Refresh / Redraw Datatables over function - javascript

and i call the datatable over the function.
Here is my function :
function drawTable(yearParameter) {
var oTable = $('#horizontal-monthly').DataTable({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
url : '{!! route('adm1n.laporan-bulanan-data') !!}',
data : function (d) {
d.year = yearParameter;
columns: [
{ data: 'B_01', name: 'B_01', sortable: false },
{ data: 'B_02', name: 'B_02', sortable: false }
dom : '<"dt-panelmenu clearfix"lr>t<"dt-panelfooter clearfix"ip>',
And i have event change to call my function above and pass parameter on it.
How to reload the datatables? Cause right now datatables won't reload.
I try to use :
It make datatables functionality not work. Like search, pagination etc.
Here is my change event :
$('#year-value').on('change', function(e) {
var yearParam = $('#year-value').val();
How to handle that?
Thank you??

Please try
Also, can I see your change event? I can help you re-add the rows
Ok, you can't call DT constructor more than once. First thing what you want to do is to save DT object as global object.
function drawTable() {
oTable = $('#horizontal-monthly').DataTable({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
url : '{!! route('adm1n.laporan-bulanan-data') !!}',
data : function (d) {
d.year = filterYearParam;
columns: [
{ data: 'B_01', name: 'B_01', sortable: false },
{ data: 'B_02', name: 'B_02', sortable: false }
dom : '<"dt-panelmenu clearfix"lr>t<"dt-panelfooter clearfix"ip>',
$('#year-value').on('change', function(e) {
filterYearParam = $('#year-value').val();
Try this, and then I can try making your year to work.


Set default value before click event triggers

I have button groups. Once user clicks on the link, it filters value based on the content in the link. By default I added selected class. I want default value of link which contains selected class to be considered for filtering before click event triggers. It works fine when user clicks on c-btn-group but not considers default value when page loads. As of now it shows complete data without filtering when page loads.
<div class="c-btn-group">
<a class="c-btn selected">Large Cap</a>
<a class="c-btn">Small Cap</a>
<a class="c-btn">virginica</a>
$('.c-btn-group').on('click', 'a', function(event) {
var searchTerm = this.textContent;
/* 4th column filtering */
$, data, dataIndex) {
if (data[3] == searchTerm) {return true;}
return false;
// Add or remove 'selected' class;
Try the below script. Here is demo
Separate out logic of dataTable filtering inside filter function. Get selected text by $('.c-btn-group .selected').text(); and call filter(initialSelectedText);
var myList2;
url: "",
type: "get",
dataType: 'text',
async: false,
success: function(response) {
if (!response) return;
response = response.slice(0, -1); // trim ";" at the end
window.myList2 = JSON.parse(response);
error: function(err) {
var myList = window.myList2;
$(document).ready(function () {
table = $("#mfTable").DataTable({
data: myList,
paging: true,
lengthChange: false,
searching: true,
info: false,
columns: [
{ data: 'Fund Name' },
{ data: 'Morningstar Rating' },
{ data: 'Category Rank' },
{ data: 'Category' },
{ data: 'Expense Ratio' },
{ data: 'AUM (Cr)' },
{ data: 'NAV' },
columnDefs: [{
"defaultContent": "-",
"targets": "_all"
const initialSelectedText = $('.c-btn-group .selected').text();
$('.c-btn-group').on('click', 'a', function(event) {
var searchTerm = this.textContent;
/* 4th column filtering */
// Add or remove 'selected' class;
function filter(searchTerm){
$, data, dataIndex) {
if (data[3] == searchTerm) {return true;}
return false;
DataTable provides an Option for this. When you are initializing your table, just use the searchCols option which would load the table with the initial search provided. for Example:
table = $("#mfTable").DataTable({
data: myList,
paging: true,
lengthChange: false,
searching: true,
info: false,
columns: [
{ data: 'Fund Name' },
{ data: 'Morningstar Rating' },
{ data: 'Category Rank' },
{ data: 'Category' },
{ data: 'Expense Ratio' },
{ data: 'AUM (Cr)' },
{ data: 'NAV' },
columnDefs: [{
"defaultContent": "-",
"targets": "_all"
searchCols: [
{ "search": "Large Cap" },
Here is the link for this option
You can also use the libraries own search method rather than implementing it yourself, so instead of writing:
$, data, dataIndex) {
if (data[3] == searchTerm) {return true;}
return false;
just write:

Call function after DataTable is filtered

I have DataTable filled with js-switches, here's the code:
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": {
'type': 'GET',
'url': 'myUrl',
'data': function (d) {
d._token = Laravel.csrfToken;
columns: [
title: "Number",
data: "number"
title: "Privileged",
data: "privileged"
columnDefs: [
render: function (data) {
var checked = data ? 'checked' : '';
return '' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="js-switch" id="schedule_deactivation" ' +
checked + ' data-switchery="false" style="display: none;"> \n';
targets: 1
order: [[0, 'asc']],
fnRowCallback: function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
nRow.className = "band-row";
nRow.setAttribute("data-band", aData.number);
return nRow;
responsive: true
When I filter result's they're displayed correctly, but I don't see checkboxes generated, I can type JS from the console and it works when I type:
var elems ='.js-switch'));
elems.forEach(function (html) {
var switchery = new Switchery(html, {
color: '#26B99A',
secondaryColor: '#ff7a77'
but I don't know when I should call this code. I have no idea about DataTable lifecycle and where should I inject the code. Should it be some callback defined by DataTables or something else?
please see the documentation on the below link for more, but the code should work as follows:
$('#bandsTable').on('draw.dt', function () {
var elems ='.js-switch'));
elems.forEach(function (html) {
var switchery = new Switchery(html, {
color: '#26B99A',
secondaryColor: '#ff7a77'

