When will an anonymous function be used? - javascript

For example below is an anonymous function that has been placed in parentheses so now the function can be stored as a variable and called on else where as seen in number 2, However how can script number 1 be called to run? How can it be identified if it has no name? And how to change an anonymous function to a defined function?
**Number 1**
(function() {
// Do something
**Number 2**
(var funcName = function() {
// Do something

The first function is called immediately because it is followed by () which calls a function.
Then if you were to remove the () from around the var statement (which is an error):
The second function is also called immediately, for the same reason.
The value stored in funcName (which is called as if it were a function, so will cause an error if it is not a function) is the return value of the second function (and is defined by the code you represented as // Do something — the "something" needs to include "return a function").
How can it be identified if it has no name?
Names are only really useful for use in debuggers (where they are very useful in stack traces and the like). For identifying a function to call, you access them like any other object or primitive (via a variable, property, etc). A function declaration just creates a variable with a matching name in the current scope.

Yes, these are anonymous functions, but they are also functions that are being called / invoked immediately, and hence don't need names to be referred to later.
There are many uses for Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE), but one is to use functions to establish namespaces that do not pollute global


What is the difference between anonymous function and a variable statement with function expression?

For the below 2 functions, I do not understand Function B is not run immediately like Function A when the script is read.
Instead I have to call it startTick(); after the function B.
//Function A
(function () {
clockSection.textContent = getTime();
//Function B
var startTick = function () {
clockSection.textContent = getTime();
First you declare a function: (function(){}) and then you call it (function (){})(). Note the parenthesis after the function declaration in your function A. It's callint it. The function B wasn't called, just declared.
The first one is not just an anonymous function, it's an "Immediately invoked function expression" (or IIFE for short).
The function itself is just what's inside the parenthesis and it won't execute by itself, you called it by defining it inside those parenthesis and then calling it through the () at the end of the expression, so in way, you still had to use () just like you did for the second one, it's just that, had you not done that, since it's nameless and not stored in a variable, constant or let, you would've had no way of referring to it later to execute it.
The second one is actually still an anonymous function, you just assigned it to a var instead of enclosing it in parenthesis and calling it right away.
A named function looks like this:
function startTick(){
Notice it's not assigned to a var or anything, rather, the name was defined after the function keyword. One important difference is that you can call named functions in your code before the line where they are defined (more about that here: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}. More about functions in general here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions )
Your first function executes immediately (IIFE) because of the final (). The second has to be called: startTick() (Function expression) because you are just assigning a function to a variable and not executing it.
IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expressions - are usually used as a way to encapsulate a module or a set of code. It creates a closure that is used as a namespace.
Function expressions are usually used instead of a named function but have no real purpose. It's a matter of style.
function func_name(){...}
This is a function declaration. You define what the function does by this syntax. But it doesn't automatically run right after the declaration.
Whenever you want to run the function you usually invoke the function by
after you declared the function somewhere else.
So to answer your question:
Function A:
Inside the very first pair parenthesis is the declaration of your function. Then the second pair of parenthesis is where you actually calling the function.
Function B:
This is just a declaration, which doesn't run itself automatically.
So if you want to run it, invoke it by func_name()
Hopefully, this is clear to you.

