Simpler arithmetic - javascript

In Clojurescript I am doing a minus - taking one number from another:
(let [external-take-central (- external-val central-y)
_ (log "Ans: " external-take-central " from " external-val " take " central-y)
The output from this can involve quite a lot of unnecessary decimal places:
Ans: 0.10000000000000142 from 21.1 take 21
rationalize does not exist on Clojurescript, and nor does BigDecimal.
What is the best way to deal sensibly with these floating-point arithmetic errors in the Javascript execution environment?
In this case I would like external-take-central itself to not be slightly bigger/smaller than 0.1. I would like to find a generic way to make calculations accurate and easy to reason about.

It depends on how you want to use the value. You can use available javascript libraries and functions. In general, I tend ot look at the google closure library before considering loading a separate library as you avoid issues with having to define externs etc.
One possible solution would be to use the google.string lib i.e.
(ns ....
(:require [google.string :as gstr]))
(gstr/format "%.2f" value)
or something similar should work to format your value as a string with just 2 decimal places.
EDIT: Adding some more information based on comment and to clarify some points.
Note that Clojurescript numbers are just javascript numbers and can be used in any javascript function which accepts a number. So, for example you can just do
(.round js/Math 3.00001)
or even
(.toFixed 3.0002 2)
or something more complex depending on what your requirements are. I would be wary of rounding/truncating at every calculation step. There are some cases where this might make sense (for example, you might want to restrict money calculations to 2 decimal places), but in other caes, you will just increase the amount of rounding error by doing this. For thigs like delaing with currency, I would tend to use either a clojurescript or a javascript library written for that purpose.


Working with accurate currency values in Javascript

I'm working on a system that uses financial data. I'm getting subtle rounding errors due to the use of floating point numbers. I'm wondering if there's a better way to deal with this.
One of the issues is that I'm working with a mixture of different currencies, which might have up to 12 decimals, and large numbers for other currencies.
This means that the smallest number I need to represent is 0.000000000001 * (1*10^-12) and the largest 100,000,000,000 (1*10^11).
Are there any recommended ways to work with numbers of this size and not lose precision?
If you're really trying to stay in the JS realm you might consider Decimal.js which should cover your precision range.
If I were writing this and needed to make sure there were no rounding errors I would likely try and use a GMP extension for another lang inside a microservice which was only tasked with the financial math. GMPY2 for Python3 is probably a good bet for something quick and easy.

converting LARGE string to an integer [duplicate]

How do I parse a 20-digit number using JavaScript and jQuery?
A 20-digit number is generally too big for a JavaScript native numeric type, so you'll need to find a "big number" package to use. Here's one that I've seen mentioned on Stack Overflow and that looks interesting:
That one is just integers. If you need decimal fractions too, you'll have to find something else.
If you just want to check that a 20-digit string looks like a number, and you don't need to know the value, you can do that with a regular expression.
You can't have a 20-digit number in JavaScript - it'll get floated off on you.
You can keep 20 digits (or 200 or 2000) intact as a string, or as an array of digits, but to do any math on it you need a big integer object or library.
Normally you use Number() or parseInt("", [radix]) to parse a string into a real number.
I am guessing you are asking about what happens when the string you parse is above the int - threshold. In this case it greatly depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
There are some libraries that allow working with big numbers such as - see answer - (did not test it, but it looks OK). Also try searching for BigInt JavaScript or BigMath.
In short: working with VERY large number or exact decimals is a challenge in every programming language and often requires very specific mathematical libraries (which are less convenient and often a lot slower than when you work in "normal" (int/long) areas) - which obviously is not an issue when you REALLY want those big numbers.

Can javascript be trusted when making calculations?

