I have a script which lists Google Calendar events with the start time, name and description but I would like to have the end time too so it reads;
5:00pm - 6:00pm - Event title - event description
Rather than just what it has at the moment which is just the start time and not the end time.
This is the script I have:
function GCalEvents() {
var datenow = new Date();
var curyear = datenow.getFullYear();
var curmonth = datenow.getMonth() + 1;
var curdate = datenow.getDate();
var curhour = datenow.getHours();
var curmin = datenow.getMinutes();
var curtz = datenow.getTimezoneOffset();
//curtz = -480;
var plusmin = "-";
if (curtz <= 0) {
plusmin = "%2B";
curtz = Math.abs(curtz);
var curtzmin = curtz % 60;
curtz = parseInt(curtz / 60);
if (curtzmin < 10) { curtzmin = "0" + curtzmin; }
if (curtz < 10) { curtz = "0" + curtz; }
datenow = curyear + "-" + curmonth + "-" + curdate + "T" + curhour + "%3A" + curmin + "%3A00" + plusmin + curtz + "%3A" + curtzmin;
var url = "https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/{calendarid}/events?alwaysIncludeEmail=false&maxResults=2&orderBy=startTime&showDeleted=false&showHiddenInvitations=false&singleEvents=true&timeMin=" + datenow + "&fields=items(start%2Csummary%2Cdescription)%2CtimeZone&key={key}";
// var url = "https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/{calendarid}/events?alwaysIncludeEmail=false&maxResults=2&orderBy=startTime&showDeleted=false&showHiddenInvitations=false&singleEvents=true&timeMin=" + datenow + "&fields=items(start%2Csummary%2Cdescription)%2CtimeZone&key={key}";
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
var event_start_date_new = new Date();
event_start_date_new.setDate(event_start_date_new.getDate() - 1);
for(i in data['items']) {
item = data['items'][i];
// event title
var event_title = item.summary;
var event_description = item.description;
// event start date/time
var event_start_date = new Date(item.start.dateTime);
// format the date and time
var month = event_start_date.getMonth();
var day = event_start_date.getDay();
var date = event_start_date.getDate();
var daysArr = new Array();
daysArr[0] = "Sunday";
daysArr[1] = "Monday";
daysArr[2] = "Tuesday";
daysArr[3] = "Wednesday";
daysArr[4] = "Thursday";
daysArr[5] = "Friday";
daysArr[6] = "Saturday";
var monthsArr = new Array();
monthsArr[0] = "January";
monthsArr[1] = "February";
monthsArr[2] = "March";
monthsArr[3] = "April";
monthsArr[4] = "May";
monthsArr[5] = "June";
monthsArr[6] = "July";
monthsArr[7] = "August";
monthsArr[8] = "September";
monthsArr[9] = "October";
monthsArr[10] = "November";
monthsArr[11] = "December";
var hour = event_start_date.getHours();
var min = event_start_date.getMinutes();
if (min < 10) { min = "0" + min; }
if (hour < 11) {
var ampm = "am";
if (hour == 0) { hour = 12; }
} else {
var ampm = "pm";
if (hour > 12) { hour = hour - 12; }
if (hour < 10) { hour = " " + hour; }
var event_start_str = daysArr[day] + ", " + monthsArr[month] + " " + date;
var event_time_str = hour + ":" + min + " " + ampm;
if (event_start_date.getDate() != event_start_date_new.getDate()) {
event_start_str = "<div class=\"calendar_date\"><strong>" + event_start_str + "</strong></div>";
event_start_date_new = event_start_date;
} else {
event_start_str = "";
// Render the event
$("#gcal-events").last().before("<div class=\"calendar_item\"><li>" + event_time_str + " - " + event_title + "<p><small>" + event_description + "</small></p></ul>" + "</li></div>");
If anyone is able to help with that to reversion the current script, that would be great.
The Events resource returns start and end dates as well (JSON format that has date, dateTime, timeZone attributes).
Based on your code, you're not using the end attribute which is why you're not having any values for the end date displayed. Your code for the start date is alright, so you can just re-implement it for the end attribute.
Hope this helps!
