Removing jQuery for performance reasons justified? - javascript

I am on a new project and our job is to rewrite an e-commerce website that is having performance problems on mobile devices.
We are re-writing the javascript based on a more object-oriented/modular architecture which I think is great! However my team lead said that we should remove all the jQuery calls and replace with javascript like so domElem.querySelectorAll(query) , which has better performance. I understand jQuery does some kind of caching in the background which can create memory issues.
I am a little sceptical of this, firstly because it seems like a case of 'premature optimization', that is, we should find the bottle-necks first before we re-write anything. And secondly I haven't found anything on the internet that says that jQuery has significant performance problems.
The current website does have a lot of overlapping dom branch queries which I think creates a lot of redundancy. That is there is too much querying happening, and on our new architectual approach we are restricting our object/module to fewer dom queries and more targeted dom queries which is great. This does need to be re-written.
But whether or not we use domElem.querySelector(query) or $(domElem).find(query), I can't see there as being much of a difference. Is my thinking right?

Some tests are done here (check other revisions as well). Good detailed discussion is done here over pros and cons of using jquery over javascript.
Also want to point out that jquery doesn't do any caching of selectors.

The thing we often forget because of using Javascript frameworks all the time is that jQuery is not a framework.
Obviously, if you do the exact same one-operator action using the jQuery '$' object and using a direct DOM method like getElementById, the latter will be noticeably faster as jQuery itself is written in Javascript and does a lot of background stuff.
However, nothing (except code readability) prevents you, as a developer, from combining jQuery with plain Javascript: using plain Javascript wherever possible and only using jQuery functions that provide complex functionality and take some time to write and optimize from scratch. There are a lot of those in jQuery: providing browser-independent css, serializing object and doing lots of other cool stuff.
It depends on the application but usually performance troubles are related to badly-designed algorithms, not the use of jQuery.
In any case, if your application does a lot of DOM-manipulation, it may be worthwhile to re-write it using plain Javascript and test. Keep the library, just don't use it for simple operations you can easily write without it.
If your application is heavily-reliant on jQuery functions with complex functionality, removing it is out of the question.
I myself use this combined approach: everything simple written in Javascript with jQuery functions for stuff that is difficult to implement.
Also, a good place to dig around if the app has troubles with performance is the DOM-manipulation. Those operations are very heavy compared to almost everything else in Javascript. You may be able to cut down on time by rolling several operations into one, building finished objects with one constructor, instead of creating empty ones and assigning properties one-by-one, etc.
Sorry, if the answer is a bit vague but it's difficult to be precise in this case without seeing the code and running tests.

Let me quote Uncle Bob about this discussion "Architecture is about intent, we have made it about frameworks and details"
Premature optimizations needs to be considered carefully.
They often result architectural decisions that are not easily revertible.
They introduce code optimizations that are usually specific to the problems they solve, which makes the code less abstract thus hard to
maintain, and more complicated thus prone to more bugs.
They tend to be prejudice and not objective, sometimes without any real comparison to other alternatives.
The problems they are trying to solve tends to be overestimated, to the degree of non-existent.
I'm not a big expert on Web development but if possible, you should always push this kind of decisions to the end by separation of concerns, and good abstraction.
For example over the parts that generate the java-script code you can have an abstraction of JavaScriptWriter, and use different frameworks. This way you can use JQuery at the beginning, test the system and only then replace parts you know to be inefficient.


Is having too many setTimeout()s good?

