How to debug Javascript code inside page.evaluate() function in PhantomJS? - javascript

I have a PhantomJS (1.9) script "test.js" (Code taken from PhantomJS docs)-
var webPage = require('webpage');
var page = webPage.create();'', function(status) {
var title = page.evaluate(function() {
// >> I have a breakpoint here, but debugger doesnt stop!
return document.title;
I am debugging this code with phantomjs --remote-debugger-port=9000 test.js and chrome.
I can reach to all code breakpoints except the code inside page.evaluate().
Is there a way to debug it?

This is and old question and the phantomJS engine has been legacy for quite some time now, but for all those who has to maintain legacy code just like me, here is a gif I've prepared that shows step by step process of how to debug phantomjs scripts and the page opened inside.
So what you need to do is put a breakpoint in the page script and copy the link of the current browser tab and increase the page number by one. this will attach the debuggger to the inside script and you will be able to debug your code.
you can check out the step by step gif(it was too big to uplo) =>


Accessing the console log commands via chrome extension

I'm looking to override the existing console commands via my Chrome extension - the reason for this is I wish to record the console logs for a specific site.
Unfortunately I cannot seem to update the DOM, this is what i've tried so far:
// Run functions on page change
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener( function (tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
var s = document.createElement('script');
// TODO: add "script.js" to web_accessible_resources in manifest.json
s.src = chrome.runtime.getURL('core/js/app/console.js');
s.onload = function() {
(document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(s);
// Replace functionality of console log
console.defaultLog = console.log.bind(console);
console.logs = [];
console.log = function(){
console.defaultLog.apply(console, arguments);
// Replace functionality of console error
console.defaultError = console.error.bind(console);
console.errors = [];
console.error = function(){
console.defaultError.apply(console, arguments);
// Replace functionality of console warn
console.defaultWarn = console.warn.bind(console);
console.warns = [];
console.warn = function(){
console.defaultWarn.apply(console, arguments);
// Replace functionality of console debug
console.defaultDebug = console.debug.bind(console);
console.debugs = [];
console.debug = function(){
console.defaultDebug.apply(console, arguments);
The script runs successfully with an alert().
The goal for me is to access console.logs - but its undefined which means I haven't gotten access to the DOM, despite injecting a script.
If not possible, even a third party integration would be helpful i.e. Java or C?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)
I found this post and I think Tampermonkey injects a script with the immediate function that you add in the Tampermonkey Chrome extension page, I found something similar in extensions like Wappalyzer, and looks good and safe, you could use WebRequest to inject to your website the new "polyfill" before the page is fully loaded as the post says.
Here the example of Wappalyzer that I mentioned before, this is the JS load in StackOverflow with Wappalyzer using the code injection, I didn't test it with Tampermonkey yet
Checking Wappalyzer, how to inject the code is the easy part, you can use (Wappalyzer github example):
const script = document.createElement('script')
script.setAttribute('src', chrome.extension.getURL('js/inject.js'))
This probably will not fix your problem, this code is executed after all the content was loaded in the DOM. But, you can find how to fix that problem in this post
I'll suggest to use onCommitted event (doc1/doc2)
Using the example you will have something like
const filter = {
url: //website to track logs
{hostContains: ""},
{hostPrefix: "developer"}
function logOnCommitted(details) {
//Inject Script on webpage
browser.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(logOnCommitted, filter);
It might be worth trying to redefine the entire console object:
const saved = window.console
window.console = {...saved, log: function(...args){ saved.log("Hello", ...args) }}
But it's probably impossible, because content scripts live in an isolated world:
Isolated worlds do not allow for content scripts, the extension, and the web page to access any variables or functions created by the others. This also gives content scripts the ability to enable functionality that should not be accessible to the web page.
Although in Tampermonkey this script works.
I believe Tampermonkey handles this by knowing the subtleties and tracking changes in the extensions host's protection mechanism.
BTW, for small tasks, there is a decent alternative to chrome extensions in the form of code snippets.

Javascript: How may I call a function of an external website?

