How to combine all js files? - javascript

I have more than javascript files in my html documents as external which I'd like to combine on account of not to be crowded. is there any way to combine my js files ? for example;
my files:
and i want;

Take a look at and especially look at r.js (

var i=0;
function fun1()
var k=0;
function fun2()
all.js just copy, paste like css
var i=0;
function fun1()
var k=0;
function fun2()
take care of semicolons and closed braces when you purticularly write whole script in an eventlistener, especially 'DOMContentLoaded'
//whole big script
instead use
var some_function = function(){*bla bla bla*};

A simple bash cat operation will do what you want, but, at some stage you're probably going to want more right?
Grunt and Grunt-contrib-concat is a good starter, but you'll quickly realise grunt is not particularly good. To summarise usage, you create a gruntfile, install a few dependencies (i.e. install grunt and its command line interface, this is easy) and run grunt from your project root. It then parses the gruntfile to find out what you want it to do, and it does it. Pretty simple, and simple is good.
Next up is Gulp, which is a nice build system using streams, so, slightly more complex (well, easier and more powerful but, streams can be kind-of confusing at first). Gulp works in the same way only it parses a gulpfile for instructions. For a concat operation the actual gulp command is trivial:
gulp.src( '*.js' )
.pipe( gulp.dest( 'all.js' )
Between the .src and the .dest you can pipe the files through multiple transforms, such as minifying, transpiling, notifying—the list of plugins and modules is dizzying (as it is for grunt).
However, if you’re a fan of node and npm (you probably should be) then you can use npm scripts to create a build system. npm is the node package manager and requires a package.json to give some clues as to how to work. Part of that json specification is a scripts block
"scripts": {
"build" : "cat *.js > all.js"
You can then use npm run build from the command line, whereby npm will parse the package.json and execute the script using bash (sh actually).
Note that these are build systems, and there are many others.
There are also other packagers (which you would probably use as part of your build system, although for some projects they are you entire build system) but they are more complex than your needs, for your own research browserify, webpack and jspm are all excellent (bare in mind AMD modules lost so require.js is probably not worth your time), although this area is becoming congested. Each of these are very powerful modularisation tools, but they will require some changes to how you structure your code. If you are serious about modularisation then they are worth your time learning.
On a slightly different tangent, there is some discussion about whether one large file is actually more beneficial than a number of smaller scripts. In many cases simply serving a few small files is actually quicker, and may be easier, although there can be other benefits of smashing code together. Currently it is probably still best to concat at least into less HTTP requests, but this requirement for performance is going away.

It might be helpful :
create file all.js and paste a.js,b.js,c.js,d.js file code


Bazel auto generate dependencies for ts_library

Is it possible to auto-generate the dependencies of a bazel target? It seems like there should be a way to look at the imports of the module and know which bazel dependencies are needed at least in a lot of cases common cases. This could save a lot of boilerplate code.
load("#npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", "ts_library")
name = "lib",
srcs = glob(include = ["**/*.ts"]),
# Is there any easy way to generate this list?
deps = [],
I know there are packages for Java that do this. I haven't been able to find anything for any other languages.
If it doesn't exist I think it could be pretty straightforward to write. Create a template file for you to work off of creating the real BUILD file. Then run typescript to pull the AST of the module. Look through the imports. The 3rd part imports will be easier since they should resolve to an npm module.
For other files that may or may not be in this library then there might be a way to query what package they live int. That could probably work. Any pointers would be very much appreciated.
Disclosure: I am one of the authors of this library.
It can generate BUILD files (or, more precisely it generates buildozer commands) for Angular (ng_module) and SCSS (scss_library and scss_binary) libs.
I've just moved this in to opensource from our internal repo. It works in a similar way to what you suggest, however it doesn't query for labels. It uses a file or directory as a starting point, parse into an AST, query the AST to fetch imports and reexports, convert the paths into labels.
Adding ts_library support is a logical next step.
It doesn't always get you a 100% working BUILD file currently, but it will get you ~80-90% of the way there, and do the boilerplate parts for you.
Another approach would be to interact with the Gazelle API, and manipulate the BUILD files directly.
A previous version of this tool generated the BUILD files from a string and it got difficult to work with when manipulating the files in other ways.

How do I export my browserified modules for requiring in the browser?

