MomentJs output Date of toDate() is incorrect - javascript

I've started using momentJs in an Angular/Typescript project. (Included incase it's relevant in any way although I very much doubt it)
In the run method of my module I call
which correctly sets the locale to en-GB in my instance. Further down the line I use moment to parse a GB time.
when doing the following:
var mom = moment("24/11/2015 00:00:00");
for example. This populates a new moment object using the defaults set on the moment global (If i understand how it should work correctly). moms date is set to 2016-12-11T00:00:00.000Z. This clearly means it's parsed the given string in en-US instead of en-GB which was set via Locale in a default setting prior to this call. Is there anything I've missed in configuration/setup of moment which would make this not work?
I've also inspected the _locale property of my variable. mom._locale is set to en-gb and I can see the L,LL,LLL etc etc formats are all en-GB formatted values (as they should be).
running mom.toDate(); unsurprizingly returns the 2016 date stored internally by the moment object.
Some misc information I forgot to include:
I am using the latest release of momentjs from NuGet (Version 2.10.6 at time of writing) and I've included moment-with-locales.js in my HTML

Using any recent version of MomentJS, you should see why in the console:
Deprecation warning: moment construction falls back to js Date. This is discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major release. Please refer to for more info.
Unless you specify a format string, MomentJS relies on the Date object's parsing, and unfortunately, regardless of locale the Date object will, with a string using /, assume U.S. format. One of the many, many things that aren't quite right with Date.
You'll need to use a format string, or supply the string in the simplified ISO-8601 format used by Date. From Parse > String:
When creating a moment from a string, we first check if the string matches known ISO 8601 formats, then fall back to new Date(string) if a known format is not found.
var day = moment("1995-12-25");
Warning: Browser support for parsing strings is inconsistent. Because there is no specification on which formats should be supported, what works in some browsers will not work in other browsers.
For consistent results parsing anything other than ISO 8601 strings, you should use String + Format.

So I got around this by fetching the locale data from moment and just passing it into the format parameter. Considering the example input of "24/11/2015 00:00:00" I would structure my format as below:
var format = moment.localeData().longDateFormat('L') + " " + moment.localeData().longDateFormat("LTS");
this generates the format mask of "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss".
You can mix and match whatever formats you want and this will be locale specific to whatever you set moment.locale("") to be (presuming you have the locale information setup in moment already)
This is a crazy workaround and I'm surprised that moment doesn't presume locale information as default when parsing. TJCrowder has raised an issue on Github with the moment guys which I suggest anyone who cares should comment on.

You're probably better off passing the format to moment directly and validating the string before hand. This will ultimately reduce the amount of debugging you'll need to do and get you up and running straight away.
var mom = moment("24/11/2015 00:00:00", "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss");
You could try the new(ish) Intl API but browser support is limited (IE11+), so I would recommend having a user select the month in a dropdown or something to force them to input a certain way.


new Date('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss') without locale

I am based in the UK so when I attempt to parse a new date in JavaScript as follows:
new Date('2016-06-03T09:05:15');
Results in the following date:
Fri Jun 03 2016 10:05:15 GMT+0100 (BST)
I want the date to be parsed as is, and for no locale adjustments (in this instance, BST) to occur. Is this achievable without writing my own date/time parser?
I want the date to be parsed as is, and for no locale adjustments (in this instance, BST) to occur
That is exactly what should occur, however it doesn't in all browsers. You should not parse strings using the Date constructor or Date.parse (they are equivalent for parsing). Always manually parse strings, a library can help but usually isn't necessary.
According to EMCAScript 2015, '2016-06-03T09:05:15' should be parsed as a "local" date (i.e. based on the host system settings for date, time and time zone on the date and time supplied). A Date object's time value is UTC, so when creating the time value, the host settings are taken into consideration. The same settings are also used for output, so if the OP string is correctly parsed and then written to output, you should get back exactly the same date and time (though probably in a different format).
If you're seeing a different time from the input string, then the string isn't being correctly parsed (hence advice to manually parse strings).
Is this achievable without writing my own date/time parser?
Yes, use a library that someone else wrote. However, if you also want host settings to be ignored for output, you'll also need to write your own formatter, or use a library.
The good news is that there are many to choose from.

Date object in safari

I am using safari 8.0, And I try to do
new Date('sat-oct-10-2015');
on chrome the result is Date object with the right date. But on safari the result is
Invalid Date
how can I work with dates in this format in safari?
Do not use the Date constructor (or Date.parse) to parse strings. Until ES5, parsing of date strings was entirely implementation dependent. After that, the long form of ISO 8606 has been specified, however parts of that changed with ECMAScript 2015 so that even using specified formats is not consistent across browsers (e.g. 2015-10-15 12:00:00 may result in 3 different results in browsers currently in use).
The solution is to manually parse date strings, either write your own function (which is not difficult if you only need to support one format) or use a small library.
Always try to use the standard date format specified by ECMAScript ISO format.
Date.parse() i.e Date constructor will always produce the expected result if you use the standard string format. Also the browser may support additional string formats, but that may not be supported by all other browser vendors.
When creating a Date object with a “human-readable” string, you must use a certain format, usually conforming to RFC2822 or ISO 8601.
It may be that a browser is able to process your new Date('sat-oct-10-2015');, but this is not demanded by the specifications.
Hint: Look at some other ways to create a date object, for example with a Unix timestamp. This is easier and more reliable than the dateString approach.
I'd suggest using moment.js for dates in JavaScript. Then you can simply parse the date with
moment('sat-oct-10-2015', 'ddd-MMM-DD-YYYY').format();
moments API has good support in all major browsers and eases date manipulating and displaying with JavaScript.

