Adding variables to a form post url with javascript - javascript

On my website there is a form a new user will have to fill out and then after a text message will be sent to the user. This is how the form action looks
But since every user's phone number is different, i want to replace the to variable in the form action with the one the user will input in the textfield phone
can anyone help me through
<form id="new_member_sms" name="new_member_sms" method="post" action="">
<label for="phone"></label>
<input name="phone" type="text" id="phone" />

Pretty trippy form with sends via POST and also includes GET variables via the action's query string, but here's a quick jquery solution for replacing the phone number in the query string:
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var formAction = $(this).attr('action');
var newAction = formAction.replace('00000000', $('#phone').val());
$(this).attr('action', newAction);


Remove query string "?" in HTML form method GET

I have a simple search form of Google Images that open in a new window. When I want to change the form parameters to Unsplash (that don't use query strings on their URL search) the form continue sending query string ;(
<input type="radio" id="google" name="image" onclick="googleImages();" checked/>
<label for="google">Google Images</label>
<input type="radio" id="unsplash" name="image" onclick="unsplash();"/>
<label for="unsplash">Unsplash</label>
<form id="form" method="GET" action="">
<input id="input" type="text" name="q" value="" required>
<input type="submit" value="Search" onclick="'_blank';">
<input id="helper" type="hidden" name="tbm" value="isch">
form = document.getElementById("form"),
input = document.getElementById("input"),
helper = document.getElementById("helper");
function googleImages() {
function unsplash() {
How create a function that remove query string from output URL? (and set again parameters when a radio option need them)
See code working here:,js,output
So if you are not sending any parameters to don't use form submit. Instead use javascript redirect inside unsplash() function.
window.location.href = "";
You've clarified in a comment that when calling Unsplash, you need to pass the search string as part of the URL rather than as a query string parameter, like this:
To do that with your current setup, you'll need to do two things:
Add the string to the URL, and
Disable the form fields. Disabled form fields aren't sent with the form at all; link to spec. (Alternately, of course, you could remove them, but if you change your form at some point so that it has target="_blank" or similar, removing them would complicate allowing an Unsplash search followed by a Google Images search.)
So something like this:
function unsplash() {
// #1
form.action="" + encodeURIComponent(input.value);
// #2
input.disabled = true;
helper.disabled = true;
helper.disabled = true;
Note the use of encodeURIComponent.
And of course, if you did update the page so that it opened a new window instead of replacing the current window, you'd update your googleImages function to set disabled to false on those inputs (since it will be left true by the unsplash function). You don't have to do that if you're replacing the page, though.

Retrieving Tumblr Username From HTML Form

I'm new to Javascript, and am currently writing a custom HTML page for my tumblr.
I understand that you can toggle a button to call a function in JS. I'd like to know how to retrieve a user's username when the button is clicked, within this function. I would like to email this information back to myself but can find no documentation on this anywhere :(
I understand the Tumblr has its own stock Ask form. However, I would like to customize my own. My HTML form is below:
<form action="sendUsername()" >
<textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="message"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
function sendUsername(emailAddress, message){
//email username and message to emailAddress
For the getting the username, you need
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" />
var username = document.getElementByID('username').value;
to get the input value stored in a variable
However, I don't think you can send an email to yourself straight from Javascript without a third-party API. It can be done using PHP's mail() function though
If you don't want to use PHP at all, then have a look at this:
How to send an email from JavaScript

Form data won't send using Javascript to email

I am new to HTML and Javascript, but I have tried to do research on how to get a form to send its information to an e-mail address when the submit button is selected. Most of my research showed that PHP is needed, but when I asked my professor, he said it can be done using only javascript and the assignment needs to be submitted that way. Below is what I am trying to get to work.
function mailMe(form){;
location ="+Subject;
return true;
<FORM NAME=“Registry” onSubmit="return mailMe(this.form)" >
<h3><font size=6pt> Visitor Registration </font></h3>
Name <input type="text" name=“name”><br>
E-Mail Address <input type="text" name=“mail”><br>
<INPUT TYPE="submit"><br>
It can't be done using only javascript or client-side technologies.
But you can probably open a new window with a mailto link.
Please note this won't send an e-mail, but instead open your local e-mail application to send an e-mail.
This is a really bad idea. You should use AJAX and PHP, this is really the better method.
If you really want your code, you have a few errors. This is correct:
var Subject = document.getElementById("name").value;
window.location = "" + Subject;
Then you have to add an ID to the name field:
<input type="text" name=“name” id="name"><br>
But let me say that you really should use PHP mail(), because then not the client email program is used to send the mail and all is done in background.
I just tried the example below which I found at Microsoft and it worked fine. Can even be done without Javascript by simply adding the "mailto:" to the form action attribute. Also note that the form element names correspond to mailto query string parameters, i.e., "subject" and "body".
References: Microsoft mailto Protocol and RFC2368:The mailto URL scheme
Micosoft SharePoint, Adobe LiveCycle, and other middleware are able to process the emailed forms on the back end. Or one could roll their own using Java, C#, PHP, etc. Yet, that wasn't part of the class assignment ... er ... I mean question.
<form action="" method="get">
<input name="subject" type="hidden" value="Message Title">
<textarea name=body cols="40">
Please share your thoughts here
and then choose Send Feedback.
<input type="submit" value="Send Feedback">

