Cloud code not working - javascript

i am new at parse..trying code..trying to run a trigger required in my project.but not able to track not even i am getting any error.
i am using cloud code i.e triggers...
what i want to do is, after update or save i want to run a trigger which will a column in a class with value of 200.
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("match_status", function(request)
var query = new Parse.Query('Wallet');
query.set("wallet_coines_number", 200);
query.equalTo("objectId", "FrbLo6v5ux");;
i am using afterSave trigger in which match_status is my trigger name. after that i making a object called query of Wallet class. This object will set column 'wallet_coines_number' with the value 200 where objectId is FrbLo6v5ux. after that i used save function which will execute query.
Please guide me if i am wrong, or following wrong approach.
Thank You !

Have you read the Parse documentation on Cloud Code ?
The first line of your code is only relevant when you are initialising Parse JavaScript SDK in a web page, you do not need to initialise anything in Parse cloud code in the main.js file. Also you cannot use a query to save/update an object. A query is for searching/finding objects, when you want to save or update an object you need to create a Parse.Object and save that.
So you code should become something like:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("match_status", function(request) {
var wallet = new Parse.Object('Wallet');
wallet.set("wallet_coines_number", 200);
wallet.set("objectId", "FrbLo6v5ux");;


Trying to get a snapshot of a variable from firebase gives me an error

In a social media app I am making with react native and firebase, I am trying to grab the number of comments a post has using the snapshot function of a variable I have saved on my servers, then I am going to add one to this variable when a user adds a new comment. My code to do so is right here:
comments: firebase.database().ref('posts/'+this.state.passKey).child('comments').snapshot.val() + 1
When I actually run this code, I get an error saying:
Reference.child failed: First argument was an invalid path = "undefined".
Paths must be non-empty strings and can't contain ".","#","$","[", or "["
At first I thought this might be that the "this.state.passKey" wasn't actually passing the key, but putting in a key I copied from the server didn't fix the problem.
My Server
To get the comments of particular post you should do like this
let postId='someId'
firebase.database().ref(postRef).once("value", dataSnapshot => {
It looks like you're expecting this bit of code to query the database:
firebase.database().ref('posts/'+this.state.passKey).child('comments').snapshot.val() + 1
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. There's no snapshot property on a database Reference object returned by child() or ref().
Instead, you'll need to query the database at that reference, then when you're called back with its value, you can apply it elsewhere.
var ref = firebase.database().ref('posts/'+this.state.passKey+'/comments')
ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
// use the snapshot here

How do I post a tweet using javascript, twitter api and node.js?

Ok...I'm new to this >.<
I have my npm from (node-twitterbot...whose dependency is twit)
I've looked at the twitter api..
What I'm trying to do is add an action which is post a tweet.
I can't seem to find out how to define the string for the actionName (which might be...)
var tweet = ("");
and the actionFunction. Then I need to put it all together to post. Also, I have my instructions written below, however I'm not sure how to apply them. My actionName could be "tweet"? I have no idea how to define my actionFunction either...Can someone explain this? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT TO PUT WHERE. I have the twitterbot.js file open and ready to edit along with with all my oauth keys...access and consumer stuff. Please help anyway you can. I can paste my twitterbot.js file if that helps. Below are the instructions on the npm site reads:
In order to get your node-twitterbot to actually do something, you need to define actions. It is done through the addAction() method. It takes 2 parameters:
actionName: a string value for the name of an action
actionFunction: a function to be called when a given action is scheduled. (See below for method signature)
So our addAction method might look like this:
Bot.addAction("tweet", function(twitter, action, tweet) {
Bot.tweet("I'm posting a tweet!");
The twitter variable passed into the function is the Twit object associated with a given node-twitterbot, and can be managed directly. The same Twit object is available as [TwitterBot].twitter as well.
The action variable passed into the function is the TwitterBotAction created by addAction.
And the tweet object is the tweet passed into the action (if there was one)
addAction() returns a TwitterBotAction object.
var tweetAction = Bot.addAction("tweet", function(twitter, action, tweet) {
Bot.tweet("I'm posting a tweet!");
But you will rarely need to directly hold onto the tweetAction directly. You can always get a reference to the action by calling
Which will return the TwitterBotAction object, or null if the name is invalid (or the action already removed)
Again, I'm trying to put all of this together so i can post a tweet using the javascript in node.js Thank you for your time and consideration.

Parse ACL limit write on current user instance from current user

I have a _User class on parse for my application and i want to make it so that its ACL restricts writing from everywhere expect cloud code (W/ master key). The user has a "Verified" boolean column acknowledging weather they are a verified user or not. I do not want them to be able to log in, mess with the javascript, and write themselves in as "verified". I wrote this code but it wont work. Any suggestions?
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("_User", function(request, response) {
var publicReadACL = new Parse.ACL();
check "setPublicREAD|WRITEAccess()" and use that in addition to the method you have for an individual user.ID.
When first created or when updated, IMO you want :
PubWrite FALSE
Write ( thatUsserID, TRUE )
Then with the above and no other additional accretive assess in the array for the ACL , you should get the result that u want in cloud code after issuing "use_master_key" ...
After you create a user, can u use the databrowser to copy/paste the ACL column so that you can verify you have the correct collection of permissions? Then do your updating and the Cloudcode stuff.

Unable to update an entry in the firebase list

After few attempts, I am still unable to find the right way to update a list in firebase.
I have my dev account in firebase. But,just for this question I used the sample on the public firebase url:
var url1= new Firebase("");
url1.push({text:'Its working',user_id:'123'});
setTimeout(function (){
url1.on('child_added', function(snap) {
snap.update({text:'Its not working',user_id:'123'});
snap.child('text').update('Its not working');
console.log('messages in range', snap.val());}
I am able to set the data, but when the child_added function is triggered for the messages. I am getting the below javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
What can be the issue ?
You aren't using the data snapshot object correctly within your function.
Change it to
snap.ref().update({text: '....', user_id: '...'});
If you were just looking to get the value, you'd use
please provide more information on what you're trying to accomplish. Right now you're trying to update your snapshot(snap.update). I'm not sure what that's for. Instead of calling your snap, you can call your reference, url1.update. Also, take another look at the docs for reading data, and writing data, Looks like you've combined functions from reading and writing data.

Parse nested queries: inner query never excutes

I'm trying to loop all buses and update their information by querying another class called bus stop. What I did is something like this:
var busRouteQuery = new Parse.Query("busRoute");
//retrieve data from bus stop and update bus location
success: function(results){
error: function(){
However, the inner busRouteQuery is never called. any ideas?
I'm guessing you might be using an old version of the JavaScript SDK for Parse. Is this cloud code? From the guide:
"The default Parse JavaScript SDK version that is used for the Cloud Code in this directory is the latest version at the time the new command was run for this directory. If you want to change this, you can change the parseVersion in config/global.json."