I have several js modules that I bundle with browserify in gulp:
gulp.task('build:js', ['clean:js'], function () {
debug: true,
entries: paths.js.src
.transform('babelify', { presets: ['es2015'] })
It outputs a single bundle.js. However, when bundled like this I can't require individual modules in the browser. Which I'd like to do, because I don't want to always initiate every module (some are page specific). Instead of that I'd like to be able to use var someModule = require('some-module'); on a page alongside the bundle.
Now I couldn't really find anything about this in the documentation, since it only documents the commandline options (and not the js api). This answer shows that a module can be required and exposed from gulp, but that would expose my entire bundle, and not the modules of which it is composed.
A solution would be to bundle all my modules separately, exclude dependencies (so they won't be duplicated across bundles) and then concatenate that. But that doesn't really seem like a viable solution because:
The modules might have trouble resolving dependencies since everything is bundled separately, and thus dependencies would have to be resolved in-browser. Not ideal and prone to breakage I think.
It is very labour intensive since I use a lot of modules, and each will have to be exported manually in gulp, dependencies excluded and referenced in my templates. There are ways to automate it, but this doesn't exclude shared dependencies.
So how do I solve this? How can I require the bundles of which my js is composed separately in the browser, for client side use?
So what I ended up doing is something else. What I was asking kind of went against the way that browserify works, even though it's possible. Maybe eventually when HTTP2 imports and js modules can be used in all major browsers this'll be easier.
For now, I just have a global bundle for the scripts that run on every page, including all my third party libraries. And then for each page I have an separate entry point with the local modules that it needs. This is so far the most maintainable solution.

Substitude one module for another in node.js

If I have a node.js application that has hundreds of files that reference a module (say underscore) and I want to replace that module with another (say lodash) then the obvious way to do this substitution would be a global name replace and switch out the modules in the package.json file.
Is there anyway to just change the module that a name refers to so that when node.js sees require('moduleA') it actually loads 'moduleB' instead? Now I know that this would cause naming hell because anyone working on the project would see require('moduleA') and wouldn't know that the real module being loaded was 'moduleB' so ultimately you'd probably want to go with the first solution. The use case that I'm thinking of is if you want to try a few alternatives for API compatible modules to measure your application's performance (for example) with each module.
If this is an on-going thing and you want to maintain the ability to programmatically switch between the options often, such as in tests:
Instead of using require("underscore"); throughout your codebase, require a local file instead like require("./lib/underscore");, and have that file conditionally re-export underscore or a different library:
if (global.USE_LODASH) {
module.exports = require("lodash");
} else {
module.exports = require("underscore");
If this is a one-off thing to try out an alternative library before making the decision to switch, and you want to do this test quickly first without find-and-replacing in all of your files:
Go inside your node_modules folder, delete or rename the underscore folder, and make a symlink named underscore to the replacement module's folder. I don't recommend this as a long-term solution: running npm install again will likely undo this hack, and most projects choose to avoid checking the node_modules folder into their source repository.
Try to use mock-require module.

Is there a way to include file in coffee script?

I'd like to know if there is a way to include a file in a coffee script.
Something like #include in C or require in PHP...
If you use coffeescript with node.js (e.g. when using the commandline tool coffee) then you can use node's require() function exactly as you would for a JS-file.
Say you want to include in
In declare and export objects you want to export
someVar = ...
exports.someVar = someVar
In you can then say:
someVar = require('').someVar
This gives you clean modularization and avoids namespace conflicts when including external code.
How about coffeescript-concat?
coffeescript-concat is a utility that preprocesses and concatenates
CoffeeScript source files.
It makes it easy to keep your CoffeeScript code in separate units and
still run them easily. You can keep your source logically separated
without the frustration of putting it all together to run or embed in
a web page. Additionally, coffeescript-concat will give you a single
sourcefile that will easily compile to a single Javascript file.
Tl;DR: Browserify, possibly with a build tool like Grunt...
Solutions review
Build tool + import pre-processor
If what you want is a single JS file to be run in the browser, I recommend using a build tool like Grunt (or Gulp, or Cake, or Mimosa, or any other) to pre-process your Coffeescript, along with an include/require/import module that will concatenate included files into your compiled output, like one of these:
Browserify: probably the rising standard and my personal favourite, lets you to use Node's exports/require API in your code, then extracts and concatenates everything required into a browser includable file. Exists for Grunt, Gulp, Mimosa and probably most others . To this day I reckon it is probably the best solution if you're after compatibility both Node and the browser (and even otherwise)
Some Rails Sprocket-like solutions like grunt-sprockets-directives or gulp-include will also work in a consistent way with CSS pre-processors (though those generally have their own importing mechanisms)
Other solutions include grunt-includes or grunt-import
Standalone import pre-processor
If you'd rather avoid the extra-complexity of a build tool, you can use Browserify stand-alone, or alternatives not based on Node's require like coffeescript-concat or Coffee-Stir
[Not recommended] Asynchronous dynamic loading (AJAX + eval)
If you're writing exclusively for the browser and don't mind, or rather really want, your script being spread across several files fetched via AJAX, you can use a myriad of tools like:
yepnope.js or Modernizr's .load based on yepnope: Please note that yepnope is now deprecated by its maintainer, who recommend using build tools and concatenation instead of remote loading
jQuery's $.getScript
Vanilla AJAX + eval
your own implementation of AMD
You can try this library I made to solve this same problem coffee-stir
its very simple.
Just type #include and the name of the file that you want to include
For details
I found that using "gulp-concat" to merge my coffee scripts before processing them did the trick. It can be easily installed to your project with npm.
npm install gulp-concat
Then edit your gulpfile.js:
var gulp = require('gulp')
,coffee = require('gulp-coffee')
,concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('coffee', function(){
.pipe(coffee({bare: true}).on('error', gulp.log))
This is the code I used to concatenate all my coffee scripts before gulp processed it into the final build Javascript. The only issue is the files are processed in alphabetical order. You can explicitly state which file to process to achieve your own file order, but you lose the flexibility of adding dynamic .coffee files.
gulp.src(['src/', 'src/', 'src/'])
.pipe(coffee({bare: true}).on('error', gulp.log))
gulp-concat as of February 25th, 2015 is available at this url.
Rails uses sprockets to do this, and this syntax has been adapted to Works well for me.

