Angular Material $mdToast throws error in Firebug - javascript

I basically copied the code from
and wanted to use the "simpleToast" for first testing.
I keep getting "Error: $mdToast.showSimple is not a function" in firebug. Do I need to install that somehow??
Google didn't gave me any results for other people having this problem so I start to have the feeling that I did something elementary completely wrong.
$mdToast is included in my parameter list of my controller function and ng-material is included and works fine (except this toast thing).
Can anyone help?

Since you cannot post the code, Here is the sample MdToast which is made with material Design.
angular.module('MyApp', ['ngMaterial'])
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $mdToast) {
$scope.message = "Hello World";
$scope.showToast = function() {
var toast = $mdToast.simple()
.content('Hello world')
.position('left top right');


variable not found / undefined after grunt build (uglify)

I am using AngularJS for building a simple app with a map. As the main ctrl had too many logic I build a second controller for the navbar. Until here everything worked fine. Now I outsourced the map.on('zoomend' ... ) function when refactoring the main controller.
The problem now is, that when the navbar controller file is minified (through grunt build uglify) I get the following error:
Cannot read on of undefined
That means, map is undefined even though it is declared at the top of the file AND I do not have the problem on localhost (grunt serve).
Navbar Ctrl:
'use strict';
angular.module('angularMapApp').controller('navbarController', navbarController);
navbarController.$inject = ['$scope', '$mdSidenav', 'helper', 'RespondService', 'shipTypes'];
function navbarController($scope, $mdSidenav, helper, RespondService, shipTypes) {
var map = RespondService.getMap();
map.on('zoomend', function() {
timestamp = RespondService.getTimestamp();
selectedShipTypes = RespondService.getSelectedShipTypes();
selectedShipState = RespondService.getSelectedShipState();
showGrid = RespondService.getShowGrid();
helper.loadAndShowShipMarkers(timestamp, selectedShipTypes, selectedShipState, showGrid, map).then(function(results) {
$scope.numberOfShips = results;
So this is a short version of my controller. The grunt file is still the same as created with yeoman. I too logged the map value at the top of the file, and there it has a value. However using 'map.on' might not work.
Maybe anyone can help me with that.
Your $inject seems to be correct, so minify should work fine for angular injection. It looks like var map is loading data from RespondService.getMap(). What do you expect to get from that function? You might want to put a break point and see if what you expecting is being returned.

Why does ng-click not work?

Moved this question to this post - Angular events, ng-click, do not work with other libraries Dojo, Knockout, KendoUI, ESRI JSAPI
No matter what I try, ng-click does not work. However, onclick works. Inside the scope, wiring up an on click event dos not work. What is going on?
EDIT: I can call the $scope.myClick() from the command line. But it will not hit the breakpoint. It will show an alert window, but if this is called from within HTML directive, the function is not hit.
EDIT 2: heres a plunker -
EDIT 3: Ok, so the plunker works, but the horrible application I need to add angular to must messing with something in angular. Any ideas what could be breaking Angular in an existing app? This other app uses dojo, dojo loaders, and require.js. Everything works, except for the ng-click event.
EDIT 4: I commented out an Init() call from this application which loads Dojo, Kendo UI, Knockout, and ESRI JSAPI components, and this Angular code with ng-click works. My gut feeling is knockout is messing with this. Is it possible to completely isolate Angular from the rest of this application? Any suggestions?
here is the app:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp ', []);
function () {
return {
restrict: 'E'
<div class="ls-rapidReports">
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div id="rapidreportCtrl" ng-controller="rrController">
<button type="button" ng-click="myClick()">hehe</button>
function rrController($scope) {
$scope.myClick = function () {
Here is the problem:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp ', []);
which should be:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); //myApp without space before '
EDIT: Now I see it fixed in the plnkr. If you infact try to add the space again in myApp declaration you will see the following error message in the console.
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module myApp due to:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'myApp' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.
As you can deduct from the error log, the app declaration in the script.js wasn't matching with the one in the ng-app directive in index.html, so the app wasn't working.

How to use controllerAs (as opposed to $scope) - Actually a Swig/Angular conflict

I am trying to learn the popular method of using controllerAs as opposed to binding everything to the $scope. Briefly documented here :
I am going to provide a much simplified example of my code in order to understand how to properly code in this manner.
(function () {
'use strict';
.controller('gcLoginController', gcLoginController);
gcLoginController.$inject = [];
/* #ngInject */
function gcLoginController() {
var vm = this;
vm.blah = "blah";
function activate() {
console.log("Hello World!");
The code above was created using snippits from the author of the article, but when I try to bind to the variable "blah" in the html, it does not work. It doesn't output anything at all.
<body id="ng-app" ng-app="gc">
<div class="wrapper" ng-controller="gcLoginController as vm">
This simply outputs ""
Can anyone see what error was made in using this method?
Ah shoot it was a stupid mistake. Thank you to those who double checked my work in plunker. I was using a node.js server for this project along with the template engine "Swig". Apparently that was a mistake to combine Angular and Swig, because they both use {{ }} to bind variables, which is why my code (which as charlietfl pointed out is actually working) didn't seem to work. I will update the title of this post to help others who may have a similarly difficult to trace issue with Angular / Swig.
Update - can get around this problem :

Second call to angular.module causes routing to fail

I have an site I have put together based on a tutorial I found here
My app.js contains
angular.module('kolvir', ['ngRoute'])
.controller("kolvirController", function($http){
var vm = this;
vm.searchInput = '';
$http.jsonp (
.success(function (data){
vm.cons = data;
.error(function (data) {
I added a controller (gallery-controller.js )and routing appears to fail. After ripping things out I determined that adding the module call causes the failure, with:
angular.module('kolvir', ['ngRoute']);
Without it works just fine. I have a second site based on twitter bootstrap that uses the same pattern and it works just fine.
I am still new enough to angular I am not even certain what I should be searching for to find and answer, but so far I have not turned up anything similar to this.

AngularJS ng-click not working, but ng-change is, when calling the same function

EDIT The code is all correct, the problem was because of including 'ngTouch', see my own answer below.
I am probably making some stupid mistake here, but for the life of me I cannot find it.
I have this piece of markup, which is correctly wired up with a controller:
<input type="text" ng-change="doStuff()" ng-model="stuff"/>
<button ng-click="doStuff()">doStuff</button>
The controller code:
console.log('Hi from controller');
$scope.stuff = "something";
$scope.doStuff = function() {
alert('doing stuff');
The problem is nothing happens when I click the button. If I change the input field, I get the alert, so ng-change works, but ng-click does not.
Let me know if this is not enough information, but I would not know what else to provide, and the general setup seems to be working fine...
The rest of the HTML does not contain any Angular directives, and it is loaded like this in myModule.config:
.state('stuff', {
templateUrl: 'pages/stuff.html',
url: '/stuff',
controller: 'StuffCtrl'
and the controller is defined like this:
.controller('StuffCtrl', function ($scope) {
// above code
It turned out that the problem was with another dependency 'ngTouch'. I did not use it, but still it was loaded. My module did not even depend on it. (I am using that admin site template from here: After removing loading of the ngTouch it worked as expected. I will file this as a bug to both projects as well... Thanks for your help!

