Twitter JS API, update status - javascript

I'm at a total loss here. I believe I'm right in thinking there is no longer any JS API for twitter which just sucks hugely.
However I realise looking at this I could just use ajax and react to the responses from this:
OAuth Signature Generator
Example Request POST
However when I post to that url I get the following:
{"errors":[{"code":215,"message":"Bad Authentication data."}]}

Bad Authentication data -> this is very self explanatory: Your Authentication is Bad; in other word, you are not authorized to use that API method.
Since you use POST method, make sure you set your APP access level to Read & Write.
Sign in to, and in the Applications Management page for your app, click the Permissions tab. There you can change your access level.
For further reading, please see this answer.


AdobeSign Integration Key

I'm building a service that should be able to generate Adobe Sign agreements on the background. This basically means that I can't use the OAuth authentication flow.
In AdobeSign user account settings you can generate an Integration Key which gives permanent access to any service - so this is exactly what I am looking for.
However, all the recent AdobeSign docs only describe OAuth flow so I got 0 clues on how to actually use it.
If anyone has done this before and knows an API signature for an AdobeSign authentication using an Integration Key, can you please share it?
I had the same question and after a bunch of googling came across this medium article.
Pertinent quote from the article:
Important: All calls to our API are made in the “context” of a user. There are two “header” parameters which should be in every call.
"Authorization": "Bearer **** Your Integration key Here****
"x-api-user": ""
You can skip the “x-api-user” param but the call will still be made in the context of the token owner. A best practice is to include this, so that the API logs show who the initiator is.

What headers do I need for "PUT" request - Kinvey

Hi everyone I make simple SPA application with JS and Kinvey. I have advertisements and every advert. must have views - how many times is seen(when "GET" request for that advert is called, another "PUT" request is called for the advert with increased views). The problem is that I can't figure out which headers to use: Authorization basic with username:pass and "Kinvey + authToken" return 401 Unauthorized. How to modify collection element which is not created by the currently logged in user?
You will want to use the Javascript SDK which means you don't have to do the quite complicated login / token generation process yourself. It's not a Basic Auth system. The SDK's will handle everything for you.
You cannot by default modify elements that are not created by the logged-in user, which is of course a good idea for security reasons. But, in the Collection Settings, you can change the collection permissions from "Shared" to "Public" to allow anybody write access to any element.
If you want finer grained controls, you can use Business Logic to inspect ACLs at runtime:

Protect PHP endpoints called by AJAX

My app consists of several PHP endpoints which are accessible via AJAX. The problem is they are also accessible via anyone who makes an HTTP request to the same endpoint. I can add checks for HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH and HTTP_REFERER as specified in this answer, but these can be spoofed. I could add a secret key that needs to be posted with the request, but anyone viewing the javascript and/or the console would be able to see this key. What is the solution here?
People often think that because they're using Ajax requests regular sessions don't work. They do.
If you have an endpoint to delete something from the database that's visible in the source code, such as:
You can protect this request from non authenticated users the same way you would when using a non Ajax HTTP request in the browser. Using sessions. If the user has the privileges to remove users, this route will work, otherwise return an error (or do nothing).
You can also protect an API using OAuth. There's a great document here that explains how it works:
Most of the answers are not helpful if you have your app and your api on separate domains for example and - in that case sessions won't work and you would have to turn to OAuth which is quite a big hammer for such a simple problem.
Here is what I would do:
I assume you have users in a database and a unique identifier like user_id=12345. I also assume that you have your Jobs in a Database and they also have unique ID's like job_id=6789.
First on you encrypt both IDs with something fast and easy like Blowfish:
$secret_uid = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", strval($user_id));
$secret_jid = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", strval($job_id));
I assume your endpoint would work somewhat like this:<job_id>/<user_id>
so now from Ajax you call that endpoint, but instead of calling with plain IDs
you call it with the encrypted IDs:
On the API side of your software you decrypt the parameters:
$jid = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", <param_1>);
$uid = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", <param_2>);
Now you can search your db for uid and jid and perform whichever task you were planning to do. Make sure that a user can only delete his own jobs of course.
I admit this is not a 100% solution, but it leaves an attacker with a lot of guess work - he would have to guess the user_id and a matching job_id, the encryption algo and your secret. It does not protect against running millions of brute force attempts to guess a matching pair, but it put's the odds in your favor (and you should have some sort of quota limitation protection of your endpoints anyway).
Good luck!
There isn't one. If you give someone some data, then they can process it in whatever way they like. You can't control what happens to it after it leaves your server.
Likewise, you can't control what data they send to the endpoint.
it is very important for a developer to put authentication for API or web services. dchacke and BugHunterUK has given perfect answers, I just want show you simple code I use to make very simple and easy to use authentication.
Adding Session for the authentication
you can add session, and session timeout for your APIs so, only your app can use this, you can start session when front page of your app is loaded, you can set timeouts and also restrict the different service for different users by sessions.
General Idea how to do that
if(!empty($_SESSION['api_session']) && $_SESSION['api_session'] == 'usertype'){
//usertype comprise of what access you want to give
//guest, registered user, stack holder, admin etc.
echo json_encode($output);