I would like to write a simple script to open a Website and call a function that is part of a linked .js-file.
To be more precise, I want to open a SharePoint, invoke the function that is used to open the folder in windows explorer and close the website again.
For some reason, I may not open the folder directly in explorer unless I had it done this way at least once during the active windows session...
How may I do this?
So far, I tried the following:
var IE = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
var WSH = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
IE.visible = true;
WSH.PopUp("Click to fire function");
//the following line throws an error, because the function is unknown...
IE.Document.defaultView.setTimeout(NavigateHttpFolder, 0, "", "_blank");
//the following line does not throw an error, but nothing happens either..
IE.Document.defaultView.setTimeout(function(){NavigateHttpFolder("", "_blank");}, 0);
However, when I open my Sharepoint and type the following line into the addressbar it does exactly what I want to achieve and it opens the folder...
javascript:NavigateHttpFolder("", "_blank");
Could you please help me? I simply cannot find a way to get this to work.
UPDATE: Now it worked suddenly! I tried it the following way before but it didn't do anything until now (???)...
IE.Navigate('javascript:NavigateHttpFolder("", "_blank");');
You can include script with path to external website
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

How to make a simple firefox addon, which just executes stand-alone JS script on every new page?

I'm trying to make a simple firefox add-on, executing a simple stand-alone JS-script on every new page (say, just a simple alert after page loaded).
First, I've tried add-on sdk. It have been installed successfully, run tests, but was not able to execute even examples from any tutorial, so i tried to try XUL.
I downloaded 'xulschoolhello.xpi', unpacked it, modified content/browserOverlay.xul to this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<overlay id="xulschoolhello-browser-overlay"
<script type="application/x-javascript"
src="chrome://xulschoolhello/content/browserOverlay.js" />
and content/browserOverlay.js to this just to see if something happens:
but nothing happens after zip packing, installation and rebooting.
I'm quiet new to firefox extensions, so thanks for any help.
I tried to make a very simple bootstrap.js:
var WindowListener = {
onOpenWindow: function(window) {
function startup(data, reason) {
var wm = Components.classes[";1"]
function shutdown(data, reason) {}
function install(data, reason) {}
function uninstall(data, reason) {}
But it doestn alert. What am i doing wrong here?
This is a fully working bootstap addon that runs javascript everytime a url matching hostPatern of is loaded. Download the xpi from this gist here and install it to see it working:
If you want to use this for yourself, then just edit the addDiv and removeDiv functions on the js you want to run. And to control which site edit hostPattern global var and decide if you want to listen to frames by setting global var of ignoreFrames.
To accomplish this with addon-sdk you do it like this:
var pageMod = require("page-mod");
const data = require("self").data;
exports.main = function() {
include: ["*","*"],
contentScriptWhen: 'ready',
/*contentScriptFile: [data.url("jquery.js"),data.url("script.js")],*/
onAttach: function(worker) {
console.log('loaded a page of interest');
I'm not too familiar with addon-sdk like i dont know how to set up the environment, but i heard once you get it setup its pretty simple. As you can see by comparing the amount of code. But in the bootstrap version you have fine control over everything thats why I prefer bootstrap, and most of the codes are cookie-cutter copy and paste.

