Updating a twig var inside a function - javascript

I'm trying to work with twig and javascript. I'm just trying to define a var and update the value inside a click function. Unfortunatelly, the var seems to be updated, but the new value is not updated when the scope of the function ends, so the console log writes 1 the first time and 2 each time I enter in the click function.
Which is the better way to do this?? Thanks in advance
{% set actual_index = 0 %}
{% set num_elements = 3 %}
{% set actual_index = actual_index + 1 %}
console.log({{ actual_index }})
$("#load").click(function () {
{% set actual_index = actual_index + 1 %}
console.log({{ actual_index }})

How to do it cleanly? Separate twig from your javascript. They were not intended to be used together (even though it can work).
You have multiple different ways to retrieve the information for your js. Either use twig and store the information in a hidden input, or get the information with an AJAX call.
for example:
var actual_index = -1;
var num_elements = 0;
$.getJSON('ur_here', function(data){
actual_index = data.actual_index;
num_elements = data.num_elements;
But it seems to go further than that, you understand that twig generates HTML server side and sends it to the client? This happens only once.
That means your variable you set only exists server side right? That means that when you do {{ actual_index }} it just generates a number client side and not a variable.
{% set actual_index = 0 %}
{% set num_elements = 3 %}
The two above variables exist server side right before twig generates your HTML and sends it to client.
Here is what your js should look like without twig:
var actual_index = 0;
var num_elements = 3;
actual_index = actual_index + 1;
$("#load").click(function () {
actual_index = actual_index + 1;
Answering your comment.
"{{ asset( path('event_values', { 'programmerid': programmerid, 'actual_index': actual_index, 'num_elements':num_elements } ))|raw }}
If the above generates an URL then you're on the right path (otherwise check this post How Generating URLs from a template correctly in Symfony2/Twig ).
Now, the first parameter of the getJSON is an URL, and the second parameter is the callback.
Remember that your {{ asset... }} should generate an URL that can be called on the client side.
So after your twig generates your HTML the URL should look something like this:
$.getJSON('http//:localhost/path/to/your/ajaxHandler.php', function(data){
//this is called when you return data from your ajaxHandler.php
//do something with data
This way, when you click ajaxHanlder.php is called and you can send back the information back in json ( echo json_encode(You array here); )


How to get twig variable after ajax call

I use nodejs to do a personal project (and learn nodejs).
For the view I use twig.
In my index.html.twig I have a block which load a twig template. This is a list that displays all rows of my database.
<div id="table">
{% include 'liste.html.twig' %}
In this template I have a variable called "segment"
{% for key, s in segment|slice(0, 10) %}
{% endfor %}
I did a pagination system to displays only 10 rows => it work
let up = document.getElementById('up');
let pageA = 1
var segments = {{ segment|json_encode()|raw }}
up.addEventListener('click', function(){
let tbody = document.getElementById("tbody")
tbody.innerHTML = ""
for(let i=(pageA-1)*10;i<pageA*10;i++){
let dist = segments[i]['distance']/1000
tbody.innerHTML += "<tr><td>"+segments[i]['name']+"</td><td>"+segments[i]['nbSegment']+"</td><td>"+dist.toFixed(2)+"km</td><td>"+segments[i]['total_elevation_gain']+"m</td><td>"+segments[i]['average_grade']+"%</td><tr>"
I have also a field to do a specific research. To do that I used ajax and reload only this block => It work also. My table displays 10 first results of my research
app.get('/search', urlencodedParser, function(req, res) {
req.query.page = 1
getSegmentsByNameDb(escapeHtml(req.query.name)).then(value => {
res.render('liste.html.twig', {segment:value})
My problem is that I can't get the new twig variable "segment" after the research and so my pagination doesn't work.
When I do a console.log(segment) it displays all the rows of the DB and not only the rows of the research.
Why the twig variable segment is not reset when my template liste.html.twig is reload ?