I am needing to convert 5 columns to TEXT before the program writes the data to it because Excel changes my 8 digit formatted date (MM/DD/YY) that gets outputted to those columns to the Date format (MM/DD/YYYY). The outputted date needs to stay in the 8 digit format in order to rerun it as the next input file to update the system. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have tried using:
but it did not work. Here's all of the code:
function js_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss () {
now = new Date();
year = "" + now.getFullYear();
month = "" + (now.getMonth() + 1);
if (month.length == 1) { month = "0" + month; }
day = "" + now.getDate();
if (day.length == 1) { day = "0" + day; }
hour = "" + now.getHours();
if (hour.length == 1) { hour = "0" + hour; }
minute = "" + now.getMinutes();
if (minute.length == 1) { minute = "0" + minute; }
second = "" + now.getSeconds();
if (second.length == 1) { second = "0" + second; }
return month + "" + day + "" + year.substring(2) + "" + hour + "" + minute + "" + second; }
function pad(num, len) { var str = '' + num; while (str.length < len) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } function writeToExcel() { try { var loanStr; var FullRecs; var passFail; var Processed = 0; var Rejected = 0; var D9ID; var time; var date; var datetime; var row = 0; var col; var str = document.getElementById("outstr").value; var headerStr = "|Account|Stop_Code_1|SC_1_Date|Stop_Code_2|SC_2_Date|Stop_Code_3|SC_3_Date|Lockout_Code|Lock_Date|Warning_Code|Warning_Date|"; var ExcelSheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); var excelBook = ExcelSheet.Workbooks.Add; var RSheet = excelBook.Worksheets(1); ExcelSheet.Worksheets.Activate; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Name = "Removals-" + js_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss (); var outputdate = month + "-" + day + "-" + year.substring(2); var outputtime = hour + "-" + minute; var writefilepath = document.getElementById("writepath").value; var filepath = writefilepath.substring(0, writefilepath.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); filepath = filepath + "DEL LOAN CODE Removal" + "_" + outputdate + "_" + outputtime + "_" + "OUTPUT" + ".xlsx"; date = month + "/" + day + "/" + year.substring(2); time = hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second; RSheet.Cells(1, 3).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 4).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 5).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 6).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 7).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 8).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 9).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 10).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 11).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 12).ColumnWidth = 15; RSheet.Cells(1, 13).ColumnWidth = 15; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).value = ""; var headings = headerStr.split("|"); for(var k = 0; k < (headings.length - 1); k ++ ) { ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(7, k + 2).value = headings[k]; } FullRecs = str.split("~~"); for(var m = 0; m < (FullRecs.length - 1); m = m + 2) { loanStr = FullRecs[m].split("^"); for(var i = 0; i < (loanStr.length - 1); i ++ ) { var fieldStr = loanStr[i].split("|"); for(var j = 0; j < (fieldStr.length); j ++ ) { ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(row + 8, j + 2).value = fieldStr[j]; } row = row + 1; } } for(var n = 1; n <= (FullRecs.length - 1); n = n + 2) { passFail = FullRecs[n].split("|"); D9ID = passFail[0]; Processed = Processed + Number(passFail[1]); Rejected = Rejected + Number(passFail[2]); } var total = Number(Processed) + Number(Rejected) ; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2).value = "USER"; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 4).value = "SUMMARY"; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 2).value = "DATE"; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 3).value = date; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 2).value = "TIME"; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 3).value = time; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3).value = D9ID; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 4).value = "PROCESSED ITEMS"; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 5).value = + Processed; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 4).value = "REJECTED ITEMS"; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 5).value = + Rejected; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Range("B2, B3, B4, D2, D3, D4, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, H7,I7,J7,K7,L7,M7").Font.Bold = true; for( var rb = 2; rb < 5; rb ++ ) { for( var cb = 2; cb < 6; cb ++ ) { RSheet.Cells(rb, cb).BorderAround(1).LineStyle = 1; } } for( var datarow = 7; datarow <= (7 + Number(total)); datarow ++ ) { for( var datacolumn = 3; datacolumn < 14; datacolumn ++ ) { RSheet.Cells(datarow, datacolumn).BorderAround(1).LineStyle = 1; } } ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:P").HorizontalAlignment = 2; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Range("C2", "C4").HorizontalAlignment = 3; ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Range("E2", "E4").HorizontalAlignment = 3; excelBook.SaveAs(filepath); ExcelSheet.Visible = false; ExcelSheet.UserControl = true; ExcelSheet.Application.Quit(); return true; } catch(e) { if(e.number == - 2146827284) { alert(e.description + ". Please close the document."); ExcelSheet.Application.Quit(); ExcelSheet.Quit(); ExcelSheet = null; return false; } } } </script>
Can this code be simplified? I am pretty sure it can be achieved by abstracting the variable and using an if else or a switch, each case would be the element ID...I'm having a a difficult time working through this.