Simplest way to launch Firefox, drive 3rd party site using privileged nsI* APIs

What's the simplest way to launch Firefox, load a 3rd party website (which I'm authorised to "automate"), and run some "privileged" APIs against that site? (e.g: nsIProgressListener, nsIWindowMediator, etc).
I've tried a two approaches:
Create a tabbed browser using XULrunner, "plumbing" all the appropriate APIs required for the 3rd party site to open new windows, follow 302 redirects, etc. Doing it this way, it's an aweful lot of code, and requires (afaict) that the user installs the app, or runs Firefox with -app. It's also extremely fragile. :-/
Launch Firefox passing URL of the 3rd party site, with MozRepl already listening. Then shortly after startup, telnet from the "launch" script to MozRepl, use mozIJSSubScriptLoader::loadSubScript to load my code, then execute my code from MozRepl in the context of the 3rd party site -- this is the way I'm currently doing it.
With the first approach, I'm getting lots of security issues (obviously) to work around, and it seems like I'm writing 10x more browser "plumbing" code then automation code.
With the second approach, I'm seeing lots of "timing issues", i.e:
the 3rd party site is somehow prevented from loading by MozRepl (or the execution of the privileged code I supply)???, or
the 3rd party site loads, but code executed by MozRepl doesn't see it load, or
the 3rd party site loads, and MozRepl isn't ready to take requests (despite other JavaScript running in the page, and port 4242 being bound by the Firefox process),
I thought about maybe doing something like this:
Modify the MozRepl source in some way to load privileged JavaScript from a predictable place in the filesystem at start-up (or interact with Firefox command-line arguments) and execute it in the context of the 3rd party website.
... or even write another similar add-on which is more dedicated to the task.
Any simpler ideas?
After a lot of trial-and-error, answered my own question (below).
I found the easiest way was to write a purpose-built Firefox extension!
Step 1. I didn't want to do a bunch of unnecessary XUL/addon related stuff that wasn't necessary; A "Bootstrapped" (or re-startless) extension needs only an install.rdf file to identify the addon, and a bootstrap.js file to implement the bootstrap interface.
Bootstrapped Extension:
Good example:
The bootstrap interface can be implemented very simply:
const path = '/PATH/TO/EXTERNAL/CODE.js';
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
var loaderSvc = Cc[";1"];
function install() {}
function uninstall() {}
function shutdown(data, reason) {}
function startup(data, reason) { loaderSvc.loadSubScript("file://"+path); }
You compile the extension by putting install.rdf and bootstrap.js into the top-level of a new zip file, and rename the zip file extension to .xpi.
Step 2. To have a repeatable environment for production & testing, I found the easiest way was to launch Firefox with a profile dedicated to the automation task:
Launch the Firefox profile manager: firefox -ProfileManager
Create a new profile, specifying the location for easy re-use (I called mine testing-profile) and then exit the profile manager.
Remove the new profile from profiles.ini in your user's mozilla config (so that it won't interfere with normal browsing).
Launch Firefox with that profile: firefox -profile /path/to/testing-profile
Install the extension from the file-system (rather than
Do anything else needed to prepare the profile. (e.g: I needed to add 3rd party certificates and allow pop-up windows for the relevant domain.)
Leave a single about:blank tab open, then exit Firefox.
Snapshot the profile: tar cvf testing-profile-snapshot.tar /path/to/testing-profile
From that point onward, every time I run the automation, I unpack testing-profile-snapshot.tar over the existing testing-profile folder and run firefox -profile /path/to/testing-profile about:blank to use the "pristine" profile.
Step 3. So now when I launch Firefox with the testing-profile it will "include" the external code at /PATH/TO/EXTERNAL/CODE.js on each start-up.
NOTE: I found that I had to move the /PATH/TO/EXTERNAL/ folder elsewhere during step 2 above, as the external JavaScript code would be cached (!!! - undesirable during development) inside the profile (i.e: changes to the external code wouldn't be seen on next launch).
The external code is privileged and can use any of the Mozilla platform APIs. There is however an issue of timing. The moment-in-time at which the external code is included (and hence executed) is one at which no Chrome window objects (and so no DOMWindow objects) yet exist.
So then we need to wait around until there's a useful DOMWindow object:
// useful services.
var loader = Cc[";1"]
var wmSvc = Cc[";1"]
var logSvc = Cc[";1"]
// "user" code entry point.
function user_code() {
// your code here!
// window, gBrowser, etc work as per MozRepl!
// get the gBrowser, first (about:blank) domWindow,
// and set up common globals.
var done_startup = 0;
var windowListener;
function do_startup(win) {
if (done_startup) return;
done_startup = 1;
var browserEnum = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
var browserWin = browserEnum.getNext();
var tabbrowser = browserWin.gBrowser;
var currentBrowser = tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(0);
var domWindow = currentBrowser.contentWindow;
window = domWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
setTimeout = window.setTimeout;
setInterval = window.setInterval;
alert = function(message) {
Services.prompt.alert(null, "alert", message);
console = {
log: function(message) {
// the first domWindow will finish loading a little later than gBrowser...
gBrowser.addEventListener('load', function() {
gBrowser.removeEventListener('load', arguments.callee, true);
}, true);
// window listener implementation
windowListener = {
onWindowTitleChange: function(aWindow, aTitle) {},
onCloseWindow: function(aWindow) {},
onOpenWindow: function(aWindow) {
var win = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
win.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
win.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
if (aEvent.originalTarget.nodeName != "#document") return;
Step 4. All of that code executes in the "global" scope. If you later need to load other JavaScript files (e.g: jQuery), call loadSubscript explicitly within the null (global!) scope
function some_user_code() {,"file:///PATH/TO/SOME/CODE.js");,"http://HOST/PATH/TO/jquery.js");
$ = jQuery = window.$;
Now we can use jQuery on any DOMWindow by passing <DOMWindow>.document as the second parameter to the selector call!

How to overwrite a function in the web page with Chrome extension?

Suppose there is a web site has a global namespace Q = {}, and there is a function under it:
I'd like to overwrite this function in my chrome extension, so when the web page calls, it would do what I like.
I tried to write: = function(){
alert("over written");
with content script. But it doesn't work....
The main problem iis that a chrome extension exists in a separated enviornment which was created so that extension developers cant screw with the existing page's javascript and vice versa.
However geeky people can do this:
document.head.innerHTML += '<script> = function(){alert("over written");}</script>';
Basically what this does is that it appends a script tag into the dom which is then instantly eval'd in the context of the page. = function(){
alert("over written");