Django : combine variable and HTML id in template

I'm looking for a way to "concatene" a django object list (get via the get_queryset in the views.py) with a Javascript variable. then concatene them to a field of a model object.
My model is a blog post, and contains the post_title field (a charfield).
In my index.html, I have a pager button with id="1" or id="2" corresponding to the index of the page and a onClick="displayPostContentOnPageButtonCliked(this.id)" attribute.
My index.html retrieve all post objects in a context_object_name called all_post_by_date.
In my index.html, I want to display on alert dialog the post title corresponding to the button clicked, something like:
function displayPostContentOnPageButtonCliked(page_button_clicked_id){
var all_posts_by_date = "{{all_posts_by_date.page_button_clicked_id.post_title}}";
But this doesn't work. I tried to add filter or create my own filter (called get_index, but only manage to get like: all_posts_by_date|get_index:page_button_clicked_id and not be able to combine the .post_title part.
My question is: how to get {{all_posts_by_date.page_button_clicked_id.post_title}} to work, and alert "Title of post 3" when the button 3 is clicked ?
Thank u !
Two solutions for you: (1) send in the data you want to your JS function in the call to the JS function.
function showPostTitle(post_title){
. . .
{% for x in all_posts_by_date %}
<div id='blog-post-{{ x.id }}' on-click="showPostTitle('{{ x.post_title }}')">
. . .
{% endfor %}
Or you can just serialize the data yourself for later use:
var titles = [];
{% for x in all_posts_by_date %}
titles.push('{{ x.post_title }}');
{% endfor %}
function displayPostContentOnPageButtonCliked(nId) {
var title = titles[nId - 1];

Shopify - Change text of my selectorOption product dropdown variant

I worked all day on it and impossible to figure it out so I need some help :)
I try to add some text on each variant line of my "Size" dropdown on my product page :
if the product quantity > 0 : Size + Quick Delivery
else : Size + 2-3 weeks delivery
Just want to display it to the customer before the click, so I don't want it just on the selectedVariant.
I tried to change it by my script.js, I was thinking to :
copy each variant quantity (I didn't find the way to do it)
copy my Dropdown in a list value/key + add text (Quick/2-3 weeks) depending of the variant quantity
var optionsSizes = {};
var optionsSizes = {};
$('#mySizes option').each(function(){
optionsSizes[$(this).val()] = $(this).text() + variant.inventory_quantity;
var $el = $("#mySizes");
$el.empty(); // remove old options
$.each(optionsSizes, function(value,key) {
.attr("value", value).text(key));
The copy/paste of the dropdown work but that's all.
It was easy to do it on variantSelected but that's not what I want.
Please feel free to ask if you have any question.
('#product-select-5916642311-option-0') and $('#mySizes') this select elements are not in your theme by default. A Shopify or theme script adds these two elements based on the product's JSON information available via Shopify. Hence there is no direct way to get the desired result.
Here's the trick that can achieve what you desire.
Load all the variants and their required properties into a JSON object. To do this add <script>variantsJSON = {}</script> at the top of the liquid file.
Now load the variants in the following structure:
variantsJSON = {
"variant_option1" : {
"variant_option2_1_title" : "variant_option2_1_quantity",
"variant_option2_2_title" : "variant_option2_2_quantity",
} ....
To get the above structure, you need to add the following script inside {% for variant in product.variants %} or a similar loop in your liquid file.
if (!variantsJSON['{{ variant.option1 }}']){
variantsJSON['{{ variant.option1 }}'] = {}
{% assign availability = 'QUICK DELIVERY' %}
{% if variant.inventory_quantity == 0 %}{% assign availability = '2-3 WEEKS DELIVERY' %}{% endif %}
if (!variantsJSON['{{ variant.option1 }}']['{{ variant.option2 }}']){
variantsJSON['{{ variant.option1 }}']['{{ variant.option2 }}'] = '{{ availability }}'
The above snippet (possible refinement required) will load all the variants and their availability into the JSON object
Now all you need to do is trigger a function on change of $('#product-select-{{ product.id }}-option-0') which will clear all <li>s in $('#mySizes'), then populates them using the values stored in variantsJSON's variant_option2 & variant_availability of the selected variant_option1
P.S. Feel free to format my answer. I'm somehow unable to get the right formatting.
To answer Hymnz on
That's tricky but I think I can help. How are you changing the span with the classes product__inventory-count product__form-message--success ? – HymnZ 10 hours ago
if (variant) {
{% if settings.product_show_shipping %}
var myCount = variant['inventory_quantity'];
var myPath = this.element.find('.product__inventory-count');
if (myCount < 1){
myPath.text("2-3 weeks delivery");
myPath.text("Quick delivery");
{% endif %}
The thing is, variant is the variant selected and not going through all the product's variants.