function NoTime() {
if (shortTime == "") {
timeFormat = "N/A"
var shortTime;
var day;
var month;
var year;
var revisionDate = document.getElementById("RevisionDate").value;
shortTime = revisionDate;
day = revisionDate.substring(8, 10);
month = revisionDate.substring(4, 7);
year = revisionDate.substring(11, 15);
var timeFormat = day + " " + month + " " + year;
.replaceWith("<div id='RevisionDate' class='col-md-12 margin-bottom-10px pad-L-15px border-1px width-174px pad-LR-3px width-227px' /></div>");
var supplierPartInformationEffectiveDate = document.getElementById("SupplierPartInformationEffectiveDate")
shortTime = supplierPartInformationEffectiveDate;
day = supplierPartInformationEffectiveDate.substring(8, 10);
month = supplierPartInformationEffectiveDate.substring(4, 7);
year = supplierPartInformationEffectiveDate.substring(11, 15);
var timeFormat = day + " " + month + " " + year;
.replaceWith("<div id='SupplierPartInformationEffectiveDate' class='col-md-12 margin-bottom-10px pad-LR-3px border-1px pad-LR-3px width-342px' /></div>");
var SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate = document.getElementById("SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate")
shortTime = SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate;
day = SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate.substring(8, 10);
month = SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate.substring(4, 7);
year = SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate.substring(11, 15);
var timeFormat = day + " " + month + " " + year;
.replaceWith("<div id='SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate' class='col-md-12 margin-bottom-10px pad-LR-3px border-1px pad-LR-3px width-342px' /></div>");
var idArray = [ RevisionDate, SupplierPartInformationEffectiveDate, SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate ];
var attrIDArray = ["RevisionDate", "SupplierPartInformationEffectiveDate", "SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate"];
var stringIDArray = ["#RevisionDate", "#SupplierPartInformationEffectiveDate", "#SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate"];
for (i = 0; i < idArray.length; i++) {
var value = document.getElementById(attrIDArray[i]).value;
var day = value.substring(8, 10);
var month = value.substring(4, 7);
var year = value.substring(11, 15);
var timeFormat = day + " " + month + " " + year;
if (value == "") {
timeFormat = "N/A";
$(stringIDArray[i]).replaceWith("<div id='" + attrIDArray[i] + "' class='col-md-12 margin-bottom-10px pad-L-15px border-1px pad-LR-3px pad-TB-2px darkgrey-border-1px' /></div>");
if (stringIDArray[i] === "#RevisionDate") {
$("#RevisionDate").css("width", "227px");
} else {
$("#SupplierPartInformationEffectiveDate").css("width", "342px");
$("#SupplierPartInformationExpirationDate").css("width", "342px");
Hello friends I have a calendar with next previous button when user clicks on next button next week schedule will come if again user clicks nothing will happen I want to show dates upto next 1 week
My JavaScript for Next Button
function Next()
var next_sunday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+7));
var sunday = [next_sunday.getDate()];
var smonth = [next_sunday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var syear = [next_sunday.getFullYear()];
var sunday_date= syear + '-' + smonth + '-' + sunday;
document.getElementById("sunday").innerHTML =sunday;
var next_monday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+1));
var monday = [next_monday.getDate()];
var mmonth = [next_monday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var myear = [next_monday.getFullYear()];
var monday_date= myear + '-' + mmonth + '-' + monday;
document.getElementById("monday").innerHTML =monday;
var next_tuesday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+2));
var tuesday = [next_tuesday.getDate()];
var tmonth = [next_tuesday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var tyear = [next_tuesday.getFullYear()];
var tuesday_date= tyear + '-' + tmonth + '-' + tuesday;
document.getElementById("tuesday").innerHTML =tuesday;
var next_wedday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+3));
var wednesday = [next_wedday.getDate()];
var wmonth = [next_wedday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var wyear = [next_wedday.getFullYear()];
var wednesday_date= wyear + '-' + wmonth + '-' + wednesday;
document.getElementById("wednesday").innerHTML =wednesday;
var next_thuday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+4));
var thursday = [next_thuday.getDate()];
var thmonth = [next_thuday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var thyear = [next_thuday.getFullYear()];
var thursday_date= thyear + '-' + thmonth + '-' + thursday;
document.getElementById("thursday").innerHTML =thursday;