Node-style require for in-browser javascript? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 2 years ago.
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Are there any libraries for in-browser javascript that provide the same flexibility/modularity/ease of use as Node's require?
To provide more detail: the reason require is so good is that it:
Allows code to be dynamically loaded from other locations (which is stylistically better, in my opinion, than linking all your code in the HTML)
It provides a consistent interface for building modules
It is easy for modules to depend on other modules (so I could write, for instance, an API that requires jQuery so I can use jQuery.ajax()
Loaded javascript is scoped, meaning I could load with var dsp = require("dsp.js"); and I would be able to access dsp.FFT, which wouldn't interfere with my local var FFT
I have yet to find a library that does this effectively. The workarounds I tend to use are:
coffeescript-concat -- it's easy enough to require other js, but you have to compile it, which means it is less great for fast development (e.g. building APIs in-test)
RequireJS -- It's popular, straightforward, and solves 1-3, but lack of scoping is a real deal-breaker (I believe head.js is similar in that it lacks scoping, though I've never had any occasion to use it. Similarly, LABjs can load and .wait() does mollify dependency issues, but it still doesn't do scoping)
As far as I can tell, there appear to be many solutions for dynamic and/or async loading of javascript, but they tend to have the same scoping issues as just loading the js from HTML. More than anything else, I would like a way to load javascript that does not pollute the global namespace at all, but still allows me to load and use libraries (just as node's require does).
2020 UPDATE: Modules are now standard in ES6, and as of mid-2020 are natively supported by most browsers. Modules support both synchronous and asynchronous (using Promise) loading. My current recommendation is that most new projects should use ES6 modules, and use a transpiler to fall back to a single JS file for legacy browsers.
As a general principle, bandwidth today is also typically much wider than when I originally asked this question. So in practice, you might reasonably chose to always use a transpiler with ES6 modules, and focus your effort on code efficiency rather than network.
PREVIOUS EDIT (or if you don't like ES6 modules): Since writing this, I have extensively used RequireJS (which now has much clearer documentation). RequireJS really was the right choice in my opinion. I'd like to clarify how the system works for people who are as confused as I was:
You can use require in everyday development. A module can be anything returned by a function (typically an object or a function) and is scoped as a parameter. You can also compile your project into a single file for deployment using r.js (in practice this is almost always faster, even though require can load scripts in parallel).
The primary difference between RequireJS and node-style require like browserify (a cool project suggested by tjameson) uses is the way modules are designed and required:
RequireJS uses AMD (Async Module Definition). In AMD, require takes a list of modules (javascript files) to load and a callback function. When it has loaded each of the modules, it calls the callback with each module as a parameter to the callback. Thus it's truly asynchronous and therefore well-suited to the web.
Node uses CommonJS. In CommonJS, require is a blocking call that loads a module and returns it as an object. This works fine for Node because files are read off the filesystem, which is fast enough, but works poorly on the web because loading files synchronously can take much longer.
In practice, many developers have used Node (and therefore CommonJS) before they ever see AMD. In addition, many libraries/modules are written for CommonJS (by adding things to an exports object) rather than for AMD (by returning the module from the define function). Therefore, lots of Node-turned-web developers want to use CommonJS libraries on the web. This is possible, since loading from a <script> tag is blocking. Solutions like browserify take CommonJS (Node) modules and wrap them up so you can include them with script tags.
Therefore, if you are developing your own multi-file project for the web, I strongly recommend RequireJS, since it is truly a module system for the web (though in fair disclosure, I find AMD much more natural than CommonJS). Recently, the distinction has become less important, since RequireJS now allows you to essentially use CommonJS syntax. Additionally, RequireJS can be used to load AMD modules in Node (though I prefer node-amd-loader).
I realize there may be beginners looking to organize their code. This is 2022, and if you're considering a modular JS app, you should get started with npm and Webpack right now.
Here are a few simple steps to get started:
In your project root, run npm init -y to initialize an npm project
Download the Webpack module bundler: npm install webpack webpack-cli