I'm using mostly Javascript on my scripting. I have some scripts which do several tasks every 1 second, and some every 0.02 seconds, etc. My intervals do tasks like checking of ifs, doing some innerHTML, little animation, etc. Now I have 4, but I think it would increase in the future; maybe I'll control myself to less than 10. Though it doesn't lag at all in my computer.
Generally, will it be good for a site?
Since it's client-side obviously there won't be any issues with internet connection, right?
Is it a bad practice, or is it not much of an issue at all?
Also, I have a question for jQuery. There are things that normal Javascript and jQuery can do similarly (like innerHTML and .html()), right? Given this situation, which should I prefer to use, jQuery or Javascript?
Thank you.
Is having too many setTimeout()s good?: You already gave your self the answer too many is not good, no matter what you talk about.
Generally will it be good for the site: Probably not, remember you don't know the cpu/browser combo of your users, so you should build your site so it will still be nice to use for people who have slower computers than you. A laggy/unresponsive site is the first one users will flee from.
Since it's client-side obviously there won't be any issues with internet connection, right? right, unless you do network requests as part of the timeouts. Ajax calls every second is rarely a good idea.
Is it a bad practice, or is it not much of an issue at all? poor architecture is bad practice. If you wish to follow the best practices, read up on design patterns.
Also, I have a question for jQuery. There are things that normal Javascript and jQuery can do similarly (like innerHTML and .html()), right? Given this situation, which should I prefer to use, jQuery or Javascript? Using jQuery gives you convinient crossbrowser compatibility. In most cases for non-experts using a library like jQuery is better than not using it.
Generally, will it be good for a site?
Most of the other answerers are saying no, but they can't possibly make this claim without more information. This decision is specific to your site. It might be perfectly fine. Don't make guesses about performance. Measure things. Fix performance issues where they really exist, not where your gut tells you they exist.
Since it's client-side obviously there won't be any issues with internet connection, right?
Is it a bad practice, or is it not much of an issue at all?
There are lots of tasks that are best performed with a timeout callback. If you need to do something periodically, or after a certain amount of time has passed, then setTimeout is not only reasonable to use, it's specifically designed for those tasks.
For your first question, it's more a case of what you're doing in each callback that gets called after the timeout. Without knowing that it's hard to provide a clearer answer.
But remember that javascript is single threaded in the browser, so if you're running expensive operations regularly it's not going to work well. If you're looking to do animations with this, I'd strongly urge you to consider one of the existing libraries first (dojo, jquery, mootools etc) and only try and implement this yourself if you find them insufficient. A lot of work has gone into making those libraries performant and it's unlikely you'll do better on a first stab.
Second question: Again, I'd use the library. For a simple innerHTML there's unlikely to be much difference, but in the general case a library like jQuery or Dojo will help to cover over the differences between the DOMs in the different browsers, catch the nasty edge cases you don't know (or want to know) about and is likely to be better tested and supported than your own code. Get it working their way, then optimise with your own vanilla JS if/when you need to.
1) Generally good: no, in general it creates processor load, which slows down the browser. But that will be influenced more by the actual code than the timeouts itself. But modern day browser don't have any problems with 10 timers... ;)
2) Yeah, no problem with the timeout.
3) No, it's the only way to do asynchronous processing. so it isn't really an issue ;)
4) The difference with innerHTML and .html() (and other jQuery functions) is that jQuery has better cross-browser implementations. It knows the quirks of certain browsers and is able to circumvent them. For simple problems plain 'ol JavaScript is perfect (and is cheaper in bandwidth and processing power). But for more complex scripts, and once you have chosen to use jQuery, why not use it anyway. ;)
Go with Jquery - Write Less, Do More
You can have so many functions , effects , plugins will help you to save time from coding.
Any way when you are developing a website with javascript or jquery effects , you will be expecting the user should have an updated browser and system.
your functionality not gonna work on ie 5 . :)
So adding time out and js functions will not affect performance as per my understanding.
Go with jquery api functions and develop your own..instead of usng plugins.

JS Framework that doesn't use CSS selectors?

