Nested components elements - javascript

I'm stuck on a template/component problem and I couldn't find any answer.
I'm trying to move a plain Javascript project to Angular2. In my project, I actually create some elements by inherit from others.
File header.html
<header class="some_class"></header>
File header_base.html inherits from header.html
<header> <!-- This is the header element from the header.html file. -->
<img class="some_class" src="path/to/my/image">
To clarify how I actually do, to 'inherits file from another', I use Javascript.
My problem is that I can't find out how to do that in Angular.
My question is, is there any way to accomplish something like that or do I need to change my way of 'templating' things ?
Thanks by advance.

Your question is a little confusing. Can you provide more detail about what the end result should be?
It sounds like what you are looking for is shadow dom insertion point where you have a component that you can put content into. Where you have a component called Header that has some markup and styles applied, but then you can use it in different places with different content?
If so, here is how you would do it (Note: this is Typescript but could be done in plain Javascript. Check the Angular docs for examples):
selector: 'custom-header',
template: '<header class="some-class"><ng-content></ng-content></header>'
export class CustomHeader {
//if you need any logic in that component
Then in whatever component you need to use this component, you would import it:
import {CustomHeader} from './CustomHeader';
selector: "my-app",
directives: [CustomHeader],
template: `<div>
<img class="some_class" src="path/to/my/image" />
The result is that when you use the component in your html, its content will get wrapped by the contents of the CustomHeader's template. Not sure if that is exactly what your need was though.
EDIT: Here's a good article describing this type of component:


Create a base component to be reused when creating new components

I'm putting together an application in which there are many modals. As I do not want to repeat the code of the modal, I want to assemble a base component that has the minimum structure and then with that structure to be able to assemble the different modals and to carry what I need inside (form, text, images)
An example of what I am looking to do
I hope you understand what I'm looking for. In case you can not, someone found an alternative solution?
In your base modal template, include the <ng-content></ng-content> tag. When you display your modal, you can use it as follows:
<div id="mydiv">
<p> Simple paragraph </p>
The modal will include what you have included between the <Modal></Modal> tags at the place where the <ng-content></ng-content> tags are in the template for the base modal component. It would look like:
template: `
<div id="closeButton"></div>
This information is gathered from this source, and I can't seem to find official docs about this. You might have to try it out.

Include component from parent app in component contained in node_modules directory

I am working on Vue app that incorporates Vue Bootstrap Calendar, and I would like to be able to override the content of the day cell (handled by the Day.vue component) to add my own custom content inside. My thought was initially to modify the Day component to include <slot></slot> tags and pass in the custom content that way.
The problem has to do with accessing the Day component. To include the calendar in your app, you include the Calendar.vue component, which includes Week.vue, which in turn includes Day.vue. As I understand slots, I have to have the child component (Day.vue in this case) included in the component where I'm passing the data, which means it would need to be included in my own component.
If this is not possible, my other thought is to perhaps modify the library by adding another configuration prop (something like dayCustomContent) to the Calendar.vue that indicates that the Day cell content is custom content, pass that in to Calendar.vue, and then down to Day.vue, and then in the Day.vue template, have a v-if conditional based on this prop that either displays the custom content or the default cell content, something like:
<div class="day-cell" v-if="dayCustomContent"> custom content here...
<div class="day-cell" v-else>
...default events from goes here...
I would probably then need to define a custom component to render whatever custom content I want to display, and somehow include that component within Day.vue.
So to sum up, my questions are these:
1) Is there a way to do what I need with slots?
2) For my second option, am I going down the right path? I'm open to suggestions.
UPDATE: I was able to get this done by adding a boolean customDayContent prop in Calendar.vue like so and passing it down to Week.vue and then to Day.vue:
<div class="dates" ref="dates">
v-for="(week, index) in Weeks"
:key="week + index"
export default {
props: {
customDayContent: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
and then in Day.vue, do like I had suggested with v-if:
<div class="day-cell" v-if="customDayContent">
:class="{'today' : day.isToday, 'current-month' : day.isCurrentMonth, 'weekend': day.isWeekEnd, 'selected-day':isDaySelected}"
... existing code goes here...
The last part is referencing the CustomDay.vue component referenced in my v-if block. I want the user to be able to define the content of their own custom CustomDay.vue template in their own parent app. However, I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to do that. Following the pattern of including components already in this component, I added this in the components section of Day.vue:
CustomDay: require("../../../../src/Components/CustomDay.vue").default
? require("../../../../src/Components/CustomDay.vue").default
: require("../../../../src/Components/CustomDay.vue")
However, no matter what I try along these lines, I get an error that the relative module was not found. On top of that, I need to add it to the componentsarray only if customDayContent is true. What is the best way to do that? In a watcher or computer property, perhaps? Or another way?

