How to make an input field onclick - javascript

what I want is to make an input field appear on some kind of popup where the user can input a number between 0-x where x is the current level of a variable. Once the user inputs a number, that number gets added to a different variable. This would be much like transferring money in a videogame. I don't have any code for this but it would be awesome if you could help.

This may help you get started. I created a clickable label that opens a popover with an input field and a button for submission.
I'm using jQuery and Bootstrap.
<label>Money: $</label>
<label data-toggle="popover" title="Add Money" data-placement="bottom" id="moneyLabel">0.00</label>
$(document).ready(function() {
var content = '<input id="moneyInput"></input>' +
'<button id="moneyButton" ' +
$('#moneyLabel').popover({content: content, html: true});
function addMoney() {
var currentAmount = parseFloat($('#moneyLabel').text());
var addedAmount = parseFloat($('#moneyInput').val());
var total = currentAmount + addedAmount;


How to check if a page comes after clicking the back button using jQuery?

I have a form where I am calculating the total amount using jQuery.
The function I created for that is updateTotal();
and the form action is another page and the action page has this button:
<button class="btn btn-success" onclick="history.go(-1);" type="submit" name="edit">EDIT</button>
so when the user clicks on the EDIT button page goes back to the form again (first page) and all the filled up details are there except the repetitve fields created using jQuery.
The sample form is here in js fiddle
I just want to run this function updateTotal(); if the user comes to the form by clicking the EDIT (basically browse go back) button..
Is there any way to do this in jQuery?
<input type="text" id="amount" name="amount[]" placeholder="Amount" required="required" class="form-control inputChangeVal reqF reqFamount" data-js-input-type="number" />
and the jQuery :
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var hiddenTot = jQuery('.reqFamount').val() ;
Define a hidden field to store the computed value.
<input type="hidden" id="hiddenTotal" />
Then store the calculated value to the hidden field with Id 'hiddenTotal'.
function updateTotal() {
var price = 0;
$(".inputChangeVal").each(function() {
var t = parseFloat(jQuery(this).val(), 10);
price = price + t;
var total = price.toFixed(2);
Then when the browse back is triggered the hiddenfield is automatically filled by the browser.
Next check when the document is ready, read the value of hiddenTotal and write to totalAmount.
$(document).ready(function (){
// read value and set value of totalAmount to hiddentotal;
var hiddenTotal = $("#hiddenTotal").val() || 0; //use the hiddenTotal value or if not present set 0 as the default value
Now totalAmount is restored. This even works when you leave the page and return using your browsers history.

Taking a HTML form <input> value and using it to modify a <p> tag with Javascript

I am fairly new to Javascript and am trying to create a simple madlib application where a user can input a word through an HTML page and have that word appear in a paragraph tag when the user clicks the "submit" button. I am having troubles displaying the word that the user inputs. I know that I am close but for the life of me cannot figure out what I am missing.
Here is the HTML I am using:
<label>Word</label><input id="word"></input>
<input type="submit" value="submit" id="submitButton"></input>
<p id="story"> A {userWord goes here} is now part of the story </p>
And the Javascript:
var word = document.getElementById('word').innerHTML,
originalStory = document.getElementById('story'),
button = document.getElementById("submitButton");
button.onclick = function(){
var replaceStory = function(userWord) {
var story = ("A " + userWord + " is now part of the story");
return originalStory.innerHTML = story;
Here is a JSFiddle:
I have made a new JSFiddle: which works.
I changed type="submit" to type="button" to stop the page refreshing when the button is clicked and moved the word variable to the replaceStory function so it doesn't just get called once at the beginning of the script! Hope this helps.
You have to change two things.
The first is you are using innerHTML in a input element, when you want to access input element you need to get the value not the innerHTML, inputs not have this property.
The second one is that you need to pass the event on the onclick event since if you don't do it you can't cancel the submit action and then the page will be submit it automatically and reload the content. Then after you pass the event you have to apply event.preventDefault which will stop the submit for that button. Other option to avoid this problem would be possible to replace the submit button with a <button> tag or <input type="button"> since not of them will trigger the submit action.
You can see a working example
html -> same you have
var word = document.getElementById('word'),
originalStory = document.getElementById('story'),
button = document.getElementById("submitButton");
button.onclick = function(e){
var replaceStory = function(userWord) {
var story = ("A " + userWord + " is now part of the story");
return originalStory.innerHTML = story;
You initialize wordjust in the beginning of the script. Besides, that the input value is not innerHTML, during that time, the value is empty.
As long as the return value is not set explicitly to false, the form will reload the page and overwrite any result.
Change your code:
var originalStory = document.getElementById('story'),
button = document.getElementById("submitButton");
button.onclick = function(){
var word = document.getElementById('word').value;
return false;
var replaceStory = function(userWord) {
var story = ("A " + userWord + " is now part of the story");
originalStory.innerHTML = story;
updated fiddle
You had a couple of minor problems. The input type of the submit button should be button rather than submit. Submit does a post request and refreshes the page with the data received.
Initially you had:
var word = document.getElementById('word').innerHTML this would get the initial innerHTML which would be nothing. You have to get the inner text within word every single time the button is clicked to get the most recent text inside the textbox.
Finally, for a input node you should get .value rather than .innerHTML to get the inner text
<label>Word</label><input id="word"></input>
<input type="button" value="submit" id="submitButton"></input>
<p id="story"> A {userWord goes here} is now part of the story </p>
var word = document.getElementById('word'),
originalStory = document.getElementById('story'),
button = document.getElementById("submitButton");
button.onclick = function(){
var replaceStory = function(userWord) {
var story = ("A " + userWord + " is now part of the story");
return originalStory.innerHTML = story;
I advise you to just understand Javascript first, and after then, focus on learning Jquery because it's much more easier and handy.
By the way if you want to do what you said:
You shouldn't use form tag, because you don't want to send something to server-side and you can use div tag as well instead of form tag.
<input id="word" type="text"></input>
<button id="submitButton">Submit</button>
<span>A </span><span id="text">{here}</span><span> is now part of the story</span>
txt = $('#word').val()
Don't forget to import Jquery Package.
You could also allow the user to change your story directly. I know this may not use an input tag, but it was very useful to me.
<div id="story">Once upon a time there was a man named
<p id="added" contenteditable="true" title="Click to change">
Bill</p>. He liked to eat tacos.</div>
I used this in a code that changed the name of the main character of a story into a user-selected name and allowed them to download the story. Hope this helps! All the user has to do is click the name "Bill" and they will be able to change the name to anything they want.

