Absolute positioning but only inside div - javascript

I am having issues with sticky javascript function which allows fixed positioning of the div.
This is the function:
$(function(){ // document ready
if (!!$('.sticky').offset()) { // make sure ".sticky" element exists
var stickyTop = $('.sticky').offset().top; // returns number
$(window).scroll(function() { // scroll event
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // returns number
if (stickyTop < windowTop) {
$('.sticky').css({ position: 'fixed', width: 'inherit', top: 10 });
} else {
But I need that to happen only inside the parent div, not the whole page.
Here is the example:
It is the div on the right.

Parent div should have position: relative or any other than static, which is used by default.
Then to position inside this parent, child should have position: absolute.
You can read more about positioning e.g. here.

while you use fixed position you need to use (relative parent position will not work with fixed child)
if (windowTop > stickyTop
&& windowTop < $('.right').offset().top + $('.right').outerHeight(true)) {
$('.sticky').css({ position: 'fixed', width: 'inherit', top: 10 });
}else if(windowTop < stickyTop ){
$('.sticky').css('position','absolute').css('bottom', '0px');


JQuery for fixed position of navigation bar [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JQuery Position:Fixed 'NAVBAR' by scrolling the page
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Hello I am new to JavaScript please can anyone tell me the JQuery for keeping the navigation bar fixed on top while I scroll down.
I am using the following code but i think some contents are missing
Code Snippet :
var fixmeTop = $('.fixme').offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop();
if (currentScroll >= fixmeTop) {
$('.fixme').css({ position: 'fixed', top: '0', left: '0' });
else {
$('.fixme').css({ position: 'static' });
$( document ).ready(function() {
var fixmeTop = $('.fixme').offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function () {
var currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop();
if (currentScroll > fixmeTop) {
$('.fixme').css({position: 'fixed', top: '0', left: '0'});
} else {
$('.fixme').css({position: 'static'});
If you want it fixed all the time, use something like:
.class_name {
position: fixed;
If you want it fixed only when you scroll, but relative when you are at the top of the page, then use something like:
var $class_name = $('.class_name');
if($(this).scrollTop() >= $class_name.height()) {
You can then use css to change the position based on the class on the element.
.class_name.scrolled {
position: fixed;
If you couple this will transition css, you will be able to animate it smoothly.

Animate div detect top or bottom of it

I want my div to animate when that div is almost half while scrolling.
How can I do it? It's not on a fixed div but its like sticky sidebar
Just like on this website sample
this is my code
$(function(){ // document ready
if ($('.filter-container').length) { // make sure ".filter-container" element exists
var el = $('.filter-container');
var stickyTop = $('.filter-container').offset().top; // returns number
var stickyHeight = $('.filter-container').height();
$(window).scroll(function(){ // scroll event
var limit = $('#footer').offset().top - stickyHeight - 100;
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // returns number
if (stickyTop < windowTop){
el.css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, width: 280 });
else {
el.css({ position: 'static', width: 280 });
if (limit < windowTop) {
var diff = limit - windowTop;
el.css({top: diff});
You could write a jQuery function using Waypoints.
Or more easily (in my opinion) but with higher payload cost use Bootstrap affix. In this case you keep your current css but then add some Bootstrap properties to the div, in your case:
<div class="filter-container" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="60" data-offset-bottom="200">
This will add the classes .affix-top to the div UNTIL the user scrolls past 60px. Then if will change to .affix when the user gets 200px from the bottom it will change to .affix-bottom to the class.
This jsfiddle shows it quite well:
This shows the appropriate css to get the sticky effect.

A cleaner way for a fixed div at bottom of the window but stays above the footer and triggers on page width

