AngularJs:Strange result in iterating key value pair - javascript

I have an array in angular as follows
"abc/xyz/../": [
"": [
"abc1/xyz/../": [
i want to iterate through this array and need to get the results as follows
i have tried as follows
<div ng-repeat="test in arr track by $index">
<h3 ng-repeat="(key, value) in test">
but i am getting strange results as each character is coming as result .
can u pleas help.
please look to this fiddle

I don't know what you want to do but you can create your logic something like this it might work for you ,its some hardcoded work but change it accordingly
$scope.test = []
Use test in ng-repeat .. :)
or you can do what i know with your code use ng-repeat like this for your code:
<div ng-repeat="test in arr">
<div ng-repeat="test2 in test">

I don't know if Pankaj is right regarding the empty key value. But certainly your $scope.arr is not an array but an object.
As such your code should be:
<div ng-repeat="(key, value)in arr track by $index">
<h3 ng-repeat=" item in value">

I suspect that the JSON you are getting is not valid JSON. In second second property of your object is ""(blank) which would be invalid JSON.
"abc/xyz/../": [
//in below line json has no key
"": [
"abc1/xyz/../": [
Apology for having wrong conceptualization regarding JSON, above JSON is valid JSON (but technically JSON shouldn't have blank key). I tried the above code in Fiddle which is working fine.
Working Fiddle(Angular 1.4.8)

You need to replace your HTML code with the following:
<div ng-repeat="test in arr track by $index">
<div ng-repeat="item in test">
I am getting the result. Please check the following JSFiddle:


Filter Number in an angular object using limitto

I am using a angularjs filter method on an repeated array of items and trying to filter numbers with a limitTo filter. The result is not getting applied to the repeat in the DOM.
Here is the html
<div ng-controller="demo as d">
<input type="text" ng-model="d.test" ng-change="d.filterthis(d.test)"><br>
<div ng-repeat="item in d.items | limitTo:d.limitto track by $index">
<span ng-show="!">{{item.myno}}</span> -
<span ng-show="!">{{$index}} - {{item.mystr}}</span><br>
App.js filter function withing angularjs
this.filterthis = function(filter){{
return function(obj){;
if(obj.myno.toString().indexOf(filter) >-1){
return obj;
Items is a array like this
this.items = [{
Having "show" as a key on your items, doesnt remove it from the ng-repeat, and so the limitTo filter will still return the items. Instead you should leverage the filter filter in the repeat like so
<input type="text" ng-model=""><br>
<div ng-repeat="item in d.items | filter:{} | limitTo:d.limitto track by $index">
<span>{{item.myno}}</span> -
<span>{{$index}} - {{item.mystr}}</span><br>
Note that order is important here, if you limitTo and then filter you are only filtering the limit'ed result. You can change the key upon which you filter by changing {} to a different key, alternatively if you want to search the whole object, simply use
Updated Plunker

ng-repeat on object angularjs

I have an object like this
Obj = {
"next" : "100",
"total": "2000"
I have equal items inside the elements array and the partner and instructors array. I have only placed 2 items just for display there could be many.
The Obj.elements[0] is related to[0] and Obj.linked.instructors[0]. Similarly for the first,second,third ..... items as well.
How can I ng-repeat on this object such that I can show
Obj.elements[i][i] Obj.linked.instructors[i]
at a time in html template ?
If your elements, partners, and instructors arrays will always be the same length and you wanted to for example join together the names you could try something like this.
<div ng-repeat="element in Obj.elements">
{{}} {{[$index].name}} {{Obj.linked.instructors[$index].name}}
$index is used by Angular in a ng-repeat to keep track of its position when iterating through an object. Here is the documentation: ng-repeat
ng-repeat has the $index scoped variable:
<ANY ng-repeat="element in model.elements">
<span ng-bind=""></span>
<span ng-bind="[$index].name"></span>
<span ng-bind="model.linked.instructors[$index].name"></span>