Javascript: explain this syntax to me

JS newbie here, I've been looking through some code recently which uses syntax I'm not too familiar with. Here's an example, followed by my questions:
function Group(args) {
this.showItem = showItem;
function showItem(args) {
var group = new Group (args);
As I understand it creating function Group and then instantiating via group = new Group is essentially prototypal equivalent of defining a class and then instantiating an object of that class. Is that correct?
Regarding the properties (methods?) of Group, what is the above syntax for showItem called? Why not just define it like:
this.showItem = function(args){...};
Would changing the code to the above change any different behavior?
If you did define it as above, what is that syntax called?
The Group function is being used as a constructor; your intuition is basically correct.
There is no good reason not to use an anonymous function expression like this.showItem = function(args){...};, unless you wanted to reuse the local variable showItem.
I'm not sure which syntax you mean. The function(args){...} is an anonymous function expression, and the this.showItem is referring to a member of the object this. Taken all together, I suppose you could call it "setting a member function of an object".
Bonus tip (which maybe you already knew?): the reason you can use showItem before its definition is due to function hoisting.
You seem to be asking about function expressions versus function declarations as well as named versus anonymous functions. The primary differences are:
Function declarations always stand on their own. They are never part of another operation, e.g. assignment. Your first example uses the function declaration function showItem(args) {...}. Function expressions are used as an expression in some operation (e.g., assignment, passed as an argument, etc.). Your second case uses a function expression.
Function declarations are hoisted to the top of the current function scope, so showItem in your first case is defined and contains the function when you use it in your assignment operation. Function expressions are not hoisted.
Function declarations are always named. Function expressions may be named or anonymous. When a function is defined with a name, that name is accessible as the name property of the function object. A function's name is immutable and independent of any variables that hold a reference to the function. Also, code inside the function body can refer to the function by its name as a local variable (which is sometimes useful for recursion inside named function expressions).
To review:
Function definition: function showItems(args){...};
Anonymous function expression: this.showItems = function(args){...};
Named function expression: this.showItems = function showItemsName(args){...};
In the first case, there is a local variable called showItems defined and the definition of showItems is hoisted to the top. The difference between the latter two cases is that this.showItems.name will be "showItemsName" for the third case and undefined for the second. Also, showItemsName will be a local variable within the function body of the third function that holds a reference to the function object.
The Group function is used as a constructor. However, the way this is done is a bit inefficient. What this code is doing is creating a new function and attaching it to the constructed object. He may be doing this because he wants to create a closure (i.e. use a variable only present in the namespace of the constructor), but absent that reason it's better to do this:
function Group(args){}
Group.prototype.showItem = function(args) {};
This way the same showItem function is shared among all objects constructed by Group via the prototype chain.
The benefit of using the original code vs an anonymous function is that the function has a name--this is a great help in debugging because reading a traceback full of anonymous function calls is no fun! To expand, there are three types of things that use the function keyword:
Function declarations When at the top level of a program or a function (i.e., of something that creates/has its own namespace), you may declare a function with a name. (The name stays with the function object throughout the program and will appear in tracebacks.) This is function showItem(args) {} in your example. (Note that this is only a function declaration at the top level of a file or function. There's a very similar thing I'll get to last.) By convention most people seem to omit semicolons after these.
Function expressions When part of an expression (such as assignment, return, etc), it is a function expression. The identifier part of the function expression is optional, so these are both function expressions:
var myfunc1 = function(){};
var myfunc2 = function MyFunctionName(){};
The second form is called a "named function expression". The great benefit of using this form is that MyFunctionName is no longer an anonymous function--this name will be attached to the function and will show up in tracebacks (for example). However there is a very serious bug in JScript (IE <= 8) that makes using these problematic. Read the article I linked above for details.
Finally, there is a common extension syntax called function statements. These look exactly like function declarations, except they are not top level! For example:
function() {
function foo(){} // function declaration
if (1) {
function bar(){} // function STATEMENT--not standard JS!
You should not rely on this extension, but should do this instead:
function() {
var bar;
if (1) {
bar = function bar(){};
this.showItem = function(){} would be called a "function expression in an assignment", and the original code is just using a "function declaration".