Need to create a button that adds input areas, and name the div differently, and can export them using JavaScript

Alright, So basically I got a website that recieves a number of inputs, like lets say name, age, weight...
After all the inputs, the text appears in a text area on the same website.
I need the website to offer the function to add more levels,
for example you click 'add level' and a dynamic new inputs appear that allow you to add more info.
Im facing a problem that when i create a new dynamic div with those inputs, they all have the same id, which wont allow me to print each one individually.
I have this function that prints out the results :
<form id="form" action="#">
$("#form").submit(function(event) {
Shortly : I need a way to make a button, that adds a new div with unique id.Inside there will be label inputs, the label will print out on submit.
Hope this is clear enough :)
If I understand your question correctly, this might be a way to do it :
<button id="addLevelBtn">Add a level</button>
<button id="getResultsBtn">Get results</button>
//on click, add a level
//on click, get results
//add the first level on load
function addLevel(){
var nbOfSets = $('.setOfInputs').length;
'<div class="setOfInputs" id="set-'+nbOfSets+'">'
+'<label for="age">Age: </label>'
+'<input type="text" name="age">'
+'<label for="weight">Weight: </label>'
+'<input type="text" name="weight">'
function getResults(){
var result="";
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var age = $(this).find('[name=age]').val();
var weight = $(this).find('[name=weight]').val();
result += id + ' : age = ' + age + ' , weight = ' + weight + '\n';
JS Fiddle Demo

