Find and remove scripts from html page with jQuery script - javascript

I want to remove annoying ads from a web page, that on every click on link opens a link (iframe), and I think these are the scripts that I think I have to remove from the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
var oi, aframes;
aframes = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
for (oi = 0; oi < aframes.length; ++oi) {
var ns = aframes[oi].getAttribute("data-src");
if(ns != undefined && ns != '') aframes[oi].src = aframes[oi].getAttribute("data-src");
window.url = "";
window.arrClicks = [1, 3];
<script src=""></script>
Want to use jQuery script to do that because I want to use the script in violentmonkey as userscript. The problem is, that I don't know how to find/select with jQuery exactly these scripts. I would really appreciate if anyone can helps me to remove these three scripts.


Popunder run automatically

I have a code that inserts a popunder into all the links on my page.
However, I need something that makes this popunder / tabunder run automatically, regardless of the click.
I've tried in many ways but I can't.
Can someone help me?
window.onload = function() {
var puURL = '';
var puTS = Math.round(+new Date()/1000);
if (typeof localStorage.puTS == 'undefined' || parseInt(localStorage.puTS) <= (puTS - 3600)) {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++) {
links[i].onclick = function (e) {
var puHref = this.getAttribute("href");
var puTarget = this.getAttribute("target");
if (puHref !== '#' && puHref !== 'javascript:void(0)') {
if (puTarget == '_blank') {;
window.location.href = puURL;
localStorage.puTS = puTS;
I have placed your script locally under the HEAD Tag section and the function is triggered when I open the HTML file. I assume that the issue lays in the script placement.
If your script is stored outside the project (is external), make sure that you navigate to the correct root and double-check for spelling. Here is an example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="project/javascript_folder/myscript.js"></script>
You can check out W3Schools File Paths for more detail.
If you open your browsers DEV-TOOLS (by pressing the Right-Click button on your mouse while you hover over the page) and navigate to the console section, you should see the successful output from your function:
In my case, it is T.undefined/... where "..." represents a randomly generated number in the length of 10.

Why does calling a function onclick not work all the time in Chrome and FF, but works in IE?

I have the below code:
function myFunction(atlasTrackingURL)
var atlasURL = atlasTrackingURL;
if (!atlasURL) return;
//Build a cache busting mechanism
var timestamp = new Date();
var queryString = "?random=" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 999999999999) +
timestamp.getUTCHours() + timestamp.getUTCMinutes() +
//Build the final URL
atlasURL = atlasURL + queryString;
if (!document.getElementsByTagName || !document.createElement
|| !document.appendChild)
{return false;}
{ //Activate the JACTION call
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = atlasURL;
return true;
Test - Click Me
It works in Internet Explorer every time, but rarely works in Chrome and Firefox. Why would this be?
Can these browsers not handle a function onClick very well? Are there any other options I can take?
I am trying to help a client figure out why one of their tracking tags are not firing off all the time on click in these browsers.
You've got some kind of browser-dependent race condition going on, as Musa pointed out.
Try hiding the link initially, waiting for the document to load, and then adding the onclick attribute and revealing the link with javascript.
So, for example, change the link HTML to something like:
<a id="microsoft-link" href="" style="display: none;">Test - Click Me</a>
And add in your javascript, below the myFunction(), something like:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
var link_elem = document.getElementById("microsoft-link");
link_elem.onclick = function() {
}; = 'inherit';
jsfiddle --
edit: I realized I may be misinterpreting what you're trying to do. What exactly is myFunction() supposed to accomplish ?