How to use my long (60day) access token to get user data from facebook (offline)

I cannot find any example on facebook dev. or here on stackoverflow so I need to make this post which i didn't thought i had to.
I have a website which uses the facebook JavaScript SDK to login users into it.
When I log in users I uses the
FB.login(), scope:{'email, offline_access'}
When the login in done i get the short lived access token and passes it to:
So i get the long lived, 60day, token in response. This is done server-side and i save the new long lasting token in my database along with facebook id etc.
Now to my problem. Every day at a certain time I want to update the users data in my database using the access token, which i have read that could. But how do i do that?
I'm used to do like this after the FB.login() but now when the user do not login I don't know how to do the call to FB.api using my persisted token?
As you have to synchronize/update information when user is not logged in you will have to use server side interaction.
You may use your saved Extended Access Token and set it into Facebook PHP SDK using setAccessToken() method.
After this you may call $facebook->api(...) method to perform the task that you intend to.

How to get twitter oAuth token of a logged in user

I'm trying to set up a javascript function to post a status to a twitter account using POST statuses/update, details here: The goal is a Twitter post similar to the open graph actions on Facebook.
I'm using jQuery ajax to make the post request, here's what I have so far:
type: "POST",
url: "",
headers: jsonData,
data: {},
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function( data )
I believe that I need to generate a header something like this for security:
Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=consumerKey, oauth_nonce=nonce,
oauth_signature=signature, oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
oauth_timestamp=timestamp, oauth_token=userToken, oauth_version="1.0"
I have the consumer key for my app, I can generate a nonce, I'm generating the signature and timestamp using the methods from this question Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript. The only thing I have left is th oauth_token, which I believe is the token of the user whose feed I wish to post to. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
The problem is, I have absolutely no idea how to get this token from the user in order to post to their feed. I've spent the last 2 hours running around in circles through Twitter's oAuth documention without finding anything that looked useful; everything I've found was either flowcharts with no code examples or predicated on my code already having the user's oAuth token.
My question is this: how can I get the logged in user's oAuth token using javascript?
If that is not possible, I have another page where I am currently storing the user's twitter id in the database with their permission, getting their token and databasing it in PHP would also be satisfactory, assuming it doesn't change very frequently.
In order to obtain the oauth_token you need to follow the authentication process. Your application needs to be authorized to act on the behalf of the user.
I would recomend to take some time first and learn how OAuth exactly works (there is a lot of information available) and then implement it in your app. (
You could also benefit from a library which will make your life easier. (in your case, look at:
Hope this has been useful.
Here is example for get twitter oauth token and post tweet in twitter .
Code sample is in php .
1) to obtain the oauth token you need to follow the authentication process.
2) and your application needs to be authorized to act on the behalf of the user.
you can also see this twitter example for better understanding how it works
In this use can see the process of authorized user and post and get json result.
I hope this will help you.