I've created a sticky bar to stay at the bottom of the window. As the user scrolls down to the bottom of the page the same bar will stay fixed until the footer shows, then removes its fixed position, temporarily, to stay above the footer until the user scrolls back up and it remains fixed again.
I only want to happen when the page is wider than 680px. Anything under that will keep the sticky bar in a default position (CSS: position:inherit).
This is the website: http://ttd.firefly-digital.co.uk
It works as expected. However, when I test on Chrome in Mac it triggers my CPU fan which suggests this not very efficient and with my limited JavaScript skills, wondered if there is a cleaner way to achieve this is?
This is the current js code:
$(window).scroll(function(event) {
var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
var docHeight = $(document).height();
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var footerHeight = $('.footer').height();
if(docHeight - (windowHeight + scroll) < footerHeight) {
bottom: footerHeight - (docHeight - (windowHeight + scroll))
} else {
bottom: 0
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
$(window).resize(function() {
windowWidth = $(window).width();
if(windowWidth > 680) {
position: "fixed"
} else {
position: "inherit"
CSS code
.contact-bar {
background: $contact-bar;
width: 100%;
height: 40px;
text-align: center;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 10;
You can do it in reverse. Make it so that the bar, without position fixed, is above the footer without any JavaScript (incl. media queries). Than add a fixed class with position:fixed and bottom:0 that will be added accordingly. Like so:
.contact-bar.fixed { position:fixed; bottom:0; }
The jquery code that will trigger this, is as follows:
$(window).scroll(function (event) {
var windowTop = $(this).scrollTop();
if (windowTop >= $(".footer").offset().top) {
} else {
Then add a few lines that the above code will only fire if the window width is > 680, either with jquery or pure javascript. For example with:
if ($(window).width() < 960) { // above function }
Do note I have not tested this, so please comment if it doesn't work. Credit: Preventing element from displaying on top of footer when using position:fixed
You better use classes to target your elements, at least to prevent jQuery from traversing the whole DOM using selectors appropriately which is good in performance.

table needs to be fixed during scrolling

I have 3 tables and one of them I want to be fix after scroll more then specific distance
var distance = $("#thead").offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function () {
var wdistance = $(window).scrollTop();
if (wdistance > distance) {
demo jsfiddle
I want to say when this "if" is correct then position of div with "thead" id become fixed on top of the other tables when scrolling the page. and after the div with id "first" is finish then <div id="thead"></div> come back to previous place.
You can create a .fixed class and add/remove that to/from the #thead element, as follows:
* { padding: 0; margin: 0; } /* Tiny reset for removing paddings and margins */
.fixed {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
Note that, you have to remove the padding/margin from the <body> element to adjust the width of each column (when the #thead is positioned).
Or use the same padding/margin for the positioned #thead element as well.
var $table = $("#thead"),
$window = $(window),
distance = $table.offset().top;
$window.scroll(function () {
var wdistance = $window.scrollTop();
if (wdistance > distance) {
} else {

Javascript: have div always remain at the top when it reaches the top edge of browser with jquery

how to have a div that always stay on the screen? Lets say i have a div at the left hand site. When the browser is scroll to the bottom, the div will remain there ONLY when its' top reaches the top edge of browser screen so that it will not be hidden. I am using jquery too.
Thank you.
here is a Good ScreenCast By RemySharp Regarding this Issue
Demo Page :
You need to invoke .scrollTop() on the window and compare that with the offset top value from that DIV.
$(window).bind('scroll', function(e){
var $div = $('.top').
sTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if($div.offset().top <= sTop)
$div.css('top', sTop);
$div.css('top', '100px');
Whereas in this example, .top is the element which should stay at top.
Example: http://www.jsfiddle.net/2C6fB/8/
If you want it to always stay in thesame place, you can use the css property position: fixed; else you can use a combination of $(window).scroll() and .scrollTop(); to detect where your div is in relation to the screen and apply the right positioning.
/* PlugTrade.com - Sticky Top jQuery Plugin */
jQuery.fn.sticky_top = function () {
/* check for our hidden div.. create it if it doesn't exist */
if (!this.find("#sticky_top").length > 0)
this.append("<div id='sticky_top' style='display:none'>"+this.css('top')+"</div>");
var thisdiv = this;
$(window).bind('scroll', function(e){
var initval = thisdiv.find("#sticky_top").text();
var wintop = $(window).scrollTop();
var boxtop = initval.replace(/px/i, "");
if(wintop >= boxtop)
if ( $.browser.msie )
thisdiv.css('top', wintop+'px');
} else {
thisdiv.css('position', 'fixed');
thisdiv.css('top', '0');
// console.log(boxtop+':'+wintop);
/* thisdiv.css('top', wintop+'px'); */
thisdiv.css('position', 'absolute');
thisdiv.css('top', initval);
You can use like this:
Keep your div position: fixed;