Why is this function wrapped in parentheses, followed by parentheses? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript?
(28 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I see this all the time in javascript sources but i've never really found out the real reason this construct is used. Why is this needed?
(function() {
Why is this written like this? Why not just use stuff by itself and not in a function?
EDIT: i know this is defining an anonymous function and then calling it, but why?
This defines a function closure
This is used to create a function closure with private functionality and variables that aren't globally visible.
Consider the following code:
var test = true;
variable test is not visible anywhere else but within the function closure where it's defined.
What is a closure anyway?
Function closures make it possible for various scripts not to interfere with each other even though they define similarly named variables or private functions. Those privates are visible and accessible only within closure itself and not outside of it.
Check this code and read comments along with it:
// public part
var publicVar = 111;
var publicFunc = function(value) { alert(value); };
var publicObject = {
// no functions whatsoever
// closure part
// private variables and functions
var closureVar = 222;
var closureFunc = function(value){
// call public func
// alert private variable
// add function to public object that accesses private functionality
pubObj.alertValues = closureFunc;
// mind the missing "var" which makes it a public variable
anotherPublic = 333;
// alert 111 & alert 222
// try to access varaibles
alert(publicVar); // alert 111
alert(anotherPublic); // alert 333
alert(typeof(closureVar)); // alert "undefined"
Here's a JSFiddle running code that displays data as indicated by comments in the upper code.
What it actually does?
As you already know this
creates a function:
function() { ... }
and immediately executes it:
this function may or may not accept additional parameters.
jQuery plugins are usually defined this way, by defining a function with one parameter that plugin manipulates within:
(function(paramName){ ... })(jQuery);
But the main idea is still the same: define a function closure with private definitions that can't directly be used outside of it.
That construct is known as a self-executing anonymous function, which is actually not a very good name for it, here is what happens (and why the name is not a good one). This:
function abc() {
Defines a function called abc, if we wanted an anonymous function (which is a very common pattern in javascript), it would be something along the lines of:
function() {
But, if you have this you either need to associate it with a variable so you can call it (which would make it not-so-anonymous) or you need to execute it straight away. We can try to execute it straight away by doing this:
function() {
But this won't work as it will give you a syntax error. The reason you get a syntax error is as follows. When you create a function with a name (such as abc above), that name becomes a reference to a function expression, you can then execute the expression by putting () after the name e.g.: abc(). The act of declaring a function does not create an expression, the function declaration is infact a statement rather than an expression. Essentially, expression are executable and statements are not (as you may have guessed). So in order to execute an anonymous function you need to tell the parser that it is an expression rather than a statement. One way of doing this (not the only way, but it has become convention), is to wrap your anonymous function in a set of () and so you get your construct:
(function() {
An anonymous function which is immediately executed (you can see how the name of the construct is a little off since it's not really an anonymous function that executes itself but is rather an anonymous function that is executed straight away).
Ok, so why is all this useful, one reason is the fact that it lets you stop your code from polluting the global namespace. Because functions in javascript have their own scope any variable inside a function is not visible globally, so if we could somehow write all our code inside a function the global scope would be safe, well our self-executing anonymous function allows us to do just that. Let me borrow an example from John Resig's old book:
// Create a new anonymous function, to use as a wrapper
// The variable that would, normally, be global
var msg = "Thanks for visiting!";
// Binding a new function to a global object
window.onunload = function(){
// Which uses the 'hidden' variable
alert( msg );
// Close off the anonymous function and execute it
All our variables and functions are written within our self-executing anonymous function, our code is executed in the first place because it is inside a self-executing anonymous function. And due to the fact that javascript allows closures, i.e. essentially allows functions to access variables that are defined in an outer function, we can pretty much write whatever code we like inside the self-executing anonymous function and everything will still work as expected.
But wait there is still more :). This construct allows us to solve a problem that sometimes occurs when using closures in javascript. I will once again let John Resig explain, I quote:
Remember that closures allow you to reference variables that exist
within the parent function. However, it does not provide the value of
the variable at the time it is created; it provides the last value of
the variable within the parent function. The most common issue under
which you’ll see this occur is during a for loop. There is one
variable being used as the iterator (e.g., i). Inside of the for loop,
new functions are being created that utilize the closure to reference
the iterator again. The problem is that by the time the new closured
functions are called, they will reference the last value of the
iterator (i.e., the last position in an array), not the value that you
would expect. Listing 2-16 shows an example of using anonymous
functions to induce scope, to create an instance where expected
closure is possible.
// An element with an ID of main
var obj = document.getElementById("main");
// An array of items to bind to
var items = [ "click", "keypress" ];
// Iterate through each of the items
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
// Use a self-executed anonymous function to induce scope
// Remember the value within this scope
var item = items[i];
// Bind a function to the element
obj[ "on" + item ] = function() {
// item refers to a parent variable that has been successfully
// scoped within the context of this for loop
alert( "Thanks for your " + item );
Essentially what all of that means is this, people often write naive javascript code like this (this is the naive version of the loop from above):
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
var item = items[i];
// Bind a function to the elment
obj[ "on" + item ] = function() {
alert( "Thanks for your " + items[i] );
The functions we create within the loop are closures, but unfortunately they will lock in the last value of i from the enclosing scope (in this case it will probably be 2 which is gonna cause trouble). What we likely want is for each function we create within the loop to lock in the value of i at the time we create it. This is where our self-executing anonymous function comes in, here is a similar but perhaps easier to understand way of rewriting that loop:
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
obj[ "on" + item ] = function() {
alert( "Thanks for your " + items[index] );
Because we invoke our anonymous function on every iteration, the parameter we pass in is locked in to the value it was at the time it was passed in, so all the functions we create within the loop will work as expected.
There you go, two good reasons to use the self-executing anonymous function construct and why it actually works in the first place.
It's used to define an anonymous function and then call it. I haven't tried but my best guess for why there are parens around the block is because JavaScript needs them to understand the function call.
It's useful if you want to define a one-off function in place and then immediately call it. The difference between using the anonymous function and just writing the code out is scope. All the variables in the anonymous function will go out of scope when the function's over with (unless the vars are told otherwise, of course). This can be used to keep the global or enclosing namespace clean, to use less memory long-term, or to get some "privacy".
It is an "anonymous self executing function" or "immediately-invoked-function-expression". Nice explanation from Ben Alman here.
I use the pattern when creating namespaces
var APP = {};
Such a construct is useful when you want to make a closure - a construct helps create a private "room" for variables inaccessible from outside. See more in this chapter of "JavaScript: the good parts" book:
In the example shown on top of page 38, you see that the variable "status" is hidden within a closure and cannot be accessed anyway else than calling the get_status() method.
I'm not sure if this question is answered already, so apologies if I'm just repeating stuff.
In JavaScript, only functions introduce new scope. By wrapping your code in an immediate function, all variables you define exist only in this or lower scope, but not in global scope.
So this is a good way to not pollute the global scope.
There should be only a few global variables. Remember that every global is a property of the window object, which already has a lot of properties by default. Introducing a new scope also avoids collisions with default properties of the window object.