var next_friday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+5));
var friday = [next_friday.getDate()];
var fmonth = [next_friday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var fyear = [next_friday.getFullYear()];
var friday_date= fyear + '-' + fmonth + '-' + friday;
document.getElementById("friday").innerHTML =friday;
var next_satday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+6));
var saturday = [next_satday.getDate()];
var samonth = [next_satday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var sayear = [next_satday.getFullYear()];
var saturday_date= sayear + '-' + samonth + '-' + saturday;
document.getElementById("saturday").innerHTML =saturday;
$("#date").datepicker("setDate", new Date(next_monday));
var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
var week_month = months[next_satday.getMonth()] ;
var week_year = [next_satday.getFullYear()];
document.getElementById("endDate").innerHTML =week_month +' '+ saturday + ',' + ' ' + week_year;
please suggest somthing
I got the answer I used if else loop first I have captured current week last date mean Saturday date and then compared with next saturday
function Next()
// get current week saturday
var textbox_value=document.getElementById("date").value;
var current_week = new Date(textbox_value);
var next_satday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+6));
var current_satday = [next_satday.getDate()];
// last week saturday as per my requirement
// you can modify as per your requirement
var curr = new Date;
var firstday = new Date(curr.setDate(curr.getDate() - curr.getDay()));
var lastday = new Date(curr.setDate(curr.getDate() - curr.getDay()+6));
var last_satday = [lastday.getDate()];
if(current_satday <= last_satday){
var next_sunday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+7));
var sunday = [next_sunday.getDate()];
var smonth = [next_sunday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var syear = [next_sunday.getFullYear()];
var sunday_date= syear + '-' + smonth + '-' + sunday;
document.getElementById("sunday").innerHTML =sunday;
var next_monday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+1));
var monday = [next_monday.getDate()];
var mmonth = [next_monday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var myear = [next_monday.getFullYear()];
var monday_date= myear + '-' + mmonth + '-' + monday;
document.getElementById("monday").innerHTML =monday;
var next_tuesday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+2));
var tuesday = [next_tuesday.getDate()];
var tmonth = [next_tuesday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var tyear = [next_tuesday.getFullYear()];
var tuesday_date= tyear + '-' + tmonth + '-' + tuesday;
document.getElementById("tuesday").innerHTML =tuesday;
var next_wedday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+3));
var wednesday = [next_wedday.getDate()];
var wmonth = [next_wedday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var wyear = [next_wedday.getFullYear()];
var wednesday_date= wyear + '-' + wmonth + '-' + wednesday;
document.getElementById("wednesday").innerHTML =wednesday;
var next_thuday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+4));
var thursday = [next_thuday.getDate()];
var thmonth = [next_thuday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var thyear = [next_thuday.getFullYear()];
var thursday_date= thyear + '-' + thmonth + '-' + thursday;
document.getElementById("thursday").innerHTML =thursday;
var next_friday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+5));
var friday = [next_friday.getDate()];
var fmonth = [next_friday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var fyear = [next_friday.getFullYear()];
var friday_date= fyear + '-' + fmonth + '-' + friday;
document.getElementById("friday").innerHTML =friday;
var next_satday = new Date(current_week.setDate(current_week.getDate() - current_week.getDay()+6));
var saturday = [next_satday.getDate()];
var samonth = [next_satday.getMonth() + 1] ;
var sayear = [next_satday.getFullYear()];
var saturday_date= sayear + '-' + samonth + '-' + saturday;
document.getElementById("saturday").innerHTML =saturday;
$("#date").datepicker("setDate", new Date(next_monday));
var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
var week_month = months[next_satday.getMonth()] ;
var week_year = [next_satday.getFullYear()];
document.getElementById("endDate").innerHTML =week_month +' '+ saturday + ',' + ' ' + week_year;
Supposedly, I should be able to create an arbitrary date using the Date constructor as demonstrated here and referenced here
Where am I going wrong? Please notice that on the last few lines of prettyDateToTimeStamp, I modify the month and day to verify that the Date constructor is doing something - but it is not noticing anything I pass in and just returns the current date.