Create an index.html file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<script src="_bundle.js"></script>
Pay special attention to _bundle.js file - this will be a final JS file generated by webpack, you will not modify it directly (keep reading).
Create a <project-root>/app.js in which you will import other modules:
const printHello = require('./print-hello');
Create a sample print-hello.js module:
module.exports = function() {
console.log('Hello World!');
Create a <project-root>/webpack.config.js and copy-paste the following:
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: './app.js',
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname),
filename: '_bundle.js'
In the code above, there are 2 points:
entry app.js is where you will write your JS code. It will import other modules as shown above.
output _bundle.js is your final bundle generated by webpack. This is what your html will see at the end.
Open your package.json, and replace scripts with the following command:
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack --mode production -w"
And finally run the script watch app.js and generate the _bundle.js file by running: npm start.
Enjoy coding!
Check out ender. It does a lot of this.
Also, browserify is pretty good. I've used require-kiss¹ and it works. There are probably others.
I'm not sure about RequireJS. It's just not the same as node's. You may run into problems with loading from other locations, but it might work. As long as there's a provide method or something that can be called.
TL;DR- I'd recommend browserify or require-kiss.
1: require-kiss is now dead, and the author has removed it. I've since been using RequireJS without problems. The author of require-kiss wrote pakmanager and pakman. Full disclosure, I work with the developer.
Personally I like RequireJS better. It is much easier to debug (you can have separate files in development, and a single deployed file in production) and is built on a solid "standard".
I wrote a small script which allows asynchronous and synchronous loading of Javascript files, which might be of some use here. It has no dependencies and is compatible to Node.js & CommonJS. The installation is pretty easy:
$ npm install --save #tarp/require
Then just add the following lines to your HTML to load the main-module:
<script src="/node_modules/#tarp/require/require.min.js"></script>
<script>Tarp.require({main: "./scripts/main"});</script>
Inside your main-module (and any sub-module, of course) you can use require() as you know it from CommonJS/NodeJS. The complete docs and the code can be found on GitHub.
A variation of Ilya Kharlamov great answer, with some code to make it play nice with chrome developer tools.
// equivalent to require from node.js
function require(url){
if (url.toLowerCase().substr(-3)!=='.js') url+='.js'; // to allow loading without js suffix;
if (!require.cache) require.cache=[]; //init cache
var exports=require.cache[url]; //get from cache
if (!exports) { //not cached
try {
var X=new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, 0); // sync
if (X.status && X.status !== 200) throw new Error(X.statusText);
var source = X.responseText;
// fix (if saved form for Chrome Dev Tools)
if (source.substr(0,10)==="(function("){
var moduleStart = source.indexOf('{');
var moduleEnd = source.lastIndexOf('})');
var CDTcomment = source.indexOf('//# ');
if (CDTcomment>-1 && CDTcomment<moduleStart+6) moduleStart = source.indexOf('\n',CDTcomment);
source = source.slice(moduleStart+1,moduleEnd-1);
// fix, add comment to show source on Chrome Dev Tools
source="//# sourceURL="+window.location.origin+url+"\n" + source;
var module = { id: url, uri: url, exports:exports }; //according to node.js modules
var anonFn = new Function("require", "exports", "module", source); //create a Fn with module code, and 3 params: require, exports & module
anonFn(require, exports, module); // call the Fn, Execute the module
require.cache[url] = exports = module.exports; //cache obj exported by module
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Error loading module "+url+": "+err);
return exports; //require returns object exported by module
(function () {
// c is cache, the rest are the constants
var c = {},s="status",t="Text",e="exports",E="Error",r="require",m="module",S=" ",w=window;
w[r]=function R(url) {
url+=/.js$/i.test(url) ? "" : ".js";// to allow loading without js suffix;
var X=new XMLHttpRequest(),module = { id: url, uri: url }; //according to the modules 1.1 standard
if (!c[url])
try {"GET", url, 0); // sync
if (X[s] && X[s] != 200)
throw X[s+t];
Function(r, e, m, X['response'+t])(R, c[url]={}, module); // Execute the module
module[e] && (c[url]=module[e]);
} catch (x) {
throw w[E](E+" in "+r+": Can't load "+m+S+url+":"+S+x);
return c[url];
Better not to be used in production because of the blocking. (In node.js, require() is a blocking call is well).
Require-stub — provides node-compliant require in browser, resolves both modules and relative paths. Uses technic similar to TKRequire (XMLHttpRequest).
Resulting code is fully browserifyable, in that require-stub can serve as a replacement for watchify.
Webmake bundles Node-style modules to Browser, give it a try.