Difference between JavaScript function declarations?

Why does calling my JavaScript function throw an error when I call it like this
var wysiwyg2 = function()
but work when I do this?
function wysiwyg2 ()
You need to define your function variable first, i.e.
var wysiwyg2 = function()
For a good explanation of the difference, see Why can I use a function before it’s defined in Javascript?
In the first snippet, you're trying to invoke a variable before the variable is defined.
You'd get the same problem from the following code:
var test = new Date;
In the second snippet, you're declaring the function without assigning it to a variable, and this results in a global declaration that is usable in earlier code.
You can think of your javascript as though it's evaluated in two passes. The first pass builds all the objects and names (and remember: functions are objects), and places them "in scope", so to speak. It's kind of like a compilation step. Then the second pass executes the code.
So your second sample works because the first pass built and "scoped" the function before execution. The first sample does not work because the function object is created as part of a variable assignment, and so it's not in scope yet when you try to call it.
You mention another situation in the comments, where the function call and definition are separated into two script blocks. That doesn't work because the engine completes both steps of one block before moving on to the next, and you tried to call the function in a block that is executed before the block where it's defined. You can call function across script blocks, but not until they are defined.
In the first one, you're declaring a function and assigning it to a variable. Thus you won't be able to call it through that variable until it's actually assigned to it.
In the second, you're declaring a named function. And can call that function from wherever (as long as it's in scope).
When entering a new execution context (which is either a function call or global code), JavaScript first goes through a variable instantiation phase during which all variable declarations and function declarations within the global code or function body are examined and create as properties of the current variable object, which is effectively a collection of all the objects that are in the current scope. In particular, any function declaration such as
function wysiwyg2 ()
... is fully created during this phase, while any variable declaration such as
var a = 2;
... only leads to the creation of a variable called a with a value of undefined during this phase. This is also true of a variable declaration with an assignment to a function expression, such as
var wysiwyg2 = function()
Only the variable instantiation takes place at this point. Once this phase is complete the rest of the code (including variable assignment) is executed sequentially.

JavaScript scope and closure

I'm trying to wrap my head around closures (there's a joke in there somewhere) and I ran across this:
(function () { /* do cool stuff */ })();
How does this work? What's the purpose of putting the function in parens? Why the empty parens afterwards?
The point of this is that any variables declared in the cool stuff will not be created in global namespace. Any function in javascript will create such a scope. Suppose you have some javascript you want to run. If you do this:
var b = 1;
// stuff using b
And some other code uses b, it will get your left over value. (Or, even worse, if some other code sets b before your code runs, then tries to get its old value later, you'd have changed it in the meantime.)
On the other hand, if you have this code, which declares and then calls the a function:
function a() {
var b = 1;
And some other code later on uses b, it will not see your values, since b is local to the function. The problem with this, of course, is that you're still making a global name - "a", in this case. So, we want a function with no name - this is why you get the code you described. It declares a function with no name, and then calls it.
Unfortunately, you can't just say:
function() { ... }()
because this will be parsed as a function declaration statement, and then a syntax error. By wrapping the function declaration in parenthesis, you get a function expression, which can then be called. You call it like any other function expression (like a, above), using the second set of parens. For example, if the function took arguments, you'd pass them there:
(function(a) { ... })(1)
That creates a function, calls it, and discards it.
It might be clearer if you look at it like this:
var throwaway = function(){
// do cool stuff
This is done to create a private namespace. Code in the function can have functions and variables without worrying about conflicting with other code loaded in the page.
i just came across this post recently. This type of function definition & call is called self-invoking functions.
(function(){ //code })();
The code inside the function will be executed immediately upon its definition.
That construct means declare an anonymous function and run it immediately. The reason you put your code inside a function body is because the variables you define inside it remain local to the function and not as global variables. However, they will still be visible to the closures defined inside this function.
The parens around the function make it clear that the function is an expression. The parens after are the call to the function.
Notice that the function does not have a name.
One closures approach is to pass variables to the function:
(function($, var_1, var_2) {
// use JQuery, var_1 and var_2 as local variables
})($, var_1, var_2);
Putting the function declaration inside parens creates an expression which evaluates to the anonymous function within. Therefore, the first parenthetical evaluates to a function.
The "empty parens" at the end invoke the defined function, so "//do cool stuff" executes immediately.
This is a way to execute code on-the-fly while also keeping variables out of the global scope.
What is illustrated here, however, has nothing to do with closures - at least not directly. Closures are about maintaining a lexical scope after a parent function has already exited.