A thing that I noticed about most JavaScript frameworks is that the most common way to find/access the DOM elements is to use CSS selectors.
However this usually requires the framework to include a CSS selector parser, because they need to support selectors, that the browser natively doesn't, foremost the frameworks own proprietary extensions.
I would think that these parsers are large and slow. Wouldn't it be more efficient to have something that doesn't require a parser, such a chained method calls?
Some like:
instead of
$("#example > .test[href]")
Are there any frameworks around that do something like this? And how do they compare with jQuery and friends in regard to performance and size?
EDIT: You can consider this a theoretical discussion topic. I don't plan to use anything other than jQuery in any practical projects in near furure. I was just wondering why there aren't any other, possibly better approaches.
DOM traversal and manipulation are some of the most helpful functions in current popular JavaScript frameworks because of the way they efficiently handle cross-browser issues. If you are working with the DOM, you will eventually need that functionality, and anything you write yourself is bound to be less efficient than the best methods.
In terms of speed, I would imagine the slight performance hit from parsing the selectors would be offset by the optimization inherent in the engine. If you rely on the programmer to specify the path (i.e. your example), you may be missing out on optimization opportunities that you didn't know existed. In your example for instance, let's say that it's ultimately faster right-to-left (find all class="test" with hrefs first, then check parents). You would be relying on the programmer to memorize these optimization quirks.
Notice how much longer that is. Everyone uses CSS-style selectors for a reason.
jQuery's Sizzle library has been optimized for parser speed, so you shouldn't worry too much.
From what I've read these libraries (or JQuery atleast) use the browser native capabilities where possible. This means that you can use css selectors with minimal impact by sticking to simple id's and classes where possible.
Personally I haven't noticed any speed issues from these libraries at all. When building web apps, virtually all your speed issues come from network communications, so the best way to increase the responsiveness of your application is to reduce the number of queries you make to the server.
For example, I'll use JSON to pass and store more data in one go (even if some of it may never be needed), rather than making lots of little queries.
As hinted at by SLaks, css selectors make code readability and long term maintenance much easier and reduce coding time. And as Andrew says, these libraries also deal with the cross-browser issues for you, resulting in a much lower rate of hair loss.

MooTools and JQuery Side by Side

I just inherited some web pages which uses MooTools. I never used MooTools. Now I need to add some functions on the page, I wonder if it's a good idea to use jquery and mooTools on the same page?
Basically, I have 3 options,
Convert the pages to JQuery, which I have to learn MooTools to do that.
Write new functions in MooTools. I have to learn even more MooTools to achieve this.
Use both on the page.
Your opinion will be appreciated.
Opinion: Learn MooTools and then move on with it. Sounds like a great opportunity to learn something new. Why introduce an entirely new library with addition js bloat if you don't need to. If it'll solve the problem you're golden.
MooTools is a perfectly solid and acceptable Javascript library and I'd recommend you add it to your list of known technologies rather than tear it out and replace with JQuery. Mixing the two is not a good idea as you're likely to encounter obscure difficult to debug conflicts.
JQuery has had all the press of late, but it's by no means cut and dried that it beats every other library hands-down. Far from it. You might even find you prefer MooTools :-)
ADDED: For what it's worth my personal experience is that MooTools seems to play alongside other javascript code more nicely than jQuery. I've been handling several sites of late which have mixed in MooTools with various other pieces of Javascript for different effects/functionality and it's all seemed to play along together with minimal issues. OTOH pages that use jQuery tend to use jQuery versions of everything. YMMV of course.
Personally, I'd recommend not using both, as there are strange conflicts, even with jQuery.noConflict(). Go with one or the other.
If you do end up using both, be sure to use jQuery.noConflict() to ensure that using the $ doesn't conflict.
Using jQuery with Other Libraries
i'd say, depends on how the code is structured and what you need to do. mootools does render itself to easy refactoring and extending (this is, after all, partly the reason it exists) but it takes a while to figure best practices and so forth.
however, your learning curve from vanilla javascript or jquery won't be too steep, especially so if all you care about is DOM mantipulation, event handling and effects. things get more interesting when you decide to write / extend mootools classes and venture into prototyping - but you may not have to do that...
there are some pretty good tutorials around for most things as well as some demos on doing things through jquery and mootools (equivalent ones). is a good example on how the same task can be done through either one, i'd recommend reading it before deciding.
whatever you decide, it is a bad practice to use two frameworks (when you can do without).
It depends on how big a project it would be to convert to jQuery, how much of your job is maintaing these pages (vs other pages that already use jQuery), what the urgency is for your first set of changes, etc...
It comes down to a cost comparison: how does the cost to your business to convert them to jQuery compare to the cost to the business for you to learn mooTools (and maybe keep both mootools and jquery in your head at the same time).
The only thing I can say for sure is don't do option 3. This isn't necessarily because it you can't make it work (and there will be challenges), but because you'll have to learn mootools to properly maintain the pages anyway. Once you do that, you may as well just keep them mootools rather than re-write everything or try to mix frameworks.
Personally I'm inclined to say convert it jQuery, since I believe jQuery is eventually going to corner the market. The implication then is that it will convert to jQuery at some point, and so the long term costs to business are probably best optimized by doing the conversion earlier while there's less to convert and mootools is still relevant so you can easily get help with the conversion. But that's certainly arguable.
jQuery and Mootools basics are close enough that moving from one to the other isn't much of a headache.
Whenever I'm given the choice between the two, I lean towards Mootools - especially if I'm intending to do any sort of effects or animations. Mootools's base FX libraries are far more robust and generate better results cross-browser in my experience.
Like others have suggested, you could take this opportunity as a learning experience. If you're satisfied with jQuery and don't feel the need to learn another framework, port the code over. You can't really go wrong with either in the end.
Since you're more comfortable with jQuery, I would just call jQuery.noConflict(); first thing, and write the functions in jQuery. That is, of course, if time is a factor.
There is a project that twists and prods Mootools to make it look like JQuery (a wolf in a sheep's clothing... or a golden coin painted to look like silver...)
I certainly think you should learn Mootools, but that might help.
I agree with those that are in favor of learning mootols, but i think that is even better if your take that decision because you finally think that learning mootools worth it.
So i think it would be nice to have some research over mootools capabilities.
I like this articule about this subject. And I think it can be useful for those reading this thread.