How to load dynamic HTML into DIV with component? Angular5

I have been trying to find the solution of this problem from two days. Unfortunately, I can not get what I want. I am using Angular5.
<div class="form-group col-md-12" [innerHTML]="GetItemsOfHolder(item.children[1],1,
'UserConfigGroupsLabelHolder') | keepHtml"></div>
This is what my function looks like:
GetItemsOfHolder(item: any,divName:string, recursive: boolean = false,typeName:string="")
return html;
Everything works fine, unless The html which I am returning contains one package named Select2
This is what I use to add the html into this div it works very fine. Until I wanted to add the dynamic package.
What I mean is return html contains the package component like this:
itemhtml +="<select2 data-type='"+holderItem.itemType+"'
This just returns the plain text to the browser and doesn't work as expected.
What I want is the string to be turned into component or any other way which works and generates the select2 dropdown.
I have been trying to search so many things.But it doesn't works
This is good but I can not understand this And dynamiccomponentloading is deprecated.
Can anyone please give me an idea How can I resolve this problem? Any example would be a great.
As commented by #Devcon
Angular will sanitize pretty much everything so that is why you are
getting plain text. What you want to look into is ReflectiveInjector
and mainly ComponentFactoryResolver. The main idea is that components
need some other info(services, other components, etc) to be rendered,
so you use the Injector to get Dependency Injection refs then the
Component factory builds your component. You then insert this to a
ViewChild reference. There is a more complicated way of dynamically
making components that uses the compiler and requires a
ModuleWithComponentFactories, this is what angular actually uses.
And searching on the angular, I accept that angular should not be done this way.
As I have to create the fully dynamic page which must be rendered in html. I changed my json little bit and using the
ng-container and ng-template and using ngswitch
I made recursive call in the template it self and found its working very fine.
I get many advantages using this:
The HTML (I render dynamically) itself is in HTML, Code is clean and readable, easily maitainable.
The example given here is pretty much the same I have done.
A small example is here:
<ng-template #itemsList let-itemsList>
<div *ngFor="let item of itemsList;let i = index">
<div [ngSwitch]="item.itemType">
<div class="form-group" *ngSwitchCase="'TEXT'">
<input id="{{}}" value="{{item.value}}" type='text' class='form-control txtbox ui-autocomplete-input'/>
<div class="form-group" *ngSwitchCase="'PASSWORD'">
<input id="{{}}" value="{{item.value}}" type='password' class='form-control txtbox ui-autocomplete-input'/>
<div class="form-group" *ngSwitchCase="'BOOLEAN'">
<label style='width:40%'>{{item.label}}</label>
<div class="form-group"><input id="{{}}" type='checkbox' /></div>
<div class="form-group" *ngSwitchCase="'LABEL'">
<label class="form-control">{{item.label}}</label>
<div class="form-group" *ngSwitchDefault>
<select2 class="form-control" [data]="GetDropDowndata(item.holderId)" [cssImport]="false" [width]="300" [options]="GetOptions(item.type)"></select2>
You can load every you want in one div, you have to play with ng-template and ng-content.
First you have to create one directive:
import {Directive, ViewContainerRef} from '#angular/core';
selector: '[dynamic]',
exportAs: 'dynamicdirective'
export class DynamicDirective {
constructor(public viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { }
After you have to put it in some ng-template like:
page works!
<ng-template #sider=dynamicdirective dynamic></ng-template>
and use it like
import {Component, ComponentFactoryResolver, OnInit, ViewChild} from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-page',
templateUrl: './page.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./page.component.css']
export class PageComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {
ngOnInit() {
const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(SomeComponent);
and normally will see you component loaded at the place of you ng-template (you can call if you want to reset your view)
I already play with this, you can find some code here
I thought to leave this here for anyone who encounters the same issue in the future.
If you don't want to bother manually instantiating components with ComponentFactory as the other answers suggest, you can also use a library I wrote for the explicit purpose of loading components into dynamic content: ngx-dynamic-hooks.
You can give it any string that contains the selector of a desired component and it will automatically be loaded in its place. You can even load components by other text patterns other than just their selectors! See it in action in this Stackblitz.
There's a lot more bells and whistles, if you need them. In the link above, you'll find a fairly detailed documentation that should set you up easily.

Render Angular 4 component with text coming in from an API

I want to render incoming text from an API as subsequent HTML and component template.
Most of the solutions I found here use #ViewChild to inject the components but that doesn't work for me since I need to iterate the same behavior for all items in the *ngFor loop.
This is how the code would look like:
The template of the component rendering the incoming messages:
<div *ngFor="let item of messages">
<compile-component [template]="item.html"></compile-component>
Incoming message structure (item.html):
<my-component></my-component><div>Some html</div>
Component to compile:
selector: 'my-component',
template: '<div>It works</div>',
styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.css']
export class MyComponent{ }
Output would look like this:
<div>It works</div><div>Some html</div>
I am looking for the solution for compile-component here.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You should be able to do that via ComponentFactoryResolver. See angular docs about this here:

How to make angular2 not wrap items?

All arranged, everything was fine until it became necessary to create a component which is TR.And when inserting that component onto the page Angular2 does the following:
It all falls down and bleeds. How can I make it not do that? Where to look? Thanks in advance.
In fact there is no more support for the "replace: true" feature of Angular1.
You could leverage an attribute in the selector to attach the component:
selector: '[my-component]'
and use it this way:
<div my-component>

