I have a problem with select2() (version 4) control when I use the IE.
When I press the ENTER or TAB key f to select the data from the list, I lose the focus over control. I need that the focus continue over the control and the user can then selecting more data without press with mouse over control one more time for each input.
These problem only occurs with IE and not with Chrome or other Navigator
thank for your support and help!!
When I am on IE, when I use tab to move my focus to the link and press CTRL+Shift+Enter, I get the page opened in another tab. I want to restrict this behavior on IE and show the message to user like "not supported", please suggest me how to achieve this using javascript.
You can try using keystroke events. On keystroke, alert the user & return false.
Reference :
Disable Shortkeys when Ctrl or Shift clicked`
I have a page where there is a multiselect control (a listbox). There is a Clear button on the page, which calls a javascript function that sets the selectedIndex property of the select control to -1. This ordinarily clears any selections in the control.
I have a customer who is using IE 10 on Windows 7. When they hit the Clear button, nothing appears to happen. But programmatically, the select is definitely cleared. And if they mouse over the list box, the selections disappear. So it seems to be an issue of the screen not repainting properly until forced to by the mouse over.
Is this a known issue? Is there a way to force the browser to repaint the control?
I have a simple web form which is having four input text fields.
Assume I have currently focused on 2nd text field and now I'm moving out from it and clicking on an empty area of the window (so now the focus will not be there).
If I press the tab key now, then apparently it should move to the 3rd text field. This happens in firefox, IE and even in Chrome 27 when I checked. But in Chrome 33 and latest Chrome versions focus goes to 1st text field**.
Is this the default behavior of Chrome latest versions? Are there any possibilities to avoid this and get the same behavior of IE and firefox for tabbing feature?
Note: You can test this scenario using gmail's login page form.
I have a javascript function that uses the onkeyup and onchange events to update some texts when the user changes the value of some input boxes. The update function works on the client side.
It works well on most browsers, including Chrome for Windows, but in Chrome for and Android pressing the backspace key doesn't fire the onkeyup event.
The onchange works well when the focus moves to another input, but it is not intuitive. The onchange event on the form also fires when the focus changes.
I don't like this:
The user types a few characters -> the feedback is shown in real time (good)
The user types the wrong character -> an error message is shown (good)
The user presses backspace to remove the wrong character -> the error message is still there (BAD)
Any idea on how to get the update in real time after pressing backspace in all the browsers?
You can use the DOM input event that is fired synchronously when the value of an <input> or <textarea> element is changed.
According to the Mozilla developer documentation there is basic support for this in all mobile and desktop browsers including Internet Explorer from version 9. Mozilla developer documentation for Input Event
At the moment as far as I can tell no browser provides any information yet regarding what has changed in the <input> element however this shouldn't affect your solution.
So I have a weird issue in IE 10: I open a JQuery dialog with a drop down and a textbox.
I am opening the dialog in an enter jquery event on the page that opens the dialog window.
My issue does NOT happen when it is the shift event though the code called is the same.
When opened with enter though the drop down list will close as soon as you click it, the mask on the textbox is not showing its graphics and if I select the textbox and press tab the focus keeps snapping back to the textbox.
HOWEVER when I select another program and then IE again, while in the dialog, it starts to work normally again...
When I turned off the mask (jquery.maskedinput-1.3.1.min.js) instead I could not tab away from the drop down list and still could not use clicks on it.
Also without the mask switching to another program and back did not help.
All my code works exactly as it should in FF and Chrome. Also its all normal JQ (Version 1.9.1 and the ui version 1.10.1) except the mask.
Weirdest thing I have seen yet with IE.
Fixed by moving focus to another field before opening the dialog. No idea why.