Using multiple Javascript frameworks in a project?

Is it good or okay to have several frameworks in a project, or is it bad because it gets cluttered (= a mess), and the loading times maybe get's longer. Does some 100 K matter really? Or should you stick with one?
It's generally better to pick one thing and stick with it, for a number of reasons:
Fewer dependencies.
Lower complexity.
Easier to maintain.
Faster loading times.
No likelihood of dependency conflicts (i.e. jQuery can't conflict with your other Javascript framework if you only have one).
Lower debugging times.
It's true that an extra ~50k these days probably isn't going to kill anybody for a personal site or blog. The benefit comes when you scale to larger sizes, and all those extra 50k hits are eating into your bottom line. But even if you're just doing this for a small site, the savings on your sanity from figuring out problems quicker will easily be worth it.
That said, if you just need one part of a specific piece of a Javascript framework, the larger ones are often split into logical chunks, so that you can just take the piece you need rather than the entire framework. Most are rich enough these days that if framework X has a feature you want, but you're using framework Y, you can pretty much just map the source code for that feature directly into framework Y.
If you can load the javascript library from a repository where it would be cached on the first visit, then i don't really see any problem with that.
But, for uniformity sake i will go with one javascript library.
But, if you really have any strong reason to use two, then go ahead. As far as it is cached the first time.
Just adding something to John's words, one could choose, for example, JQuery, which allows you to use it without clashing with other libraries. I remember that once, I had troubles while trying prototype and mootools because I wanted some things from the former and some other from the latter, but it was long ago and maybe it was solved.
Somehow, I've found that it's easier to maintain a single library and there're a few real differences between them. It related more to the way each one approaches to map documents and apply things to their elements, which causes differences in response time, but the goal happens to be the same.
Good luck with your choice :)
PS. If you gzip and fix etags in the stuff you offer in your webapps, the difference between loading one or two js frameworks is not reeeeaaally important -unless you're in facebook, meebo or so!-. I've found that the yahoo! recommendations are helpful.
I wouldn't run two frameworks unless there was really no alternative. They often aren't written to play well with others; there are lots of potential ways they can cause unwanted interactions.
For example with jQuery, a lot depends on the user-data key identifiers the library adds as attributes to element nodes. If you start messing with the structure of the document by cloning, adding/removing and so on from another framework (or even just plain DOM methods) then those identifiers aren't as unique as jQuery expects; it can easily get confused and end up failing to call event handlers, or tripping on errors. This sort of thing isn't fun to debug.