clearing input text area with dynamic input id's on button click - jQuery

Although the question title gives an impression that I want to ask one question, but there are two problems I have facing at the moment.
I have gone through few similar questions on how to clear the input text area on button click, but most of them are for fixed input class or id's.
Problem 1: I am generating rows dynamically and and all the fields are being populated using JS thus the input ID's for all text boxes are different. Now if a user enter some number on "Apply to all" input field and click the button the same number should be set to all the rows which are added in the betslip.
Problem 2: After entering individual values in the betslip input boxes and if I click "clear all" button. It should clear all the inputs entered earlier in the bet slip.
Here is the HTML structure
<div id="bets">
<div id="idNo1" class="bet gray2" name="singleBet">
<div class="left">
<p class="title">
<p class="supermid">
<input id="input_1" type="text">
<div id="idNo2" class="bet gray2" name="singleBet">
<div class="left">
<p class="title">
<p class="supermid">
<input id="input_2" type="text">
<div id="idNo3" class="bet gray2" name="singleBet">
<div class="left">
<p class="title">
<p class="supermid">
<input id="input_3" type="text">
JS for adding element in the individual bets
function createSingleBetDiv(betInfo) {
var id = betInfo.betType + '_' + betInfo.productId + '_' + betInfo.mpid,
div = createDiv(id + '_div', 'singleBet', 'bet gray2'),
a = createA(null, null, null, 'right orange'),
leftDiv = createDiv(null, null, 'left'),
closeDiv = createDiv(null, null, 'icon_shut_bet'),
singleBetNumber = ++document.getElementsByName('singleBet').length;
// Info abt the bet
$(leftDiv).append('<p class="title"><b><span class="bet_no">' + singleBetNumber + '</span>. ' + betInfo['horseName'] + '</b></p>');
var raceInfo = "";
$("#raceInfo").contents().filter(function () {
if (this.nodeType === 3) raceInfo = $(this).text() + ', ' + betInfo['betTypeName'] + ' (' + betInfo['value'].toFixed(2) + ')';
$(leftDiv).append('<p class="title">' + raceInfo + '</p>');
// Closing btn
(function(id) {
a.onclick=function() {
removeSingleBet(id + '_div');
// Creating input field - This is where I am creating the input fields
$(leftDiv).append('<p class="supermid"><input id="' + id + '_input\" type="text" class="betInput"></p>');
// Creating WIN / PLACE checkbox selection
$(leftDiv).append('<p><input id="' + id + '_checkbox\" type="checkbox"><b>' + winPlace + '</b></p>');
// Append left part
// Append right part
// Appending div with data
$.data(div, 'mapForBet', betInfo);
return div;
HTML for Apply to all and Clear all button
APPLY TO ALL <input type="text">
JS where I need to implement those 2 functions
function applyToAllBetInput() {
$('.apply').change(function() {
function clearAllBetInput() {
$('.clearall').click(function() {
The best thing to do is remove the inline event handlers from the links, like this...
APPLY TO ALL <input type="text">
Then, assign the event handlers in your script...
$("a.button.apply").on("click", function(e) {
$("a.button.clearall").on("click", function(e) {
And this would apply the value to all inputs...
function applyToAllBetInput(value) {
$("#bets div[name=singleBet] .supermid input:text").val(value);
If you pass a parameter into applyToAllBetInput and then set the inputs with that then you only need the one function, as they both do the same thing, but with different values. Best to only have 1 bit of code if it's only doing 1 thing, then you only have to fix it once if things change in the future :)
Please replace the id's i've given with your actual button/textarea ids (give ID's to your elements).
$('#txtApplyToAll').change(function() {
$('#btnClearAll').click(function() {
There are several general suggestions I'd make before even starting to write the code. First, Why are you using longhand JavaScript when you have jQuery available? For example:
inputId = divId.document.getElementById('input');
should be simply:
inputId = $(inputId).find('input');
(or something along those lines--I'm not sure what you're after with that.)
Next, you're using inline click handlers. Instead, use event listeners:
<a href="javascript: applyToAllBetInput()" ...
Should be
$('a#my-id').click(function() { ... }
Finally, you can target all your inputs for clearing with a selector like this:

How can I retrieve input values from elements added after page load?

I'm working with Zend Framework 1.12 and I've need to be able to dynamically add and delete fields from a sub-form, in this case we're associating hyperlinks to a parent "promotion".
I haven't found a way to accomplish dynamically adding and removing elements via Zend, and the rare tutorial I've found that claimed to do this are half a decade old and aren't working when I attempt them.
So what I am doing is storing the links I need to work with in a Zend Hidden input field and then dealing with the JSON data after I submit. Not very efficient, but it's the only thing I've gotten to work so far.
Below is the section of the code I'm working with:
Assume a form like:
<form action="/promos/edit/promo_id/15" method="POST" id="form_edit">
<!-- input is Zend_Form_Element_Hidden -->
<input type="hidden" id="link_array" value="{ contains the JSON string }"/>
<button id="add_link">Add Link</button>
The purpose is that every time the Add Link button is pressed, the form adds fields to allow the user to input new hyperlinks that will be associated with the specific items.
Here's the function:
// add links
function(e) {
link = '<div class="p_link new_link">' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_name" class="form_label optional">Text: </label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_name" name="link_name"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_http" class="form_label optional">http://</label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_http" name="link_http"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<button class="submit delete_link">Delete</button>' +
'</div>' +
Now, what I need to do is on submit, for every new_link class element, to take the links name and http reference and place it in a json object. Here's the code as I have it so far (I know I don't have both input fields represented at this point):
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).children('#new_link_name').text();
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
My problem is that: var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link'); will collect all the newly added new_link elements, but it does not pull in any value that has been input into the text fields.
I need to know how I can apparently bind any input I make to the input field's value attribute, because right now anything I type into these new elements are tossed out and the field appears empty when it's anything but.
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = $('.new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).find('input').val(); // you need input values! This line //is changed...
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
EDit: You can't have multiple IDS (make class for each input, and target class, if you want link names and http's)

