what is the meaning of google_experiment_mod in chrome localstorage - javascript

I am storing some items in chrome local storage. Along with my variables I can see
google_experiment_mod: "335"
I am wondering what it means.
Below is the code to to store the items and I use chrome developer tool to see the content.
localStorage.setItem("freqInMins", response.freqInMins);

google_experiment_mod is used by Google AdSense for experimenting with which advertisement perform best on a website. Please refer to “How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites”.

I have that too under the web inspector, but only on certain sites. I use mac and I am using Safari. I also found while searching "experiments" in the resource content on the google homepage something that says "dnssec-nd.gexperiments1.com", so I'm guessing that "gexperiments" means "googleexperiments" , and its probably something google uses to track everyone's time or something like that. so its probably nothing.


How can I get installed chrome extensions list with javascript

I have a web site made by Python Django.
And I want to check if a visitor's chrome browser's chrome extension is installed.
I found some information, it looks possible with Javascript.
They say you can get all installed chrome extensions by writing it like this.
chrome.management.getAll() or brower.management.getAll()
But When I tried that "chrome.management" is not defined.
Is it need to add library to use chrome.management?
I read the API documents, But I didn't know How can I to do.
Please teach me if you know about this. Thank you.
From the looks of chromes docs (https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/management/), it seems that chrome.management is only able to be used in chrome extensions with the management permission. There doesn't seem to be any real alternative for websites. (Although if you own the extension you might be able to create a hidden div with a specific id, then the website could detect that).
If chrome did allow websites to see this it would also make fingerprinting much easier.

Is it possible to use LocalStorage in a Chrome app?

I made an html page that I was going to make an app for Chrome. When I packaged it and tested it, it didn't work. I saw that the error message said that I couldn't use localStorage, but I had to use chrome.storage instead. I built the entire thing around localStorage so using chrome.storage I would have to rewrite large portions of the code. I would like to know if there is a way that I can use localStorage without giving me an error message. I've already tried using an iframe, but it didn't work. I also want my app to open in its own window. Any answers would be appreciated.

Taking screenshot using javascript in chrome packaged app

I need to grab the current html inside a chrome packaged app. I am aware of Taking screenshot using javascript for chrome extensions but when I tried this, chrome states that the "tab" permission is not allowed for packaged apps.
Is there any way I can reliably grab the current page?
You cannot do what you are trying to do with a packaged Chrome application. Instead, you should probably look at making an extension, as that would be the way to go if you want to interact with the current page.
If you're unsure, here's a resource for figuring exactly what you should choose: https://developer.chrome.com/webstore/choosing
Not from a chrome extension, as those are browser-centric solutions (not webpage-centric).
Niklas Von Hurtzen has created a very useful js extension called html2canvas that essentially does what you're looking for, just not as a chrome extension. You can see it here.
Once "rendered," the plugin will create a canvas element by traversing the DOM tree of whatever you hand to the extension. From there it's pretty simple... yourRenderedCanvasElement.toDataUrl() will return a data: URL representation of that canvas element, which by default is a PNG, giving you a "screenshot."
Edit: Ha, I see now that you reference this exact thing in the message thread in the other answer...

How to trigger the "yellow prompt" in Google Chrome or Chromium?

Sometimes while browsing websites using Chrome, you can see a yellow prompt showup. How can I trigger that prompt for my own websites?
For example try going to the The Independent's website and you will be prompted "The Independent now has a Google Chrome Extension. Get the latest news on the topics you like, direct to your browser."
I have previously seen this prompt on Google.com as well, however I assumed that that was something internal for google only websites. This is the first time I have seen the prompt for Non-Google owned websites.
It's a custom look-a-like they've made. Take a look at their javascript file here: http://www.independent.co.uk/independent.co.uk/editorial/javascript/tb.js
It does most of the work. You might be able to get some ideas from there :)
I assume you need to check this question: Chrome - Notify User to install your extension
Looks like there are no standard API for defining extension available for particular site – so you need to imitate such behavior with JS.
If I made a mistake, feel free to correct me in comments.
You are looking for the Infobars API, but this feature is only available for extensions.

Firebug how to (For addons/extensions)

Can anyone recommend a tutorial on how to use firebug with Firefox Addon development?
Most google and youtube searches only give me results on how to use it for webpages :(
My main requirement right now is to see and modify if my addon is saving to localstorage.
and more links from that page eg: http://www.softwareishard.com/blog/category/firebug/

