460191c680e96": {
"item": {
"imagePath": '',
"title": "Nike ",
"description": "Nike",
"price": 10,
"category": "shoes",
"__v": 0
"qty": 1,
"price": 10
const id =

Looping Through Nested JSON with Nested Child Searches

I have a JSON structure that looks like this:
"benefitValues" : [ {
"changeDate" : "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName" : "aaaa",
"numericValue" : 20,
"value" : "20",
"amountType" : {
"allowCustomDataFlg" : false,
"dataType" : "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg" : true,
"defaultValue" : "Unlimited",
"description" : null,
"maxValue" : null,
"minValue" : null,
"name" : "LIST",
"benefit" : {
"category" : "Facility Services",
"name" : "Single Limit",
"networkStatus" : "IN_NETWORK",
"planType" : "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder" : 20,
"subcategory" : "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder" : 6
Based on the string "Acupuncture Treatment", I need to extract the the value and the datatype. The dataset is very large, with hundreds of subcategories. I cannot find a good way to search through this data. I tried json-path and advanced-json-path, but if I do a search on a child element, there is no way for me to return the parents. I want my output to look like this:
"Subcategory" : "Acupuncture Treatment",
"Value" : "20",
"Type" : "Percent"
I was hoping there was an easy way to do this with an existing library, or at least with a simple loop.
This will find the matching element frombenefitValues, and transform the element into the format you're expecting:
var benefitValues = [{
"changeDate": "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName": "aaaa",
"numericValue": 20,
"value": "20",
"amountType": {
"allowCustomDataFlg": false,
"dataType": "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg": true,
"defaultValue": "Unlimited",
"description": null,
"maxValue": null,
"minValue": null,
"name": "LIST",
"benefit": {
"category": "Facility Services",
"name": "Single Limit",
"networkStatus": "IN_NETWORK",
"planType": "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder": 20,
"subcategory": "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder": 6
// Find the element
let treatment = benefitValues.find((item) => item.amountType.benefit.subcategory === 'Acupuncture Treatment');
let result = {
Value: treatment.value,
Subcategory: treatment.amountType.benefit.subcategory,
Type: treatment.amountType.dataType
You can search through your data set and pull out only the items that match your string by using .filter. That would give you the entire object, so then you can use .map to transform it to the structure you want.
Or if you're only interested in the first result, you can use .find instead.
const json = {"benefitValues" : [{
"changeDate" : "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName" : "aaaa",
"numericValue" : 20,
"value" : "20",
"amountType" : {
"allowCustomDataFlg" : false,
"dataType" : "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg" : true,
"defaultValue" : "Unlimited",
"description" : null,
"maxValue" : null,
"minValue" : null,
"name" : "LIST",
"benefit" : {
"category" : "Facility Services",
"name" : "Single Limit",
"networkStatus" : "IN_NETWORK",
"planType" : "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder" : 20,
"subcategory" : "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder" : 6
// With filter/map
const result = json.benefitValues
.filter(val => val.amountType.benefit.subcategory === "Acupuncture Treatment")
.map(val => ({Subcategory: val.amountType.benefit.subcategory, Value: val.value, Type: val.amountType.dataType}));
// With find / manual transform:
const singleFullResult = json.benefitValues
.find(val => val.amountType.benefit.subcategory === "Acupuncture Treatment")
const singleResult = {
Subcategory: singleFullResult.amountType.benefit.subcategory,
Value: singleFullResult.value,
Type: singleFullResult.amountType.dataType
You can use Array.prototype.filter() combined with Array.prototype.map() and create an array of object with the structure you need. Here's an example:
let myArray = [{
"changeDate": "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName": "aaaa",
"numericValue": 20,
"value": "20",
"amountType": {
"allowCustomDataFlg": false,
"dataType": "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg": true,
"defaultValue": "Unlimited",
"description": null,
"maxValue": null,
"minValue": null,
"name": "LIST",
"benefit": {
"category": "Facility Services",
"name": "Single Limit",
"networkStatus": "IN_NETWORK",
"planType": "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder": 20,
"subcategory": "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder": 6
let ret = myArray
.filter(arr => arr.amountType.benefit.subcategory === 'Acupuncture Treatment')
.map(arr => {
return {
Subcategory: arr.amountType.benefit.subcategory,
Value: arr.value,
Type: arr.amountType.dataType
First the filter function will filter your array and return only the items related to 'Acupuncture Treatment', then the map function, that receives as a parameter a function that will be executed for each item inside the array and it will return a new structure, will return only the fields you need.