I am implementing an invoice system, where everything is dynamically added on the dom through javascript and I am making some calculations on the browser itself with javascript.
for eg I am calculating each invoice line with quantity and price of unit and generating a total sum
price can be a floating point number
but I am not sure if this should be trusted or not, if someone has the same toughts about javascript please comment :)
I don't know but javascript doesn't seem to me to be trusted like other programming languages like PHP or so, this is my opinion, but if you can convince me please do
Javascript uses the same data type that almost all languages use for floating point calculations. The double precision floating point data type is very common, because processors have built in support for it.
Floating point numbers have a limited precision, and most numbers with a fractional part can't be represented exactly. However, for what you are going to use it for, the precision is more than enough to show a correct result.
You should just be aware of the limited precision. When displaying the result, you should make sure that it's formatted (and rounded) to the precision that you want to show. Otherwise the limited precision might show up as for example a price of 14.9500000000000001 instead 14.95.
According to JavaScript's specifications, all numbers are 64bit precision (as in 64bit floating point precision).
From this post, you have 3 solutions:
use some implementation of Decimal for JavaScript, as BigDecimal.js
just choose a fixed number of digits to keep, like this (Math.floor(y/x) * x).toFixed(2)
switch to pure integers, treating prices as number of cents. This could lead you to big changes across the whole project
Financial calculations usually require specific fixed rules about (for example) when and how to round (in which direction), etc.
That means you'll often maintain an internal sub-total precision until you move to a next section of your calculation (like adding the tax, as per rules set).
IEEE-754 Floating point (as used in javascript) will give you a maximum accuracy of 2^53 (if you think about it like an integer).
Now your 'job' is to pretend javascript doesn't support floating point and substitute it yourself using the simplest possible way: decrease your maximum integer range to obtain the required floating point precision and see if that resulting range is suitable to your needs. If not, then you might need an external high precision math library (although most basic operations are pretty easy to implement).
First determine your desired internal precision (incl overflow digit for your expected rounding behavior): for example 3 digits:
If this range is sufficient, then you need no other library, just multiply your input 10^float_digits and maintain that internal precision per calculation-section, while rounding each step according to the rules required for your calculation (you'd still need to do that when using a high-precision external math library).
For (visual) output, again, apply proper rounding and just divide your remaining value by 10^(floatDigits-roundingDigit(s)) and pass it through Number.prototype.toFixed() (which then just pads zero's when required).
As to your other question regarding trustworthiness of javascript vs other programming languages: one can even boot/run and use LINUX on javascript inside the browser:
Let that sink in for a moment...
Now what if I told you this even works in IE6... Pretty humbling. Even servers can run on javascript (node.js)..
Hope this helps (it didn't fit in a comment).
Other answers have addressed issues that JavaScript has with using floating point numbers to represent money.
There's a separate issue with using JavaScript for calculations involving financial transactions that comes to mind.
Because the code is executed in a browser on the client machine, You can only trust the result to the extent that you can trust the client.
Therefore you should really only rely on JavaScript to calculate something that you could take for granted if the client told you.
For instance, if you were writing an e-commerce site, you could trust code that told you what the client wanted to buy, and what the clients shipping address was, but you would need to calculate the price of the goods yourself to prevent the client from telling you a lower price.
It's entirely possible that the invoicing system you're working on will only be used internally to your organisation.
If this is the case, you can disregard this entire answer.
But, if your applications is going to be used by customers to access and manipulate their invoices and orders, then this is something you'd have to consider.

Use of letters for doing matrix math in Javascript

I'm doing a course in Quantum Computation. In it, we represent possible actions, or operators, by matrices. I've been looking into creating a webpage for solving these maths problems.
It is also a small challenge for myself in order to freshen up my JS.
I've been looking at various options, like Sylvester, MathJax and MathML.
Problem: However, none of the above appear to give functionality for using letters throughout my computation.
For instance, in Quantum Computation we often use multiply a matrix containing unknowns alpha and beta, with other matrices.
This is the sort of math I need to do:
Ideally, I'd write this in the style of:
M=[[a],[b]], which of course, I cannot. Further, I'd be able to multiply to get "2*a" etc.
Any suggestions?
As suggested in the comments on the question, you could use strings. Then you just have to write your own matrix-matrix multiplication routine which will understand the difference between an entry containing a string and an entry containing a number.
However, as soon as you do more than one of these, you'll end up with expressions as well as variables and numbers. So we can generalise this to make every element be an expression. This is the beginnings of a symbolic algebra system as #High Performance Mark pointed out.
In javascript, I would guess that you want a set of expression objects, each implementing an interface including a method that returns whether the expression is determined or not yet. The gnarly bit is simplifying the resulting expressions to resolve the values of the variables.
Alternatively, do a bit more maths beforehand; move the variables out of the equations, and then let the code do the calculation.

Is there a definitive solution to javascript floating-point errors?

I write line of business applications. I'd like to build a front-end end using Javascript and am trying to figure out how to deal with, for a business user, are floating point errors (I understand from a computer science perspective they might not be considered errors). I've read plenty on this and seen all kinds of rounding hacks that work on examples given but seem prone to break down unexpectedly. Is there a definitive way to do decimal math in javascript?
According to Douglas Crockford, the only way around this problem is scale your values to integer. Make sure it really is an integer by using Math.round on the scaled value. (DC does not talk about the rounding part, but I discovered it was necessary. e.g. Math.round(1.1 *100)) Do calculation(s). When you are done with the math scale back to original precision. See JavaScript: The Good Parts "Floating Point" section.
One answer is to do the math in decimal instead of binary. Then you never have to worry about the decimal <=> binary conversion errors. You'd represent the numbers as binary digits in an array or a string and write the math routines yourself.
Here are some bignumber libraries you can look into if you don't want to go to that trouble:
the only definite solution seems to be writing your own arbitrary precision number type working on strings internally -- which will be complicated and horribly slow.