Using moment.js, how to display the current date format for the user?

Given a text field, I want to have a suitable placeholder. A typical placeholder will be something like: "mm/dd/yyyy".
However, I would like to use locale-aware dates using moment.js.
This means that I will be specifying "l" as the moment.js date format, howe do I determine the date format that moment.js will be using in this case?
The user will not understand what "l" means, so using this value in the placeholder text makes very little sense.
Specifically, I am hoping to be able to access something like moment's internal "defaultLongDateFormat". (Though that is merely a default - moment.js probably updates it or has some other mapping at runtime for locale-aware date formats - I would like to access that mapping.)
There are multiple downvotes (who aren't explaining why they're downvoting it).
I think this is because they arent' understanding the question, so here are some examples:
I want a function such that:
getFormat("l") -> "mm/dd/yyyy", or equivalent for the US locales.
getFormat("l") -> "dd/mm/yyyy", or equivalent, for the AU locales.
I do not want to format a given date, or to parse a given date - I merely want to determine it's user-friendly format given an arbitruary moment.js format, specifically, for 'l'.
I don't think it's exposed nicely, but if the browser has its language configured correctly you can do something like this:
var lang = navigator.languages ? navigator.languages : navigator.language;
Languages behave slightly differently depending on which browser you're using, so don't know how reliable this is.
Follow up to Adam R's answer:
Seems to have been exposed by now:
returns the full format of abbreviated date-time formats LT, L, LL and so on
Get the currently used locale data by moment.localeData()

formatting ISO date

I have making an API call and getting response.
The response has datetime value like this
I guess this is ISO date format. I am not able to format it to human readable format using javascript.
This is indeed ISO 8601, but it's not exactly the most common form of it.
This is the compact form. On the web, we usually see the extended form, which is also described in RFC 3339.
It's using a comma instead of a decimal in the seconds field. While either are allowed by the ISO 8601 specification, most implementations use a decimal point.
While ISO 8601 allows for a shortened form of the offset (+01), typically this is expressed in the compact form as +0100, or in the extended form as +01:00.
Nonetheless, the value is ISO 8601 compliant, so it should be parseable by most newer browsers. But it's not.
Internet Explorer 11
Google Chrome 35
Firefox 30
So, what to do then? You can write a bunch of code to pull out all the individual parts of the string and build a Date object yourself, but that's too much work. Just use moment.js. This is one of the leading libraries for parsing and formatting date and time in JavaScript, and it works in all browsers.
// parse it to a moment object first
var s = "20131107T102103,00+01";
var m = moment(s + "00","YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmss[,]SSZZ");
// then you can output however you like
// or perhaps you need a JS Date object
Notice that I still had to add two extra zeros to the offset. Even moment.js doesn't recognize offsets with only two digits.
$d1=new DateTime('20131107T102103,00+01');
$date = DATE_FORMAT($d1,'Y-m-d H:i:s');

Asp-net web api output datetime with the letter T

the data in the DB look like this
2011-09-07 14:43:22.520
But my Web API outputs the data and replace the space with the letter T
I can replace the letter T with a space again in jquery, but can I fix this problem from the Web API (make the web api output the original data?)
I also do not want the miliseconds at the end. How can I get rid of them?
The format of how you see the date in the database is usually irrelevant, because it should be passed into .Net as a DateTime - not as a string. (If you are storing it as a varchar in the database, you have a bigger problem.)
ASP.Net WebAPI is returning the value in format defined by ISO8601 and RFC3339. This is a good thing, as it is a recognized machine-readable format. You probably don't want to change it.
If you really want to change it, you would need to implement a custom JSON.Net JsonConverter, deriving from DateTimeConverterBase. This is discussed here and here.
But instead, you should consider how you are using the actual result in your client application. You mentioned jQuery, so I will assume your consumer is JavaScript. In many browsers, the ISO8601 value that you have is already recognized by the JavaScript Date constructor, so you might be able to just do this:
var dt = new Date("2011-09-07T14:43:22.520");
But this won't work in all browsers. And Date doesn't have a whole lot of flexibility when it comes to formatting. So instead, you might want to consider a library such as moment.js. With that in place, you can do this:
var m = moment("2011-09-07T14:43:22.520");
var s = m.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); // output: "2011-09-07 14:43:22"
Please note that the format string here conforms to moment.js, not to .NET. There are differences in case sensitivity. Please refer to the moment.js documentation for details.
One other thing - since the value you provided doesn't have either a Z at the end, nor does it have an offset such as -07:00, then I assume it came from a DateTime whos .Kind value is DateTimeKind.Unspecified. You should be aware that when this gets sent into JavaScript (or anywhere else for that matter), there is no information about what time zone is represented. JavaScript will assume the local time zone of the browser.
If that's not what you had intended, then you need to store UTC values in your database, and make sure they have DateTimeKind.Utc so they get serialized with a Z at the end. JavaScript will normalize this to the browser's time zone, but you will still be talking about the same moment in time.
Alternatively, you could use a DateTimeOffset type - which would serialize with the specific offset. JavaScript will still normalize this to the user's time zone.