How can i get pair of the json object in javascript

data =
{"user" : [
"id" : 1,
"name" : "jeboo",
"level": 1
"id" : 2,
"name" : "yoyo",
"level": 1
"id" : 3,
"name" : "yaya",
"level": 2
"id" : 4,
"name" : "yeye",
"level": 2
"id" : 5,
"name" : "yiyi",
"level": 3
"id" : 6,
"name" : "jebee",
"level": 3
this is how i get json object
var obj = JSON.stringify(data);
var parse = JSON.parse(obj);
$.each(parse, function(key, object) {
$.each(object, function(index, val) {
console.log(index, val);
my purpose is want to produce the array below
object 0 + object 1 = first pair
object 2 + object 3 = second pair
object 4 + object 5 = third pair
Assuming you want objects with same level in pairs,
You can use Array#reduce to achieve this:
var data =
{"user" : [
"id" : 1,
"name" : "jeboo",
"level": 1
"id" : 2,
"name" : "yoyo",
"level": 1
"id" : 3,
"name" : "yaya",
"level": 2
"id" : 4,
"name" : "yeye",
"level": 2
"id" : 5,
"name" : "yiyi",
"level": 3
"id" : 6,
"name" : "jebee",
"level": 3
var r = data.user.reduce(function(res, obj) {
res[obj.level - 1] = res[obj.level - 1] || [];
res[obj.level - 1].push(obj);
return res;
}, []);
If you want to pair the objects according to their position in the array and independent of level property then you can use callback's index argument and a bit of math:
var r = data.user.reduce(function(res, obj, idx) {
res[Math.floor(idx/2)] = res[Math.floor(idx/2)] || [];
return res;
}, []);

Dynamic Mapping using jquery.map()

I have a series of ajax json responses that I need to convert to a common type of array. The issue is that each json response is slightly different.
Here are two examples of responses I might receive:
var contacts = [{ "ContactId" : "1", "ContactName" : "Bob" },{ "ContactId" : "2", "ContactName" : "Ted" }];
var sites = [{ "SiteId" : "1", "Location" : "MN" },{ "SiteId" : "2", "Location" : "FL" }];
I'm trying to write a method that converts either collection to a common type. An example of the above responses converted would look like this:
var convertedContacts = [{ "value" : "1", "text" : "Bob" },{ "value" : "2", "text" : "Ted" }];
var convertedSites = [{ "value" : "1", "text" : "MN" },{ "value" : "2", "text" : "FL" }];
So I'm trying to use the map function of jquery to facilitate this requirement. Although I can't seem to figure out how to dynamically query for the different property values that will exist depending on which json collection I'm passing into the function.
Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:
function ConvertResponse(arrayToConvert, text, value)
var a = $.map(arrayToConvert, function(m) {
return "{ \"text\" : "+eval("m."+text)+", \"value\" : "+eval("m."+value)+" }"
I also tried this:
function ConvertResponse(arrayToConvert, text, value)
var a = $.map(arrayToConvert, function(m) {
return "{ \"text\" : " + m.$(text) + ", \"value\" : " + m.$(value) + " }";
And this is how you would call it:
var convertedContacts = ConvertResponse(contacts, "ContactName", "ContactId");
var convertedSites = ConvertResponse(contacts, "Location", "SiteId");
Unfortunately this does not seem to work in the least.
Like this?
var contacts = [{ "ContactId" : "1", "ContactName" : "Bob" },{ "ContactId" : "2", "ContactName" : "Ted" }];
var sites = [{ "SiteId" : "1", "Location" : "MN" },{ "SiteId" : "2", "Location" : "FL" }];
function convertResponse(response, text, value) {
return $.map(response, function(it) {
return {
value: it[value],
text: it[text]
var convertedContacts = convertResponse(contacts, 'ContactId', 'ContactName');
var convertedSites = convertResponse(sites, 'SiteId', 'Location');

mongodb update on JSON array

I have this data in Mongo:
'tasks':[ {"taskId":3,parentId:1,name:'A',type:'task'},
{'type':'project' , 'proRef':2},
Now I want to update taskId 6 with new Json data .
var jsonData = {"taskId":6,"name":'Sumeet','newField1':'Val1','newField2':'Val2'}
query should update if field is available else add new key to existing .Output Like
I have tried few query but it is completely replacing json .
db.projectPlan.update({_id:1,'tasks.taskId':6},{$set :{'tasks.$':jsonData }});
Thanks in advance for your helps!
You need to transform the jsonData variable into something that can be passed to update. Here's an example that does exactly what you want with your sample document:
var updateData = {};
for (f in jsonData) {
if (f != "taskId") updateData["tasks.$."+f]=jsonData[f];
db.projectPlan.update({_id:1, 'tasks.taskId':6}, {$set:updateData})
{ "_id" : 1,
"name" : "Root",
"taskId" : 1,
"parentId" : "",
"path" : [ 1 ],
"tasks" : [
{ "taskId" : 3, "parentId" : 1, "name" : "A", "type" : "task" },
{ "taskId" : 4, "parentId" : 1, "name" : "D", "type" : "task" },
{ "taskId" : 5, "parentId" : 4, "name" : "B", "type" : "task" },
{ "type" : "project", "proRef" : 2 },
{ "taskId" : 6, "parentId" : 3, "name" : "Sumeet", "type" : "task", "newField1" : "Val1", "newField2" : "Val2" },
{ "taskId" : 7, "parentId" : 6, "name" : "C", "type" : "task" }
] }
You will need to merge the document manually:
var jsonData = {"taskId":5,"name":'Sumeet','newField1':'Val1','newField2':'Val2'};
db.projectPlan.find({ _id: 1 }).forEach(
function(entry) {
for (var taskKey in entry.tasks) {
if (entry.tasks[taskKey].taskId === jsonData.taskId) {
for (var taskSubKey in jsonData) {
entry.tasks[taskKey][taskSubKey] = jsonData[taskSubKey];
Obviously you can leave away the printjson statements. This is simply to see that the merging of the original tasks with the new tasks works. Note that this query will only update a single document as long as the _id field is unique.