The cell in jsGrid had not being updated

i am working on lightswitch project ,and I am using JsGrid.I ran into one problem and I don't couldn't find the is the scenario:
I use the grid to get data from database table,when I update one of the cell It's value doesn't appear unless I click on the cell again,and if I update it in the second time then the new value appear.
I tried to refresh the grid after itemupdated but still the new value doesn't appear code is here:
width: "100%",
height: "auto",
inserting: true,
editing: true,
sorting: true,
paging: true,
autoload: true,
controller: {
loadData: function () {
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
myapp.activeDataWorkspace.ApplicationData.Table1Items.load().done(function (data) {
return deferred.promise();
updateData: function () {
deleteItem: function (Item) {
fields: [
{ name: "EmployeeName", type: "text", width: 150 },
{ name: "Points", type: "text", width: 200 },
{ type: "control", editButton: true, // show edit button
deleteButton: true, // show delete button
clearFilterButton: true, // show clear filter button
modeSwitchButton: true // show switching filtering/inserting button
onItemInserted: function (item) {
}, onItemUpdating: function (item) {
onItemUpdated: function (item)
console.log("it is updated", item.item);
your help is invaluable and many thanks in advance.
hope this may help you. updateItem is a function returning updated item or jQuery promise that will be resolved with updated item. Accepts updating item object.
on successful updating Item, use
updateItem: function(item) {
return $.ajax({
type: "PUT",
url: "/items",
data: item
if you have any queries, comment below.
fore more details : see link

How to change jquery datatable value by dropdown value change

I am using jquery datatable to display table data based on dropdown list value, I am using ajax to get data from the table.
The problem is when the table first loads it is working fine but when I click on sort or search it displays processing which does not change until i refresh the page,the code is given below:
$( document ).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
//"bProcessing": true,
//"sAjaxSource": "response.php",
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
//"bDestroy": true,
// "bJQueryUI": true,
"aoColumns": [
{ mData: 'FNAME' } ,
{ mData: 'FPRICE' },
{ mData: 'IMGPATH' },
{ mData: 'FDESC' },
{ mData: 'CID' }
"ajax": {
'type': 'POST',
'url': 'response.php',
'data': {id: $('#myselect').val()}
// "success":function (res) {
// }
$('#myselect').change(function() {
var item = $(this).val();
// alert(item)
var urld = 'response.php/'+item;
// setInterval( function () {
// table.ajax.reload();
// }, 10000 );
If you are using serverside processing check this out for custom sort

ExtJS TaskRunner

I'm still in the learning process with EXTJS and any help would be much appreciated.
The goal for me is to load data into a grid where one cell needs to have the value incremented every minute. From my research using the TaskRunner function is the way to go but can't figure out where to put it and how to use it. My assumption is that it needs to go into the model or the controller but I'm not sure. In my simple project I'm using the MVC architecture.
Currently my gird works as expected. It reads in a file does a date conversion that produces a minute value. It's that minute value that I need to increment.
The code below is a sample TaskRunner snippit that I'm working with, right or wrong I don't know yet.
var runner = new Ext.util.TaskRunner();
var task = runner.newTask({
run: store.each(function (item)
var incReq = item.get('request') + 1;
item.set('request', incReq);
interval: 60000 // 1-minute interval
Ext.define("myApp.model.ActionItem", {
extend : "",
fields : [
name: 'pri',
type: 'int'
name: 'request',
type: 'int',
defaultValue: 0,
convert : function(v, model) {
return Math.round((new Date() - new Date(v)) / 60000);
Ext.define("myApp.controller.HomeController", {
extend: "",
id: "HomeController",
refs: [
{ ref: "ActionItemsGrid", selector: "[xtype=actionitemgrid]" },
{ ref: "DetailsPanel", selector: "[xtype=actionitemdetails]" }
pri: "",
models: ["ActionItem"],
stores: ["myActionStore"],
init: function () {
"#homescreen": {
beforerender: this.loadActionItems
"ActionItemsGrid": {
itemclick: this.displayDetails
displayDetails: function (model, record) {
loadActionItems: function () {
var store = Ext.getStore("myActionStore");
Ext.define("myApp.view.home.ActionItemGrid", {
extend: "Ext.grid.Panel",
xtype: "actionitemgrid",
resizable: true,
multiSelect: false,
enableDragDrop : false,
store: null,
{ header: "Pri", dataIndex: "pri", sortable: false, autoSizeColumn: true},
{ header: "Req", dataIndex: "request", sortable: false, autoSizeColumn: true}
listeners: {
refresh: function(dataview) {
Ext.each(dataview.panel.columns, function(column) {
if (column.autoSizeColumn === true)
Sample JSON File:
"actionitems" : [
"pri": 1,
"request": "2014-12-30T03:52:48.516Z"
"pri": 2,
"request": "2014-12-29T05:02:48.516Z"
You have error in code which creates task - you should provide function to run configuration property, not result of invocation. Try this:
var runner = new Ext.util.TaskRunner();
var task = runner.newTask({
run: function() {
store.each(function (item)
var incReq = item.get('request') + 1;
item.set('request', incReq);
interval: 60000 // 1-minute interval
You can put that code in loadActionItems method.