How to access form data from javascript

I am a javascript newb so any help on this matter would be appreciated!
I am trying to get the user submitted data back after submission.
I have a javascript function that replaces one form with another. A kind stackoverflow user helped me create this function.
function Vanish(event) {
// Specify the id of the form.
var IDofForm = "quest";
// Specify the id of the div containing the form.
var IDofDivWithForm = "question";
// Specify the id of the div with the content to replace the form with.
var IDforReplacement = "entryform";
if(document.getElementById(IDofDivWithForm).innerHTML = document.getElementById(IDforReplacement).innerHTML){
return true;
return false;
Then I have my forms :
<div id="question">
<form action="" method="POST" name="quest" id="quest" onsubmit="Vanish(event)">
<textarea name="question" class="question-field" placeholder="Ask your question..."></textarea><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="qsubmit" onclick=" Change();">
<!-- Change() only swaps images on the screen-->
<!-- Vanishing Form -->
<div id="entryform" style="display:none;">
<form action="" method="POST" id="email">
<input type="text" name="fName" placeholder="First Name" class="forms" value="<?echo $_POST['question'];?>">
<input type="text" name="sName" placeholder="Second Name" class="forms">
<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email" class="forms">
<input type="image" src="images/submit.png" name="esubmit" onclick="submitForm()">
As you can see from above I have two forms. the entry form replaces the question form after it has been submitted.
My question today is how do I get the entered data?
I prefer php as I understand it more so if there was a php method to this that would be great however all solutions will be helpful!.
For PHP I have tried using the $_REQUEST and $_POST methods to try and get back the data but it does not work.
My forms all submit to the page they are on.
First of all JavaScript is client side programming language so to get data to server you need to make a http/https request to server and send/receive data
Good read What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?
and to do that you can either use html Form or ajax
In form you simply send data to url in action ( if no url specified it will make request to current page else specified action url)
you can send data using ajax for that you just need to make ajax request like below (i highly recommended to use JavaScript ( but if you are good at JavaScript that you can use Jquery framework too )
var yourFormId = document.getElementById("email");
email.onsumbit = function(e){
var formData = new FormData(yourFormId );
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "your-url");
// here by formData object you can get all data in single code of line
and to do with jquery see this post it has very simple example jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP
Now couple of good Reads
FormData Objects
Ajax : MDN its really good source

Passing form field content to same form field on a new page

I have a form field for "E-mail" address and I want to set up a small form at the top of each page that has a field for "E-mail Address" and then a Sign up button that takes you to a page to complete a detailed form for mailing list subscription. The two things I'm having problems with:
How do I pass the data entered in the form to the E-mail address on the dedicated "Mailing List" page?
How do I redirect to the user to the dedicated "Mailing List" page when they click "Submit"?
As you look ready to use javascript to pass data, why not go one step further and have a single page for your functionality.
And with javascript you show or hide the form you want the user to see.
Or even you build a single form and you show or hide some additional fields between the 2 states.
In these configurations, reading values in the same page is very easy.And the user experience will be better.
Edit (after a desperate comment ;)
In the BODY of your page set a form like that:
<form action="javascript:void(0)" >
<input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="sign up!" onclick="signUp(this.form)"/>
function signUp(form){
window.location.href = 'signUp.html?email=' +;
And in the BODY of the signup page:
<form id="frm" action="javascript:void(0)" >
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="register!" onclick="register(this.form)"/>
function urlParam(name, w){
w = w || window;
var rx = new RegExp('[\&|\?]'+name+'=([^\&\#]+)');
var val = w.location.href.match(rx);
return !val ? '':val[1];
var frm = document.getElementById('frm'); = urlParam('email');
When you click the button of the first form, the url is built with a parameter to the signup page.
The signup page is loaded, and then we get the reference of the form, read the value of the url with the function "urlParam" and place the value to the field named "email"
How do I pass the data entered in the form to the E-mail address on the dedicated "Mailing List" page?
Use the correct name attribute for the email input.
How do I redirect to the user to the dedicated "Mailing List" page when they click "Submit"?
You can define this using the action attribute of the form element:
<form action="mailing-list.php" action="post">