Here is my code below: and a jsfiddle
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo">Click the button to display the full year of todays date.</p>
<p id="demo2">todays date.</p>
<p id="demo3">some other date.</p>
<button onclick="showdates()">Try it</button>
function showdates() {
var d = Date.now();
var dv = document.getElementById('demo');
dv.innerHTML = d;
var pd = prettyDate(d);
dv = document.getElementById('demo2');
dv.innerHTML = pd;
var ts = prettyDateToTimeStamp(pd);
dv = document.getElementById('demo3');
dv.innerHTML = ts;
function prettyDate(javaScriptTimeStamp) {
var dt = new Date(javaScriptTimeStamp);
var year = dt.getFullYear();
var month = dt.getMonth() + 1;
var day = dt.getDate();
var hours = dt.getHours();
var minutes = dt.getMinutes();
var seconds = dt.getSeconds();
return month + "/" + day + "/" + year + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
function prettyDateToTimeStamp(prettyDate) {
var halves = prettyDate.split(' ');
console.log("halves: " + halves);
var calpart = halves[0];
console.log("calpart : " + calpart );
var clockpart = halves[1];
console.log("clockpart : " + clockpart );
var calbits = calpart.split('/');
console.log("calbits : " + calbits );
var timebits = clockpart.split(':');
console.log("timebits : " + timebits );
var year = parseInt(calbits[2],10);
console.log("year : " + year );
var month = parseInt(calbits[0],10);
console.log("month : " + month );
var day = parseInt(calbits[1],10);
console.log("day : " + day );
var hour = parseInt(timebits[0],10);
console.log("hour : " + hour );
var min = parseInt(timebits[1],10);
console.log("min : " + min );
var sec = parseInt(timebits[2],10);
console.log("sec : " + sec );
month += 3; // change month radically to demonstrate the problem
console.log("month is now: " + month );
day += 7; // change day too
console.log("day is now: " + day );
var ts = Date(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,0);
console.log("ts : " + ts ); // date ctor paramters completely ignored...?
return ts;
omg, I have to say "new" Date .... (I've been using Python too much lately)
corrected code now works.
function prettyDateToTimeStamp(prettyDate) {
var halves = prettyDate.split(' ');
var calpart = halves[0];
var clockpart = halves[1];
var calbits = calpart.split('/');
var timebits = clockpart.split(':');
var year = parseInt(calbits[2],10);
var month = parseInt(calbits[0],10);
var day = parseInt(calbits[1],10);
var hour = parseInt(timebits[0],10);
var min = parseInt(timebits[1],10);
var sec = parseInt(timebits[2],10);
month += 3; // change month radically to demonstrate the problem
day += 7; // change day too
var ts = new Date(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,0); // you have to use NEW here!
return ts;
I am attempting to display a greeting before the date / time depending on what time of day it is.
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
I have that message working.
I also want to have the date and time displayed as "It is TIME on DATE."
Whenever I try to change something with the time date code I can no longer get it to display even that.
Any advice would be helpful.
function MakeArray(n) {
this.length = n;
monthNames = new MakeArray(13);
monthNames[1] = "January";
monthNames[2] = "February";
monthNames[3] = "March";
monthNames[4] = "April";
monthNames[5] = "May";
monthNames[6] = "June";
monthNames[7] = "July";
monthNames[8] = "August";
monthNames[9] = "September";
monthNames[10] = "October";
monthNames[11] = "November";
monthNames[12] = "December";
dayNames = new MakeArray(8);
dayNames[1] = "Sunday";
dayNames[2] = "Monday";
dayNames[3] = "Tuesday";
dayNames[4] = "Wednesday";
dayNames[5] = "Thursday";
dayNames[6] = "Friday";
dayNames[7] = "Saturday";
function dayPart(oneDate) {
var theHour = oneDate.getHours();
if (theHour < 12) {
return "Good morning";
if (theHour < 18) {
return "Good afternoon";
return "Good evening";
function customDateString(oneDate) {
var theDay = dayNames[oneDate.getDay() + 1],
theMonth = monthNames[oneDate.getMonth() + 1],
theYear = oneDate.getYear();
theYear += (theYear < 100) ? 1900 : 0;
return theDay + ", " + theMonth + " " + oneDate.getDate() + ", " + theYear;
var today = new Date();
alert(dayPart(today) + "." + customDateString(today));
On jsFiddle
Try this as your function:
function customDateString(oneDate) {
var theDay = dayNames[oneDate.getDay() + 1]
var theMonth = monthNames[oneDate.getMonth() + 1]
var theYear = oneDate.getFullYear()
theYear += (theYear < 100) ? 1900 : 0
return 'It is ' + new Date().timeNow() + ' on ' + theMonth + " " + oneDate.getDate() + ", " + theYear + '. ';
With this prototype:
Date.prototype.timeNow = function () {
return ((this.getHours() < 10)?"0":"") + this.getHours() +":"+ ((this.getMinutes() < 10)?"0":"") + this.getMinutes() +":"+ ((this.getSeconds() < 10)?"0":"") + this.getSeconds();
getFullYear returns a four-digit year, instead of just getYear which, for example, would return 14 in the year 2014.