Modify UI of Log4Javascript

I have log4javascript setup so that it displays a log as follows:
However, I would like to get rid off some stuff, and instead would like the UI to be as below:
How can this be done? I am using the InPageAppender
Not easily, I'm afraid. log4javascript doesn't provide any options to do this and the log4javascript console is embedded in an iframe making customization of the CSS difficult. I'll add a configuration option for this in log4javascript 2.0.
You could create your own simplified appender but that would require a little work. A simpler alternative is to remove the UI you don't want using the appender's load event:
var appender = new log4javascript.InPageAppender();
appender.addEventListener("load", function() {
// Find appender's iframe element
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
for (var i = 0, len = iframes.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (iframes[i].id.indexOf("_InPageAppender_") > -1) {
var iframeDoc = iframes[i].contentDocument || iframes[i].contentWindow.document;
iframeDoc.getElementById("switchesContainer").style.display = "none";
iframeDoc.getElementById("commandLine").style.display = "none";
I'm not sure if there's a config option, but this jsfiddle might get you started:
There's a delayed log.debug here to check that hiding of the toolbars doesn't break the logging.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var log = log4javascript.getLogger("main");
var appender = new log4javascript.InPageAppender();
log.debug("This is a debugging message from the log4javascript in-page page");
setTimeout(function() {
log.debug("This is a debugging message from the log4javascript in-page page");
}, 2000);
This code waits until the log4javascript load event has fired, and then hides the toolbars.
function removeSwitchesContainers() {
var iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe");
iframes =;
iframes.filter(function (iframe) {
return &&\d+_\d+_InPageAppender_\d+/);
if (iframes.length < 1) {
var iframe = iframes[0];
var sc = iframe.contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll("#switchesContainer");
sc =;
sc.forEach(function (switchesContainer) { = "none";
log4javascript.addEventListener("load", removeSwitchesContainers);

Changing innerHTML of script tags in IE for loading google plusone button explicitly

To add Google's plusone button on your website the following script tag is to be inserted (for explicit load).
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
{"parsetags": "explicit"}
It looks pretty straight forward in HTML. However I wan't to insert the script using a JS file. So I use the following code:
var e = document.createElement('script');
e.src = ""; = "googplusonescript";
e.innerHTML = '{"parsetags": "explicit"}';
It works pretty awesome in all the browsers except IE because IE doesn't allow us to write the innerHTML of script tags. Anywork arounds anyone ? (I have jquery inserted in the page. So can use jquery too.)
Came across the same issue.
Under IE you should use
script.text = '{"parsetags": "explicit"}';
instead of script.innerHTML
try creating a textNode and appending it to your script tags:
var myText = document.createTextNode('{"parsetags": "explicit"}');
Try the following:
window['___gcfg'] = { parsetags: 'explicit' };
var ispoloaded;
function showpo() {
var pohd = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var poscr = document.createElement('script');
poscr.type ='text/javascript';
poscr.async = true;
poscr.text ='{"parsetags": "explicit"}'; //works on IE too
poscr.src = "";
ispoloaded = setInterval(function () {
//check if plusone.js is loaded
if(typeof gapi == 'object') {
//break the checking interval if loaded
//render the button, if passed id does not exists it renders all plus one buttons on page
}, 100); //checks every 0.1 second

Remove <script> tags using jQuery

I want to remove this Google Analytics block, using jQuery.
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
//var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("xxx");
} catch(err) {}
Because I am creating a bespoke screen reader convertor for jQuery based on a client specification. It's the Google Analytics that is bugging me.
It works with .remove() until you navigate away, then press back. Google Analytics hangs.
Try this:
var replacementDoneIn = $(document.body).text(); //remove Google Analytics document.write line
var regExMatch = /document\.write\(unescape/g;
var replaceWith = "//document.write";
var resultSet = replacementDoneIn.replace(regExMatch, replaceWith);
Hope that helps!
You can also hook document.write and check if its google anlytics code before stopping it like this:
// Must run before google analytics though
old_document_write = document.write;
document.write = function(str)
if(/* determine if the str is google analyic code */)
return false; // dont write it
So this work as you hope. At least I think it will:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("script").each(function () {
if (this.innerHTML.length > 0) {
var googleScriptRegExp = new RegExp("var gaJsHost|var pageTracker");
if (this.innerHTML.match(googleScriptRegExp) && this.innerHTML.indexOf("innerHTML") == -1)
Just to explain. I loop through all script tags on the page. If their innerHTML property has a length greater than 0 I then check the innerHTML of the script and if I find the string var gaJsHost or var pageTracker in it. I then make sure that I also don't see innerHTML in it as our script will obviously have these in it. Unless of course you have this code in a script loaded on the page using src in which case this script would not have an innerHTML property set and you can change the if line to just be
if (this.innerHTML.match(googleScriptRegExp))
Hope this is what you were looking for.
To actually remove the elements, jQuery('script:not([src^=http])').remove() will work.