Filter separate variable in Angular

So I have some code that looks like this:
<input ng-model="search" type="text">
<td ng-repeat="key in targets">
{{ display_names[key] }}
To be more clear:
targets is a variable containing not-human readable ids such as key012
display_names is an object which has keys like: key012: "USA"
I would like to filter the display_names value from the search? Looking at the angularjs docs, I know I can filter key, but I haven't figured out how to filter display_names
Here's a full example:
var TS = angular.module('myapp', []);
TS.controller('test', function($scope) {
$scope.targets = ["id_1", "id_2"];
$scope.display_names = {
"id_1": "USA",
"id_2": "Mexico"
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="test">
<input ng-model="search" placeholder="Search...">
<li ng-repeat="key in targets">{{display_names[key]}}</li>
<td ng-repeat="key in targets">
<span ng-if="display_names[key].indexOf(search) > -1">{{ display_names[key] }}</span>
use ng-if, or you could also use ng-show. Differences here
This way, as you write in search (which should be in $ angular will refresh the ng-repeat values to show
If you want to search it case-insensitive, you could use toLowerCase() function before using indexOf
display_names[key].toLowerCase().indexOf(search) > -1
You can't use a filter | in the html because you don't have the value you want to filter against in the array you are iterating over. Instead you can use ng-if to show/hide the elements based on the search. Something like:
<div ng-repeat="key in targets" ng-if="!search || !!display_names[key].match(search)">
{{ display_names[key] }}
The !! boolean cast is done because otherwise a new Regex object will be returned for the match which triggers a digest cycle which will return another new object and so on.
You also probably want to iterate over <tr> rather than <td>, and you need a <table> element for these elements to be allowed.
You could also write a custom filter for this, but it is a lot more work:
.filter('displayNames' function () {
return function (key, names, search) {
return !search || !!names[key].match(search);
And use it like key in targets | displayNames:display_names:search

adding an array property to object in angular js

I have an object called user:
It has properties like, user.age
Now, I need to add an array to user object called subjects via ng-model.
This is what i did inside of ng-repeat:
<input type="text" ng-model="user.subjectname[$index]"
name="subject" ng-required="true" placeholder="Enter a subject name">
and when I do console.log(user.subjectname), it looks like this:
Now, after this, I wanted to do something like this:
<div ng-repeat="data in user.sujects">
<td>{{data}} </td>
But it does not work.
In my my service that is called from controller, I tried this,
if(dataArray== null)
var dataArray=[];
console.log("scop.user.subjectname...................." + user.subjectname);
for(var i in user.subjectname)
{ dataArray.push(user.subjectname[i])
so, now if I do,
<div ng-repeat="data in">
<td>{{data}} </td>
I still get nothing.
Can I get some direction to deal with this?
Like I told you in your previous question, and showcased in a jsbin.
You need to use the (key, val) in object syntax to get those values out of user.subjectname
ng-repeat="(key, val) in user.subjectname" ng-bind="val"
If you need to transform this object into an array:
$scope.arr = [];
Object.keys(user.subjectname).forEach(function (key) {
Then if you need to output that
ng-repeat="a in arr" ng-bind="a"
edit: after further explanation from you, I'm assuming this jsBin highlights something close to what you are after.

How to use a variable in Angular filter

I am busty with experimenting with Angular. I get some data from controller and like to place a filter on it. This works as i pass is as string. but if i like to use a variable, it doesnt work. The variable is showing if i directly call it in the html. I will paste html and js here. I am sure i am doing something "small" wrong here, but i dont see what.
<body ng-controller="GuestController as GuestCtrl">
<h1 class="text-center">Guests</h1>
<div class="btn btn-default" ng-controller="FamController as famCtrl" ng-repeat="guest in GuestCtrl.guests | filter:{name:famCtrl.fam}">
{{famCtrl.fam}} <!-- returns the right value, thats the az you see before the names -->
<ul class="clearfix" ng-controller="FamController as famCtrl">
<li class="small-image pull-left thumbnail" ng-repeat="famMember in guest.famMembers">
var app = angular.module("wedding", []);
app.controller('GuestController', function(){
this.guests = guests;
app.controller('FamController', function(){
this.fam = 'az';
var guests = [
name: 'Willem & Hanneke',
famMembers: [
name: 'Azouz & Ria',
famMembers: [
Any help would be appreciated. Probably there is a much better way to achieve what i like, but i like to do it in steps. My goal now is to get this working. The next goal would be to only display the fammember of the "name" i have clicked.
Extract your FamController outside of the ng-repeat directive
working example
<body ng-controller="GuestController as GuestCtrl">
<div ng-controller="FamController as famCtrl">