Django: Referencing Views List in Java Script?

So I'm working with Django on a website that I am playing around with, and have been trying to research how I could get the following list in my views.py and be able to reference it in my javascript? I'm working on creating an ajax call and the tutorials I am coming accross are a bit confusing.
#lines 6 - 8 of my code.
def catalog_home(request):
item_list = item.objects.order_by('name') #item is the model name
note: the item model containts a name, description, overview and icon column.
Is it possible for me to use the list above (item_list) and be able to write a javascript function that does something similar to this? :
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#showmorebutton").click(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var itemdescription = item.description;
var itemName = item.name;
var icon = item.icon;
$("table tr:last").append(generateCard(itemName,
function generateCard(itemNameC, itemdescriptionC, iconC) {
var card = "<td class='tablecells'><a class='tabletext' href='#'><span class='fa "
+ iconC
+ " concepticons'></span><h2 class='header'>"
+ itemNameC
+ "</h2><p>"
+ itemdescripionC
+ "<span class='fa fa-chevron-circle-right'></span></p></a></td>";
return card;
I don't mean to crowd source the answer to this, I just would appreciate any feedback/advice for me to handle this task, as I am fairly new to coding.
You should absolutely be able to do this. The trick is to understand Django templates. You showed part of the view but you will need to render to a template. Inside the template, you can just do something like
HTML code for page goes here (if you're mixing js and html)
var items = [{% for d in data %}
{% if forloop.last %}
{{ d }}
{% else %}
{{ d }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}];
// code that uses items
Note there's a little bit of work required to make sure you have the right # of commas [taken from this SO answer and your code should handle the case where the array is empty.
Alternatively, you could do an ajax call from static javascript to your django server using something like django rest framework to get the list of items as a json object.