Why would I want to use jQuery? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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(I understand that someone else asked a similar question and it was closed as 'argumentative', but I'm really interested in understanding the arguments around this.)
I know JavaScript really well. I've been writing it professionally for years. I've internalized a lot of the cross-browser incompatibilities and sketchiness, know DOM manipulation like the back of my hand, have worked with some of the best web developers in the industry & picked up a lot of their mojo.
I've been checking out jQuery. I understand the point of a javascript library (how many times have I written animation, getElementsByClass, and hide/show functions?). But to be honest, it seems like a waste of time to learn an entirely new syntax that isn't less complex. It seems like I'd be bashing my head against a wall to learn an entirely new interface to the same old JavaScript.
I'm not technically an engineer, so maybe I'm missing something. Could someone spell out the tradeoffs of jQuery? Is it really faster to learn and understand jQuery syntax than to just learn JavaScript?
There are a few big benefits to using a framework over homegrown/handwritten code:
Abstractions. I'm sure you're very proud of the fact that you've slung enough JS to be able to write animations from scratch. You should be! However, abstracting common functionality away from yourself is actually very liberating. You just call the method and know the innards will be executed, and executed well. Even if you're very fast at writing the low-level stuff yourself, that's still time you've spent on that instead of solving today's problems.
Common language. Using a common framework is like speaking a common language. You can collaborate with other developers very easily, and each can pick up where others left off without friction. (Compared to stepping into an application which uses a homegrown library for the things jQuery can do.)
Experts. The people working on jQuery are JavaScript gods. I am really, really good at JavaScript, and you probably are too, but there's a big difference between normal good and jQuery good. A team of insanely good people are constantly poring over a small set of common functionality - tuning it, tweaking it, enhancing it to make it the best it can possibly be. That represents a huge number of man-hours a single person like you or me simply cannot reproduce, no matter how good we are. And if you are as good as the jQuery guys, you can only benefit by combining your talent with theirs and contributing to the jQuery codebase. It's a melting pot of insane talent.
I'm not technically an engineer, so maybe I'm missing something. Could someone spell out the tradeoffs of jQuery? Is it really faster to learn and understand jQuery syntax than to just learn JavaScript?
jQuery is more than "just another interface" to Javascript. It allows you to express yourself in ways that are more compact and succincter than the corresponding Javascript implementation. At the same time, it's clearer and much more powerful. Specifically, the benefits you get include:
Expressiveness. jQuery is essentially a DSL for DOM manipulation and querying. This specificity is a major source of its utility and effectiveness.
Cross-browser. To a very large extent, jQuery is "write once, run anywhere". Even in 2009, this is still a surprisingly rare feat for web-based platforms. It's gratifying and relieving to know that you won't have to waste time debugging obscure problems on IE6 (well, most of the time).
Highly complete documentation. As a developer, I prize APIs and frameworks that have taken the time to spell out what all the moving pieces are supposed to be doing. Nothing is more encouraging than knowing that (1) things are stable enough that writing documentation isn't an attempt to hit a moving target and (2) things are useful enough that they've attracted enough people to flesh out the documentation fully.
In sum, the difference between Javascript and jQuery is analogous to the difference between assembly and higher-order programming languages. Although they're both technically both "an interface to machine language" and can both do similar things, the latter is considered far more powerful because of how easy it is to represent things and develop rapidly.
One thing I don't see mentioned is that the library is written to work cross browser on a wide range of popular browsers and platforms: IE6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+
That alone is reason enough to use jQuery then to write your own JavaScript and have to worry about cross browser issues yourself.
You can't learn jQuery without learning JavaScript, and you can't be a jQuery guru without being a JavaScript guru.
