Html2canvas only capture screensize and not the entire div container - javascript

I am trying to capture whole "div container" in one image using html2canvas. For some reason im only getting the part which shows on my screen. But I have a horizontal scroll on the div so I would like to capture whats not on my screen aswell but the content inside the div.
Is that possible? Right now my div is 5000px width, can i capture it all in one image somehow?
Here is my javascript code for html2canvas:
$(function() {
$("#btnSave").click(function() {
html2canvas($("#container_wrapper_anatomy"), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
theCanvas = canvas;
var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL();, "toDataURL() image", "width=100%, height=100%");
canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
saveAs(blob, "container_wrapper_anatomy.jpg");
Thanks in advance.


converting svg graphic into image causing problems

I need to convert amChart into an image using canvas. By using the following code:
$(function() {
$("#btnSave").click(function() {
html2canvas($("#widget"), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
theCanvas = canvas;
// Convert and download as image
// Clean up
But there is problem in the generated image, see the following svg chart in html page
while the generated image:

How to generate "screenshot" of html div with external images?

I have a HTML div with external images. (The following is an example, but in the actual case I am using Amazon S3, so downloading and storing the image on the same server is not an option) Currently I am using html2canvas to convert the div to image. However, the external image is always replaced by a blank space.
The code I use to capture the image:
$(function() {
$("#btnSave").click(function() {
html2canvas($("#widget"), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
theCanvas = canvas;
// Convert and download as image
Edited: jsfiddle:
I may use other library. I may also do that in backend. (I am using PHP + laravel 5 for backend) Is there a way I can generate a "screenshot" of the HTML div with external images?
Update The current answer are working after editing. Yet, for my actual use, there will be multiple image with their position set by the user by drag and drop. I can still get the position, but it would be better for me if it is possible to not set the position specifically.
Your JSFiddle given ReferenceError: Canvas2Image is not defined while hit on 'Save PNG' button. So check your code(not fiddle) for same error.
See this JSFiddle example as reference. May this one will help you.
I place some code into your one, check it out. Hope this will be your solution..!
Working result with FF v44 and its working. Taken snap with JSFiddle code
$(function() {
$("#btnSave").click(function() {
html2canvas($("#widget"), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
var context=canvas.getContext("2d"); // returns the 2d context object
var img=new Image() //creates a variable for a new image
img.src= ""; // specifies the location of the image
context.drawImage(img,0,50); // draws the image at the specified x and y location
// Convert and download as image
theCanvas = canvas;
// Convert and download as image
UPDATE 3 (12/29/2016) JSFiddle
After research, found that the problem is because we are only assigning the image source which is only pass message to the browser to retrieve the data.
Further image element is may be not really accessible with the browser when click to draw canvas from it. We are just tell code to load it and it's done.
Change code to solve OP's facing chrome issue like below:
img.onload = function() {
context.drawImage(img, 0, 50);// draws the image at the specified x and y location
Make image position dynamic based on OP requirement.
onrendered is no longer working..
i solved this problem by adding "allowTaint" option
{ allowTaint: true }
2018 solution:
html2canvas(document.getElementById('result'), { allowTaint: true }).then(function (canvas) {
You may try to scan the image source for external urls and change them to your website and load them with php.
Something like
$(function() {
var imageproxy = ""; //Change this
var mydomain = new RegExp(;
$("#btnSave").click(function() {
var img_src = $(this).attr('src');
$(this).attr('src', imageproxy + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent(img_src));
html2canvas($("#widget"), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
var link = $('<a target="_blank">Download</a>');
link.attr('download', 'test.png');
link.attr('href', canvas.toDataURL());
$url = urldecode($_GET['url']);
$img_type = "image/jpeg";
$chunks = explode('.', $url);
if(is_array($chunks) && count($chunks) > 1){
$ext = end($chunks);
switch ($ext){
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
$img_type = "image/jpeg";
case 'png':
$img_type = "image/png";
case 'gif':
$img_type = "image/gif";
$img = file_get_contents($url);
header ("Content-Type: $img_type");
echo $img;
note: php script is very simple, image detection is not working 100%, this is just ti give you an idea. If you use some php image libs to load and get image type you can do this just with few lines of code. you may also try with "php readfile".

changing div element to canvas issue in html2canvas

Using html2Canvas , I can change body element to canvas in this fiddle ,
html2canvas(document.body, {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
but when I get div element by ID using this code ,
html2canvas($('#mainDiv'), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
I can't change this div to canvas . How can I fix it ?
Once you ensure that jQuery is included in your jsFiddle, rendering the element works as intended. Here's a demo.

How to create a popup in Javascript?

I'm working on a web application using JSF and Javascript. I have a question about how to open a pop-up and add information into it.
Indeed, i'm using html2canvas to get the image of the content of a HTML page.
This is the code of my js :
function openPopupWithScreenshot(){
html2canvas($('#contentBody'), {
onrendered: function (canvas) {
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");;
And the code of my button in JSF:
<h:commandButton value="#{bundle.button_print}" onclick="openPopupWithScreenshot();"/>
The code works perfectly, when i click on the button, a popup appears with my image. But my problem is I want to add more information (stored in a Javabean) into my popup.
Schematically, i want that my popup displays my image and a String stored in my Javabean. I'm a noob in javascript and i don't know how to do.
Could you help me please?
Thank you.
I have tried this :
function ouvrirPopupAvecImprEcran(){
html2canvas($('#contentBody'), {
onrendered: function (canvas) {
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var newImg =;
newImg.document.write("<img src='"+ img.src +"'/>");
My popup appears correctly but my image is not display because it doesn't find the source of my image. How could i modify this?
You was almost there, try this:
function ouvrirPopupAvecImprEcran(){
html2canvas(document.body, {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var newImg =;
newImg.document.write("<img src='"+ img +"'/>");
The image you created from canvas here var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); was not the HTML Element img. It was a string with data: URL, it's like an image encoded into string.
To understand it better you could look at HTMLCanvasElement#toDataURL() method here

jQuery Tooltip image rollover display larger image

I have an image gallery that displays a list of thumbnail images. I'm using the jQuery Tooltip plugin to display the image in a tooltip on rollover.
However, I want to display a larger image than my thumbnail image.
$('.imageGalleryAlbum li a img').tooltip({
delay: 0,
showURL: false,
bodyHandler: function() {
return $("<img/>").attr("src", this.src);
My gallery listed thumbnail image ends with the following "_thumb_150.jpg"
I want to display the "_thumb_630.jpg" from the same directory/folder.
How can I do this?
Try replacing the _150 with 630 from the current image source.
src.replace('150', '630')
bodyHandler: function() {
var new_source = this.src.replace('150', '630');
return $("<img/>").attr("src", new_source);