Save and load a flowchart on jsPlumb

What's the best approach to save and load an flowchart on jsPlumb?
I managed to save the chart by simply having all the elements inside an array of objects, where each object has source and target nodes, x, y coordinates.
When saving, simply do JSON.stringify(whole_object), and if loading, simply JSON.parse() and manually position the nodes as well as connect them.
My solution save and load jsPlumb:
function Save() {
Objs = [];
$('.node').each(function() {
Objs.push({id:$(this).attr('id'), html:$(this).html(),left:$(this).css('left'),top:$(this).css('top'),width:$(this).css('width'),height:$(this).css('height')});
function Load() {
var s="";
for(var i in Objs) {
var o = Objs[i];
s+='<div id="'+ o.id+'" class="node" style="left:'+ o.left+'; top:'+ o.top+'; width:'+ o.width +'; height:'+ o.height +' "> '+ o.html+'</div>';
UPD Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/Rra6Y/137/
Note: if demo does not work in JsFiddle, make sure it points to an existing jsPlumb link (links are listed in "External Resources" JsFiddle menu item
My save functionality does a bit more than just save the x, y position of the element and its connections. I also added saving a connection Label overlay as well as custom text for each element. You can tailor this solution as per your requirements but here it is basically:
//save functionality
function IterateDrawnElements(){ //part of save
var dict = {};
$('#id_diagram_container').children('div.window').each(function () {
var pos = $(this).position()
var diagram_label = $(this).children('div.asset-label').children('div.asset-diagram-label').text()
if (diagram_label == null || diagram_label == ''){
dict[this.id] = [pos.left, pos.top, diagram_label];
return dict;
function IterateConnections(){ //part of save
var list = [];
var conns = jsPlumb.getConnections()
for (var i = 0; i < conns.length; i++) {
var source = conns[i].source.id;
var target = conns[i].target.id;
var label = conns[i].getOverlay("label-overlay").labelText;
catch(err) {
label = null
//list.push([source, target])
if (source != null && target != null){
list.push([source, target, label]);
return list;
I initiate all this when the user hits the save button, an ajax call is made back to the server, in this case Django is intercepting the ajax request and saves the data to the database.
//ajax call when save button pressed
$save_btn.click(function() {
//drawn elements
var d_elements = IterateDrawnElements();
var d_conns = IterateConnections();
var d_name =$('#id_diagram_name').val();
url : ".",
type : "POST",
dataType: "json",
data : {
drawn_elements: JSON.stringify(d_elements),
conns: JSON.stringify(d_conns),
diagram_name: d_name,
csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}'
success: function (result) {
if (result.success == true){
if (result.old_name != false){
error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("Please report this error: "+errorThrown+xhr.status+xhr.responseText);
//return false; // always return error?
To load all this up is even easier and there are many ways you can do this. In Django you can just generate the html straight in your template as well as the js for the connections or you can create a JSON object in javascript for everything and then have javascript draw it all based on the array. I used jquery for this.
//js & connections load
var asset_conns = [
{% for conn in diagram_conns %}
[ {{ conn.source.id }}, {{ conn.target.id }}, '{{ conn.name }}' ],
{% endfor %}
// Takes loaded connections and connects them
for (var i = 0; i< asset_conns.length; i++){
var source = asset_conns[i][0].toString();
var target = asset_conns[i][1].toString();
var label = asset_conns[i][2];
var c = jsPlumb.connect({source: source, target: target, detachable:true, reattach: true }); //on init already know what kind of anchor to use!
if (label != null && label != 'None'){
c.addOverlay([ "Label", { label: label, id:"label-overlay"} ]);
//html right into django template to draw elements, asset element interchangeable terms
{% for element in drawn_elements %}
<div id="{{ element.asset.id }}" class="window" style="left:{{ element.left }}px;top:{{ element.top }}px;background-image: url('{% static element.asset.asset_mold.image.url %}'); width: {{ element.asset.asset_mold.image.width }}px;height: {{ element.asset.asset_mold.image.height }}px;">
<div class="asset-label" id="label-{{ element.asset.id }}">
{#{{ element.asset }}#}<a class="lbl-link" id="lbl-link-{{ element.asset.id }}" href="{{ element.asset.get_absolute_url }}">{{ element.asset }}</a>
<div class='asset-diagram-label' id="lbl-{{ element.asset.id }}">{% if element.asset.diagram_label %}{{ element.asset.diagram_label }}{% endif %}</div>
<div class='ep' id="ep-{{ element.asset.id }}"></div>
{% endfor %}
You can greatly simplify this but mine also gets a background for the element, as well as label and the shape of the element to use with perimeter anchors. This solution works and is tested. I'll release an open source Djago application for this soon on PyPi.
I'm using YUI with it. I'm saving the position of each box item being connected in a table. I them have a separate table the stores a parent to child relationship between the items, which is used to determine the lines jsPlumb should draw. I determine this using a selection process in which the first item selected is the parent, and all other items are children. When the "connect" button is clicked, the parent/child selection of the items is cleared. I also toggle this if you click the selected parent - it clear the child selections as well.
I recently wrote this blog post about why jsPlumb doesn't have a save function (and what I recommend you do):
...maybe someone will find it useful.