That said, it really is much faster to do things with jQuery than with "bare metal" JavaScript. Moreover, the way one works with jQuery is at a far more abstract level than the way one works with "bare metal" JavaScript. In addition, the jQuery syntax is very basic and not at all hard to learn, although the way you think about jQuery is very different from the way you think about "bare metal" JavaScript but enables you do to much more, much more rapidly.
community support
other developers writting and testing code, make it possible for you to do things you simply do not have time to do. Its not about doing anything you do not know how to do, its about doing things quickly, efficiently, and of very high quality (its already been tested).
From the sounds of it, you know much of the same stuff that jQuery knows about the DOM, and I can only assume you've built-up a nice DOM toolset for yourself over the years that incorporates all of this knowledge. In short, No, you don't need to use jQuery. However, some of the rest of us do not know as much about the DOM, and jQuery levels the playing field so we can get on with getting work done for our clients.
That is not to say you should not learn jQuery (as opposed to using it). You may pickup a few things you didn't know. The 3 main features that distinguish it from other DOM libraries (including your own probably) are:
built-in support for CSS selector syntax, useful for finding elements
methods that operate on the set of wrapped elements
chaining. Every method in jQuery.prototype (with "setter" behaviour) returns this
Personally, 1) and 3) don't hold a high premium. But 2) turns out to be huge for me. I never realized until jQuery how much my code tended towards operating on a set of nodes rather than a single node (if someone would have asked me I would have guessed the opposite tendency). 2) virtually eliminated all for loops from my code (or .forEach or however else I tended to abstract it), which was actually quite liberating. Now I notice it's the rare occasion where my code must operate on some single element.
Speed of development and turnaround of code.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned in the other answers is that, eventually, someone else is going to have to maintain your code. If it's all custom, they'll have a rougher time of it than if a more standard library is used. If that's not of any concern to you, and you don't think you're likely to need any of the really slick jQuery modules, then keep on with what you're doing.
For me, there are several benefits, like speed of development, etc.
But at the end of the day, it boils down to one thing:
It removes a HUGE amount of the cross-browser BS that can eat up so much time and resources, so I don't have to deal with it
jQuery allows you to write shorter, cleaner code that's easy to understand. Many people use it, so there are many plugins that work along with it, minimizing bloat. The same may not be true of your own personal library.
If you know JavaScript really well you should also know that jQuery's syntax isn't different from JavaScript's syntax.
What you might be referring to is the chaining idiom (used everywhere in jQuery) which seems to make things look very different from other sort of code. Well there's a reason for that, it's because it bonds really well with how the DOM works.
If you truly know JavaScript, you'll be at running speed with jQuery in under a week's time. If you don't already know your way around JavaScript, adding a layer on top might do more harm than good. But that's just like anything else!
You're going to be writing better looking and easier to understand JavaScript at a faster pace and only once — not once per browser. Downside? You're going to tack on another ~50KB of JavaScript. That's what caching is for :)
Jquery is javaScript in the hand of the designer.
It is as easy as writing CSS styles on an element.
Also Jquery is the easiest to understand, write maintain, add plugins.
I was working on a gallery program for a client (which is now exhibiting inexplicable behavior in IE6 and 7 - surprise, surprise - but I found that when I switched from bare-metal Javascript to jQuery a lot of the work got much easier. To me, it makes available the CSS view of the DOM while writing Javascript - which makes traversal and manipulation much more intuitive. Also, the cross-browser compatibility and brevity is wonderful.
It doesn't really matter if jQuery is great or awful. It's the powerhouse JS library now, used on a huge number of pages, and future browsers will have to accommodate it or be seen as themselves buggy.
What I don't like about jQuery: I'm not that thrilled about how it ignores mobile phone browsers in its test suites. It gets pulled in on all kinds of pages on mobile phones, and yet it makes no effort to ensure it works well on them.
jQuery degrades gracefully and it's one of the fastest (not THE fastest anymore though):
There are many other frameworks out there, and whichever you choose, you probably wouldn't go wrong, but having uses jQuery myself, I'd definitely recommend it.

